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3527813 No.3527813 [Reply] [Original]

I haven't written anything in the past 6 months.

Sometimes I can brainstorm up a few pages, but it's never when I'm at my computer. Even if it was, most of the time I get stuck a few paragraphs in, get dissatisfied, and stop.

I need to break out of this. Any advice?

>> No.3527836


>> No.3527838

Its better to write using pen and paper.

>> No.3527856


>> No.3527862

not for me

>> No.3527926


Go for a walk ,don't listen to music..just go for a walk... doesn't matter where, just go..i prefer the woods but that's just me.

I had something similar happen to me, it does wonders for my imagination..hope it can help you get over your block bro'.

>> No.3527964

What I do is I write on pen and paper, try to make it my best, then leave it for a day and type it up on my PC. It irons out any tripe (most of the time)

>> No.3527978

Sometimes I'll get this great idea and write something that I'm happy with, then come back to it the next day and it's shit. Like instead of writing I just took a dump on the page. I never, ever get beyond 1000 words before this sets in.

>> No.3528287

Take up smoking. Whenever I wanna get up and walk away from my writing, I light up a cigarette and think about what it is I want to write. I sit there and play the scenes or the narrative out in my head, after I finish the smoke, I usually am able to get down a decent amount of stuff before I hit another block and need to light up again.

Also, keep fucking writing no matter what. Even if you hate what you're putting down, press through it. don't worry so much about the quality of what you're writing, just barrel through it and know that you can tweak it later. You only get better by doing.