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/lit/ - Literature

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3513108 No.3513108 [Reply] [Original]

>creative writing workshops

People don't actually go to these right?

>> No.3513116
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>mfw some people pay for shit like that

>> No.3513121

Me? No, I sit at home all day on the internet and make fun of other people.

>> No.3513133
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>confirmed for attending writing classes

you suck

>> No.3513137

Well, my publisher told me to as it would help my image making contacts with college professors in the industry.

>> No.3513144
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>caring about your image

Pleb as fuck

>> No.3513156

>confirmed as not published.

Yes I do care about my image. I have no illusions about my talent and know without a proper image my sales will diminish quickly.

>> No.3513166

Published any books we'd know of?

>> No.3513173

Most likely not, as I have said I am not that great of a writer and my publications are not nation wide. If you live on the west coast you have probably seen my work in book stores, but that is about it. I am barely able to scrape by on my royalties and continue to write. I fear the day my sales drop off and I need to get a "normal" job again.

>> No.3513197

Well, I wish you good luck in your future endeavors.

>> No.3513213

Same to you. I'm just gonna keep writing and hope eventually this all has a snowball effect.

>> No.3513224

Hey, I'm a good writer, and I'm gonna get some books published soon (i've already had numerous short stories published) but I've never heard of this image stuff.

I'm pretty much terrible at social stuff, so are you saying im gonna have to do that to get published?

>> No.3513242

If you want to be able to make a living off of it then yes. Also, never assume you're going to get published soon until you shine the contract. Your agent and publisher can drop you at any moment before the ink dries.

Also, never assume you are a good writer. Believing you're good enough leads to stagnation which leads to mediocrity. Always strive to be better than your current self, and never be satisfied. Sure, it's not that great of a feeling, but it moves you forward.

I'm garnering connections through things like signings, speaking with people who have places high up in the industry and can get me into contact with bigger publishers, and things of that nature. That is what you will need to do to keep your head above water.

>> No.3513244

>implying your publisher isn't fed up with your shitty writing and lousy ideas

They are bullshitting you so you'll go and learn some writing, possibly rip off some other guys idea.

>> No.3513250

When did lit get so cynical?

>> No.3513749

But I like it when people are brutally honest with my work, that's how I am compelled to constantly try new and different styles. I then read up on different authors, think critically about how the mechanics of my piece flow. See where I can tip my hat very subtly to my favourite things, etc. etc.

>> No.3513757
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no, they post their awful shit on the internet for feedback. That's far less embarrassing.

>> No.3513813
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I don't go to a creative writing workshop, I go to a creative writing school. Since I started, I've gotten a poem and a short story published, and Norway's largest publisher has shown considerable interest in me. Not to mention that my writing has improved tremendously, of course.
To help my image, I've started smoking ironically.

>> No.3513850


You sound completely insufferable.

>> No.3513939

>/lit/ in charge of turning into /ic/