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3510905 No.3510905 [Reply] [Original]

I'm not exactly sure if this is a good place to post this, but I've been going through this crisis where I have this insane fear that I may become sympathetic toward sexual immorality.
(As in, the non-accepted forms. As in, I fear I may become a NMBLA ((I think that's how it's spelled... I don't want to look it up.)) supporter or something.)
I've been freaking out so bad about this. I stay awake at night thinking the thought police will come catch me and the government is searching through my history.

Please, give some convincing philosophical, ideological, whatever, arguments on why certain forms of sexual immorality are much more serious than something like homosexuality or free love.

>> No.3510924

I've always felt sorry for pedo's. I mean, I'm not ok with what they are into, not saying that at all. What I'm saying is, you know how they say people are born gay and its not their choice? Well, maybe you're born being attracted to kids. You cant help it that's what you want and the whole world hates you for it.

Again, I think they need help and if they actually pose a threat to a children they should be put away. Just saying, I feel bad for them.

>> No.3510933

I kinda felt the same after watching The Woodsman

captcha Loliti

>> No.3510946

Kids cannot really consent because kids are stupid fucks.

That's all I really needed.

>> No.3510950

Your IP has been logged, please keep your door unlocked so that the authorities may enter freely.

>> No.3510954


there is a huge differential in awareness, intelligence, expectations, knowledge, etc., between a child and an adult

while i think that consent has problems, those mostly relate to what occurs between two people similar in age. it is far more clear that a child cannot understand the sexual nature of the exchange between him/herself and the adult

>> No.3510955

I think perhaps this is my stance too. And maybe I think I'm more than just a sympathizer because most people are very hostile to the whole thing, and I'm not the kind of person who thinks pedos need to be murdered or something. And perhaps treatment could be better for people if there wasn't such hysteria. I don't know. Maybe the guilt I'm feeling is just ridiculous. But I don't know, I just don't feel that sort of outrage when someone talks about it. But maybe that's just because I'm not thinking about the actual effects of abuse or something. Like how when I watch TV and hear about shootings I don't really feel an outpouring of emotion because I'm not actually thinking about the fucked up shit that happened. Or maybe I'm a heartless douche. I don't know.

>> No.3510956

Please spread your ass cheeks so that my foot may enter freely

>> No.3510969

Anything you say or do may be used against you in a court of law.

>> No.3510989

I also think about shit like pederasty, and why all the emperors were fucked up in more ways than one. And I guess incest goes along with that.

But truly, the people practicing that kind of thing were usually not virtuous any other ways either. But then that reminds me of homosexuality again and how often the kinds of people practicing that were not super moral either.
I don't know. I'm thinking too much. Shit like this doesn't need to be explained, it just IS.

>> No.3511038
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It sounds like you're becoming Dennis Reynolds.

I don't know, you talk about sympathy "toward sexual immorality." Like what? Some book recommendations.

> Pedophilia
Lolita's the obvious choice here, but I'm going to recommend The End of Alice by A.M. Homes.

Child of God by Cormac McCarthy ought to clear that up.

I don't know, that's not the worst thing you can do. (Goes to show my "sympathies." I just honestly think it's almost a non-issue in comparison to everything listed, or else it's just something you parse out between one another.) I guess read Anais Nin's account of the time she fucked her dad for a more extreme example, which may or may not cure you.

Fuck, I don't know. Has there been a novel that deals with pederasty? Herodotus says that this pretty much stems from the Greeks (even the Persians learned it from them), so tread carefully in that realm. This is provided that anything could set you off. At this point I'm wondering if you should be reading anything.

>> No.3511059

dear protopedo,
if you are still kinda young I can understand. I actually was afraid I could abuse kids because I was attracted to them. I still kind of was a kid. And most of my sexual experiences were with young girls, cause I was a young boy. But I mean yeah still when I was like 20, I was thinking like.. a 12 year old girl.. ya know, I still had attachments to being NINE and 12-year old girls were the fuckin bomb.

But I grew up. That's the problem with old pedos, they haven't grown up. They have some kind of stunted attachment to this youth thing and a lot of them start out feeling really innocent about it, like they just wanna be little boys.. but reality gets in the way and gradually it starts to become a shameful curse mixed with their sense of their own decay and.... I really think if you engage your sexuality honestly it shouldn't "naturally" get into territory that is naturally destructive (which, for some reason humping kids is proving to be)

>> No.3511130

I'm still in high school and also female... I really shouldn't be saying any of this but yeah...
I have lots of messed up feelings about things. Like love of effeminate men and sometimes misogyny, which I believe I've acquired from bishonen and 4chan respectively. I don't know. I've never actually had any kind of sexual thought about someone who wasn't around my age or older or about a family member or anything like that. I just have an overactive interest in sex, which I blame on the fact that no one installed internet restrictions when I was like 12.

>> No.3511139

i think we demonize certain forms of sexual 'immorality' more than other, arguably more serious transgressions as an outlet for our innate cathartic bloodlust. things like trial-by-media and crime shows have replaced public stonings and hangings to satiate our righteous sadism.

>> No.3511150

yo who gives a fuck morals are dumb go with what you feel and stop making yourself feel guilty for it

>> No.3511154

hormones are all over the place when you're that age for both sexes. experience things naturally and when you're twenty five you'll laugh at your current thoughts.

I know this is the "you'll understand when you're older" talk you might not want to hear (or even be able to understand) but some things do work like that.

>> No.3511158

Oh yeah... remember to be safe. the rest of your life is a long time to pay for something that felt good for an hour.

the point is that these things are natural. talking about them to explore them is healthy.

>> No.3511159

This argument makes no sense. So it's ok to hurt an adult because an adult's consent 'counts'?

As far as I know, there's only been one actual study of the psychological effect of fucking kids, and it showed that it's really only harmful when it's outright rape (i.e.'suprise sex').

>> No.3511167
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As a sexual deviant myself I would just like to say welcome to the fold. Do not resist, it is inevitable.

>> No.3511168

I actually find that more comforting than annoying.

But I still have fears that this is some kind of thing that will stick with me forever. Not that it's innate, but that being exposed to messed up shit on the internet has scarred me forever.

Confession: When I was like 13, I read incest/pedo fiction on the internet. I was overly curious and have never read such fiction again. Also went through a phase at a young age where I watched porn a lot. It was 'normal' stuff, but I still like 12/13 or something. I stopped and very rarely watch it anymore.

I've never told this shit to anyone and I don't think I ever will.

>> No.3511190

I guess it's more natural for a girl to feel guilty about those things than it is for a guy. It's like... as a guy, there's nothing to feel guilty about because females have most of the power in sex. Like.. personally I've always thought about those things in a mostly academic sense. I've never felt like I had the power to make any strange fantasies real. I read a bunch of weird stories when I was younger but I never looked at it as something that could ever really happen....

>> No.3511229

And everyone starts baw'ing over this person, simply because she is a girl and everyone else on this board is now remembering highschool and their life before it became hopeless and isolated.

Tits of GTFO

(Not that I have anything against you OP, i'm just annoyed how everyone here has this attitude that "women are worth nothing" etc, but the moment one comes into their midst, they fall like dominoes)

>> No.3511236


>> No.3511239

Hilariously oblivious white-knighting.

>> No.3511245


As a guy that read the same kind of shit/watched some fucked up porn at the same age (except incest, can’t get into it at all) I must admit I feel absolutely no regrets or concerns about it fucking me up.

Its porn, it is what you choose it to be. I am a big believer in self-control and self-determination, fucked up childhood experiences only affect you so long as you refuse to analyse and understand them. Once you sort out and understand your experiences they lose a great deal of influence in my experience.

>> No.3511261

>implying reading erotic lit is wrong
Discovering AnonyMPC was the greatest achievement of my teenage years.

>> No.3511318

Wait, what? We're not talking about hurting adults.

We're talking about sex with kids that wouldn't be hurtful with adults in the first place, but is for kids, because they can't consent.

and also psychological and sexual development

>> No.3511321

No, it's the same thing with me. Like, I'm outraged when I hear someone did things to a kid, but I don't get the whole thing of being outraged if someone so much as thinks about kids in a sexual way? I mean that's the way some people are and if that's what they're attracted to that's gotta suck. Not that anything excuses exploiting a kid who can't consent.

I have friends who are lolicons

>> No.3511325

>still in high school
>has overactive interest in sex
>thinks this is something to be worried about