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/lit/ - Literature

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3522966 No.3522966[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>took a Japanese lit class
>mite b cool
>a lot of the books I've read are fantastic so far
>the discussion is disgusting
>one girl is a "pysche major" and constantly reminds people, talks about her experiences in high school, and gets genuinely mad in discussions, at one point actually got super pissed off at In the Miso Soup and threw it across the room because she couldn't psychoanalyze the antagonist
>two ugly butthurt feminists who sit at the front and every single novel that's not written by a woman is "this book is misogynistic"
>these people dominate the classroom and nobody else speaks up

So what's lit class like for you

>> No.3522996

everyone discusses the book, and have meaningful and thought out discussions, with the awareness that books can be read beyond the surface level. I like my literature classes.

>> No.3523007

my comp lit class is pretty cool, I'm learning a lot actually... my professor is really old and hard to hear sometimes though, and half the class is too shy to speak, so there's really only like 5 of us who actively participate, but its good

there is one girl in my fiction writing class that's like what you experienced OP, she's a psych major too (coincidence?) and she started critiquing how one of the characters in a story we were workshoping wasn't realistic because "that's not how depressed people think"

>tfw I was depressed, know the girl who wrote the story had a friend who'd been depressed too...

The class just sat there and let her talk for a while, until the prof was all "I can see the character acting like this, I don't have a problem with that-" and cut her off before she really got going. The prof is good at keeping the discussion going which definitely helps

sorry to hear it aint so with you OP

>> No.3523011

>these people dominate the classroom and nobody else speaks up

When I went to uni, I dominated the classroom, faggot.

>> No.3523018

Yeah, why doesn't OP speak up? Instead of going on /lit/ and crying us a river.

>> No.3523020

I'm typically one of like five people who have actually read the book. I talk a lot. All the profs love me. I don't know/care how other people think of me. In each class there's maybe two or three other people who know their shit/

>> No.3523022

Get some balls OP.

>> No.3523024


what country are you from?

>> No.3523025

>4000 level class on the evoution of the novel
>professor is super awesome, has no problems with anyone, actively encourages everyone etc
>favorite professor
>week before lolita
>"I understand that some of you might not like this book, so if you have any sort of problem with it you can skip reading it, you don't have to come to class, you can skip anything that has to do with this book"
>reminds us in email
>next class- asks us about Humbert
>girl starts shaking, raises her hand
>"I can't believe you made us read this book, you fucking asshole, you know I was raped, I can't believe any sick fuck would write this, I was raped when I was a child"
>starts crying
>everyone staring, professor shocked
>she gets up and starts yelling and pointing some more
>grabs her bag and storms out, slams door
>mfw she was in class when the professor told us it was ok not to come

>> No.3523028

if this is true, you better fucking back that professor up when the board comes knocking

>> No.3523031

idk it happened a year ago but I guess she only did it for attention? I mean, it was well known ahead of time we'd be reading it so... and hell yeah I'd back that man up.

>> No.3523036


tanizaki has strong feminist themes in some of his work. the point of the secret history of the lord mushashi was to rewrite into histories they had been written out of. and the makioka sisters deals with complex women dealing with each other and the world, not subject to the male gaze necessarily.

>> No.3523037


and in diary fo a mad old man the woman exploits the old dude, steps on his face. feminazis should love that.

>> No.3523044

U.S of A. New Yawk Citay.

>> No.3523046

I can't stand anyone that talks too much in a class situation. Their mindset is appalling, why the fuck does anyone else want to hear your stupid shit.

>> No.3523048

Yeah OP it is an unfortunate arts department fact that the people who talk the most and loudest are often also the stupidest.

>> No.3523060


In one of my earlier courses we had to discuss More's Utopia and someone was confused by the bit about prisoners being weighed down in chains of gold, they saw it as a waste.

>> No.3523065

Reminds me of a guy in our programming class, he's literally the biggest idiot I've ever come across and he always has to bring up something he heard somewhere once upon a time as soon as the professor says a word he recognizes.

Even though the professors just talk over him whenever he starts to get on their nerves and everyone in the class is almost outright telling him to shut the fuck up because he's shit and should drop out already he won't. I mean, what kind of sick disturbed mind does this? Do they genuienly think they are offering insight into something?

>> No.3523099

Not everyone is comfortable talking in a situation where they're surrounded by people they
aren't well acquainted with, and they could completely embarrass themselves.
My little brother is pretty cocky when he's at home. He seems to enjoy spouting nonsense,
but I suspect that's just him compensating for not having the guts to speak up at school.

Besides, a lot of people are simply not quick witted enough to come up with counterarguments
to things they have never thought about on the spot, or stumble over their own words.

>> No.3523119

do you have a reading list for that class or a syllabys or something?
seems interesting

>> No.3523142

I wonder if there is a better way to yell out "I WANT PEOPLE TO PAY ATTENTION TO ME" than that

>> No.3523154

My classes are all pretty good.

In one of my classes there's a pretty hot chick that I wouldn't mind giving the D. She wears glasses and is pretty sexy, but she also has the opinion the Harry Potter will be studied in Universities and taught as classics down the road.

It really killed any respect I had for her.

>> No.3523893


I dont want to type them all out but we have

No Longer Human
Wind Up Bird
Shadow Family
Sea and Poison

>> No.3523901

The general reactions from those that don't read the texts seem to be "women are treated like pieces of meat" and "the main character (>) is trying to find an identity"

>> No.3523902

>taking weeaboo classes
>complain about people
You knew what you were getting yourself into, shut up

>> No.3523903

Harry Potter is pretty good when it comes to young adult lit., and the cultural impact was large.

I could see it being studied at universities in the future, if only as a curiosity.

>> No.3523904

Why do you randomly shorten your paragraphs?

>> No.3523911

I've never understood this assumption that Harry Potter is somehow going to become the darling (or even curiosity in this case) of the intelligentsia. In general, books studied at universities are not best sellers of their time.

>> No.3523960

I never took a lit class in college.

>> No.3523965

>I hate women, and I'm in college, and I post on /lit/

tell me more about your interesting unique perspectives that are totally uncommon on /lit/

>> No.3523973

but i love women

>> No.3523982


*hand in a circle moving up and down in a jerking masturbation motion*

>> No.3523991

That looks like you're stirring a pot of something.

>> No.3524020

>So what's lit class like for you
I go to a public liberal arts university in a nice mountain city. The area attracts very good professors, but many of the students are yokels from small towns.

Most students in my class wont talk. The few that do generally make banal observations (clumsily). I usually study my professors' expressions during class and can tell that they're inured to the poor discussions.

Every once and a while, I'll participate, and I can usually see the gratitude on the professor's face.

I'm not bragging; the level of discussion is simply very low. It makes me sad. Soon, though, I'll graduate, and begin travelling.

>> No.3524024

Because he will get thrown off campus because of rape, basically.

>> No.3524029

no he won't you fucking moron

>> No.3524038

>that delusion
Must be tiring to create and convince yourself about so many narratives

>> No.3524044

>*hand in a circle moving up and down in a jerking masturbation motion*
That's not how it works.

>> No.3524050

leave the kid alone, he's autismal

>> No.3524282

We read Harry Potter back in middle school

>> No.3524309

congratulations, you're part of the silent hategroup OP.
Bathe in the knowing that everyone hates the ones you hate, and only imbeciles should be all that bothered.

>> No.3524315

>that feel when you never tried any humanities in university and you will never get to experience what that's all about.

Oh well.

>> No.3524328

Well, I can handle those kinds of people a lot better than those that are busy garnering empathy.

>> No.3524383
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My IT class has someone.
By default he acts very fake, in a Agent Dale Cooper saccharine 50'ies movie sorta way.
Whenever he finds the education unsatisfactory, he acts like it's a personal insult, and he speaks with caricatured indignation and passive aggressiveness as he mentions these flaws. He always expects everyone to back him up, and likes to hold grudges underneath the facade.
I know he hates me more than anyone else, because I usually call him out on his bullshit. But he also seeks approval, and I'm popular, so he likes to hang out around me, which makes it even more creepy.
I'd trade him for 10 straw feminists and 3 severe, socially unaware authists.
I'm sorry if this was poorly written, I'm not really in the flow.

>> No.3524388

are you male or female?

>> No.3524424


>/lit/ in charge of not being autistic

>> No.3524425

Germanfag here.

The only books we ever read were 200 to 300-pages long, depressing as fuck, with lots of pretentious, "social-critical" undertones.
More often then not, they were filled with reminders that Germany did in fact start ww1, ww2, burn books, and kill too many people.
Because apparently we can't be reminded of that often enough.

>> No.3524446
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>complains about depressing "social-critical" books
>confesses it's because of social-guilt over the terrible shit his country has done
>"apparently we can't be reminded of that often enough."

Evidently not.

>> No.3524440

>More often then not, they were filled with reminders that Germany did in fact start ww1, ww2, burn books, and kill too many people.
That warms the cockles of my heart.

>> No.3524464

Oh you're not the only one

I'm from America and high school english was basically a holocaust reminder. In 7th grade, our class "Language Arts" was basically "Nazi Studies". I had to do an entire report on Himmler and his role in the "jew killing regime". In 9th grade, we studied Elie Weisel's Night for 3 months. Every year we had atleast 3 holocaust assemblies, including a Jewish Film Festival movie we were forced to watch. If anything, it makes me hate jews, not feel sorry for them, much like vitriolic feminism.

>> No.3524475

I think you'll find Serbian anarchists started WW1, and despite losing the whole country for a bit still managed to kick Austro-Hungary's arse.

>> No.3524481

Jesus dude, did you go to some private Hebrew school or what?

>> No.3524655

All classes are terrible, you retards.

>> No.3524681
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I'm only in one lit class at the moment (journalism major though honestly I should switch), a class on contemporary literature.

It's a really small class, and there's only about three primary talkers in the class, but they/I never get overbearing in whatever batshit retarded theories we have. To be honest I can understand why people aren't really talking at the moment, as we're discussing "Child of God" by Cormac McCarthy.


I'm part of the editorial board of my university's literary magazine, and there's one absolutely insufferable faggot I can't stand whose judgement on everything boils down to "I liked it" or "I didn't like it," and seems to view our meetings as opportunities to namedrop Katherine Ann Porter and the like.

>> No.3524716
File: 88 KB, 400x400, the fuck am i reading.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, that lack of reading comprehension.

>> No.3524718

>rhetoric 102
no one can even interpret short stories like the raven, fuck????

>scholar program lecture
no one says shit, profession asks comprehension questions like "why did x and y go to z". that's all

>gf is english major
"i just like it is all"

i dont even like reading but is expecting a decent discussion too much from people?

>> No.3524720

Yeah school sucks! :grind and then kickflip off the Vatican:

>> No.3524727
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I actually started talking to an asian chick on the bus stop on campus, and we got talking on facebook since she speaks reasonably good English and says she's trying to get better. When I found out she was Chinese and not Japanese I immediately became turned off and dropped her

>> No.3524769

you're an insane person

>> No.3524778


What's wrong with doing that?

>> No.3524782

If you yourself aren't speaking up then fuck off

>> No.3524847

This sounds like a lie

>> No.3524858

>she couldn't psychoanalyze the antagonist
But unless they're utterly retarded, those are the best! What is wrong with this girl?

>> No.3525057

I guess he was 2deep4her.

>> No.3525081

For the most part my class is dominated by a few neckbeards and one guy who wears a fedora and trench coat. They disregard every opinion except for their own, and are usually very dismissive. I typically look on in apathy.

>> No.3525107
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>trench coat

Is there something wrong with that?

>> No.3525118


>> No.3525123
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They look great if you're a comic book hero or fighting in the first world war. Other that that you look like a moron.

>> No.3525142

You forgot high school-shooter.

>> No.3525150
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>> No.3525153

neckbeard detected.

>> No.3525180


if it's raining then by all means wear a trench coat, otherwise you can't complain if you look like an ass. Nothing wrong with being generally well dressed, but if you're going to wear something you should do it properly i.e. no trenchcoats when its not fucking appropriate and no hats indoors.

>> No.3525210

there are trench coats that aren't supposed to get wet.

>> No.3525211

>No hats

I never even mentioned those. I 100% agree with you on the hats.
It'd be nice if you could go a little bit more in detail concerning
situations in which wearing a trench coat isn't appropriate though.

>> No.3525221

Meanwhile in a normal country:

>read lolita
>no but i-
>lelele fuck off
>everyone: lelele fuck off
>deal with it
>read the fucking

>> No.3525270


If you think that's depressing, I took a course on Irish literature, and every single thing was in some way a reflection of the potato famine and how emigrants had shitty lives and how living in Ireland sucks.

>> No.3525276

I like that sensible country and would like to move to it as soon as possible.

>> No.3525304

What pathetic cunts they are. I'm honestly sorry you have to deal with them, OP. I hope you continue your studies of Japanese literature despite these unpleasantness.

(Just wait until these skanks read Mishima!)

>> No.3525331

Newsflash to any of you dumb fuckers who sit in a lit class without saying a word; speak the fuck up, everybody is tired of hearing the same three people who have a set voicing their opinions, and they're tired of speaking themselves.

If you've not read the material, go get raped and get a minimum wage job or some shit, why the fuck are you even here

>> No.3525362

>Implying they'll actually read it
>Implying they won't look up interpretations, and mindlessly repeat the things the memorized

Most people don't seem to care about knowledge. They want money, and they want admiration.
A degree can potentially give you both. The thing is, people like that make democracy pointless.

>I have no idea what I'm doing, but I'm going to vote for this guy because he promises me shit
>I'm buying investment fonts, and I have no idea what my money is being invested in
>I don't understand how the world works. But everyone should hear my opinion on this anyway!


>> No.3525472
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It's called the United States of Europe.

>> No.3525497

when the weather is nice? there's days blazers are barely tolerable, why would you wear a trench coat those days? any day when it's not raining a trench coat is overkill.

the definition of trench coat is a coat for the rain man...???

>> No.3525514


Why are they so one-sided. (Same thing with a lot of modern/contemporary Brit lit with its undertones of postcolonial guilt, etc.) American lit classes are like "Hey, sometimes America sucks but other times its great!"

>> No.3525551


Hey asshole, some people like to attend the classes so they can pass them successfully. Not everybody needs attention at all costs, sometimes it's about, you know, learning shit. And this comes from someone who does speak up, just not all the fucking time like I'm constantly trying to prove some point.

>> No.3525569

It's probably worth chiming in from time to time, if only to hear something other than a neckbeard's voice and to get some participation points.

>> No.3525571

Someone should write one detailing how good Colonialism was. See how mad people get.

>> No.3525576


It does make things more interesting for everyone involved. But it's not imprescindible.

>> No.3525579

I don't get why more people can't admit that colonialism did a whole lot of good.
This touchy-feely "everybody's equal" shit is stupid. Some cultures are better than others. Those better cultures should assrape and subjugate those inferior, weaker cultures for the greater benefit of the world.

>> No.3525582


Define "better".

>> No.3525583

Political correctness gone mad.

>> No.3525592

It didn't.


>> No.3525594

>>>/pol/ goddamnit

I did not mean to besmirch papercrafts.