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3529023 No.3529023 [Reply] [Original]

It's a bit off-topic, but I respect the opinion of /lit/ most, so I must ask a question.
I'm soon going to get my undergraduate degree (double major: psychology and philosophy) and am going to apply to go through with a Ph.D. program.
My goal in life is to become a full-time professor. There are 3 doctoral programs I'm interested in:
1. Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology
2. Ph.D. in Educational Psychology
3. Ph.D. in Philosophy
I'm not particularly aligned to any of the three over another. Which program should I enter?

>> No.3529031
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>> No.3529042


>(double major: psychology and philosophy)


You know those two fields hate each other, right?

>> No.3529052

protophilosophy ended when psychology sprung itself off from philosophy, ever since they have been conflicting and contradicting each other, and for good reasons. How did you even end up getting into this mess?

>> No.3529056


I thought it would be fun.
And it is!
I just need help deciding on what to go further with.

>> No.3529057

They hold the key to all truths in life.

>> No.3529065

Psychology, unlike philosophy, is not a dead field. Clinical Psychology will exhaust you, Educational Psychology will depress you and Philosophy will frustrate you.

>> No.3529070
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>become a full-time professor of Philosophy

oh yeah, it's gonna happen

>> No.3529074

I was hoping this was going to be a thread about cigars

>> No.3529078
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So, you like Dominican tobacco?

>> No.3529086

I'm not a smoker, never have been.
Detest cigarretes. Intrigued by cigars, not because of the image or the iconic shape, I'm really having the urge to just take one, light it and have a relaxing smoke after a tedious day of work.

Where do I start?

>> No.3529087

I think he likes cigars for what they symbolize: THE DICK.

>> No.3529092
File: 58 KB, 600x869, dun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cigars are nice but the pipe is where it's at.

>> No.3529099

sounds like you want a cock in your mouth

>> No.3529102

Rocky Patel Renaissance is pretty good and cheap. Leave a bit of a taper when you cut the cigar and light with a match for best flavor.

>not smoking dicks

>> No.3529104

A match that you let burn for a while if you don't want cancer.

Also cedarwood is best.
And a good butane lighter doesn't fuck with the taste anyway.

>> No.3529103


Find a local tobacconist and ask what they would suggest for a first-time cigar smoker looking for a non-infused cigar.
You'll need to buy a butane lighter. There are videos online that can teach you how to light a cigar properly (never touch the flame to the tobacco).
Don't inhale.
A good cigar will have very natural flavors. Bad ones will taste extremely grassy. Good ones will taste of coffee or even chocolate. Expect to pay about $10 for a decent cigar. It will last you ~45 minutes.

>> No.3529109

Shitty cigars and tobacco in general are also great. Nothing like properly tramping around with a sour old stogey parked in your gullet.

>> No.3529113


Unless the draw is terrible.

>> No.3529114

That is unforgivable. Most shity cigars around here draw pretty lightly though.

>> No.3529117

I bought a 20-pack of Partagas seconds (Old Fashioned), and the draw was so light that I had to make myself lightheaded just to get a small puff of smoke. Truly terrible.

>> No.3529126

hate eachother? not OP but I'm studying mental health studies and philosophy, I've never heard profs from either department talk shit about the other field.

But psychologists don't respect the fact that philosophers aren't so rigid and anal about empirical findings. Then again, I don't think there's anyone as rigid and anal about empirical findings than psychologists; the entire field breaks down once you start to question empiricism so they have a lot at stake in its tenets.

>> No.3529131

Most delicious pleb tier smoking is a corncob and some drug store tobacco.

>> No.3529132

I wish there was a field that connected the novelty of philosophy with the intrigue of psychology...

>> No.3529133

La Flor Dominicana is one of my personal favorite sticks. Apparently Rush Limbaugh's smoke of choice as well, but I try not to let that fact sour the experience.

I personally think there are some good five dollar sticks out there, though I guess it depends on your taste. In true /lit/ fashion, I might suggest to the curious first timer a Hemingway Short Story, if he can find one.

>> No.3529134

I'd love to lounge around and discuss books with /lit/, cigars in hand.

Most of my friends smoke candy flavored cigars and don't read.

>> No.3529135


Just as an F.Y.I., it's very difficult to Ph.D. in philosophy. The community feels as though there are too many in the field, so you'll have to distinguish yourself in a pretty massive way.

>> No.3529146

Pick the one that'll let you do the research that most interests you.

Otherwise? The one with the best finances or in the best city.

>> No.3529151

OP, I'm a fellow psych fag and a recent graduate. I once shared your dream of becoming a professor. Up until my senior year even. I was a TA and had some independent research going (time perception if you're curious). I had it all.

Then one day when I was holding my weekly office hours and a flood of freshmen burst through my door. The midterm exam was the next day, and every slacker decided to use me so they didn't need to read their damn text book.

Half of them didn't even bring a notebook so I had to get them pens & paper. After trying to explain operant conditioning for the 6th time in a row because no one pays attention, it hit me: I fucking hate this. Sure some students are nice, smart, studious etc, but the majority of education is dealing with the slow-witted masses. Every year. Forever.

Then I thought I could just get a career in research. And indeed after graduating I landed a job in NYC, but it turns out being a part of the research machine is nothing like running your own study as an undergrad. If you're lucky, you get a shitty research assistant job in which you make no decisions of any consequence. You manage interns, get a shitty pay, and spend hours coding. Want to move up? well get in line behind the sea of unemployed PhDs who all assumed there would be a job in academia. Academia raised and nurtured them annnnnd kicked them to the curb.

I'm now panicking about what to do. My dream for the past 5 years has been annihilated and all I want to do now is make enough money so I can live and read.

SO, I'd say pick a PhD program with the most flexibility in employment. Out of those three, it is hands down EduPsych, unless you want to get an MD with Clinical.

A Phil Phd would improve your soul and make you a better person, but you'll be poor. Unless, of course, you go into Ethics which is surprisingly useful in the job market.

Also, all this is based on 'merica so, yeah...

>> No.3529159

everyone knows that the best cigars are swisher sweets
particularly the ones with the tobacco substituted with finely-grinded cannabis flowers

>> No.3529162


If it's that incredibly filled, I might discard the idea of a Ph.D. philosophy. I guess that lowers my options to Educational or Clinical Psychology.
Any preference, /lit/?

>> No.3529167

I always wonder about those students that go to a professor or someone like you to ask them most simple questions. I mean I went to my dedicated educator too at the time, but only when I really got stuck and didn't know if I was right in my observations or not.
I mean seriously, I would be damn embaressed to go there and ask them the simplest question and feel like a total retard.

>> No.3529169

Let me tell you friend, if you enjoy cigars, and you enjoy cannabis, then you definitely want to try rolling with the leaf from a high quality cigar. It's an entirely different experience than sweets or phillies to be sure.

>> No.3529172


Thanks. I don't mind repeating myself over and over again about things I'm interested in or passionate about, so it looks like teaching really is the job for me! Educational Psychology is probably the best choice, then!

>> No.3529178

Honestly, I'm not you, and my academic interests generally run counter to yours , I would think. That being said, I think that Educational Psych sounds like the best bet of those three (or those two).

>> No.3529180

You shouldn't go for a PhD if you don't even know what field to go into.

>> No.3529186

You; I like you. I'm also a Psychology major, and perhaps naive as you once were. I attend school here in NYC. The more time passes, the more I realize my prospects for a fulfilling life were, all along, an illusion. I am also anxious for certain things. I don't want to continue studies after I graduate, but job prospects are so bleak. I should probably just move to Mexico, and work on writing... I don't know, I'm venting my frustration; I'm just glad there is someone else out there I'm able to relate with.

>> No.3529188

I have a masters in Ed psych and just started a phd in school psych. I suggest you look at school psych cause its a combo of clinical and Ed psych. But it has major advantages. It's not as hard to get into a apa program, job prospects are great, and you can still be a psychologist. That's why I switched programs. Any more questions?

>> No.3529191

>I should probably just move to Mexico, and work on writing
That sounds absolutely delightful, you know.

>> No.3529193

What are some major benefits of school psych over ed psych?

>> No.3529197

i've actually never even conceived of doing this
thank you anon
i doubt they're called blunts, right?

>> No.3529198

I can never tell if pipefags are serious but I really want one
I was just going to get an estate but I don't know brands or anything like that

currently rolling my own, it's good for a nice quick smoke but nothing more

>> No.3529200


Pipe smoking is fun and flavorful, but tedious.

>> No.3529201

I have too much time on my hands, so that's not really a negative

>> No.3529205


You'll need a good pipe (it'll cost you at least $50) and if you want to do it more than once or twice a week you'll need at least 2 pipes. The tobacco lasts a long time and is fairly cheap, though.

>> No.3529204

They are. They're just higher-quality blunts

>> No.3529203

I hope you aren't being sarcastic. But yes! I thought so too! I hope to work enough to support myself and keep a roof over my head (even though I have relatives willing -- if not obliging -- to stay with them) so I may work on researching and writing. I plan to do this for a year, then perhaps move back to U.S with a bundle of written work for publishing.

>> No.3529209

>and if you want to do it more than once or twice a week you'll need at least 2 pipes
wait why

>> No.3529211


You can damage your pipe pretty easily.

>> No.3529210

Do it. I'm planning to do something sort of similar in Central America.

>> No.3529217

I most likely will, seeing as I have no obligations to anything or anyone. I'll graduate, then get a vasectomy, then move to MX.

>> No.3529218

I love Ed psych. It helped me mature as a scientist. But jobs are so limited in EDP. Keep in mind EDP is mostly a measurement degree. You will get ballerina at stats and research methodology. However the jobs are weak, you can carve out a hole in academia with EDP.. But it's just a research/academic degree. Whereas with school psych you can still carve out an academic niche, but you are pretty much guaranteed employment. A school psych phd is a scientist practitioner degree. You have more choices. You can be a licensed psychologist. You can work in a school too. The pay ain't bad, and its only 9 months per year with all federal holidays plus spring break. You can still gun for the ivory tower. But most school psychs are old and there's more need now them now.

Sorry I'm on an ipad. It's a bitch to type

Any more questions?

>> No.3529232

Its the school psych guy

also OP you have to really care about education for both ed psych and school psych.

Much of work the school psychs do is diagnosing learning disabilities. Its really fun and fascinating stuff, if you care about that.

check this out:


keep in mind I live in a place with a low cost of living, and Ill start out in a school at about 50k per 9 month year.

that aint too bad money wise.

>> No.3529233


I'm not extremely mathematically aligned. In fact, I struggle with mathematics. Will this be extremely problematic?

>> No.3529239


I am not the strongest mathematically, however I am fucking good at stats. i just get it... but in any psych field stats are fucking important.

>> No.3529253

jesus fuck what

>> No.3529254


Snip snip.

>> No.3529258

you better have some kids if you're going through this, otherwise you're borderline insane.

>> No.3529261

I don't want kids, bro, and I sure as hell refuse to use a rubber.

>> No.3529266

Listen. -bro.
Your biological obligation on this planet, both to yourself, your predecessors and your bloodline is to procreate. I don't care what your beliefs are, what your ideologies might be, or your current state of well physical and or emotioanl well being is, maybe not now, not in this decade, but you got one job to do, don't fuck this up.

>> No.3529268

not him but nah

even though my kids are bound to have very glorious genes they are an obligation i never hope to have

>> No.3529271

phd in philosophy
postdoc in europe

>> No.3529272

I really don't want kids, though. I guess I hold on to strong antinatalist views. If I'm ever going to have kids, I'd rather adopt. I don't want to be held responsible for bringing life in this world, whether it's a good or bad place.

>> No.3529274

>Your biological obligation on this planet, both to yourself, your predecessors and your bloodline is to procreate


>you got one job to do

Wrong again

>> No.3529275


Why Europe? Why not Canada?

>> No.3529278

scarcity of philosophers in academia and science in Scandinavia, and Sweden in particular. Tenure-track is probable.

>> No.3529284

Always wanted to see Sweden.

>> No.3529283

Man has endured, adapted, survived and lived for millenias. You don't hold the right to your own bloodline no matter how much you delude yourself into thinking that you do by pointlessly rebelling against the cycle of life. You have nothing to gain and everything to lose, don't fuck it up.

>> No.3529285

>not transcending your biological urges
>second millennia after the birth of jesus christ

oh boy

>> No.3529287

>what is mapping of the human genome
>I suck camus cock
Yeah maybe you're right, you probably should fade away along with your vomit.

>> No.3529292

Why are you so adamant about having kids? I don't want any annoying money-draining fucks of my own

Why don't I send you a vial of my sperm instead

>> No.3529294

If you like isolation, darkness, and shitty weather - you'll love Sweden

>> No.3529295

It sounds like my room. I might get along fine.

>> No.3529296

go further with Clinical Pysch. It'll be easier to find a job.

>> No.3529297


I'm a philosophy major -- of course I love isolation, darkness, and shitty weather!

>> No.3529300

Nice try, but you'll have to wait a couple of centuries more for transhumanism to finally kick in so I could actually take you seriously. At the very core, it's a vital necessity, because we're organisms foremost to walking brains on sticks.

>> No.3529306

It's the species' job as a whole to procreate. Not the individual. In fact, at current it'd be best for a portion of us NOT to reproduce.
Get off your high horse.

>> No.3529307

It's not about wanting kids, it's about ensuring your bloodline continues. Whether your kid is shitty or not is based on circumstancial scenarios which is not a factor in this ecuation.

>> No.3529311

psychology is a crock of shit etc.

psychoanalysis is much more etc.

>> No.3529312

we share the same bloodline

>> No.3529316

All this bloodline talk reminds me of Castlevania and Slayer.

>> No.3529322

The individual constitutes the sum of it's parts, doesn't take a genius to figure out that non-intellectuals procreate without question, imagine if every academic and intellectual would have the bright idea that you've just stated. Witness how society starts to crumble as high-end jobs become obsolete and we have to substitute resources and research for mass cheap and brute approaches. One by one specialists become extinct while we perpetuate ourselves onto a road of self-destruction through repetetition instead of innovation and progress.

>> No.3529331

only if we're both british (Henry V) or asians (Ghenghis Khan)

>> No.3529337

Oh lol, this post.
>Implying teleological evolution
You're only correct in a darwinian sense.

>> No.3529345

Transhumanist pls go

>> No.3529353

I have no interest in transhumanism, though admittedly no qualms either.

>> No.3529385

what's that mate? how is it correct when you clearly haven't seen the process in motion? oh because it didn't happen that fast?

>taking it on faith

marvelous imagination though

>> No.3531128

>It's not about wanting kids, it's about ensuring your bloodline continues.
>teleological darwinism
Shiggy fucking diggy

>> No.3531454

I'm serious. I smoke mainly pipes and roll your owns. Pipe smoking has an actual learning curve, it takes months before it becomes natural and after years you still get better at it. It can't be faked. There's also a lot of variation in pipes and tobaccos and the variables are infinite compared to smoking cigarettes or cigars. It's the ultimate leisurely way of smoking since it requires attention, maintenance and a lot of thought. In you persevere it's very rewarding though.

For optimal smoking the rough consensus is that a pipe should be smoked no more than once a day. As the other anon said, decent pipes start around 50 bucks. Truly great pipes will easily cost you anything between 200 and a 1000.