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3531312 No.3531312 [Reply] [Original]

Just got an A- in the NYU January creative writing program


>> No.3531338

Graduated from NYU with an English degree in 2011 and have been unemployed ever since

>> No.3531349

>muh ostentatious ambitions
>muh unwinding puff of ultimately valueless rituals

>> No.3531353

that is awful news

>> No.3531352

>getting anything except straight A's
wow, really?

>> No.3531396

You know who never got an A- in the NYU January creative writing program?

Every great writer ever. You're In league of your own OP.

>> No.3531410

Tao Lin graduated from NYU in journalism. He was fired from the school's library because he was no longer a student, so he worked in a vegan restaurant and shoplifted and eventually got a $50,000 advance for Taipei.

>> No.3531413

oh my gosh, this makes me even more excited for OP's upcoming works!

>> No.3531414

You could get a normal job, you know. If you literally can't find any work at all, you're doing something wrong. You're one of these fags who has an 'anxiety disorder', aren't you?

>> No.3531426

heh yeah i actually have worked occasionally, I was trolling a little bit. Never in anything even remotely related to what I studied though, of course - and I am current unemployed, have been since Christmas. Honestly IDGAF, I moved to a city where cost of living is about half of what it is in NY and at currently 2 months without working I've depleted only about 1/4 of the money I saved in my last spurt of working, which only lasted 3 months. Asceticism has set me free

>> No.3531468


>graduated with an english degree

this is why people don't take us seriously

>> No.3531477

OP here. I have a job too, at an italian newspaper as a translator.

>> No.3531522

What, you want me to use big words? Excuse me - should I partake of a grandiloquent lexicon? Or is it acronyms you object to? ITCYMBOTWWA4IRKFIRTA

In That Case You May Be On The Wrong Website As 4chan Isn't Readily Known For Its Resistance To Acronyms

>> No.3531535

Lol is OP the only person who isnt NEET in this thread?

>> No.3531542

I'm a student.
You're either retarded or autistic.

>> No.3531546

Maybe he's retardistic.

>> No.3531553

autistic nigga, what

>> No.3531563

what do you mean? I'm just responding to your vague attack, why does that make me autistic or retarded?

>> No.3531564

That's cool, man
Are you Italian or did you study it?

>> No.3531578
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>diploma in IT security
>hardly any job I want
>65k starting

w-we're all g-gonna make it brahs

>> No.3531612
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>Honestly IDGAF, I moved to a city where cost of living is about half of what it is in NY and at currently 2 months without working I've depleted only about 1/4 of the money I saved in my last spurt of working, which only lasted 3 months. Asceticism has set me free
Doing it right.

It's springtime, it's great to be a neet. Today I walked 10k and then made a pot of coffee and smoked cheap cigars and read Thoreau for the rest of the day looking at the birds and the bunnies before I cooked myself a delicious meal. True poverty is sitting in an office all day busting your ass without having the time to properly enjoy the money you make. My only worry is whether I'm going to sit by the river tomorrow and have a pick-nick and watch the barges go by or if I'm going to go tramping in the woods and spy on the hermit house.

>> No.3531622

Do you pay for your own rent, food, living, etc?

>> No.3531634

Yes. With welfare money of course.

>> No.3531648
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>> No.3531659

>degree in history from state school
>working at an art museum with lots of people my age
>pay is pretty shit but i've cut costs by moving in with a co-worker
>go out with co-workers and people i've met through co-workers five or six nights a week

i have like no money saved up because i spend it all on shit but goddamn for a while i thought my life was pretty much over when all my old friends become distant and abandoned me in junior year of university.

>> No.3531662

For the sake of clarity and openness, I am living with my parents at the moment, but do contribute financially and I've lived on my own spending less than I do now and will probably go back to that eventually. Doesn't really matter to me any more though, I'm just as happy here as on my own. Maybe happier.

>> No.3531666

Lawl Skool fools. 160k starting to read and write boring shit for 80 hours a week.

>> No.3531669

stan pls go

>> No.3531674

Before you go posting about how working in an office is poverty you might want to consider that you are a leech on money these people are forced to pay as tax. Not that I don't do the same, how ever.

>> No.3531697

Sure, but in most cases it's voluntary poverty. Many people work a lot more than they need and they spend a lot more money than they need. They feel it's the proper way to do things. If democracy counts for anything though, they kind of voted in favour of the possibility for me to live of their crumbs. If anything I'm grateful, but far from envious.

>> No.3531698

that sounds fucking awesome

>> No.3531700

>Law School
I hope you have connections already. Otherwise, your fucked.

>> No.3531706

You responded to an attack on 4chan.
That's pretty fucking retarded.

>> No.3531713

I did not have connections and got a market rate offer (160 starting not including bonus). If you go to a sufficiently good school connections are not a requisite.

>> No.3531717
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math/econ dual major 4.0 here
no life aside from lifting, cooking, studying, and sleeping
you jelly?

>> No.3531723

Those topics don't interest me, so no.

>> No.3531719

That's not why I called him retarded. I did so because he completely misinterpreted the post he replied to. The guy was commenting on the general flippancy of a lot of arts students. The other guy was affirming that stereotype, but didn't realise it.

>> No.3531732

i'm not saying that you have a dull mind if you prefer the humanities to math, but if you have no interest in math (i'm leaving economics out of this because it's a joke and we all know it) you probably have a very limited perspective on life

>> No.3531744

>voluntary poverty

No such thing. Yes they could spend less but no one forces them to buy the things they don't need. Also they didn't vote so we could abuse the imperfections of the welfare system.

>> No.3531752

What's your typical gpa?

>> No.3531757

Oh, boy, I can see where this is going.
I could easily posit that you are of inferior intellect because you don't study physics or medicine. That's bollocks, but whatever
I don't pursue an active interest in it; I dropped it immediately after GCSE. I may suggest that you have a limited perspective on life because you don't have an ardour for physics. Stop being silly and making self-aggrandising statements. What you're suggesting is idiotic, anyway, and delineates that you are, in fact, the person with the limited perspective, and a narcissist at that.

>> No.3531803

i would agree with you, if you have no interest in physics you probably do have a limited perspective in life
i don't see why you are so angry.

>> No.3531820

Did you try to network at all? Did you try to get any internships, maybe a tutoring gig?

>> No.3531821
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I was still talking about the poverty of the working man in the sense of time and freedom. A lot of people choose to work more than they need.

I don't see my behaviour as abuse though, I go through the motions that are asked of me and for that I get money. Completely legitimate. The times are a-changing anyway, things have become more automatised and efficient and will continue to become even more so. In the meanwhile there's more and more people every day. At one point people will have to put their protestant work ethic to rest and realise that there just aren't enough jobs around for everyone. And there aren't. In fact there have never been. Any population will always have a certain percentage that isn't employed. A pretty large part of the people on welfare would rather have a job. There aren't enough jobs for all the people on welfare. I don't even want a job. It would be a bad deal for all of us if I got in the way of their ambitions.

>> No.3531832

ohhhhhhhh thanks... honestly I am actually on the autism spectrum....

>> No.3531840

i got off to a good start the first couple years I was there but most of my free time my junior and senior year was swallowed by a heroin habit which eventually made starting an independent life in the city using whatever contact i still did have nearly impossible in any case...glad to be out of there

>> No.3531849

>poverty of the working man in the sense of time and freedom
Modern man isn't entirely able to negotiate his specific working hours outside of the usual scope of normal business, unfortunately. If we could work a normal job from 11am - 4pm 3 days a week, I'm sure many people would. Corporate culture dictates this isn't really an option.

>I don't see my behaviour as abuse though, I go through the motions that are asked of me and for that I get money.
I'm sure if you tried REALLY hard you could get a job, even if it was manual labour paid in cash. Why does the fact that jobs are becoming automated mean it's morally acceptable for you to profit off of the earnings of others while contributing nothing to society? I am legimiately interested in your moral reasoning, I'm close to claiming disability and student allowance but the moral justification for it is that I don't even know the people I would be 'leeching' off and maybe even because I disagree with the states policies on such liberal welfare and that I would be aiding the slow destruction of the current government but even I admit that is a major stretch.

>> No.3531912
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>Modern man isn't entirely able to negotiate his specific working hours outside of the usual scope of normal business, unfortunately. If we could work a normal job from 11am - 4pm 3 days a week, I'm sure many people would. Corporate culture dictates this isn't really an option.
That's true, a lot of jobs don't permit working part time. Which is a shame. It's becoming more accepted though. Thanks mothers.

>I'm sure if you tried REALLY hard you could get a job, even if it was manual labour paid in cash.
I already did manual labour. I was still lucky to get the job though and when I was fired they replaced me within a day. There's lots of people striving even for such a job. I'll gladly let them have it.

>Why does the fact that jobs are becoming automated mean it's morally acceptable for you to profit off of the earnings of others while contributing nothing to society? I am legimiately interested in your moral reasoning
Automatisation leads to fewer jobs and higher production. It makes it both harder to get a job and less straining on the economy to mooch. Less labour can support more people. I'm rarely in need of moral justifications myself, but as I said, there is (nearly) always a greater amount of people applying for jobs than there are vacancies. Let's say there's me and four other guys. We're all on welfare but they actually want the job and I don't. Why not let them have it? Would it be more ethical to take it for myself as a less motivated and probably therefore less qualified person? I don't think so.

>> No.3531919
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>I'm close to claiming disability and student allowance but the moral justification for it is that I don't even know the people I would be 'leeching' off
Would it be better if you knew them? They probably don't even want to know you. Most people don't like small talk with beggars.

>and maybe even because I disagree with the states policies on such liberal welfare and that I would be aiding the slow destruction of the current government but even I admit that is a major stretch.
Less welfare means more desperation since there are always less jobs than people. This leads to crime, which costs society a lot more money than welfare, both in the cases of criminals caught and not caught. It leads to more chaos and strain, both socially and economically. Welfare is not there solely out of benefit for the poor. It's also a safety valve for the rich. They're essentially buying off violence and lawlessness.

>> No.3532022
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>Automatisation leads to fewer jobs and higher production. It makes it both harder to get a job and less straining on the economy to mooch. Less labour can support more people. I'm rarely in need of moral justifications myself, but as I said, there is (nearly) always a greater amount of people applying for jobs than there are vacancies. Let's say there's me and four other guys. We're all on welfare but they actually want the job and I don't. Why not let them have it? Would it be more ethical to take it for myself as a less motivated and probably therefore less qualified person? I don't think so.

This is a pretty good point I suppose. So are you personally just waiting until the future socialist utopia becomes a reality and no one has to work? I imagine the people who have the skill and desire to work for higher wages will do so, and those that don't will be supported by the government in some kind of modern slum (which would actually be acceptable living conditions). Personally, I doubt I could do anything to contribute to running that society or furthering scientific development so I'd probably be part of that lower welfare class. Wealth distribution gaps growing doesn't sound so bad all of a sudden.

>> No.3532059
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I'm not waiting for anything really. I'm exactly where I want to be. I have a bed, a chair, a table and a chest with belongings in a tiny room and share the rest with my family. A third (~€210) of my check goes to them for food and utility bills and the like and the rest I spend on other things I need (clothes, toiletries, insurance) and a few luxuries. The only thing that's a bit hard as a poorfag is changing locations, but for now I'm alright here. I do what I want, when I want.

>> No.3532149

I am jelly, OP, you got me. Are you in the graduate or the undergraduate program?

>> No.3532162

>Zadie Smith, Foer (ugghh), Ann Carson teach there
>Lorrie Moore writer-in-residence

Why didn't I just bite the bullet and drop the cash if I wanted to study literature so badly. Eugenides went to Brown just to study under Coover.

>> No.3532176

>zadie smith
>them eyes
>"hello anon"
>"y-you too"

>> No.3534620

b/c u wr smart

>> No.3534623

>getting an A- in a Creative Writing class

>> No.3534639

>Just got an A- in the NYU January creative writing program

Just got an Indeterminate Result in a HIV test.


>> No.3534665

>mfw straight A's in Stanford's creative writing program

Eat shit, pleb

>> No.3534685

>stanford in charge of humanities

>> No.3534711

Do you even need a high GPA to get into a good graduate program?
Isnt your writing sample the meat of the application?

>> No.3534718

What undergrad colleges are good for writing? Particularly liberal arts colleges?

>> No.3534721

Where do you live now?

>> No.3534728


For history doctoral programs it's (in order of importance):

FIT (research interests) WITH DOCTORAL PROGRAM (this is the most important)
Writing sample
GPA/undergrad program

>> No.3534730

Im guessing Philosophy wouldnt be too far off from this?

>> No.3534833

Most LACs are pretty good.

>> No.3534851

So /lit/, going to college in six months time. Is English the absolutely retarded course to study that you are all making it out to be?

Yuropean here.

>> No.3534858

English degrees are way more employable in Europe than they are in America.

>> No.3534862

I can vouch for this. You can get int economics and business very easily with English.

>> No.3534865

In an advertising/marketing/media sense?

>> No.3534867


>lit major

Go for it.
It's not like anyone else can make fun of you for not having a job.

>> No.3534871


>> No.3534891

Woah. Didn't expect actual encouragement from /lit/ on the subject. Thanks guys.

>> No.3534896

What colleges have the best undergrad programs for writing?

>> No.3534918

Don't know anything about America. Apparently UEA has the best creative writing programme.

>> No.3534923

>not being ex-work post-labour

Find out what it means to me

>> No.3534969

Crimethinc for life amirite? Faggot

>> No.3535713

Any creative writing majors/minors ITT?

>> No.3535724

>creative writing majors/minors

As an undergrad that seems like a fate worse than death.

>> No.3535740

Sorry to hear that, glad you pulled through.