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File: 605 KB, 873x701, when you see it you will shit bricks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3518013 No.3518013 [Reply] [Original]

We all know that the author and public speaker Christopher Hitchens died of cancer, but I have just discovered what gave him cancer. DavidFoster Wallace. He gave Hitchens cancer with his god-awful doorstopper.

Check the table in pic related.

>> No.3518033
File: 25 KB, 172x132, IJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'tis true.

>> No.3518036

Hitchens confirmed for shit taste

>> No.3518039

Holy fuck /lit/ even tricked a celeb into reading that thing? Wow. This is the little board that could.

>> No.3518045
File: 14 KB, 300x300, 1356375968609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you guys infinite jest was awesome

dfw's worldview and ideas profoundly affected me in my early 20's. what's your excuse for hating it?

op probly tl;dr'd it and is running his mouth cuz he can't comprehend

>> No.3518214

Do you think Hitchens managed to finish it? The spine doesn't even look cracked.

>> No.3518230

So what OP?

>> No.3518231


Hitchens read prolifically and always finished what he started, so yeah, I have a feeling he probably did.

>> No.3518285

uncracked spine, what a poseur.

>> No.3518303

>Implying anyone has a cracked Jest spine.

>> No.3518311

mine doesn't have a cracked spine but it does have blood stains

>> No.3518474

Hitchens defends Wallace:

"Christopher Hitchens sent me an email in response to the first story I ever published online. And he was an asshole about it.

I don’t have the email and the story is no longer online. But, in short: I wrote a rambling, self-indulgent review of Infinite Jest, a book that I had not at the time of the review yet read, for my college magazine. It’s the sort of dumb stunt a lot of precocious writers in their early 20s pull and while it went largely unnoticed, Hitchens sent me an angry letter in response to it.

Judging from the annoyed tone of his email, it seems he was looking for a sincere review of David Foster Wallace’s book and stumbled on my thing by accident (this was before google was invented and before corporate content drowned out the amateur bullshit that composed 98 percent of web content at the time). He found my jokey non-review to be frivolous and belabored.

I wish I could remember what $3 word he used to describe my prose. It meant “masturbatory,” but was way more obscure and English.

My feelings weren’t hurt at the time, but looking back now, I’m puzzled. Why even bother? It wasn’t yet the rule that all print publications would also have websites, so there were less things on the web..."


>> No.3518578
File: 65 KB, 604x453, 1infinitejest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>implying other people don't have the wherewithal to finish long works just because you don't.

fuck everyone in this thread who hasn't actually finished it.

pic related, get on my level.

>> No.3518586

I trudged through the first 100 pages before realising it wasn't going to get good.

>> No.3518603
File: 149 KB, 972x1076, 1337190371439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it gets good at like 350

but event he shit before that which is kinda slow is better than a lot of the literate trash out there.

also, the book works as a cycle. when you finish it, if you read the first 300 pages again after reading the end, the whole book begins to come into focus

>> No.3518609

I'm pretty sure he was just talking about the physical book. It's just hard to crack the spine.

>> No.3518615

It's not like it's a hard book.

>> No.3518621

I mean, this clown was able to finish it, so it couldn't possibly be that difficult

>> No.3518622

That guy seems like a massive wanker. Not Hitchens, the blogger.

>> No.3518624


>> No.3518637

>It meant “masturbatory,” but was way more obscure and English.

>> No.3518675
File: 526 KB, 574x687, 1356832644812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


North American superstate known as the Organization of North American Nations (O.N.A.N.).

is this related? probably. dfw is tits.

>> No.3518680

Hitchens was a moron. No great loss.

>God is not nice, boohooo
>gets cancer, from God


>> No.3518681


>> No.3518686

Oh, great. YOU have started posting again.

>> No.3518693

What? Onanism is masturbation. To say something is onanistic is to say that it is masturbatory; but I'm not sure onanistic is a real word rather than logically derived neologism.

>> No.3518697

Hitchens was strictly for suckers, a mouse that roared, a VH1 I Love the 80s panelist with a fancy accent, a rap sheet and cirrhosis. "Rationalist," "skeptic," "contrarian," "public intellectual" — court jester. He plied that ancient trade for the deadliest predators on Earth; his was the reflexive, suck-up, kick-down cruelty of the British madding crowd. That’s all, folks.

>> No.3518699

no shit dude, i was asking if dfw named o.n.a.n. onan on purpose to mean its a masturbatory govt type thing.

bro. what did u think i meant

>> No.3518840

I saw it in an episode of Girls, too.

Tao Lin's eee eee or whatever is in the first episode when Hannah's in the publiher's office.