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/lit/ - Literature

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3511605 No.3511605[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Just a friendly reminder that you will never be rich and live in a large house.

>> No.3511611

But.. what if I am and do???

>> No.3511612

Reported, go back to /sci/ They 'like' you there

>> No.3511618

Oh, but I am rich and live in a large house.

>> No.3511643

I don't give a shit about any large house, I just want enough to keep me studying my whole life. Never gonna happen ;_;.

>> No.3511656

>mfw poor and live in a large house

Was hit by a bomb during WW2 and no one fixed it up until we moved in so we got it very cheap. Its all nice now but probably will have to sell it because we can't afford to pay our bills and need to get the money somewhere.

>> No.3511667

Who cares? Happiness is more important than money.

>> No.3511673

Spare time to waste on shit like this is the privilege of the leisure class. Well, used to be even more so, but if you're wasting time on '/lit/ you're probably relatively rich.

>> No.3511675


Not necessarily. In my case its because I'm unemployed.

>> No.3511678

I wouldn't want either.

>> No.3511683

What exactly would you do with a big house and copious amounts of money?

>> No.3511690

Yet you don't starve

>> No.3511689

but what if i win in a lottery

>> No.3511692

enjoy life in peace and quiet

fund art

>> No.3511693

>look guis im sooo free spirited and open-minded I dont need no moneys!

>> No.3511695

>copious amounts of money = any money at all

You can't argue for shit.

>> No.3511697

But I will. My grandparents are dying and I inherit half. I'm getting their main house, which is large to me at 6 BD 3 BA, 50 acres and whatever money comes from the rest of the half. Should be a decent amount.

The taxes are going to be a good $4,000 per year, but even with my measly teaching job I can afford that.

>> No.3511698

Jokes on you. Family has saved a lot and it looks like I'm going to marry in a well-off family. Best of all noone I know has those uppity pretentious typically associated with moneyed people.

>> No.3511700

to make that /lit/ related because I thought I was on /r9k/, one of the rooms is already a dedicated library. But it's almost entirely books on ancestry. The walls have built-in shelves.

I'm not sure what I want to do there. Put all my grandmother's books in storage or sell them so I can make room for my own? Or keep them there and put mine in another dedicated library room.

>> No.3511702
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>as long as I have my basement corner to become spiteful and bitter and reflect on life before I get sick and die i'm okay

>> No.3511705

Had a very sad thought the other day when I realised the only chance I ever have to own a house is the inheritance I get when my parents die.

Otherwise it is too expensive to ever afford a deposit.

>> No.3511709

I just need 7k to pay for my skydiving classes and to buy my own gear.

>> No.3511717

But I'm in medical school...

>> No.3511730
File: 63 KB, 399x382, 1357821691505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's asong


>> No.3511759

>this video contains content from UMB, it is not available in your country
I guess I won't be needing the parachute then.

>> No.3511762

Well if you're gonna make a fuss try this one

>> No.3511772

Dear /lit/: you, too, can live in a large house! Move to one of the following states: MO KS OK TX AR LA MS TN AL FL SC GA

First, earn your fortune (not too much for this project anyway, $1M - $2M depending on how much you want) somewhere else. Then move in and pick the right neighborhood and you'll get all the conveniences of living in the first world and rock bottom cheap land.


Make two library rooms, and 6/3BA+50acres sounds like a family estate, so get ready to host all the family for various functions, at least if you want them to like you.

>> No.3511776

I currently have 1 bedroom and a lounge room.
I hardly ever leave my bedroom.
Why would I possibly want more rooms that I don't go into?
Although I guess a room full of books would be nice...

>> No.3511788

I could have married into money, but I fell in and lost all my charm... woops.

>> No.3511791

Hah, I've already got a cousin who took over as the matriarch, so I don't have to worry about that. But it definitely was at one point the family center. I really wouldn't mind hosting things, but I'm one of the only members of my family who went to university, so most of them think I'm a pretentious twat. My grandparents' money came from logging. It's not fancy money at all.

Your advice is good though. The house I'm talking about is valued right under $1 million. Similar houses in northern states seem to go for at least twice that much, and with the more eastern ones you would never get as much land with them.

>> No.3511799
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>you will always have cultural capital
>your arts degree will pay off in the end and you'll get a job doing something you like
>you'll settle down with a qt one day, because everyone does
These are the truths, /lit/.

>> No.3511825

Jesus christ that's scary

pls stahp

>> No.3511838
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>> No.3511843


I wish they were. In my mind the truths are:
>you are going to be poorer than your parents
>you will never be able to afford a home
>you are more likely to get divorced or never married than any previous generation
>pensions and healthcare won't exist by the time you're old and the environment will be fucked.

>> No.3511851
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>> No.3511864
File: 65 KB, 278x400, That's mein horse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>capthca: errors eiuedb

>> No.3511879

Go back to farmville

>> No.3511891

Thankfully all I've ever needed was a basic one bedroom set up. My only real goal is a front lawn and a porch that are mine and mine alone. I'm thinking of moving to the south and finishing my work down there.

>> No.3511897

>yfw you realize all these years of hipster act like you're poorer than you are culture was just conditioning for when we're really poor

>> No.3511904

i know, it's a shame. no giant library, no lavish paintings adorning the walls, no balustrades, no chandeliers, no spiraling staircases, no secret corridors, no verandas overlooking lush mountain scenery or coastline. i'll be confined to cramped little crummy apartments for the rest of my days. depressing.

>> No.3511909

i will probably be rich tho

stem master race