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3497079 No.3497079 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people always try to talk about "philosophy" when they really mean "German philosophy" ? I don't think they really think there's any writing still considered philosophy today that wasn't out of Germany.

>> No.3497083

it's an odd way of spelling Greek philosophy, bro.

>> No.3497087

I'm not sure I know what you mean.

>> No.3497097


>> No.3497116

wut they only produced two classics. being n time and philo investigaties.

>> No.3497119

>BTW Aristotle personally abused Alexander the Great until he was 16.

look where that got him

>> No.3497117


What would Aristotle have to do with the serious Progress in philosophy that Fichte, Hegel, Schiller, Nietzsche, and so on made?

BTW Aristotle personally abused Alexander the Great until he was 16.

>> No.3497124

hegel's an idiot, schiller is dumb, and nietzsche is boring once you get past his shtick.

>> No.3497130

Plato > Aristotle.

This is clear, right?

>> No.3497143

lol nooooo. aristotle influenced much better philosophy than dumbo.

>> No.3497147

Good. Alexander the Great was a manlet asshole.

>> No.3497154

Why is hegel an idiot?

>> No.3497157

>What would Aristotle have to do with the serious Progress in philosophy
cause and effect, how does it work?

>misses Parmenides, Heraclitus, Pythagoras, Plato and a bunch of others
>speculates about Aristotle's and Alexander's teacher-student relationship
aren't you 16 yourself, tough guy?

>> No.3497163

Goddamn you guise are easy to troll.

Wiki page says Aristotle TUTORED Alexander, not TORTURED.

>> No.3497169

Just goes to show how bad the Wiki editors are.

>> No.3497175
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Well, I for one think that Heidegger was right when he said that German is the best language to think in - I mean, most modern French philosophy is mainly just comments to German philosophy.

>Deutsch ist die Sprache der Philosophie

>> No.3497191
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The Teleology in his philosophy of history pisses me off, he is to blame for a lot of shit that happened

>> No.3497195
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>> No.3497208


I think his teleology is the best thing of his philosophy especially because he talks about the spirit, that is he talks about logic. I think it's pretty solid and our misunderstanding of his teleology (which was basically a supplement of Kant's critique of judgment) is what blocks current scholars between positivism and relativism.

Also blaming on him any political development it's silly. History is not made by ideas or personalities.

>> No.3497215


Hegel said history IS made of Ideas tho...

>> No.3497221


Retake phil 101

>> No.3497234
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>rejecting the truth of history's dialectical development via reason to its ultimate teleological end

>being so mad you blame Hegel for bad stuff


>> No.3497235

>History is not made by ideas or personalities


>> No.3497236

The point is that the whole idea of history or life as progress is silly - it implies that a goal exist.
Now the morphology of Spengler provides a better understanding of the way of history.

>> No.3497243

Well he was wrong. He also said that southern Mediterranean people are passionate and that's why they are not good at philosophy.

We know better but this does not make him a bad philosopher.


Dunno man, already taking my phd.

>> No.3497246

I can't stop reading it in his voice - best laugh I had this day

>> No.3497263

hegel is not that hard to understand or that interesting, once you realize the human capacity to "understand" collective agency is but a pile level object language (in the sorites problem) with its beguiling sense of completeness, but all the problems of vagueness and detachment from detailed workings of society

>> No.3497267

The idea of progress is complicated in hegel as I am studying him.

He does state that history is the becoming of ever more freedom.
But what is freedom? It's overcoming by spirit of its own alienation onto itself.

That is the history he deals with it's the history of ideas, of rationality, understanding of how its development in time actually makes it so that the current ideas are an expansion in terms of power over the previous ones.

So its not so much a history of the world, but a history of the development of the images of the world.

>> No.3497278

well he is the only way you can philosophically overcome skepticism.

>> No.3497314

There is a really nice, recursive loop that occurs in Hegel's ideas about the development of geist that I like.

In so far as the dialectical process causes geist to know itself, Hegel's own philosophy, that of revealing these processes, is in itself a development happening to geist. Hegel's work becomes a process that helps geist develop but is at the same time describing the process of geist developing. It's a huge headfuck that I can still barely think about coherently.

>> No.3497318


then you get to Absolute Knowledge

>> No.3497319

you have to be kidding me ja

>> No.3497320

You can't overcome scepticism and neither should you want to.

>> No.3497333
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>Forgetting Chinese philosophy

Or are you just a racist Germanboo?

>> No.3497370


Choose one

>> No.3497393
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>> No.3497388

insecure tallfreak detected

go be shallow somewhere else like on /fit/ you homo

>> No.3497404
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>> No.3497411
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>> No.3497415


>> No.3497425


>in the year of our lord; anno domini, 1953, two score and twenty years

>not knowing hegel was a tool of the oligarchy

i seriously hope you guys dont do this

>> No.3499178


>> No.3499212

>tool of the oligarchy

Not knowing that everything is a tool of the oligarchy

>> No.3499215

TIL 4chan is still completely backwards on transgenderism. Every transperson is different, just like every other person is different, but there's some pretty easy rules. For the most part unless they're genderqueer, they just ARE the gender they present as. I don't know why gender confuses people so much, it doesn't even matter that much, why is everyone so obsessed with it? People act like a transman dating other men is confusing. It's not, it's two gay men dating each other. Genitals and how they stimulate each other really has nothing to do with their gender either, that's a completely different topic (sexuality). I really wish people would stop binding sexuality and gender together. What if a transwoman was asexual? Would it say anything about her gender? Not anymore than a ciswoman, right? It's like saying "Hey so if you were born a man but are now a woman, how do you deal with still liking football? Does that mean you're still really a man?".?

>> No.3499350
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>> No.3499749

because your premise is incorrect. that's probably why

>> No.3499798
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You're cute

>> No.3499814
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If you really want to get down to brass tacks, most German philosophy comes from Hermeticism. Hegel's work in particular is fully consistent with the ambitions of Hermeticism.

Dialectics as well comes directly from Hermeticism.

>> No.3499834

Once we leave Sartre or Camus /lit become totally retarded. Hegel's great btw.

>> No.3499929

That's actually great.
I am currently doing studies in hegel and hermeticism without having thought the connection.

>> No.3499989
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>> No.3500018

Sartre gets a bum rap, but let's face it, he's one of the most interesting writers of all time.

>> No.3500102

Let's face it, he's not.

>> No.3500180

German? You mean Asian philosophy?

>> No.3500195
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anon knows best

>> No.3500211

who is the second to last?

>> No.3500404
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Beyond social critique, does anyone actually take him seriously? And at social critique, from what i see, he cant stop touching his fucking face long enough to make a coherent argument

>> No.3500412

Try reading his books you halfwit.

>> No.3500514

Gregor Samsa

>> No.3500531


uh his Theory is actually the more substantial and respected of his work, opposed to his political philosophy or whatever you mean by 'social critique'

>> No.3500545
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>/lit/ poster insulting one of the greatest individuals in the history of mankind

Oh god, this is too much.

>> No.3500556

Is the third from end Wintermute from Neuromancer?

If so, this is badass.

>> No.3500559
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Fichte, Hegel, Schiller and Zizek belong to the most infamous, deplorable tradition in the history of all philosophy. That such buffoons are still taken seriously today is proof we can never be rid of vermin in the great discipline of philosophy.

>> No.3500562


one of the central tennents of greek tragedy is the heros flaws you philistine.

>> No.3500566
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No one with any credibility. He's a Barnes and Nobel-tier intellect, a chair philosopher and an odious human being that has no place outside the universities

>> No.3500585

>Iphigenia Among the Taurians
>Oedipus at Colonus
>The Supplicants
All tragedies in which the hero's flaws are backseat to the societal implications. Not all tragedy involves catharsis, not all tragedy necessitates a fall.
Second, of course Alexander was flawed. Pretty sure it was Polybius who claimed he died of alcohol poisoning. Nonetheless, the guy who insulted him didn't put up much more than "He's an ass," and the dude's accomplishments outweigh any tragic characteristics he -- admittedly -- possesses.
What are you trying to say?

>> No.3500587

i think u mean tenets

>> No.3500591
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>Frau Edouard Devrient: "Do tell me, who is the stupid fellow sitting next to me?" Felix Mendelssohn (behind his napkin): "The stupid fellow next to you is the philosopher Hegel."

>> No.3500593

People just dislike him because he is popular and they sells his books while they are not.
He is a pretty interesting philosopher and has some serious points and everyone hates him because he shits on everyone platter.

Analytic philosophers hate him because he is fun and actually believe that he is some sort of relativist.

Continentals hate him because he points a way out of Nietzscheanism and relativism.

I tell you, he is a serious philosopher and he is not taken seriously enough.

>> No.3500606

Yeah, I'm pretty sure we should take our philosophical cues from the people who failed to understand wittgenstein's work til the 80s.

Or the guys who started their own school to attack Heidegger only to back up on that and start saying "well you know what, he does actually make sense".

Or hey, do you remember when you used to say that metaphysics is meaningless? Wasn't that misguided and dumb lol.

>> No.3500610


Is that thinly veiled ad hominem I taste?

We've seen all his tricks before. He spins the same hollow locutions as Hegel and his school. I really did make an effort to read his Parallax view, but I could not find a single idea of merit anywhere. Mere castles of abstraction. As I said, these tricks have already been seen.

>> No.3500609

Goethe loved the guy,

>> No.3500620

muh dik

>> No.3500621

Not really.

I haven't read the parallax view but I read most books that he has wrote before that.

I actually found sensible points and very interesting insights.
You think they are hollow locutions, castles of abstractions but I don't think so.

Please try to be more precise and I'll try to show you what I value about those passages.

>> No.3500622 [SPOILER] 
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>greeks versus germans

I'll take whatever one has less debt.

>> No.3500623

>Castles of abstraction
>Frequently uses simple, often funny metaphors to illustrate his points
>Easiest philosopher to read since Rorty
This dude writes with a choppy cadence and can;t read philosophy

>> No.3500626 [DELETED] 

would you happen to know where i could get an pdf of that book you posted?

>> No.3500629


Sorry, I can read Critique of Pure Reason at a rate of two pages a minute. I'm pretty sure if I get hung up on anything, its vacuous language

>> No.3500631

Trolling aside, I haven't read Purralelx View yet. It might be more difficult.

>> No.3500633


I gave the book away and put it out of my head years ago. This discussion is really dead out of the starting gate

>> No.3500641

Well that's the problem I have.
People criticize him yet no one goes into the details.

I'm pretty justified to believe that it's more backlash than an actual rigorous intellectual opinion, since once I probe any of the "no one takes him seriously" bunch I only find paper thin criticism.

>> No.3500648


and what is your substance?



noone mentioned acomplishments, this dialogue is a non-sequitur, there might have been a point in there somewhere, but you doomed yourself because you got butthurt someone insulted your idol.

>> No.3500671


Because he's not even worth getting to know, at any rate in my opinion. Life and patience are too short to waste them on dubious thinkers.

'Reading is merely a surrogate for thinking for yourself; it means letting someone else direct your thoughts. Many books, moreover, serve merely to show how many ways there are of being wrong, and how far astray you yourself would go if you followed their guidance.'

>> No.3500673

I brought up two valid points, his achievements were implied earlier, that's a piss-poor use of "non sequitur," and it doesn't need a hyphen.
>just shittin' up the shit train

>> No.3500696

I don't think anyone has an obligation to read him. He is not an essential but I think that he poses some tough questions to anyone who is too much into derrida, foucault and deleuze from inside their systems.
He does some serious scholarship on that side of the spectrum.

And I also believe that actually he has done some pretty good job bringing back both lacan and hegel. Especially a lot of young philosophers have come up thanks to his presence (I'm thinking especially of Markus Gabriel).

But still, if you are too much into schopenhauer it's understandable why you are not so excited but this turn of affairs.
And in a way, being a pessimist myself, I understand.

>> No.3500765


It's hard to even approach anyone in Hegel's school after being spoiled rotten on the perfect clarity of Schopenhauer and Nietzsche. Even when those two are wrong, its readily apparent, Schopenhauer especially.

>> No.3500769

That's funny OP just the other day I was wondering why people always try to talk about "philosophy" when they really mean "thoughts"? I don't think they really think there's any writing still considered philosophy today that wasn't built from thoughts.

>> No.3500781

Because doesn't matter where ideas come from.

>> No.3500785


your rebuttal was a quintessential youtubism, 'who are you to criticise, i dont see you doing X things like Y'.

>> No.3502457

Like Derrida once put it : Sartre is a bad philosopher, a bad writer but a good political man. Please, l'existentialisme est un humanisme is probably one of the stupiest thing i have ever read. Man is absolute liberty... please, just go back to Heidegger's thrown-in-the-world concept to see that man is not liberty. Plus liberty/determinism question is quite death (even in Sartre time)

>> No.3502510
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OP here

Made this as a pure troll thread and I'm very impressed. Good job everybody. Still not sure if you guise are getting mad about Hegel or Zizek in this half of the thread but keep it up.
