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/lit/ - Literature

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3515172 No.3515172[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do any of you/these people still exist? I haven't been on here in months.

>> No.3515177

Just noticed some absenteeism:


>> No.3515178

Yeah, I'm Sriq.

D&E posted a few days ago, oreo is active on Goodreads but I dunno about here. Zed is still active on /k/. I think caps finally gave up /lit/, I haven't seen him post in forever.

>> No.3515175

No, they fell through a wormhole and ceased to physically exist in this reality.

>> No.3515180

i dont see me on there

>> No.3515183

Were you a part of the tinychat?

>> No.3515185


thefreestman, obv

also i dont see fab

>> No.3515186
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>> No.3515188

Fab's on there, he's chaotic neutral. I did notice a lack of you, freest. You'd have to be lawful good for the book giving.

>> No.3515191

nvm , i didnt see him there. where are soamazing and brynjar?

>> No.3515201

I think this was made towards the end of the chat, because I know you weren't around as much and neither of them were either. And several of the people on it, like Hannah and Jmcguire, were late-comers (unless I missed them before).

>> No.3515208

Who are you, OP?

>> No.3515221

who is this mystery man??

>> No.3515222

I heard Scripture is off the drugs and in the military.

>> No.3515223

dont they have an IQ minimum?

>> No.3515236
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Nickname here.
I love you and I miss you all.
Also scrippy is not in the military.

>> No.3515277

The most interesting people by far are in the Lawful Evil column, the people in the 'good' columns (Sunshine, Cathal, Hakas and Scrippy) were the nicest people indeed, maybe Brownbear should have been in those columns.

I wasn't a regular but showed up on the tinychat from time to time.

>> No.3516243
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>> No.3516267

Almost every tripfag is dead or doesn't post as a tripfag anymore.
The era of tripfaggery ended some time ago.

>> No.3516652

>lawful good

I think you are forgetting the part where he basically raped a 15yo asian girl.

>> No.3516669
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Everyone in this thread should be ashamed of themselves. OP most of all.

>> No.3516685 [DELETED] 
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I literally still don't know how to even post with a trip.

>> No.3516696

Put in #YOLO in the name field.

>> No.3516738

...go on....

>> No.3516753


>> No.3516764

>implying anybody pays attention to someone's name/trip.
I've been on this site since late 2006 and I can't, off the top of my head, think of the name of a single tripfriend.

>> No.3516989

were you on /lit/ during the dark time when we had to install a fucking extension to block all the tripfags? if you were... I don't believe you

>> No.3517121

not him, but i'm browsing /lit/ for the first time in nearly a year. I do remember those times way too well. /lit/ was good for a few months and then devolved into a pretentious shithole for tripfags (fab, D&E were the worst) to jerk each other off

>> No.3517186
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Hey, I'm also from the before-time. It's different, huh.

Also fabolous was p. bad but brownbear was imo more infuriating.