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/lit/ - Literature

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3505077 No.3505077 [Reply] [Original]

Dear Diary,

Today three whole people texted or messaged me of their own volition, putting off suicide til next Thursday.

>> No.3505098

Yeah things can sure suck sometimes. When I'm feeling bad I whack it eat some food and go to sleep.

>> No.3505106

Yesterday a girl texted me.
It was alright.

>> No.3505137

This morning I refused to have sex with my gf, because I wanted to work on my paper on MT. I ended up on 4chan again.

>> No.3505147

Last night I didn't sleep a wink because my heart was palpitating and every time I drifted off I would jolt upright gasping for breath a few minutes later. My heart is still going nuts now. This might be my last day on Earth, /lit/.

>> No.3505159


>> No.3505171

Dear Diary,

Last night, I laid in bed and felt as if I was wrapped in a warm cocoon. I was in bliss falling in and out of pleasant dreams.

At some point, I noticed my bladder was full and decided to get up and piss. On my way to the bathroom, I began to feel nauseous. Once I reached the toilet, I puked and then tried to piss. The pee would not flow. I turned the water faucet on but it didn't help. I relaxed and waited and fell into another pleasant dream while standing.

I felt warm. Warm and wet. I woke to find I was pissing all over my legs.

>> No.3505173


What you have is anxiety disorder. It's treatable. Go see a doctor.

>> No.3505181

But I have nothing to feel anxious about. I think it's related to high cholesterol. It's been happening for months now. Sometimes my left arm goes numb or gets pins and needles, and once or twice (including last night) the left side of my face had that as well.

Maybe I'll see a doctor this week.

>> No.3505186

Dear Diary,

Sometimes I go on /lit/, but then I remember I both rarely read and that English has never been my strong suit in school. I sometimes think of writing like photography, I wouldn't want to write or take photos of interesting things, I'd like to be interesting. At the same time I'm jealous of people with passion in anything because if too stupid to know what I like and to go with that. I guess I'll go draw because guitar isn't as fun as it looks. Tally ho.

>> No.3505187

Dear Diary,

I wanted to read today but I didn't. I'll read tomorrow.


Dear Diary,

I wanted to read today but I didn't. I'll read tomorrow.


Dear Diary,

I wanted to read today but I didn't. I'll read tomorrow.


Dear Diary,

I wanted to read today but I didn't. I'll read tomorrow.

>> No.3505188

>Maybe I'll see a doctor this week.
See a doctor now, you cunt.
Go to the emergency room if it happens again, don't just brush it off like it's nothing.

I don't care if you want to die or not, there's no sense in dying painfully when it can be avoided.

>> No.3505189

I can relate to this, anon. It is a sad existence.

>> No.3505190
File: 88 KB, 565x318, 397_FruitGirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop drinking and smoking weed.

>> No.3505193


It is for this reason that the anxiety disorder is a disease: it occurs for no reason, or for a totally disproportionate reason. We all feel anxious to certain situations, but the pathological anxiety often erupts from nowhere, with very strong symptoms that had nothing to do with what we are living.

Sometimes I was just sitting on the couch, and for no reason began to feel the symptoms: shortness of breath, dizziness, tachycardia. It's horrible, but it is curable.

I suggest you consult a psychiatrist. I'm not trying to offend: it is advice. I know how that feeling of not being able to breathe and chest palpitations.

>> No.3505197

Dear Diary,

I'm a wheelchair bound paraplegic. My dick doesn't work and I'll never have sex. I'm bitter as fuck and capable people who complain about being virgins piss me off.

>> No.3505198
File: 245 KB, 1024x768, ccc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come on OP, I shouldn't have to tell you that circumstances don't determine happiness

Get a load of these guys: http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/stoicism/#influence

>> No.3505210

Why don't you just kill yourself then? I'd jump---er roll out of a high window if I was retarded.

>> No.3505212
File: 95 KB, 700x532, 3861817_700b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear Diary,

The world's a fucked up place, but we're gonna make it.

Here's a funny picture for you, OP.

>> No.3505222

>putting off suicide til next Thursday.

Think of the words of Tyrion, the dwarf from Game of Thrones: Death too definite, too finalist, while life always offers new and unimagined possibilities.

There are many pleasures in life, if we can not all be playboys rolling around in big cars and fucking several models and actresses, life still promises us many joys. Waking up early in saturday, go to the garden, pick up the morning sun on my face and shoulders, and eat oranges and bergamots is for me a supreme pleasure, and costs very little. And there are a lot of such joys in life.

>> No.3505226

>Contemplating suicide
>Really shitty GoT quote
Oh good god. At least put some effort into it.

>> No.3505231 [DELETED] 

Diaries are dumb.

I read my friend's mom's diary and found out she had herpes.

>> No.3505241

>About 8 out of 10 adults have oral herpes.

Protip: It's the worlds most common virus.

>> No.3505244


it was genital herpes.

and what happened to my post?

>> No.3505252


And horrors, and horrors, and horrors with no end.

Glad you have a garden. We have gangs and guns, blam blam, there goes another one.

>> No.3505255


Where do you live?

>> No.3505276
File: 206 KB, 2220x1306, DSC00855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand people who choose to continue suffering for no other reason than 'suicide is wrong'. If you are unhappy, and there is nothing you can do to change it, just end it. Needless suffering is wrong.

>> No.3505284
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>Today three whole people texted or messaged me of their own volition
Was it your birthday?

>> No.3505310

Dear Diary,

Today I learned to listen to the advice of Baloo the Bear and have found the key to happiness.

>> No.3505333

Dear Diary,

Today is my girlfriends birthday. I bought her 9 stories by JD Salinger. I hope she likes it

>> No.3505339

the next night we ate whale

>> No.3505668

At that night I ate snail people flesh.

>> No.3505682

Dear Diary,

Today I woke up, got on 4chan, forgot to read Ficciones, went to work, came back and frittered my last waking hours on 4chan. Again.

>> No.3505843

Dear Diary,

today two people killed themselves on the railroad tracks and delayed my train. I'm still alive though, ha ha.

>> No.3505845

Dear Diary,

مروج الذهب ومعادن الجواهر

>> No.3505861

Dear Diary,

why do I refer to you as if you were a thinking person? Can I make you conscious by simply addressing you as such? Do I wish for you to gain ability of free will? Should I curse you with problems that come with having a mind? Do I, diary? Do I?!

>> No.3505862

Dear Diary,

I wish you had some more comedy parts. Funny comedy, you know what I mean.

>> No.3505942

Dear Diary,

I was rejected for another internship today. My girlfriend insists on making me into something I don't want to be. I wet my bed last week. I'm graduating soon and it will cost me $40,000 in debt, before interest. I so desperately want to travel.

>> No.3505975

Dear Diary,

Life on the dole remains glorious as ever.

>> No.3506007

Dear Diary
I have to write a long essay on but I don't want to, fuck the stupid professor
Maybe choosing film studies wasn't a very good idea?

>> No.3506009


You can only feel relief from suffering if you're alive.

>> No.3506065
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Dear Diary,

I am all cozy and tucked up in bed with my laptop. I really need to take a shit and I'm turtle-heading, but lack the motivation to get up and walk to the bathroom. I'm getting scared, I think I'm touching cotton.

>> No.3506071

not if it's impossible to escape your suffering

>> No.3506078

Dear Diarhhea Pearleman by Eddie Cantor

Cassandra has made the house of commons representing Ashby-DeLuezze-Baudrillard. Barry's third published book of poems has been rocketed to status with his recent arrest of scalding coffee terrorism. Nigel has a few stuck anal beads, but he's always a little sore arsed.

Mostly, Ana canceled and I have this weird feeling of engineering ennui. I should be writing a lot more.