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/lit/ - Literature

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3501080 No.3501080 [Reply] [Original]

Bear with me /lit/ in regards to the generic nature of my quandary. I really want to write a novel but I literally have no inspiration or anything that I want to write about. Where do you get inspiration?

>> No.3501092

personal experiences. what you've seen, read etc.

>> No.3501107

Why do you want do write a novel ? Maybe there lie your inspiration (or lack thereof).

>> No.3501111

Try adopting a child, then abandoning it in a supermarket.

>> No.3501130

honestly if you're under 35 years old don't even try to write a novel you'll just shit out some puerile 20something trash of no merit

>> No.3501150

Honestly that's what I'm starting to believe. I feel like I haven't lived enough yet to write anything, like it would be try hard fake shit or really dull.

>> No.3501166


>> No.3501180

>Move out of your parents house
>Get a girlfriend
>Struggle financially
>Live in a different culture
>Get addicted to something
>Experience feels through life and not media
>Give other people your feels

>> No.3501199

write about a guy who wants to write a novel but finds inspiration hard to come by in the modern world, and the easy distractions of the internet

but seriously, im waiting for someone to tap into the always on generation and our collective experience. maybe youll be that guy. maybe we wont ever get that guy, just a rapid succession of them. who knows.

>> No.3501286


it'd be different if you had some kind of burning passion and natural talent in you like rimbaud or a decent gimmick like tao lin but you seem way too uninspired (literally)

i take back what i said though about not trying a novel, you should try if you're really serious about it so you can have several novels under your belt & do your best to master the art of writing before you try and create something truly great and unique and be a published author

being a great writer is hard as fuck though, and if you don't want to be great don't bother

>> No.3501339

I still think the best method is to invest into short stories, to the point where you have confidence in your character and plot development. Being 20 something, you can still write a very good short story without delving into the bullshit fillers one would use in a novel at that age.

>> No.3501341
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>> No.3501352


>> No.3501392
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Inspiration is easy. The average western 20 something is story saturated (tv), and has access to all knowledge. Its the discipline and determination that will weed out 99.999% of wannabe writers.

>> No.3501406 [DELETED] 



>> No.3501414

I also have no creativity. What do

>> No.3501454


I'm using my personal experiences dealing with anxiety/depression and general curiosity about life OP, ultimately it boils down to this: Do you have a story to tell? If yes then great, now all you have to do is work towards telling it well.

If no, then have you lived long enough/done enough to warrant telling a story people would listen to? Why do you want to tell a story that you don't even have? Work on that shit first, and please don't look to write a story/novel just to say that you have, that only produces crap (personal experience, trust me.)

>> No.3501509
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Everyone has a story, the real question is whether it's worth telling.

>> No.3501518

Let me be deep and edgy.

You don't want to write a novel, which is something you readily acknowledge in an indirect manner. (Do you want to write nothing? Do you have an urge to write about all that nothing you're talking about?)

What you want is to be a guy that wrote a novel. This isn't a goal. It's not even an interest.

>> No.3501534


Everyone does have a story, the real question isn't if it's worth telling, it's if they can tell it well.

Whether or not is worth hearing is up to the audience, but first you gotta get them to listen

>> No.3501860


Fuck now you're making me question my goal........

>> No.3501869

all stories are worth telling if the author has the required mastery

>> No.3501893


Every person on the planet has a story.

The real question is whether you've talent and conviction enough to tell that story with the level of artistry a novel demands.

>> No.3502173


>> No.3502209

I feel that this is the most important skill to have as a writer.

>> No.3502210

Actually I would recommend /b