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/lit/ - Literature

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3494517 No.3494517[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Us nerds right!

Lit rage thread.

>> No.3494527

I'm drunk so if this thread takes off my night will not end well.

>> No.3494532
File: 53 KB, 640x400, Such a nerd! XD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It begins

>> No.3494538

That's obviously an "epic troll" you tit.

>> No.3494544
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The fuck is this shit? They've somehow made a terrible caption, of a terrible show, of a terrible book.

>> No.3494580

Man, I'm so glad we don't have that misguided elitism here on /lit/.

By the way, I just finished Infinite Jest. I'm so well-read!

>> No.3494587


>> No.3494594

sometimes it hurts to remember that everyone- even people who love me a lot, have deeply internalized fatphobic narratives about beauty and bodies

even me

even you

but those narratives we internalize are also ableist and racist and classed and gendered in so many hurtful and destructive ways too

and they tear us apart and alienate us from one another

and each of us internalize/externalize the message differently because of the uniqueness of lived experience

I possess a deep desire for nuanced and transformative revisionings of our beauty and worth

>> No.3494597

tbh I'm not sure how this make me feel.

>> No.3494603

"My alone feels so good, I’ll only have you if you’re sweeter than my solitude."
-- Warsan Shire

>> No.3494605


>> No.3494607

What is the deal with that book?
It's mentioned so often here but I've never even heard of it and I'm pretty knowledgeable about literature.

>> No.3494608

lol fuk of faghets bak to //b/

>> No.3494611

Literacy Privilege Checklist:

I can easily and safely navigate my way around the city I live in because I understand all of the posted signs, warnings and notifications.
I can make healthy and informed choices about the products I purchase because I can accurately read their labels and price tags.
I can safely use pharmaceuticals prescribed to me without having to remember the doctor’s or pharmacist’s instructions because I can accurately read their labels.
When required to visit doctors, hospitals, government agencies, banks, or legal offices, I do not have to invent excuses to bring paperwork home so that someone else can read it to me. If I live alone, I do not have to expose myself to judgement and ridicule by asking the doctor, nurse, agent, clerk, lawyer or other employee to read it to me.
I can independently make informed medical, legal, political and financial decisions about myself and my family because I can read and understand important documents.
I can be sure that my paycheques and bills are accurate because I can read them to check for errors.
I can acquire a driver’s license and its associated freedoms because I am able to complete the written test for a learner’s permit.
I can accept invitations to a restaurant without anxiety because I know I will be able to read the menu.
I can accept invitations to weddings, showers and other special events without anxiety because I know I will be able to write a legible card for my hosts.
I can be informed about important events and news in my community, state/province and nation because I can read the local and national newspapers.
I can make my voice heard on important topics in my community by writing a letter to the editor of my local newspaper.
I can influence policy decisions that affect me by writing letters and e-mails to my elected officials.
I can help my children with their homework. I can read letters and flyers sent home by my children’s teachers and school administrators.

>> No.3494614

I can attend parent-teacher interviews without fearing that my literacy level will be exposed to teachers or other parents.
People do not make inaccurate negative judgements about my intelligence, competence and work ethic based on my reading and writing abilities.
My freedom to explore career options that interest me is not limited by my literacy level.
I have never had to turn down an offer of job promotion because I was afraid the literacy demands would be too high.
I can work safely and effectively at my job because I understand all of the posted signs, warnings and notifications.
I can improve my employability and socioeconomic standing by enrolling in certification courses or postsecondary programs that require strong literacy skills.
I can explore ideas I’m interested in by reading articles and books about them.
I can keep personal records of ideas, dreams, thoughts, and important events in my life without needing to rely on my memory, by keeping a journal.
I can stay in contact with loved ones who live far away through letters and e-mails.

>> No.3494619


I don't get it, who can actually be illiterate in first world counties (the only places where 90% even applies)? Only retards can't read, and they have carers.

>> No.3494622

For one thing, the idea that there is only one right way of doing English – and everyone else is doing it wrong – is inherently flawed. And by “flawed” I mean illogical, elitist and even oppressive. Judgements about what counts as “right”, “good” and “correct” in writing and grammar always – ALWAYS – align with characteristics of the dialects spoken by privileged, mostly wealthy, mostly white people. We make these judgements based on learned biases, as well as a certain emotional attachment to our own way of doing things. But when people study dialects in an objective, scientific way (which is what cunning linguists actually do), they find that low-prestige dialects, such as African-American Vernacular English or Cockney English, have fully-formed grammar rules of their own that make just as much sense as any others. They are perfectly valid and functional forms of communication used by millions of people. The only difference is that they don’t have people running around telling everyone else to do it their way.

>> No.3494624

Sure, life must be a cinch when you don’t have these options available to you. Why bother to learn to read and write well when you can just, I don’t know, press picture-buttons on a McDonald’s cash register for seven bucks an hour until you’re sixty and your back gives out? Who has time for books when you’re busy scrounging for loose coins under your beat-up sofa cushions in your shitty basement apartment so you can buy your kid a bag of chips for lunch? What a cakewalk!

Do I sound angry? That’s because I am. I’m angry that linguistic elitism is so deeply embedded in our social discourse with so little critical analysis. I’m angry that it took me four years of being slapped in the face with the daily realities of poor literacy skills before I finally relinquished my own prescriptive bayonet. As a member of a marginalized group myself, I am hyperconscious of other, more well-recognized types of privilege – male privilege, white privilege, straight privilege, able-bodied privilege. I want to be vigilant about the ways that I might be contributing to the marginalization of others. And the more I understand about my fellow human beings, the more I recognize the importance of taking the time to stop, listen, and learn about their struggles before unleashing my own careless judgements. I have by no means become a saint in this regard – I still have redhead moments where I snark before I think – but I am committed to finding better ways to engage with people whose opinions, experiences and means of expression are different from mine.

>> No.3494629

a friendly fucking reminder that “proper” english is the english paid for and popularized by wealthy white men who could afford to write and publish books telling everyone What Proper English Is until everyone believed them

prescriptivist grammar and “proper” language is a made-up tool of privilege and oppression

have you ever wondered why it’s the groups in power (i.e. cis het wealthy white people) who speak “properly”

“proper english” is not an argument for anything, much less what pronouns someone is “allowed” to use or whether someone’s dialect is “grammatical” or “wrong”

and if you dont see that connection or actively make those claims then you are participating in oppression

and you should fucking feel bad

>> No.3494630

shut the fuck up

>> No.3494632

>Points out oppression
>Oppresses people who disagree with his point of view

This is how progressives actually think

>> No.3494633

check your privilege faggot

>> No.3494635


So what, society should be further dumbed down to accommodate people who can't read? At least white privilege, male privilege etc stems from genetics (something I'm apparently now supposed to feel bad about). Literacy is earned. Anyone can learn to read unless they have a genuine metal problem. If that is you then I'm sorry. Become an artist, musician, farmer, athlete, whatever. Stop using your problems as a crutch and stand up for yourself.

>> No.3494634

you too. check it

>> No.3494640


>> No.3494642

things you can be mad at instead of the ~*obesity epidemic*~

the poverty epidemic
the unemployment epidemic
the racism epidemic
the white man epidemic
the transmisogyny epidemic
the u.s. drone epidemic
the expensive education epidemic
the rapist epidemic
the colonialist epidemic
the victim blaming epidemic
the bootstraps epidemic
the condescending yuppie epidemic

>> No.3494645
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>> No.3494647

>~*obesity epidemic*~

Ah, so you are some woman on her period. I'm so sorry.

>> No.3494648

That is disgusting.

>> No.3494649
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>> No.3494650
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i have way more content pertinent to this than i thought

>> No.3494654

"You know, I don’t want to be offensive. But 'Blood Meridian' is just awful. It seems ridiculous to have to say it. He can’t think, he can’t write. There’s no discernible talent."
-Harold Bloom

>> No.3494668

The situation on 4chan is sad.

Everyone pretends as if Harold Bloom's critiques are incorrect. I think it is because they do not like to hear that what they read is drivel.

Ayn Rand, David F. Wallace, Pynchon, Tolkien, &c.

>> No.3494673
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>implying i don't like Pynchon

>> No.3494675

All of my rage.

>> No.3494683

For the record, he never actually said this.

>> No.3494690

Actually, he was talking about Infinite Jest, not Blood Meridian.

>> No.3494701

"Poor Faulkner. Does he really think big emotions come from big words? He thinks I don't know the ten-dollar words. I know them all right. But there are older and simpler and better words, and those are the ones I use." -Hemingway

>> No.3494702

"Hemingway "had never been known to use a word that might send the reader to the dictionary." -Faulkner

>> No.3494706

Say what you want of the books, it's a good show.

>> No.3494712

ernie wins

faulkner's diss isn't even a diss