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/lit/ - Literature

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3501905 No.3501905 [Reply] [Original]

i want to learn about literature, but don't know where to start and the stickie just offers too many choices.

any /lit/ essentials?

>> No.3501912
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>> No.3501917


>> No.3501924
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>> No.3501927
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>> No.3501984

What high school did you go to?

>> No.3501985

Finnegans Wake

>> No.3501989
File: 1.45 MB, 3800x2300, 1349043194480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Looks at sticky.
>too many choices.
>Doesn't read anything because too many choices.
I know them feels.
I liked 1984 by George Orwell a lot. It'll mindfuck you for a bit though.
Pic related if you're interested in fantasy/ scifi.

>> No.3502016

Her eyes are scary.

>> No.3502020

>Look at classics
>pick one
>read the summary on its wiki page
>sound good?
>read the book

>> No.3502026
File: 48 KB, 500x500, tumblr_mg2znuyLci1rvam4uo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Her eyes are scary.
Try Laurie Penny. She has lovely eyes.

>> No.3502060

Laurie Penny on /lit/?

The Fuck!?! I'm guessing you're a friend of hers, or a Social Media marketer from her publisher? If this is the case could you please ask her to be less whiney and shrill in future? Thanks.
Also, that video of her getting her shit pushed in by David Starkey was mad jokes.

>> No.3502064

dem eyes

dat sexy bitch


>> No.3502068
File: 110 KB, 600x455, alexander-and-the-terrible-horrible-no-good-very-bad-day-book-cover-600x455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3502070

Fuck off and die.

>> No.3502098
File: 63 KB, 500x500, tumblr_miixuh9Icc1rvam4uo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does Laurie Penny dress like a spy from a black and white film? And what is that hair between her book and her mug?

>> No.3502102

>Laurie Penny on /lit/?
>The Fuck?

You must be new. She's kind of like Ayn Rand here.
Someone to point and laugh at.

>> No.3502105

Just start with The Count of Monte Cristo to get them literature juices flowin, then read whatever the fuck you want

>> No.3502107

Well done for trying, but you'll need to put more effort in next time.

>> No.3502153
File: 18 KB, 460x288, louise-mensch-laur_2121824c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what if we actually talked about books here, what if this was a forum about books? I'm interested in reading Penny's book Meat Market: Female Flesh Under Capitalism to see if there's any cultural difference between it and something like The Sexual Politics of Meat, whether it still utilizes the idea of the absent referent and so on.

CAPTCHA: niticing photoplay

>> No.3502165

Laurie Penny looks like she's got some sloppy tits

>> No.3502194

I have Meat Market and have read some of it. So far there seems to be no deep analysis of cultural patriarchal constructs, and focuses more on being a sensationalist attack on capitalism. It's basically a Marxist-feminist critique of capitalism that details a lot of feminist issues, but doesn't really give any other reasons for them other than 'this is the fault of capitalism'. In that regard it is quite biased. She's a good writer though, and makes some decent observations, but anything she says is from a marxist perspective. It's a collection of statements like this:

"Even babies are now born with the Playboy Bunny image tattooed onto their eyeballs. Their fault, the little tarts, for daring to look at the future."

"Patriarchal capitalism really does encourage young women to engage in a culture of monetised, deodorised sexual transaction in the name of ‘choice’ and ‘empowerment’, eliding the economic basis for all sexual work, paid or otherwise."

"Capitalism is the essential context for understanding the marginalisation of women’s bodies within the home. It was, after all, industrial capitalism which created and perpetuated the conditions for the degradation of housework and the degradation of women by association."

"Female power of refusal is the single most scary, most horrifying, most insistently phobic thing facing any society, ever. Women could, in theory, refuse to cook and clean and care and keep society running. Women could refuse to fit themselves out in conformity with the patriarchal proclivity not just for staid, acceptable sex, but for social order. Women could refuse that vital work, the bearing of children and the raising of future generations, all of which are keyed in to the domestic gender war. Simply by doing nothing at all, women could bring every Western society to its knees tomorrow."

>> No.3502195


>> No.3502199

'Penny Red: Notes from the New Age of Dissent' is very good though. She applies her same sharp journalism tongue to civil unrest and the feeling among disillusioned and disenfranchised youths.

>> No.3502229

I think they're small enough, and she's young enough, to still have perky tits.

>> No.3502245



>Trying to get my mom to read some English /lit/.
>Bought her some classics like Gatsby with footnote translations of difficult words.
>She still complains it is too hard for her.
>Now, I am considering to get her this book for her b-day to mock her.

>> No.3502437

Have you got an ebook link? I can't find it for free anywhere.

>> No.3502456

Read the abridged version, it's a little convoluted otherwise.

>> No.3502481

and /lit/izens wonder why everyone thinks their board is shit

>> No.3502671

We don't care what anyone thinks of us.

>> No.3502692

This Laurie Penny viral has got to fucking stop.

>> No.3502697

"Please, /lit/, don't discuss an author on this board."

>> No.3502704

more like, "Please, samefag, don't shoehorn Laurie Penny into threads on a daily basis"

>> No.3502717

"I don't like something, so despite there obviously being multiple people discussing it, I'm going to pretend they're all the same person."

>> No.3502743
File: 386 KB, 1960x3008, dadd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alexandra daddario. sorry, i went to bed a while after i made the thread

i love the illustration of this book as a child.
>Finnegans Wake
can't stand joyce. portrait was tedious to get through and i can't get through 4 pages of ulysses.

read in hs. really good along with all the dystopian books of that era.

count was my fav book for a long while. unabridged was ever bit as entertaining.

>> No.3502768

>obviously multiple people

>> No.3502824

>Not being able to read.