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/lit/ - Literature

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3508347 No.3508347 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck are you reading motherfuckers?

>I'm currently reading
Contact by Carl Sagan, for a scientist I really think he's probably one of the best Sci-fi writers I've ever read.
>I recently finished:
One Hundred Years of Solitude, I still don't understand the appeal of books with so much incest.
>Next on my list:
True Grit by Charles Portis

>No one reads a post without a picture.

>> No.3508354

>I'm currently reading
Smiley's People, John LeCarré
>I recently finished:
White Noise, Don Dellilo
>Next on my list:
Sense and Sensibility, Jane Austen

>> No.3508359

>I'm currently reading
>I recently finished:
Fahrenheit 451
>Next on my list:
I'm really undecided. I'm kinda stuck between East of Eden, The House of the Dead, Don Quixote, and Maybe 1984.

>> No.3508373
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>I'm currently reading
Infinite Jest. Just chewed trough the "Wardine say her momma aint treat her right" chapter, it was almost physically paintful to read. But it's a great book so far, better than I expected.
>I recently finished:
Metamorphosis, again. This time as assigned reading.
>Next on my list:
Fahrenheit 451

>> No.3508393

>currently reading
Last book of Wheel of Time
>recently finished
Penultimate book of Wheel of Time
>Next on my list
No idea, I will be lost and without direction once I finish this. Four million words. Jesus christ.

>> No.3508394

>I still don't understand the appeal of books with so much incest

I think you're meant to look past this and you know, appreciate the writing. I don't think 'incest' in writing should be considered a limiting factor in literary merit.
>reading books for plot
>not for glorious prose

>> No.3508395

>currently reading
Les soleils des Indépendances, by Kourouma. Well, french african literature about an infertile woman who got excised & raped when younger and her husband who wonders if he is ready to take over the tribe, not really my kind of things but it's for a lecture and I must read it.

>Last finished
A fan's note, by Exley. Enjoyed it a lot.

>next reading
El aleph, by Borges. Also for a lecture.

>> No.3508405

>Recently finished
"A Hero of our Time" by Lermonotov
>Currently reading
"White Fang, Call of the Wild and other short stories"- Jack London
>Next Read
Probably Voltaire's "Candide" or "Tarzan of the Apes"

>> No.3508406

In that case I don't understand the appeal of it at all.

>> No.3508407

Naked Lunch (it's shite)
>prev book
Sophie's World (was shite)
>next book

>> No.3508425

>Currently reading
Dance with Dragons
>Last book
Feast for crows

>> No.3508444
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>I'm currently reading
>I recently finished:
Fear and Loathing
>Next on my list:
Portrait of an Artist as a Young Man

Have a photo of me.

>> No.3508445

>I'm currently reading
The Wind-up Bird Chronicle
>I recently finished
Out; Franny and Zooey (Out was terrible, burned through it so I could finish Franny and Zooey which I had previously started)
>Next on my list
Confessions of a Mask

great thread OP btw

>> No.3508448

>reading ulysses before he's ready

try-hard beginner-reader

>> No.3508449

How do you know when you are ready?

>> No.3508452

You put da lime in da coconut and shake it all up.

>> No.3508467


>Contact by Carl Sagan

>I'm currently reading
Vagina Monologues
>I recently finished
The Book of Sequels - Henry Beard
>Next on my list
Maybe A Universe from Nothing - Lawrence Krauss or Delusions of Gender - Cordelia Fine

>> No.3508469

Te es plebeiam obturatias.

>> No.3508480
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Reading: The Living are Few, the Dead Many

Finished: The Poems of Francios Villon

Next: Eden Eden Eden

>> No.3508525

"Without wincest, life would be a mistake"

- Friedrich Nietzsche

>> No.3508539

>currently reading
Stoner by John Williams, only 1/5th in but really liking it so far.
A Suppossedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again by David Foster Wallace, the tennis essays were great now in the final essay. Didn't like the one on david lynch at all.
>recently finishedBotchan by Natsume Soseki,
It was very good
>next up
The thirty years war

>> No.3508540

>I'm currently reading
Tropic of Cancer - Henry Miller
>I recently finished
Meat Market - Laurie Penny
>Next on my list
Razor's edge - Somerset Maugham

>> No.3508581

>currently reading
Haunted by Chuck P
>Just finished
American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis
>Up next
The Sirens of Titan By Vonnegut

>> No.3508603

>I'm currently reading
The Naked Sun by Isaac Asimove, enjoying it so far.
>I recently finished
No Deals, Mr. Bond by John Gardner, a light read
>Next on my list
Probably Zen and The Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, or Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.

>> No.3508614

>Currently Reading
Peter and Wendy
>Recently Finished
Peter in Kensington Gardens
>Reading Next
Not sure. Something more adult. Maybe The Great Gatsby, Dune or Gunslinger.

I'm doing a thing where I make sure I definitely read every day. It's working out well. Been doing it over a week and already finished 2 books.

>> No.3508634


>Peter in Kensington Gardens
It was pretty hodge podge but had quite a bit of charm to it. It's a few chapters out of a larger book Barrie wrote, this part just about Peter Pan.

From reading both, I have the feeling that Barrie was the kind of author who just started writing something without actually doing a plot, taking notes, or sorting anything out beforehand. Just winging it as he goes.

>> No.3508642



/tv/ regular from back in the day aren't you? or was it /mu/? either way I remember you were pretty chill. make your next book Dune, fun read that one

>> No.3508662

Yeah, that's me. It was /tv/. Weird/nice that someone remembered me. Thanks man!

I will totally definitely read Dune next. I've been putting it off for too long.

>> No.3508666

>I'm currently reading
The Temptation of Saint Anthony, Flaubert
>I recently finished:
God's Zeal: The Battle of the Three Monotheisms, Sloterdijk
>Next on my list:
No Longer Human, Dazai

>> No.3508682

>I'm currently reading
At Swim-Two-Birds, Flann O'Brien
>I recently finished:
The Man Who Was Thursday, G.K. Chesterton
>Next on my list:
Ficciones, Jorge Luis Borges

>> No.3508707

farenheit 451
atlantis found (i know, i wanted to read pulp for a change)
whatever appeals to me. list is endless

>> No.3508708

How was The Man who was Thursday? I saw it today at the bookstore and thought I should pick it up soon.

>> No.3508744

Please stop trying to troll people into reading DFW we all know the book is shit and NO ONE HERE ACTUALLY READ INFINITE JEST JUST STOP.

>> No.3508756

>>I'm currently reading
>>I recently finished
Heart of Darkness
>>Next on my list
The Great Shark Hunt

>> No.3508761

>I'm currently reading:
Notre Dame Des Fleurs - Jean Genet

>I recently finished:
The Tower I - King

>Next on my list:
The Tower II - King

>> No.3508763

Good grief, I fucking hate comics/pics/whatever like that in yours, OP. Regardless of liking or not liking the guy, what the fuck is that crap? Could you imagine yourself being reduced to that sort of little jokes "sagna with a space gun xDD he is awsum o_o'/ ". Fuck this shit. These artists should think a little bit before transforming anything they like into images.

>> No.3508766

this is what i clicked reply to this thread to say

also marquez writes the most beautiful prose of anything i've ever read

>> No.3508767

Good, easy and fun read. There are quite a few funny scenes and the prose isn't anything outstanding but it's solid. The alliteration can be a bit grating though; thankfully it doesn't permeate the entire novel, just a small part.

>> No.3508774

>I'm currently reading
Anna Karenina
>I recently finished:
Heart of darkness
>Next on my list:
The picture of Dorian grey.

>> No.3508775

>I'm currently reading
Skylark - Kosztolányi
>I recently finished:
The Tartar Steppe - Buzzati
>Next on my list:
The Magic Mountain - Mann

>> No.3508776

also reading stoner, i'm only about 40 pages im but i'm loving it, i get a lot less of the melancholy everyone talks about and a lot more of an almost uplifting stoicism

>> No.3508780
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>currently reading
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep by Philip K Dick, Lolita by Nabokov
>recently finished:
the Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett (Do I lose /lit/ street cred for this?)
Not sure. I might start cutting into my backlog of ebooks.

>> No.3508781

Monsieur Pain by Roberto Bolano
>made it through the first couple of hilarious stories before someone else put the library book on hold

Tristan by Thomas Mann
>same art isolation sickness stuff Mann usually complains about

Probably going to hunt down Monsieur Pain again to finish the rest of the stories

>> No.3508784


you're in for a treat, that being said i really didn't like the whole fake essay style too much, but Tlon and The South by themselves are fucking amazing

>> No.3508791

how are you liking pkd so far? i'm getting a scanner darkly in the mail tomorrow

>> No.3508809

>Currently reading
"Brave New World" - Aldous Huxley
>Recently finished
"On the Road" - Jack Kerouac
>Next on my list
"Catch-22" - Joseph Heller

>> No.3508813

Welcome to /lit/.

>> No.3508816

Currently Pierre Menard has me bogged down, I can't understand it at all. I'll have another go after Swim-Two-Birds.

>> No.3508829

Yeah, it's pretty obvious I don't know anything (yet).

>> No.3508832
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>I'm currently reading
Collected work of Franz Kafka and Brave New World
>I recently finished
Moscow 2042, Vladimir Voinovich
>Next on my list
War and Peace, Leo Tolstoy

>> No.3508834

>I'm currently reading:
Flaubert - Madame Bovary
Conrad - Heart of Darkness
Anthony Kiedis - Scar Tissue
Waugh - A handful of Dust
Locke - Political writings

>I recently finished:
Wolfe - Bonfire of the Vanities
Marks - Mr. Nice
Machiavelli - The Prince

>Next on my list:
Durrell - Justine
Penny - Meat Market
Gogol - Dead Souls
Sullivan - Pulphead

>> No.3508835

how do you not understand it? are you retarded?

the guy wrote a few chapters from Don Quixote, without having read Don Quixote. His version of Don Quixote, though it uses the exact same words as Cervantes', has a totally different meaning if you consider the circumstances in which they were each written. Just think of all the implications of that scenario, that's the point.

>> No.3508841

>Currently reading
Blood Meridian.

>Recently finished
The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle.

>Next on my list
The Aeneid

>> No.3508849

You are literally me from one year ago.

You'll be reading the iliad and the odyssey one year into the future just so you know.

>> No.3508850

>Currently reading
Love in the Time of Cholera - Gabriel Garcia Marquez
>Just finished
Inside Mr. Enderby - Anthony Burgess
>Next on list
I, Claudius - Robert Graves

>> No.3508852

Why the fuck do people read five books at a time? One, that's fine; two, pushing it; three, stop now. I guarantee you won't finish those books either.

>> No.3508853


True, but they're not bad books (except On the Road)

The other two are books I loved when I first got into reading though I still think Catch-22 is one of the best books I've ever read.

>> No.3508861

That is how post-modernism emerged. People read five books at once and then emulated the style they read.

>> No.3508866

Why do you feel On the Road is a bad book?

>> No.3508872

yeah that "essay" in paricular threw me off, tlon was the only essay i really liked, his actual stories are much better

>> No.3508878
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Because I lose interest fast.

>> No.3508884


It just felt aimless. It was a while ago but it just felt like a crappy travel journal about people I didn't like - first they went to New York, then San Francisco, then back to New York again and so forth.

I know others get a lot more from it but it just bored me.

>> No.3508897

Ah, I can see that. It seems like a book you have to relate to enjoy. It felt kind of shallow and annoying at times, but Sal`s outlook on life was pretty similar to mine a lot of the time and the little explosive revelations that pop up are pretty exciting.

>> No.3508916

Dubliners, Joyce
>recently finished
Prometheus Bound and Other Plays, Aeschylus
Contact, or Tao Te Ching

>> No.3508917

currently: dune messiah
finished: dune
next: farewell to arms

>> No.3508921

>currently reading
the remains of the day
>last reads (i was reading 3 at the same time, finished them around the same time)
dr jekyl and mr hyde and other short stories
nine stories
>next book
either the great gatsby (never read before), the 10th of december, or to the lighthouse

>> No.3508925

>currently reading
Kafka on the Shore, and Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding.

>Last finished
A Brief History of Time

>Reading next
Something by Pynchon and Critique of Pure Reason.

>> No.3508939
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>I'm currently reading
Daniil Kharms - Today I Wrote Nothing
>I recently finished:
László Krasznahorkai - Satantango
>Next on my list:
Henry David Thoreau - Walden

>> No.3508941

>Why the fuck do people read five books at a time?
I usually have one as an audio book that I listen to when travelling or working, one general fiction and a non-fiction on the go, and required reading on top of that.

Also, I get a lot more out of a book by spreading out the time taken reading it. If I plough through a book in a day I forget the majority of it. If I read a few chapters of it, put it down and read a few from another, I have to recall more information when returning to it and I end up remembering a lot more. I also prefer the layering of different prose styles like that.

>One, that's fine; two, pushing it; three, stop now.
Sorry, Dad.

>I guarantee you won't finish those books either.
Thanks for your guarantee, really, but I've been reading multiple books for years.

>> No.3508948
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OP, excellent choices. I'm currently reading Pale Blue Dot, also by the excellent dude Carl Sagan.
And your next choice, True Grit, is an excellent book I read a few months ago. One of my favorites, in my top...ten, I guess...

>> No.3508960
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>I'm currently reading
Notes from the Underground by Dostoevsky
>I recently finished:
The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg. Good toilet reading.
>Next on my list:
Underworld by Don DeLillo

>> No.3508964

>Not reading Tolstoy

>> No.3508965

>I've been reading multiple books for years

>> No.3508971
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Thomas Pinecone - Gravity's Rainbow

>recently finished
Adolfo Bioy Casares - Diario De La Guerra Del Cerdo

Julio Cortázar - Ceremonias

>> No.3508972
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>not reading them both

oh man

>> No.3508979

I'm sorry to hear that, Anon. Perhaps instead of shitposting in caps, you should go and finish one.

>> No.3508980

>I'm currently reading
The Castle
>I recently finished:
A portrait of the artist as a young man
Notes from the underground
>Next on my list:
The Magic Mountain

>> No.3508982
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>I'm currently reading
Femmes de Dictateu, Diane Ducret. Currently reading about Lenin, he almost seems decent, compared to Mussolini at least.
>I recently finished:
Haunted, by muh Palahniuk. Honestly, /lit/, it was like a nightmare. I started reading it, then I couldn't stop, even though it was so dull and overall too 'try hard'. The reason I went on is because I wanted to know what was the deal with Miss Sneezy and that's all.
and don't get me started on his poems
>Next on my list:
collection of Russian short stories, some Pushkin, some Gogol, maybe I will recover...

>> No.3508987

>for a scientist I really think he's probably one of the best Sci-fi writers I've ever read.
>for a scientist I really think he's probably one
>for a scientist
>for a

Dat racist . jpg

Dont have to be mean with stem-fags.

>> No.3508988

This is the way to. I've got an audio book, which will usually be a nonfiction, for when I go jogging, a textbook on a subject I want some knowledge of, and a fiction book. I think a person's temperament has to match in order to enjoy doing this. I'm a pretty impatient person that wants to read a lot of things so I can't imagine doing it one book at a time. I like switching it up and organizing it all in my head as a form of reflection. But yeah, you gotta make sure you follow through and finish it and kind of know when you're overloading yourself so you can slow down.

>> No.3509006

The poem's were shit. I just sped read them as if they were intro sentences completely ignoring the stanza shit. Guts was a good story for what it was and some of the others were interesting in their premise just not very well written, like he didn't do enough with it. But I think I'll always like the last story about heaven and the suicide kits. I don't know what you thought but I think that one really came together.

>> No.3509020


Oh yeah, actually. That last one was okay, provoked me to think a bit.

I also half-skipped the poems, just read those random statements.

I also enjoyed a bit the Nightmare Box motive, as cliche as it was.

But the rest of the book for me was: Hey. Hey reader. You shocked yet? cause you know, humans are twisted creatures, yeah? So, you shocked? You're not shocked? HOW ABOUT MORE GORE?! HOW ABOUT IT THEN?!

>> No.3509066
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Not what I was expecting at all. For a Romanticist novel, surprisingly dark, darkly funny, and shockingly bold and controversial for its time. Hell, shockingly bold for our time. Intriguing storytelling and disturbing thematic commentary. I'm about 2/3 of the way through. Do recommend.

>> No.3509133

>I'm currently reading
Ham on Rye by Bukowski.
>I recently finished:
Stoner by John Williams
>Next on my list:
Little Boy Blue by Jens Bjorneboe

>> No.3509145
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>I'm currently reading
La Fontaine's Fables f.v., for reason unknown some character names have been changed to fit modern existing nationalities. Turks, americans, german, etc. it has a weird vibe and sometimes it literally look like whoever wrote this tried to insult american in a witty way.but since its in French text are only updated grammatically instead of being rewrote. La Fontaines is a great writer, I'd say.
>I recently finished:
Ishmael, great philosophical book but some info he base is ideas on are unfounded/outdated/proved wrong. Was a nice read.
>Next on my list:
Oh hell if I know, maybe start reading Greek philosophy or finish The Atlas of Middle-Earth

>> No.3509161

>I'm currently reading
Lolita by Nabokov, pretty interesting read so far I'm glad I finally started it.
>I recently finished
Farenheit 451, was okay not as great as my friend made it sound.
>Next on my list:
A Clockwork Orange

>> No.3509187
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>I'm currently reading
Failure (Whitechapel: Documents of Contemporary Art)

A bit dry and heavy with the acedemics but interesting look into failure in the art world

>I recently finished:
Naked Lunch by William S. Burroughs

Interesting read, trippy as fuck

>Next on my list:
The Wind-up Bird Chronicle by Haruki Murakami

I enjoyed reading hard-boiled wonderland and the end of the world, so I'm looking forward to this one.

>> No.3509228

Candide, Voltaire.
Prose Edda, Sturluson.
Peace, Gene Wolfe.
Gravity's Rainbow, Pynchon (just passed the halfway mark and it's already one of my favourite books.)
Gödel, Escher, Bach, Hofstadter.
Rendezvous with Rama, Clarke.
Illuminations, Benjamin.

>> No.3509251

>I'm currently reading
Botchan: Natsume Soseki
>I recently finished:
The Sea of Fertility: Mishima Yukio
>Next on my list:
The Pencil—A History of Design and Circumstance: Henry Petroski

>> No.3509266

>Bioy Casares
I like you, sir. I really do.

>> No.3509270

Have you watched Bela Tarr's film version?

>> No.3510368

>Farenheit 451

Shit, a lot of people are reading this! What's up? Is there some kind of /lit/ book club or something?

>> No.3510396


Wise Blood
Time's Arrow
To The Lighthouse


The Heart is a Lonely Hunter


The Picture of Dorian Gray
Madame Bovary

>> No.3510414

>I'm currently reading
Gravity's Rainbow by Pynchon
>I recently finished:
Crying of Lot 49 and V by Pynchon (Pretty much was interested in the guy and went for a chronological approach)
>Next on my list:
Either I go on with Pynchon after GR or I go for some asian classics starting with 'The Tale of Genji'.

>> No.3510420

>I'm currently reading
Dialogs with Leuco by Cesare Pavese. Amazing book. Really mindblowing. A great surprise, didn't expect to be that good.
>I Recently Finished:
¡Qué viva la música! (Long live the music!) by Ándres Caicedo. Also, great book. The last monologue is full of so many things, the images, the way it mix with the music.
>Next of my list
Poems of the Cante Jondo by Federico García Lorca.

>> No.3510432


>I'm currently reading
Infinite Jest (lol u mad bro?)

>I recently finished
Aristotle's poetics for a class
Animal farm

>Next on my list
One of the classics, maybe finally get past the 3rd page of Moby Dick, or maybe Brave New World, don't really know, suggestions welcome (chances are I haven't read it)

>> No.3510436
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>I'm currently reading
The High King by Lloyd Alexander
>I recently finished:
Inside the Third Reich by Albert Speer
>Next on my list:
Tournament by David Crouch

>> No.3510454
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>I'm currently reading
>I recently finished:
Consider Phlebas
>Next on my list:
Dune Messiah

Dune is so fucking good I can't believe I left off reading it for so long

>> No.3510459

Out by Natsuo Kirino? what did you hate about it?

>> No.3510469

Isn't it? I need to get started on Children of Dune, thought about checking it out today, but I dunno, maybe that's what I'll read next.

>> No.3510487

I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream by Harlan Ellison
(very excited to begin this)

The October Country by Ray Bradbury (7.5, not as good as The Illustrated man but good nonetheless)


We by Yevgeny Zamyatin or A Farewell To Arms
(which does /lit/ suggest?)

>> No.3510556

>Currently Reading:
"A Day in Old Athens" by W. S. Davis
>Recently Finished:
"The Ancient Greeks" by M. I. Finley
>Next On List:
Another book relating to Graeco-Roman history and/or philosophy in general

Regarding "Contact" by Carl Sagan, you'll find what appears to be quite a deistic conception throughout the book. While Carl Sagan was best-known as an atheist, he was actually more of a pantheist. He believed that there was a sentient Universe that existed before us. This Universe was sentient because the civilizations which grew in it had finally reached the ultimate reality: a technologically-connected universe, where all matter and reality was linked together. All lifeforms had shared a single, collective sentience, a sort of artificial omniscience. Ostensibly after millions of years of evolution among self-conscious beings, they had transcended their physical bodies and in effect, the entire Universe was like a single brain. According to Sagan's spiritualistic theory, this Universe was essentially God and as its last act, it committed suicide in order to restart the process. The God-Universe collapsed in on itself and recreated itself in the form of the Big Bang, the evidence of its existence being the apparent uniformity and mathematical perfection of this universe.

While I won't ruin the ending for you, I can assure you that one of the major criticisms of "Contact" is that it was too spiritual and theistic-esque for most science fiction readers. It appeared uncharacteristic for Sagan. In reality, however, "Contact" was an allusion to his own personal spiritual beliefs. After I found this out, the meaning of the book took on an entirely new level.

>> No.3510604

>Currently reading:
Tristam Shandy, Moby Dick, Gravity's Rainbow
(I need to alternate between the three, good lord they are hard to read)
>I recently finished
Crime and Punishment. I thought it was great, I could identify with Raskolnikov a good deal.
>Next up on my list
Blood Meridian, The Idiot, a non-abridged version of the Brothers K (got through all 500 pages before realizing my version omitted a lot of important parts including the Grand Inquisitor).

>> No.3510702

>I'm currently reading
I Robot-Isaac Asimov
>I recently finished:
A Scanner Darkly-PKD
>Next on my list:
Neuromancer-William Gibson

>> No.3510706

nigga u cray

>> No.3510710

>I'm currently reading
Homage to Catalonia
>I recently finished:
Breakfast of Champions
>Next on my list:
Midnight's Children or Blood Meridian

>> No.3510755

>I'm currently reading
Homage to Catalonia
>I recently finished
>Next on my list

>> No.3510921

>I'm currently reading
A Dance with Dragons (ASOIF), George R.R. Martin
>I recently finished:
A Feast for Crows
>Next on my list:
Oxford Bookworms Factfiles: Gandhi: Level 4: 1400-Word Vocabulary
by Christine Lindop
(Got to read it, ESL teacher)
Then I will read Hamlet, or finish Great Expectations (read it at uni, never finished)

>> No.3510932

>Currently reading
The Scarlet Letter
>Recently Finished
Good Omens
1984. I'm fucking excited.

>> No.3510941
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>I'm currently reading
The Emperor of All Maladies by Siddhartha Mukherjee
>I recently finished
Lord of The Flies.
>Next on my list
Either Great Expectations or The Great Gatsby. What do you recommend?

>> No.3510945

>I'm currently reading
The End of Time by Julian Barbour. If you want something that will give you an intellectual workout, read this
>I recently finished
The Castle by Kafka and just before that Ulysses. A non-fiction break is sort of nice
>Next on my list:
The Fall by Camus or The Crying of Lot 49 by Pynchon, can't decide (maybe an anon could decide for me?)

>> No.3510947


>> No.3510949

Gatsby is the bigger classic, and probably deeper and better written, but GE is just a really fun read, and doesn't take long at all. I'd go with Gatsby first just to have read it, but definitely read GE.

>> No.3510960

I'd say Crying of Lot 49, it's a pretty easy read compared with Pynchon's other stuff.

>> No.3510965

>Currently reading
1984. I honestly didn't think it'd be so good.
>Recently Finished
Crime and Punishment
No one writes to the Colonel

>> No.3510985

I think i may do that. I really want to read Gravity's Rainbow soon but I wanna read the crying lot first

>> No.3511107

I think you should read V too. Crying is a good introduction to Pynchon, but V really shows you his 'style' of writing.
And I also heard there are characters that appear in Gravity's Rainbow that are introduced in V.

>> No.3511272

You should also read V. first
It's shorter (not saying much, still 500+ pages) and I enjoyed it a lot more - it's still very much in Pynchon's style but the density is less numbing than in Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.3511633

Lord of the flies
>Just finished
Animal Farm
>Next up
Brave new world

>Yes I'm new here.

>> No.3511648

>I'm currently reading
A Farewell To Arm
>I recently finished:
>Next on my list:
Lolita or Dubliners, not sure yet.

>> No.3511655

Currently reading Neuromancer and just finished the Foundation Trilogy. How many pages do you tend to read before you deciding you don't like a book?

>> No.3511658

I'd say about 40-50 maybe. But then I still carry on reading it regardless.

>> No.3511676

I have, it was very... enjoyable? I don't know, I enjoyed it despite how depressing (and of course long,) it was. It's what made me read the book, and I'm glad I did.

>> No.3511682

>I'm currently reading
Wind Up Bird Chronicles (Chinese)
Probability Theory
Some readings on Philosophy of Mind

>I recently finished:
The Glass Bead Game

>Next on my list:
Critique of Pure Reason

>> No.3511699

A visit from the Goon Squad. Reeding it for College. Up to chapter 3 now and thinking it's very average with a kinda neat time period switching gimmick.
For Whom The Bell Tolls, Hemingway. Had some feelzy moments in there ;_;
I'd taken a break from War and Peace. Might pick it up again.

>> No.3511710

>I'm currently reading
The God Machine by William Jon Watkins
Once Upon a Number by John Allen Paulos

>I recently finished
More Than Human by Theodore Sturgeon
The Castle by Franz Kafka

>Next on my list
Possibly Dostoevsky's The Idiot or Borges' Labyrinths

>> No.3511711

I find a page thing issn't too helpful, but if I am put off it enough to put it down, and then come back later and still can't get into it, maybe by going a few pages back, then I drop it.

Gibson is kind of a bad writer with good ideas sort of fellow. Once Case and Molly start dicking around in space in the final act I had no fucking clue what was happening.

>> No.3511715

>>3508445 CoaM is a great book. Hope you'll enjoy it.

I'm currently reading "Blood Meridian" and "Notes from the underground" (I think this is the book's name in english). I'm enjoying both.

Next book I'll probably read will be "The crying of lot 49" (?).

>> No.3511728

Well first of, you're supposed to have read Dubliners and Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man BEFORE you start Ulysses

>> No.3511736

Labyrinths was.. strange. It's like Borges gets too lazy to write a whole book for each story.

Idiot was really good, Saw the ending coming from miles away, and it was still pretty rage-inducing.

>> No.3511768

>I'm currently reading:
Royal Assassin by Robin Hobb
>I recently finished:
An Ideal Husband by Oscar Wilde
>Next on my list:
Gormenghast by Mervyn Peake

>> No.3511769


>It's like Borges gets too lazy to write a whole book for each story.

It isn't about storytelling for him but rather conveying ideas. The short length perfectly complimented what he wanted to achieve. Looking at him as a traditional fiction writer is missing the point slightly.

>> No.3511781
File: 182 KB, 1728x1080, 1270450614570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always thought Carl was an Agnostic. But yeah, holy shit, if that's what Carl Sagan thought I'm like floored...

>Because that's what I believed before I even heard of him.

>> No.3511798
File: 264 KB, 486x750, taipei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"CivilewarLand in Bad Decline" by George Saunders
>Just Finished
"dad says he saw you at the mall" by Ken Sparling
>Next Up
Notes from the Underground

>> No.3511828

What the fuck are these images? I keep seeing them.

Is there a website that generates them or something?

>> No.3511832

The thing is that so many of his short stories already deal with the same closely related themes (infinity, time, mazes)

>> No.3511842

Yeah, I can't remember what it was called, but supposedly it gives you the true meaning of a word...

>I'll google it

>Origin Generator

>> No.3511844


Think of them as variations on the theme of abstraction.

It's a theme that includes everything in a way.

>> No.3511876

>"CivilewarLand in Bad Decline" by George Saunders

How is it? I heard DFW recommend it and now I'm interested...

>> No.3511881
File: 21 KB, 216x330, All-Hell-Let-Loose-by-Max-Hastings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm currently reading
All Hell Let Loose - Max Hastings
>I recently finished
A Day in the Life of Ivan Denesovitch - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
>Next on my list:
Iron Curtain - Anne Applebaum

History nerd reporting in. Hasting's book is great so far, excited for Applebaum's book. Read Gulag by her over the summer, and it was fantastic.

>> No.3511888

>I'm currently reading
The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda
>I recently finished:
The Illuminatus! Trilogy
I don't plan that far ahead...

>> No.3511896

Well, first off, I have read Dubliners. Second off, show me where these rules are written down.

>> No.3511900 [DELETED] 
File: 695 KB, 2560x1920, 20130227_072119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my reads - some back issues of swamp thing

>> No.3511943
File: 695 KB, 2560x1920, 1361978905029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>current reads
strength shit
book of le dead
>recently finished
cyndi lauper a memoir
7 habits of highly effective people

>> No.3512056

The good war
The things they carried
idfk lol

>> No.3512511

Is a scanner darkly any good?

>> No.3512529

>I'm currently reading
Lord of Emperors
>I recently finished:
The Black Company I
>Next on my list:

>> No.3512552

>I'm currently reading
Great Expectations by Charles Dickens
>I recently finished
Catcher in the Rye by J.D Salinger
>Next on my list
Calico Joe by John Grisham

>> No.3512560

Because you're only 40 pages in bro.

>> No.3514607

Currently reading: gilead-Marilyn Robinson

Recently finished: the Upanishads, the story of O, the claiming of sleeping beauty-Anne rice

Next to read- the hero with a thousand faces- joeseph Campbell, the fellowship of the ring, beauty's punishment

>> No.3514632

As if we actually care what other people are reading.

>> No.3515058


>> No.3515075

>I'm currently reading
Das Kapital vol. 1.
>I recently finished:
Catch-22, not for the first time.
>Next on my list:
Why would I keep a list?

>> No.3515103

>Currently Reading
The Girl on the Fridge - Edgar Keret

>Recently Finished
Scorch Atlas - Blake Butler

>Next Up
House of Leaves, for like the 5th or 6th time - Mark Danielewski

>> No.3515118

How much did Scorch Atlas suck? Wait, you've read House of Leaves at least 4 times, so never mind.