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3528251 No.3528251 [Reply] [Original]

Why did the twelve year old girl have to have sex with all her friends to escape the sewer lair of an ancient evil from between the stars?

>> No.3528257

>>Why did the twelve year old girl have to have sex with all her friends to escape the sewer lair of an ancient evil from between the stars?

Because Mr. King knows what sells.

>> No.3528286

That's some grade A horse shit lit right there.

>> No.3528291

Literally the explanation was "they were lost and freaking out, so she had sex with all of them to calm them down so they could calmly find their way out"

>> No.3528294

This was after they chased away the cosmic horror using advice given by a cosmic turtle.

>> No.3528305

I remember reading this as a twelve year old girl and being freaked out. (It doesn't help that I subconsciously identified with Bev)

>> No.3528322

Looking back on it, that entire scene made no god damn sense at all.
It came completely out of nowhere, and served no purpose. >>3528291 is a shaky explanation at best.
At the time I thought it had to do with some sort of "Forming the bonds of friendship forever," but that was much more effectively conveyed by the blood pact thing after the got out of the sewers.

Mr. King what the hell are you doing.

>> No.3528327

They had sex and became grown ups. IT only takes children.

>> No.3528331

12-year-olds, dude.

>> No.3528419



>> No.3528421


Garden of Eden sorta deal.

>> No.3528443


You got master-trolled by the King.

>> No.3528454

It killed a homosexual man that some kids threw off a bridge.
It terrorized the grown up kids when they came back to their town.
It kidnapped that guys wife.
It possessed a nurse and tried to use the nurse to kill one of the grown ups.
It murdered the Bradley Gang and burned all those people at The Black Spot.

>> No.3528458

My favourite S&G song

>> No.3529050

to get to the other side

>> No.3529121

Jesus, King is one smug looking fucker.

>> No.3529161

Why did they have to go to Las Vegas when Trashy was already bringing the bomb?

>> No.3529192

It was symbolism dumbass. It symbolized Stephen King's a pedophile.

>> No.3529341


>> No.3529372

I really enjoyed IT. The town felt alive, even if in a creepy way. Not sure how it'll hold up if I read it now (as opposed to in middle school)

>> No.3529412

But he does have great hair