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/lit/ - Literature

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3492100 No.3492100 [Reply] [Original]

This fucker. I'm doing my master thesis with a discrous analysis as methological basis and though "Well, I might as well go ahead and read the source material".

The Archaeology of Knowledge is the worst piece of shit I've ever read. Why is he writing so much bullshit? Some of it makes sense, but that book would only be half as long if he just rewrote it with WHAT HE FOUND OUT and not "HM MAYBE IF WE THINK LIKE THIS"

French philosopher hate gerneral

>> No.3492105

As J.B. said, "Forget Foucault."

Read more Dolce & Gabbana.

>> No.3492106

"Foucault has a head like a fucking orange"
- Jacques Derrida

>> No.3492126

Sorry, I don't read books written by fags.

>> No.3492129

Why would I hate them when they are at worst an interesting ornament to Our Sacred Life?

>> No.3492153

Choosing to do a masters thesis which includes a discourse analysis without having read the primary source material before hand

You're fucking retarded, OP

>> No.3492179


I second this.

inb4 b...b...but muh Habermas!

>> No.3492191
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>ameridumbs mad when everything is 2deep4u


>> No.3492199

OP confirmed as evidence that they really are letting anyone into grad school these days. OP they just want your money.

>inb4 b...b...but muh Habermas, Pecheux, Fairclough

>> No.3492204

>Read more Dolce & Gabbana.
I fucking love you.

>> No.3492221

One time Chomsky did a public talk/interview thing with Foucault. He was surprised by how clear and lucid Foucault was, and after the interview he asked him why, given that he made so much sense in person, his books were so unclear and hard to grasp. Foucault's answer was that to be respected in French philosophy, about a third of what you write has to be complete nonsense.

>> No.3492228
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>> No.3492232


Beaucoup des mouches, ici. Ah, c'est pourquoi; il y a tant de merde ici.

>> No.3492278

source? this a fact?

>> No.3492397
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hai gaiz what's goin' on?

>> No.3492422

I don't get why people would hate Foucault. Is it his writing style? His arguments? I read Madness & Civilization and thought it was probably one the most intellectually fascinating things I've read in like the last five years.

>> No.3492426


actually the archaeology of knowledge could be seen as a pre-requisite read for understanding earlier foucault. offering the systematic approach in unearthing the 'episteme' it is the only book which deals primarily with his methodology, leading to his substantive contributions in The Order of things, madness and civ, etc

>> No.3492431


>i dont get why le scorpion stings
>why le womyn bleeds
>why le plebe plebes

>> No.3492435

Hey OP, I have to give a presentation on discourse analysis in my English grammar class. There's just a little chapter on it in our book. Any reading you can recommend to get started? Intro books, classic works, etc.?

>> No.3492440

>I'm doing my master thesis
> I might as well go ahead and read the source material

No university with a little self-respect would let idiots like you do masters.

>> No.3492484


>> No.3492590
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>> No.3493627

>implying philosophy is about what one finds out and not about the maybes (sometimes disguised as actual finds)

>> No.3493637

"Philosophy is science for teenagers" -Richard Feynman.

>> No.3493642
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>> No.3493657


Never once did he say this. In fact, his son studied philosophy and Richard supported that.

>> No.3493666

richard was a good man. unlike most of his fans.

>> No.3493671

i googled carl feynman and it seems he is a computer engineer

>> No.3493675

"Richard Fenyman is a fairy" -Ludwig Wittgenstein

>> No.3493688


He took a philosophy course, I'm sorry. In fact, he looked terribly down upon philosophy indeed:

"My son is taking a course in philosophy, and last night we were looking at something by Spinoza and there was the most childish reasoning! There were all these attributes, and Substances, and all this meaningless chewing around, and we started to laugh. Now how could we do that? Here's this great Dutch philosopher, and we're laughing at him. It's because there's no excuse for it! In the same period there was Newton, there was Harvey studying the circulation of the blood, there were people with methods of analysis by which progress was being made! You can take every one of Spinoza's propositions, and take the contrary propositions, and look at the world and you can't tell which is right."

>> No.3493698


Oh and wait a minute, it turns out I was right after all:

"Carl Feynman, a software engineer with an undergraduate degree in linguistics and philosophy from MIT and a master's degree in computer science, reinforced the idea that his father was unsure that many wanted to hear his ramblings on subjects other than physics."

>> No.3493728

and this is what happens when you allow a physicist to have an opinion on anything that isn't physics

>> No.3493736


You mean he happens to be completely right even there?

Richard Feynman was more intelligent than any philosopher you can ever show me.

>> No.3493738

that's like a pipefitter looking at an orange and saying "where are the fucking pipes?"

>> No.3493752

He clearly never looked that closely at Newton or Harvey.

>> No.3493759

OP here

Discours analysis is no black magic.
It's pretty simple and there are some good authors that are alive and don't write like... like the french.
I just wanted to know the whole background.

Should have stuck with habermas and the speech act...

>> No.3493781


that's the best i can give you

>> No.3493782

whos habermas

>> No.3493867


when scientists happen to be right and the fave philosophers wrong
expect /lit/ butthurt

>> No.3493890

I don't know. I always found it a sign of stupidity bragging about your own ignorance.

Because that's what he does, he is like a jock picking up a math book and saying "what are all these numbers NERD? Why are you reading them NERD? They are not gonna get you laid NERD!"

He doesn't even try to understand what spinoza is doing and on top of that he brings newton as an example. A man who was laughed by half of the known world for bringing "magical thought" in science by believing that objects could be moved without touching them.

The status of Newton for a lot of time was that of a fraud and a joker, not that different from what many people consider derrida today.

>> No.3493896

newfag from /sci/ or /pol/ detected

>> No.3493900

>comparing ontological philosophy to regular science
lol feynman had a retard-level iq

>> No.3493901


Butthurt faggot not smart enough for math and science detected.

>> No.3493911

>can't into thinking thoroughly enough to think himself right out of math and science again within hours
>only sceptical when it's convenient

>> No.3493913


you guys realize these replies never contribute anything to the convo right

>> No.3494008
