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3514042 No.3514042[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/lit/, what's the best way to impress my way into the pants of some empty-headed hipster chick?

I'm going to be going to college soon, and I wanted to know what kind of stuff I should acquaint myself with so I can appear to be broody and intellectual. Preferably something to quote, or to (un)tastefully reference in conversation; something that'd make a charmingly over-educated qt pi think "Wow, he's so progressive and iconoclastic!" and form of completely equal sexual partnership with me against the 'patriarchy.'

Pic related: the target in question.

>> No.3514044

Yes hipster girls are a challenge, perhaps you should just die.

>> No.3514045

That hat and the dumb thing she's doing with the scarf seriously annoy me.

>> No.3514047
File: 118 KB, 579x527, Plebian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Asking the neckbeardiest of boards for dating advice

>> No.3514046

Quote Foucault, Zizek, Camus, and Sartre while gripping a copy of Infinite Jest.

>> No.3514054

This guy's got it

>> No.3514050


>> No.3514051

A discourse on how women cannot be raped as they're not human. Reference de Sade, Foucault, Lacan and Žižek.

>> No.3514056

Stress Foucault.

>> No.3514058

just be cool

>> No.3514064


I suggest you just inflect the dominant episteme on her through a kind of carnal biopolitical discipline. If caught, call it a Žižekian critical analysis of date rape.

>> No.3514065

Alright, noted. I'll go look up some quotes by them on Goodreads.

Also: what do you guys think about Derrida? Something tells me that if I 'deconstructed' the patriarchy I'd be a shoe-in.

Womyn love deconstructed cultural norms, right?

>> No.3514069

Actually bitches are just looking for a strong root of negative one, in the form of a prissy little man in uniform who commands America as one folk, one state, under one leader.

>> No.3514080

yeah, look up Phallogocentrism, sprinkle it in sentences which criticize anything remotely male centered and say it is Derridean deconstructive critique of patriarchy

>> No.3514089


>> No.3514087

>for a strong root of negative one

Oh I know this one! That's the mathematical equation for penis, as given by Lacan in his hermeneutic study of signifiers in the linguistic-construct of mathematics.

*Note: how many other ten dollar words could I have thrown into the above sentence? I feel like "dialectic" could have been shoehorned in somewhere, but I can't tell.

Sage because I've accepted the fact that I've made a shitty thread.

>> No.3514100

Yet you're unable to recognise people telling you to rape her?

Seems like you need to go down to the ten dollar word store and spend a monkey.

>> No.3514097
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>> No.3514110
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Straight Schopenhauer OP. Lead with the line 'Life is a disaster' and proceed to speak the cold truth about the weaker sex.

Those hipster bitches won't know whether to slap you or blow you

>> No.3514118

If you slap them first, they'll blow you.

Women seek out strong men to brutalise them.

>> No.3514121
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You people make me physically ill.

>> No.3514132

No, the Shoppy approach is to meekly offer them grapes.

>> No.3514144


That girl was 17, so maybe he thought being straightforward was a bad idea

>> No.3514148

Be white.
Be skinny.
Be hairless.
Be effeminate.
Consider not washing regularly.

>> No.3514150


>> No.3514157

Also it doesn't hurt to act like an aspie. But seriously, above all else, you need to be white.

>> No.3514163

Be confident, ask for numbers, get them to talk about themselves. Learn the names of some critically acclaimed authors, poets, artists and musicians so you have something to add to the conversation.
Generally you need to have a personality.

>> No.3514165

Along these lines, you can act uncultured and agressive but act interested when she tells you how womyn have rights too. Slowly over a course of weeks start changing your opinion. Then ask to meet her alone and tell her how you realize how men were evil tyrants and what could you do to make it up and how you now feel ashamed and vulnerable and need her guidance. Then bend her over and pork her. Pound her into submission until she feels millions of years of primal desire and aggression.

Then walk away and never call back.

>> No.3514166

I went for the Cold Schopenhauer approach once and got a cold shoulder in return

>implying that is the chick in question
>implying you know someone that internet famous

>> No.3514196

More pics of girls dressed like this? I like it.

>> No.3514199

god, you people are so weird

>> No.3514200



>> No.3514204


read some actually interesting stuff so that it helps you anyway.

Wittgenstein, Engels (also has stuff on feminism), Marx, Zizek.

But disregard postmodernism (inb4 postmodernism)

>> No.3514217

Family, Private Property and the State is "out" with bourgeois hipster feminists these days.

>> No.3514220

well, I am sory to hear that

>> No.3514222

Yeah, identity politics is in.

ps: "check" her "privilege"

>> No.3514226

wear a velvet underground or catcher rye shirt

always be ironic in conversation

be as apathetic to all views as possible

if you end up fucking her, always be submissive and let her do all the work, this way she will respect you and in the long run, you will gain her trust.

then once you have gained her trust, mentally abuse until you break her. thus starts the physical abuse, then comes the reward.

she will never want to leave your side for fear of rejection from others and an overall sense of distrust of others. knock her up, have some kids and then kill her when you have worn her out sexually.

>> No.3514229

One time i got a hipster girl to fuck me because i listened to Dead Boys and Zounds. Try that.

>> No.3514231

>You don't eat a great pig like that all at once.

>> No.3514234

but a pig can consume two pounds of uncooked flesh every minute

>> No.3514243

How empty headed are we talking? Just say names like "KAFKA." Or "POSTMODERNIST" with random words after it.

The caps imply you should yell them directly at her face. They really respond well to that.

If that doesn't work I'd say chloroform her enormous scarf.

>> No.3514255

why fuck what you can set on fire?

>> No.3514271

>and then kill her when you have worn her out sexually.


>> No.3514277

You propose killing her before you've worn her out?

Isn't that a bit wasteful?

>> No.3514285

Learn from the master. Go on YouTube and listen to Papa Zizek talk about Lacan.

>> No.3514325

Be an attractive individual. If you're not actually interesting, she won't find you interesting. If you're not actually cool, she won't find you cool. So just give up. Being unpretentious, unassuming, and genuine works better than most men on 4chan think.

But as I write this, I realize that some people are really unattractive, and have a shit personality, and are naturally chauvinist pigs. In that case, fake it until you make it I guess.

>> No.3514338

Best idea of this thread

>> No.3514347

I'm new to this board and this is the first thread I saw.

Fucking dammnit

>> No.3514359
File: 42 KB, 350x466, 450889475_dfbd36eb95_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

make sure you have the facial bone structure of a model. make sure you are "cool". if you dont have either of those things then forget about it.

once you have entered into a relationship with her, realize that she perceives you as a fashion accessory. as you emotionlessly use her body enjoy single out another hipster girl with which to continue the cycle
I'm a troll

>> No.3514371

Is that the same girl from the beginning of this:

>> No.3514372

it's not what you're reading.

it's what you're wearing and pretending to read.