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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 17 KB, 220x282, 220px-Alan_Moore_(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3521055 No.3521055 [Reply] [Original]

So lit, whats your opinion on Alan Moore's work?

>> No.3521096

Alan Moore is a great graphic novel writer. Or, in other words, he's a pretty mediocre writer.

>> No.3521140


His prose work can be pretty good. Example:

Right from the start, existence was a worry. There have always been these long, nail-biting stretches of anxiety. After the fuss and fireball of that first Big Bang, there was no follow-up, just silent blackness lasting for millennia. The elements of substance were in place, but form would still take time. One flash, then that uncertain pause. The Universe as a substandard firework no-one dare approach. Was that it?

Protracted hush in that vast auditorium. Occasionally a cough of gamma rays. The tense, pre-curtain dark, extended for a thousand thousand centuries. First night nerves there in that first night. The quantum tingle of anticipation. Nobody knows what to expect at this unprecedented matinee. The author, if there is one, has no track record. The black décor yields no clue as to the drama yet to come, save to suggest it may not be a comedy. What if it's something difficult and Modern: Samuel Beckett with neutrinos?

Meanwhile, the racket of existence tuning up. A rhythm quartet of primeval powers: the weak force; gravity; electromagnetism; the strong force. Four titanic virtuosi, newly born and unrehearsed. There's no sheet-music, there's no set-list. Nothing for it now but improv Jazz, although let's keep it tight. No room for solos.

If the start-conditions of the cosmos should be out by only half a beat, the weak force weaker or the strong force fractionally more butch, then matter will not fix and things will have no glue. No riff, just an undifferentiated background noise.

The long, uneasy silence following the first event extends. The darkness shifts uncomfortably and then, above, just as we've given up on them, one at a time, the stars come on.

>> No.3521164

Alan Moore has done a lot of crap in the past, as much as great stuff. But I admire his commitment to his work and his views on the craft. He is a gentleman, even though people don't realize that if they only know him through pictures and stories of his animosities with Hollywood and so on.

>> No.3521165
File: 44 KB, 496x384, 1287168573300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>writes a novel set throughout history
>first chapter takes place in prehistoric times
>thinks just writing about prehistoric Norhtamptonians isn't enough
>actually comes up with some sort of ur-sintax, an approximation on what he thinks prehistoric english would've been like
>whole chapter goes like that
>mfw trying to read it

>> No.3521183

I think V for Vendetta is pretty okay, League of Extraordinary Gentlemen is a great deal of fun, and Watchmen is an enduring piece of literature that deserves to be mandatory reading in high-school. I haven't read anything else by Alan Moore.

>> No.3521193


>enduring piece of literature
>mandatory high school reading
>comic book

>> No.3521196

too purple

>> No.3521199

>Graphic novel
>High school

Where's the problem here...?

>> No.3521200


Yep. I would also include Chris Ware's "Jimmy Corrigan, the Smartest Kid on Earth", Gabriel Ba's "Daytripper", and maybe Maus.

>> No.3521201

The systematic dumbing down school curriculum has been happening for the past few decades. Comic books are really just the next step.

>> No.3521205

Watchment is boring and shit

>> No.3521207



>> No.3521214

Have you read Watchmen? I'm not as adamant about it as some other anon's in this thread but it's certainly good enough to not be a dumbing down of the curriculum. In fact, it may be beneficial since the fact that's it's a comic would attract more interest from the students.

Unless you're worried about the precedent it sets rather than Watchmen itself, in that case you may have a point. Maybe.

>> No.3521225
File: 55 KB, 606x366, from_hell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From Hell is what I liked the most. Look it up.

>> No.3521238
File: 277 KB, 496x694, J-B-O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked it a lot, a lot.

>> No.3521255


Alan Moore knows whats up, he is the master of symmetry and the prose of the modern. From Hell is a testament to that. No writer can acheive what he did with images in that comic book.


>> No.3521262

he was /pol/ before /pol/. reduction of complex politics and history to trite caricatures.

>> No.3521270

>implying there is such a thing

>> No.3521271
File: 321 KB, 371x470, 1361241730902.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i-is that Hagrid???

>> No.3521278


But in V for Vendetta humanised the fascists, they weren't presented as vilains but as protagonists.

>> No.3521279


Humanizing a character != presenting them as a protagonist.

>> No.3521286

>that awkward moment where you spot someone who only watched the Hollywood adaptations trying to talk about the source material like it's the same

>> No.3521288

>Protagonists of V for Vendetta

Did we read the same book?

>> No.3521296
File: 31 KB, 194x269, VforVendetta.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


In any case it was not, the edgy "Good anarchist hero" overthrows the bad fascists like in the movie . I think scenes like Finchs revelation made the caracters in the work the shine more than V who infact was not the prtagonist but a mere plot device for the illustartion of the rest of the cast.

>> No.3521335


What did finch realize?

>> No.3521366
File: 245 KB, 660x1015, 21a-660x1015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His Swamp Thing run was great, and I really like The Ballad of Halo Jones too.

His work over the past decade hasn't been as good - both Promethea and League of Extraordinary Gentlemen started good and went sour (haven't read the new Nemo: Heart of Ice yet though).

>> No.3521803


>that awkward moment

Go back to Facebook.

>> No.3521810

He knows the score.