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3526906 No.3526906 [Reply] [Original]

Before you die you have the opportunity to leave behind one quote or idea of your choice on a suburban wall. What would it be? A thought that will make people stop and reflect? Something you want to be remembered? Advice? Maybe just a simple "good luck"? Be creative.

>> No.3526916

E = mc2

>> No.3526920

"Hominibus Impossibile"
From "A lodging for the night"

>> No.3526922

'To define is to limit' : Oscar Wilde

>> No.3526925

I thought therefore I was

>> No.3526926

'If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales.' -Einstein

>> No.3526932

Being precedes essence.

>> No.3526933

i can dig it
never heard this quote but i dig it hard

don't waste time doing things you hate.

>> No.3526934

The fact that so many books still name the Beatles "the greatest or most significant or most influential" rock band ever only tells you how far rock music still is from becoming a serious art. Jazz critics have long recognized that the greatest jazz musicians of all times are Duke Ellington and John Coltrane, who were not the most famous or richest or best sellers of their times, let alone of all times. Classical critics rank the highly controversial Beethoven over classical musicians who were highly popular in courts around Europe. Rock critics are still blinded by commercial success: the Beatles sold more than anyone else (not true, by the way), therefore they must have been the greatest.

>> No.3526937

i fucked you're mother, lol

>> No.3526938

you mean existence?

>> No.3526940

If it's too patrician no one will care guys.
We need something accesible, yet thoughtprovoking for the regular busy-businessman audience

>> No.3526942

If you want your children to be intelligent, tough shit, it's outwith your control as everything that matters to you is set for you by genetics or social conditioning too complex for you to wrap your head around never mind actually interfering. I'm glad it's over. Best of luck, you poor bastards.

>> No.3526944

le scaruffi face

>> No.3526950

You only have what you remember

>> No.3526963

For man once thought, yet now we think.

>> No.3526988

Life was not perfect, but now I see how good it was, alas, now I see how good it was.

For here where I am now it's dark, it's cold; there are no smells, no sounds, no forms, no flavors; even time seems not to walk in this plains of coal (or whatever it is this place where I am now).

You that will come soon, some of you can, please, if you can, please, bring me a candle, a blanket, and a voice with which to talk. Not even the echo answers me in the abyss where I am now.

I wonder if my conscience, for some error in the rules of the universe, was not disconnected, like all other after passage, and now I will have to spend eternity stuck into nothingness, but feeling forever every moment of cold and insipid boredom in this womb of ashes that will never finish to generate me.

>> No.3527016

Beatles were the equivalent of present day Justin Beiber back in the 60s.
Did you ever consider this??
They also made 13 year olds go apeshit crazy over them and they sold a lot.
And all the people who call them the greatest ever were the equivalents of the present day 13 year olds. These same people have grown up and are now in their 60's.
Any guesses as to the greatest band in their opinion? FUCKING BEATLES!!!!
Beatles = (Justin Beiber x 4) 50 years ago.

>> No.3527029

I think you're the first person to ever come to the conclusion. Congratulation on being really original d00d.

>> No.3527030

Know thyself.

>> No.3527039

Is it just me or was that simple? I understood it and I'm a fucking pleb?
Don't get me wrong though, I loved it.

>> No.3527062


in that case, mine would be:

>art is dead. thank the gods.

>> No.3527066

Actually it was shit

>> No.3527069

>who am i to save the world?

no capitals. humble yet indifferent

>> No.3527108


Thank you.

I think it's simple...i'm not a very big fan of philosophy (and also not very intelligent and able to understand many of the master works of that area); I enjoy reading for pleasure (wich means i'm a pleb too). So when I write something in general is always simple: I'm not very capable of great intellectual flights.

Glad you enjoyed it: but if this piece that i wrote has something good was more by luck than talent.

>> No.3527135

>Here lies ANON
>Burried 2deep4you

>> No.3527143

'Tear down this Wall'

>> No.3527144

Stir that wonton soup

>> No.3527185
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>>Burried 2deep4you

>> No.3527219

the beatles actually performed as a live band for like 8 hours per day for years before becoming famous. they had solid musical canon, and got along better than any rock band before them as a result. fame went to their heads, and they sacrificed their integrity.

justin bieber barely knew anything about music before becoming famous. he knew a few instruments, but nobody can say how well he played them. he had the passion and talent for music, but his choice of genre was influenced by producers, music professionals.

if bieber's mother had never posted those videos(which i haven't personally seen), he would have become just another starving musician... maybe. if the beatles had never been "discovered", they would have been another awesome rock band. they both changed the way we think about music, for better or for worse.

>> No.3527279

If Mozarts father got acces to Utubs, I'm sure he would.
Wonderkidz are wonders, even I wonder why they are paced?

>> No.3527284

Galt's fucktarded rant in Assless Tugged in its entirety

>> No.3527322

"This is my last quote left behind before I die."

>> No.3527338

tony woz ere

>> No.3527374

how postmodern of you

>> No.3527417

Explain please.
I dont really know why I chose it. I just left out the egocentric try to have an impact. This one would give me just the last joy of fantasizing about someone wondering in a specific way.
A riddle would be too plain, some sophisticated stuff would be artificial.
Yup, I guess this is the best quote possible for me.

>> No.3527450

I have read some stuff about postmodernism now. Recommend any start? (Naive question regarding that topic)

>> No.3527461

get a load of this kiddo googling postmodernism in 2013

>> No.3527472

For everyone, here the road ends.

>> No.3527624

"Wait and hope"

-Count of Monte cristo

>> No.3527637

"So, you finally convinced yourself."

>> No.3527648

Those three words
Are said too much
They're not enough


>> No.3527649

"Remember, all love ends inevitably in heartbreak and / or death."

>> No.3527834
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Take the risk of thinking for yourself. Much more truth, beauty and happiness will come to you this way. -The Hitch
Picture unrelated.

>> No.3527882

"The line between good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being"

This quote kills me, I'm too jaded to forgive.

>> No.3527910

"Ghost World" duh.

>> No.3527919

>Before you die you have the opportunity to leave behind one quote or idea of your choice on a suburban wall.
So...right now?

>> No.3527973

"There is no one right way to live."
-Daniel Quinn

>> No.3527984
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Why don't you just do that right now?

>> No.3527993

>awesome band

>> No.3528005
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>i can dig it
>dig it
what are you 12?

>> No.3528009
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>> No.3528010

The most pathetic habit of all men is to flog their aspirations several times each day, don't fall victim to it

>> No.3528026

Stop looking for answers is silly quotes made by assholes motherfuckers who thought they knew more. Faggot.

>> No.3528045

let the record show that the beatles were very good at playing their instruments and performing. They were professional as hell and truly caared for their music.

It's a shame they excelled at playing bad music.

>> No.3528049
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>> No.3528051
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I think you have a great point, but then again, rock music always involved image and popularity. The scenario is different and to say they are "most influential" is not too far off. I believe there is a natural reaction to the fact that the Beatles get too much attention. While I'm sure they deserve attention, it's frustrating to see how many people can settle for that or go over them again and again. In the same sense that we would be pissed if Coltrane was the only jazz name people ever heard. It is a culture of "top 5" and "the best" that gets out of hand.

That's silly and you sound like youtube comments.

Fame went to their heads, but then again it changed them. The studio phase is definitely where the good stuff is, not the live performances. And each album released was somewhat of a surprise.

That being said, I think I'm cool for listening 3 Beatles songs in a year. I'm so sick and tired of it, I can't even listen to it when it's playing.

>> No.3528071

>responding to copypasta


>> No.3528123

I would not make use of the opportunity.

>> No.3528150

OMG this is so me

>> No.3528151

so in this scenario did you die because of that font

>> No.3528155

I really want to see this happen.

>> No.3528212

"The ass, was fat."

>> No.3528231
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It's been done, bro.

>> No.3528236


>All relationships end with at least one broken heart


>> No.3528245

i don't get it

that everyone is both good and evil? objective moralism

>> No.3528250

Life isn't perfect, but it's pretty good. Sadly, you only realize the last half at the end.

>> No.3528255

Joke's on you, I realized at 19

>> No.3528253

"Don't major in liberal arts..."

>> No.3528263

>liberal arts
>Mathematics, science, arts, and language can all be considered part of the liberal arts

This term encompasses too much. Science? Computer science gets you a lot of cash

>> No.3528266

Oh, what a beautiful buzz

>> No.3528272

Great, now put that to good use. 17

>> No.3528280

I am. By 25, I'll be a monster

>> No.3528298

Now I wish I hadn't responded, good night.

>> No.3528309


>> No.3528316

"Never change."

>> No.3528321


>> No.3528357

I would use some Heraclites-like thingy, just to confuse the hell out of people. Like: "The most intricated labyrinth is empty space where every place is the intersection of an infinity of pathways"

>> No.3528366

Fuck this phrase.

Change. Change always. Change for the better.

If you're stagnant, you're dead.

>> No.3528372
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>mfw it's the 17 year old again and his life advice

>> No.3528379

No, most teenagers would say "never change" because they don't want to.

Maturity and wisdom are changes. If you don't change, you will drown in a pool of ignorance and childishness.

>> No.3528383

>If you're stagnant, you're dead
I'm sorry, I'm with you but this made me laugh.

>> No.3528387

"Define death"

>> No.3528388

>i'm so mature for my age, the other kids read harry potter and listen to justin bieber

>> No.3528451

Most adult citizens of western civilization are precisely ignorant and childish.
Is quite impressive the amount of people who suffer a Peter Pan syndrome these days.

>> No.3528489

give her the dick.

>> No.3528491

What is truth? These glorious lies.

>> No.3528550

"Everyone from the suburbs is an entitled asshat."

>> No.3528948

As an /x/filer I must say:

>Im staring you.

>> No.3528954


>> No.3528959

>For me, the road ended here.

>> No.3528965

>rebel against the system, I'm in charge of my own life because free will is the most important thing in life

>> No.3528974

"Everything was beautiful and nothing hurt."


"What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo. "

>> No.3528987

>Everything was beautiful and nothing hurt
I swear Vonnegut is the Meyer equivalent for midwesten middle class hipsters.

>> No.3528995

"I wish I had tried."

>> No.3529016
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I like this thread. Your all going to laugh at me for this but heres my choice. I suffer from manic depression and this poem can be quite helpful at times, I guess if I was going to die I'd leave it somewhere so maybe it can help someone else too:

Your life is your life
don’t let it be clubbed into dank submission.
Be on the watch.
There are ways out.
There is a light somewhere.
It may not be much light but
it beats the darkness.
Be on the watch.
The gods will offer you chances.
Know them.
Take them.
You can’t beat death but
you can beat death in life, sometimes.
and the more often you learn to do it,
the more light there will be.
Your life is your life.
Know it while you have it.
You are marvelous
the gods wait to delight
in you.

>> No.3529019

A rolling stone gathers no moss faggot

>> No.3529032

"We need never be hopeless, because we can never be irreparably broken.
We think that we are invincible because we are. We cannot be born, and we cannot die.
Like all energy, we can only change shapes and sizes and manifestations. "

>> No.3529122

Humans are animals.
Agriculture domesticated us.
Victors write history.

>> No.3529150

Going along with this kind of, mine would be

If history is written by the victors, then I guess that's why no one will remember us.

>> No.3529170

Et tu brutus?

>> No.3529190

Bonus points if it looks like it's written in blood.

>> No.3529236

I am now free

>> No.3529273

Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved.
- Acts 16:31

>> No.3529277

I should of done more stupid shit.

>> No.3529281


>> No.3529288

I made quite a few just incase I ever commit suicide
"May our next meeting fair better than this departure"
"Condemn the action, justify the reason"
"It is better to die for a cause than to live without reason"
"You won't see me around anymore; but then again you never really noticed me anyway"
"Insanity is merely an action without a reason. It is why most ideas are crazy"
"The best deaths are the ones we expect"

>> No.3529320

"You should have voted Ron Paul."

>> No.3529324

I lived content, now i die in contempt

>> No.3529330

Do the Harlem Shake

>> No.3529332

"I have amazing news for you. Man is not alone on this planet. He is part of a community, upon which he depends absolutely."
-Daniel Quinn (again)

>> No.3529423

"Somebody help me! I'm being spontaneous!"

>> No.3529472

Everything was beautiful and nothing hurt

>> No.3529528

"Dear future generations: Please accept our apologies. We were rolling drunk on petroleum."
-Kurt Vonnegut

>> No.3529530

this so hard

>> No.3529548

go away, Shinji

>> No.3529554
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>not posting the superior neckbeard edition

>> No.3529567

Soon these burning miseries will be extinct. I shall ascend my funeral pile triumphantly, and exult in the agony of the torturing flames. The light of that conflagration will fade away; my ashes will be swept into the sea by the winds. My spirit will sleep in peace; or if it thinks, it will not surely think thus. Farewell.

>> No.3529630

Plz stop. Everyone thinks they're allowed to have an opinion on The Beatles. Just please, shut the fuck up, Snowflake.

>> No.3529664

Don't you mean 52?

>> No.3529666

"Tune in"

>> No.3529668

Although that was true at the beginning of the Beatles career, they grew with the generation of the 60s and when everyone started dropping psychedelics and all sorts of drugs they did too they grew with the hippie movement, and had some really radical meanings to their songs such as I am the walrus, or all their songs about Vietnam, they sang about so many things that were actually going on at the time. Justin Beiber sings about girls and swag and that's about it. Please don't compare the two like that.

>> No.3529670

"live and let live"

>> No.3529675

"Seriously, ignore all the idiots who think they've found some pieces of eternal wisdom"

>> No.3529677

"I seriously hope you guys don't do this"

>> No.3529691

"I'm going to try and travel back in time.

If you are reading this then it worked"

>> No.3529695

"I'm in trouble, please recommend this message!"

>> No.3529696

"I have hidden the jewels."

>> No.3529701

"Do whatever the fuck you wanna do."

>> No.3529704

[Y]ou [O]nly [L]ive [O]nce

>> No.3529712

"My ancestors are smiling on me Imperials, can you say the same?"

>> No.3529718

>Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

>> No.3529744

Death should be nothing to us,
since when we are, it has not come
and when it comes, we are not

That is the latest piece of quick one-sentence wisdom I've latched onto

>> No.3529770

Pain, fear and anxiety are all part of a learning experience.

If I could prevent one fat fuck little kid from wasting 10 years via running from every single challenge life threw at him it would be enough.

It hurts? That's because you suck, try harder.
You're scared? Do it anyways, you won't be next time.

>> No.3531103

I lived in love laughter and happiness, and wherever love laughter and happiness may reside , i'll be there in spirit

>> No.3531143

>not Bach

>> No.3531159

Never born, never died; only visited this planet earth

>> No.3531177

"Don't quote others. Think for yourself."

-Joe Sheller

>> No.3531199

"Hold my beer and watch this"

>> No.3531201

Don't blink.

>> No.3532491

A moment of bliss, oh god, why is it not enough for a lifetime?

>> No.3532504
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>> No.3532519

at least write the proper equation