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3503720 No.3503720 [Reply] [Original]

Why are you not a nihilist?

>> No.3503725

what's the point?

>> No.3503744

I don't think there's any real objective basis onto which to declare myself a nihilist.

>> No.3503756
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>> No.3503764

bcuz nihilism is an intro to existentialism

>> No.3503768
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>dat filename


>> No.3503772
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>> No.3503774

Why don't nihilists just kill themselves?

Serious question.

>> No.3503777

>posting Nietzsche threads on /lit/

>> No.3503784

jokes on you, the retard above you isn't even trolling

>> No.3503789

There's beauty in the world, in the night sky and under the sea and in women, and ignoring that to be realistic and dull and monotonous is really edgy.

>what's the point if it'll all end *sob*

There isn't, at all, but you're gay if you don't see beauty in wimin n shit.

>> No.3503794 [DELETED] 


>> No.3503796

Nihilism isn't pessimism you fucking cunt

>> No.3503797


my side orders

>> No.3503798

Why would they?

>> No.3503802

cause you can enjoy life also if you think it doesn´t have a meaning
cause they are human beings and they can have the same fears and needs of every human being, doesn´t matter if for a moment they thought out of their human conditions and realized the lack of absolute meaning in their life
cause if nothing has a meaning, living a little more or dieing right know it´s the fuckin same, the question should be: nihilists fear death?

>> No.3503807

Too exhausting.

>> No.3503809

there's beauty in men too

learn to objectivity

>> No.3503810

Life not being objectively worth living =/ Life being objectively not worth living
It's a matter of I prefer being alive to killing myself

>> No.3503817

>lelelel i'm stan i'm stan

>> No.3503821

Nietzsche isn't a nihilist. Neither is existentialism nihilist. Nihilism is not itself a feasible ideology. It's the ground by which we create our own meaning, something to be transcended.

Is /lit/ 12?

>> No.3503822

>I prefer being alive

Then life obviously holds some significance to you and isn't entirely meaningless.

>> No.3503834

>first time reading Nietzsche

>> No.3503846
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"Philosophers would do well to desist from issuing any further injunctions about the need to re-establish the meaningfulness of existence, the purposefulness of life, or mend the shattered concord between man and nature. Philosophy should be more than a sop to the pathetic twinge of human self-esteem."
—Richard Dawkins

>> No.3503847

Stan is anti-nihilism
Sorry but you don't understand nihilism at all

>> No.3503843

You've got it backward.

>> No.3503848

I am a nihilist-anarchist! I win!

>> No.3503855

>not understanding nihilism
>2012? 2013? it doesn't even matter

The lack of objective meaning/purpose does not imply the objective lack of meaning/purpose.

>> No.3503858

You're shitting me, right?

>> No.3503859

Why would you "prefer" the state of life over the state of death if life has no meaning or value?

>> No.3503862

Because by the time you're ready to kill yourself it's already too late.

>> No.3503863
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Because I'm an eclectic Hellenist.

>> No.3503872
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future's so cold i gotta wear a coat

>> No.3503866

Life has cute girls and music and my friends and fucking colors and shit and most importantly me
Death doesn't have anything

If somebody asked me to pick one I'd pick life

>> No.3503867

Life having no inherent or objective meaning or value doesn't mean that you can't find certain parts of it desirable, even while recognizing that your desires are socially-constructed.

>> No.3503883

Nihilism is just moral skepticism, right?

>> No.3503888

So what separates your philosophy from hedonism?

>> No.3503894

Not just skepticism, but the acknowledgment that there is no inherency in the universe. No inherent morality, meaning, truth, value, whatever.

>> No.3503897

Nihilism is negation, you can put it after anything. Existential Nihilism is negating the idea of life's inherent meaning or value, Moral Nihilism is negating morality, Ontological Nihilism (my favorite) is negating that anything exists at all.

>> No.3503901

Hedonism implies that pleasure is an inherent good. I don't believe that pleasure is inherently good. I also believe that one's perception of pleasure is socially-constructed and so it's impossible to really define a universal practice of hedonism.

>> No.3503899


and i havent studied nihilism long enough to make a serious decision about it

>> No.3503902

>not realizing that Nietzsche acted as a nihilist to destroy western philosophy so the Overman can create it anew
stay pleb

>> No.3503905

"Life is meaningless" doesn't have any effect on my desires to write, study mathematics, or talk to women. I understand that there was a transitional period where that kind of stance was seen as heretical, but at this point we're working FROM "life is meaningless" as a starting point. Being reminded of it is like being reminded that water is wet.

>> No.3503906

I thought Hedonism meant a strive to avoid pain.

>> No.3503910

Did you not read what I said?

>> No.3503912

Pretty sure that's negative utilitarianism

>> No.3503911

Acknowledging that all meaning, desire, and morality is socially-constructed is actually still seen as pretty heretical.

>> No.3503915

>Nietzsche isn't a nihilist.

>> No.3503929

So you prefer the state of life over death because you find pleasure to be more valuable to you than nothingness, yet you're now stating that pleasure has no value?

If pleasure holds no value to you, then we're back to my original question of why you prefer the state of life over death when they're equal in your eyes.

>> No.3503925

pleb question here since I'm an idiot, is keanu reeves a nihilist? Just trying to ground the term in my head somewhat accurately

>> No.3503935

>If pleasure holds no value to you
I value pleasure
Doesn't mean pleasure has value outside of me
He's agnostic I think

>> No.3503939

He's seen as the original nihilist.

>> No.3503940

Last sentence.

Nietzsche agrees that disillusionment with morality leads to nihilism, but that it shouldn't end there.

>> No.3503941

Nietzsche, like Dostoevsky, reacted against encroaching nihilism, which he described as "life denying". While he may have argued that many positions where nihilistic, he himself was not a nihilist nor an advocate of nihilism.

>> No.3503943

Agnostic what? Theist, Deist, Atheist, Pantheist?

>> No.3503946

I don't think so. I mean, will people say something like "no, you're wrong!"? Sure, but they perform and behave like nihilists without even knowing it. Contemporary life could be described as nihilism unbound but covered up in stickers of Jesus and E=MC^2.

>> No.3503947


>> No.3503950

Misused invaluable


Is 4chan being awul for anyone else?

>> No.3503949

I doubt anyone here has read Nietzsche. he was very outspoken against nihilism. One of his ideals was taking responsibility for your awareness of reality and finding meaning despite it. it is a cornerstone of his ubermensch.

>> No.3503953


>> No.3503954

>I value pleasure

Then what separates your philosophy from existentialism?

I think that that's what you really are, not a nihilist. Existentialists believe that, while there's no such thing as intrinsic value in the universe, there are values that can be individually constructed (i.e. the pursuit of pleasure) that are worth living for.

>> No.3503956


so was he an existentialist?

>> No.3503958

>he was very outspoken against nihilism

Yes that is what most in this thread are saying, glad you're caught up.

>> No.3503969

Because I'm happier not being one. I believe something is in store for humanity after these lives of ours. I am not going to try to go through a life-long search to figure out what, nor am I going to become a cynical bore. I just live and love. I look up at the stars whenever I need a reason to keep on going.

>> No.3503980

But that "awareness of reality" is the awareness of the implications that nihilism outlines...isn't it? I'm not sure I understand how nihilism isn't just the groundwork for existentialism?

>> No.3503988

what's the point?

>> No.3503989

lol, agreeing with me on one point doesn`t make your other false assertion correct.

>> No.3504005

>implying any position besides Idealism is non-nihilistic
It`s like you didn`t read Nietzsche or any other philosopher at all.

>> No.3504013
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Because I got over all the doom and gloom over "life is meaningless". I became an egoist, which basically amounts to taking the "life is meaningless" thing and instead of being sad and fatalistic about it, do whatever the fuck you want to because nothing really matters.

>> No.3504022

Except he explicitly says nihilism is dangerous. He's only a nihilist in that he thinks it's a stage everyone goes through. He is not a nihilist.

>> No.3504023

You dummy.

>> No.3504031


so basically, a nihilist

>> No.3504044

He's an existentialist, actually.

Existentialists are typically moral nihilists, but nihilism is not itself a sort of doctrine.

>> No.3504048

Nietzsche admired/reviled Socrates for destroying Sophist/greek culture, laying ground for new philosophy, so called 'socratic philosophy'. This is exactly what Nietzsche does; he destroys all previous philosophy. He only offers the ideal of the 'overman' or the future philosophers. He advocates a kind of international race-mixing, democracy, and socialism to make us reach the ultimate nihilistic epoch. In so far as Nietzsche is concerned, he is a nihilist who clears way for the new non-nihilist philosophers. Which of Nietzsche`s books makes you believe his ultimate aim is not to destroy philosophy (making him a nihilist)?

>> No.3504063

>Amoralism, epistemological nihilism, metaphysical nihilism, relativist view of history
>hurr dats nihilism
>Amoralism, epistemological nihilism, metaphysical nihilism, relativistic view of history, focus on individualism
>hurr dats existentialism not nihilism

>> No.3504093

Richard Dawkins is such a hack.

He tries to make up for his lack of intelligence by spouting out verbose gibberish with little to no meaning.

I think it's funny how it took him 50 years to change from an atheist to an "agnostic antitheist" because he finally realized how stupid he was

not even a christian, but he pisses me off

>> No.3504108

Yes, I think egoism as means of action is a pretty important distinction from 'nihilism'.

Nihilism precedes existentialism, but existentialism is how I characterize any doctrine which makes a normative statement about anything.

>> No.3504115
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"Bro, we like, as humans, like... have no meaning. I mean, we're just dust in the wind, you know. Philosophy is irrelavent."

>> No.3504124

Nilhilism is a chemical imbalance in the brain.

>> No.3504146

>being a neurological equilibrium prescriptivist
>dwenty dirt teen

>> No.3504152

>any position besides Idealism is non-nihilistic
Idealism is "life denying", pretty much by definition.
>It`s like you didn`t read Nietzsche
Why do you want to pretend to be intelligent and dick wave on an anonymous message board?

>> No.3504161

You're basically saying that meaning is some spooky force that the mind taps into. That, or it's a chemial product, and nihilism is merely a mutated form of it. If that's the case, then it's an arbitrary state, and nihilism prevails.

>> No.3504181

I legitimately wonder:
how is choosing or deriving your own meaning from life any different than accepting that life has no meaning?
If you have to create meaning for something then it isn't/wasn't there. And if everyone's making their own meaning, including the person that was born a vegetable, then it sounds more like a weak defense for a "reason" for existence.

>> No.3504203

You can see why this is a legitimate question?
Why build a sandcastle to watch it get washed away? Then you also lose your memory of the sandcastle, and of everything else for that matter.. until you don't even have the luxury of blackness and silence.. you're not even around to witness the nothingness. Why prolong this inevitable conclusion? Why suffer and labor for zero net gain (for you or anyone else, since they all evaporate aswell)?

>> No.3504205

His reductionist view of it is itself nihilist. It's a joke.

>> No.3504239

it's not creating meaning, it's choosing one of the many meanings

>> No.3504272

because I'm not some sad cunt who gave up

>> No.3504276

(Sorry about the repetition of mean/meaning but it's necessary) Things only mean something when they are assigned to mean something by an entity - nothing has complete inherent meaning. So if we start at a base level of complete existentialism where nothing means anything then signs are just metal plates and rakes are just wood and plastic etc. etc. But people have given "meaning" and "purpose" to these compounds - rakes move leaves, movies entertain, words form and express ideas. Nearly all things which exist (physically or not) have been assigned some form of use. But "life" evades this constant because we know what our experience entails (what makes the compound) but the purpose or use is something slippery to define and ambiguous. It may be the only thing with a completely subjective purpose and therein the individual must find their specific meaning as apposed to the broad meaning which other agents display.