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/lit/ - Literature

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3492892 No.3492892 [Reply] [Original]

Whats the point in learning anything?

>> No.3492893

To be more attentive in your own right and become an agent of light and goodness instead of the evil that's all around.

>> No.3492899

So you can better approach the questions like the one you just asked.

>> No.3492902

To do the thing you're learning about, or to pass the exam, or to impress girls and get laid, or to impress other people in general.

>> No.3492905

I'm having trouble parsing your input.

>> No.3492910

is that really all there is to it? How depressing.

>> No.3492911

lol, throw yourself down a well

>> No.3492914


>> No.3492916

You don't learn just to learn. We are taught that we are "supposed to" read, to learn, to improve ourselves and so on. Let me break the ice here for you, you don't have to do any of that. You are not supposed to do anything. Any argument otherwise will just say "it's good for you" in multiple ways, in the hopes that some of these reasons might hit you. Mainly, when they say "to be more intelligent" or whatever, which is just tackling your ego. Most people go for that.

But then, what do you want? Why do you ask? What's YOUR point on asking that? Isn't there an itch that requires you to scratch? That is learning. And no matter how much people tell you to scratch, it will always be meaningless unless there is an itch. So to ask the point in learning is like asking "where does it itch on me? why here or there?" and you are the only one who could answer that, because you know that there is no point in learning (you show it in your question), so all that is left is the point of the things in themselves, to which learning about might or might not be the scratching to your itch.

You are interested in knowing about planes? Read about planes. Don't buy excuses from others, utilitarian or otherwise. You don't need to read about planes, you don't know if that will makes you more apt to pilot one or not. All you need to know is that you are interested in planes right now and you feel like reading about it.

Focus on what drives one to do it, not the end goals that people sell.

>> No.3492917

I meant it ironically but it came out all wrong

>> No.3492924

Bla bla bla

>> No.3492931

Whats the point of doing anything? For fun

>> No.3492934


>> No.3492941

Its social uses.

>> No.3492942

>Whats the point in learning anything?
There isn't. I'm not sure if you're aware of this, but you'll die in a few decades. Have fun. Don't spend you time trying to cram as much useless information into your scull as you can. When your sat, shitting yourself in a retirement home and trade thoughts with the other geriatrics, those years spent trying to learn amino synthesis, Hegelian dialectics, or differential equations will seem like wasted years when you could have spent them laughing with someone emotionally bonded to you, snorting cocaine with a dominatrix in a bondage dungeon, or flooding your senses and nervous system with as much stimulation and pleasure as they can take. Don't spend you potentially last year stuck in a dark room, using you brain as a sponge to soak up textbooks. Embrace your inner hedonist.

>> No.3492944

ill live for another 4-6 decades which is a very long time

>> No.3492950
File: 102 KB, 432x432, 1361397985259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3492951


And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. (John 8:32.)

>> No.3492957

How do I bloviate as well as you?

>> No.3492964

This planet is 4.54 billion years old and that is no time at all.

4-6 decades; 480 - 720 months is nothing.

I don't think you really grasp how short life is.

>> No.3492970

You are comparing the life of something thats living to a giant rock.

How fair is that?

>> No.3492971

It's actually pretty long compare with anything else you'll ever do

>> No.3492975

>It's actually pretty long compare with anything else you'll ever do
I'm sure I'll be dead for a lot longer that I lived.

The quote is "Life is the longest thing you'll ever do", said in response to "Life is too short"

>> No.3492991


So one can live a virtuous life.

>> No.3493011

I feel like there is no point in learning.

I live around a bunch of idiots (I live in the south) and every time i open my mouth it feels like my words are lost. My arguments about things are ignored because no one can comprehend anything i say.

ITs not that what i say is complex its just that i live around alot of women and any attempts at making an argument or reasoning is lost. Every. Single. Time.

>> No.3493020

material success
the whole concept of intrinsic value in learning was developed from this and religion

>> No.3493023
File: 196 KB, 323x293, baka gaijin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the life of something thats living

>> No.3493026

You know what i mean.

>> No.3493027


Also, what the fuck "south"? South Pole? South Africa? South America? South part of USA? Australia?

>> No.3493029

This is an american site i just figured you'd know where i was talking about.

>> No.3493036

Portsmouth. South coast UK.

>> No.3493042

>someone says they live in the south
>You think he might be referring to South America or Australia.

You're dumb as fuck, man.

>> No.3493044


>> No.3493054

americlaps pls go

>> No.3493050

Ignorant Murrican detected.

>> No.3493059

It's American Power Hour.

>> No.3493062

first because we naturally do
second because we're told to
third because will to power
fourth because specific interests

>> No.3493064

Why do you retards insist on shitting up the thread?

>> No.3493065

for entertainment i think

i'm not sure though

>> No.3493072

>hurrr y u red
>i do et to b smart :D
>i leik it
>its fun lol

fuck your thread

>> No.3493084

This post is a perfect example as to how /lit/ has become a safari of retards.

>> No.3493089

The point is curiosity: the same thing that led you to ask the question.

>> No.3493092

What? How was that 'shitting up the thread?' Firstly, this is hardly a decent literature thread anyway. And 'American Power Hour' is a widely acknowledged internet phenomenon. The rest of the world groans as post quality on every internet forum has a significant daily drop.

>> No.3493094


sorry, duuude. I didn't realise that only america exists, duuududude

>> No.3493097

Murrican master race USAUSAUSAUSAUSA

>> No.3493105

Is /lit/ just /sp/ culture mixed with literature?

>> No.3493108

it's called 4chan culture

>> No.3493113

Nah its called /sp/

>> No.3493148


Why don't we all just wallow around in our filth all day instead and let society stagnate?

>> No.3493152

>he thinks progress is objectively good for everyone
>he thinks people can't lead happy and fulfilled lives in ignorance
Keep on preaching

>> No.3493404
File: 21 KB, 343x304, heraclitus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To build up a huge system of theories about everything until all the contradictions don't hold up anymore and you tear everything down, coming to face once again with the sheer beautiful raw flux of life, boundaries between you and everything collapsing into ecstatic weeping joy that teaches unspeakable wisdom that you carry with you in your heart forever.

>> No.3493443
File: 34 KB, 400x308, murica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The point of learning things is so you don't end up like the asshole in this pic.

>> No.3493448

Can you truly be "happy" if you're ignorant? What if your idea of happiness isn't actually happiness, but pleasure? Modern people very often tend to conflate the two concepts. Sticking your thumb up your ass until you ejaculate isn't happiness. The people who haven't at least put a critical thought into pursuing questions examining the good life and asking "what is happiness" are just going to delude themselves (keep taking the blue pill).

>> No.3493450

Looks like a strong person fighting for his freedom.

>> No.3493544
File: 6 KB, 264x400, edgyman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Life's meaning slid away from me long ago in the never ending fun house slide that is my life, I wouldn't even know what direction it went in if I ever wanted to go looking for it. The only friends I have are the anonymous responses I get on 4chan from people I will never know.

I learn because I want to delude myself into thinking that there is any order or point to the thankless emotional charade of my life and that we are not just biological automatons shuffling around like ants in a papercup.

Pre-emptive edgyman.jpg because my post reads like a 16 year olds and I am ashamed.


Everything is delusion. There is no other way for us to process the world.

>> No.3493624

>There is no other way for us to process the world.
We can still go at it aesthetically and dramatically though. If there's no truth factor involved, to which I agree, we might as well live life as a work of art and a play.

>> No.3493634

I'm pretty sure that both of you are talking out of your ass.

>> No.3493640


What part of my post do you take issue with

>> No.3493641

> biological automatons

As any student of the financial markets knows, you can plot variables of past share price behaviour on a graph and always find a mathematical formula which fits the curve: it's called "curve fitting". It is another thing again to find a formula which predicts the share price!

"The Selfish Gene" isn't science: it's in principle like an exercise in curve fitting but without even the rigor of mathematics. In this book Dawkins presents an untested hypothesis - that gene self preservation is the main driving force of evolution. For the rest of the book he states facts and interprets them through the lens of his hypothesis and indicates that by doing so he is providing evidence to support it! Tellingly he cites absolutely no scientific studies which support his hypothesis. Dawkins in "The Selfish Gene" is exactly the same as a fudamentalist christian stating that their biblical god exists as an explanation for the existence of the universe, and that because "The Bible" contains facts this proves the god explanation is a fact.

The mass acceptance of Dawkins' book by the general public is illustrative of the need for prioritizing science education in society:

>> No.3493647


Most people think that the essence of science is explanation and so they swallow Dawkins' selfish gene explanation of evolution as though it has some sort of scientific support, simply because it is espoused by a "scientist". The fact is of course that any phenomenon can be given an infinite number of explanations whereas science is in essence about (striving for) successful prediction. To gain any scientific credence Dawkins' hypothesis would need to be successfully tested for any predictive power it may possess.

An irony is that organisms, in order to achieve better environmental conditions for their survival, depend on their ability to predict, and then alter their behaviour and their environments accordingly. Even single celled organisms are able to do things like "predict" where they should move to increase the likelihood of finding food or better sunlight conditions for their energy needs in order to survive and reproduce.

The cells in Dawkins' brain seem to excell at predicting how to make money out of pop "science" but appear limited in their ability to actually do science.

>> No.3493654

So freaking dramatic

Take a chill pill or something

>> No.3493700

Chill pill...
>He's six years old
Can't stop being 6 all day every day

>> No.3493707

>Chill pill
>He heard that from his mother yesterday
because he's six

>> No.3493708


>> No.3493709

Is there a chill pill for being 6

>> No.3493710


mah nigga.

>> No.3493760


I'm sure Dawkins is perfectly aware that he's writing a book and not rigorously testing his hypothesis, I would've thought, given that he is a writer and public popularizer of science and not a scientist, that this would be a given. I believe that your criticisms while true, and disingenuous.


I am perfectly chilled.