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3516257 No.3516257 [Reply] [Original]

Ever read any scripture? How's it been?

I have in front of me:
>King James Bible
>Bhagavad Gita
>The Story of Sumedha
>The Story of Visakha
>The Middle Doctrine
>Mecca Suras

Trying to decide where to start.

>> No.3516272

>mecca suras

>> No.3516278

The KJV has some lovely prose at points, but by and large it's dull and heavy.

>> No.3516294

Well, the bible is a whole different beast compared to most of those. I doubt you'd get through the whole thing. However, it is the most relevant 'scripture'. If you want to be well read, you will have to read it eventually. Try the bible in 90 days program.

>> No.3516320

>Brahma Sutras
>The Bibble

Never read Buddhist text, tell me more, OP.

>> No.3516321

I've read the bible, the gita, and a bunch of buddhist and taoist texts. I'd recommend ghandi's version of the gita or a study bible to start. Good luck op those are great books hope you have fun.

>> No.3516341

Never fully read the Gita, but since it's part of Mahabharata I reckon its familiar to me. What I do know is that there are some rebuttals against rising influence of Buddhism and monks/asceticism in the vedic society.

Gita is considered one of the core text of Hinduism.

>> No.3516359
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>no bardo thodol
>no commentary on the texts by great philosophical minds
sounds like a McChurch.
>Would you like some fries with your religious texts?

I guess what I am saying is that going in blind you may come out a new man after reading those texts, but more than likely you will come out feeling more confused and wanting . They please the senses and stimulate thought but hardly ever cause revelation by themselves, at least, not to a westerner. Try looking into Carl Jung if you want to understand the meaning behind the texts, also Alan Watts will sway anyone opinion who cannot be convinced with rational reasoning. All the texts are correct in the same way that all waves come from the ocean. They do not directly point out the correct parts in themselves, they just serve their purpose as a messenger.

>> No.3516363

The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: He leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul: He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name' sake.Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: For thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies; thou annointest my head with oil; My cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the House of the Lord forever.

>> No.3516371


Read Sura Yusuf or Sura Maryam -- that's chapters 12 and 19. Or if you only have the meccan suras, anything from the last 40 chapters is a good read. And, they're much shorter and quicker-paced with more imagery rather than accounts of people's stories.

>> No.3516374

Read the Qu'ran fully.

>> No.3516396

I understand that. I don't plan to finish the bible or even a testament at once before I move to other other works. I plan on going book(s) at a time. Just started Genesis.

Thanks for the advice! I'll begin looking up commentaries as I progress. This is my first time doing any of this so I'm not sure what to expect. We'll see what happens
>bardo thodol
I'm lacking in Buddhist material in general. Thanks for the suggestion.

The only reason I have only Meccan Suras is because I purchased a book of excerpts of religious texts and that was all that represented Islam. My collection will go, no doubt. Thanks for the suggestion.

>> No.3516559


>> No.3516636

I have a Bible and a Qur'an. I like the former quite a bit, but I doubt I'll ever get to the latter; as far as Islamic Scripture is concerned, I'm only interested in the Hadith.

>> No.3516714

I have read most parts of the bible and the Daodejing.

The bible: Wasn't impressed. It's pretty boring.

The Daodejing: Pretty standard "be good" "be honest" etc stuff. I have no idea what it has to do with the practises and believes of Daoism... maybe the translation was bad.

>> No.3516793

So which text is the best read?

>> No.3516825

Not sure about others but heres some I know

>The Story of Sumedha
This ties in with the Jataka Tales (buddhas past lives story) a story book similar to Aesop's tales(some buddhist stories are known to influence some later additions).

Collection of songs/hymns that goes on to explain some core Hindu beliefs

IMO Gita is worth more because of the amount of message in it.

>> No.3517013

Personally the Jefferson bible is my favorite edition of the bible.

>> No.3517018

I'm reading VALIS right now, I'd wager it's a similar feeling.

>> No.3517141

Loved daodejing, read like 12 different translations at the same time

The pali suttas were alright, some are better than others, very repetitive but what can you expect it's oral lit

Gita was meh, could not finish bible

The zen koan collections (gateless gate, blue cliff record, 101 zen stories) are fucking awesome, best scripture ever

>> No.3517396

Tao Te Ching? how do you get that wrong?

>> No.3517587

gnostic gospels are the best

>> No.3517595

inb4 daodejing is pronounce you spell Tao Te Ching in the original chinese

inb4 your a stupid noob

>> No.3517596

道德經 sup pleb n00bstar

>> No.3517597

I've read the Baghavad Gita, The Qua'ran, and The Bible. I just reread the Gospel of Matthew the other day.

>> No.3517613

i read the new testament the other day, it's like a worse version of madoka.

>> No.3517633
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Toss all those aside and read this.

>> No.3517647
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it's a slippery slope...

>> No.3517731

>tfw thus spoke zarathustra is considered scripture

>> No.3517745

who the fuck would say that, just because it's a book with allegories doesn't make it "scripture" and the faux-biblical style he adopted was satirical

>> No.3517973

I've read:
The Bible
Countless books about it along with some ancient scripts not included
The Qur'an
Book of Mormon (lol)
Portion of the Tripitika
Portion of the Bhagavad Gita

I tried to force myself to care more about Eastern religions but I just find them boring for whatever reason. I plan on going through them pretty thoroughly eventually, I just haven't gotten around to it. I'll probably do Scientology next and then deal with the Eastern religions.

>> No.3517996

Be careful of Scientology. I mean, don't go to the churches/stores. Unless you are very confident in yourself and don't fall flat to pressure. You aren't going to learn much about it until you have invested thousands of dollars. But I guess you can learn some of the top layer stuff.

>> No.3518006

Oh, and something I found interesting, Mr. Hubbard puts himself on the messianic level with Jesus and Buddha.

>> No.3518046

>slippery slope
What? I don't understand.

>> No.3518048

L. Ron Hubbard created Scientology, do you know that much?

>> No.3518051

Ah. Didn't pay attention to the author.

>> No.3518062

It's quite impressive what he did really. It's unfortunate that it has hurt many people in emotional and physical ways.

>> No.3518382

>that feel when OP will transcend the mortal plain shortly

>> No.3519436

>will you never make a religion

>> No.3520432

Is the koran any good?

>> No.3520781

Depends if you like the old testament more than you like the new.

>> No.3521198

What is the equivalent of the bible for buddhism?

>> No.3521202


>> No.3521233

Read the Bible

>> No.3521249

What is the main text of Zoroastrianism? The quote, "Taking the first footstep with a good thought the second with a good word and the third with a good deed I entered Paradise" from Zoroaster really chimes with me.