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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 61 KB, 187x272, CharlesBukowski-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3491863 No.3491863 [Reply] [Original]

How come this sponging, misogynistic, angry little bum was able to produce so much good stuff?

>> No.3491864

Because you have bad taste.

>> No.3491866
File: 324 KB, 1228x1087, Buk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3491868

oh dear. Try a little harder next time.

>> No.3491873


Hm? If you like a bad author, the question shouldn't be "why is this bad author actually good?", the question should be "why do I like a bad author?"

And the answer to that is very simple.

>> No.3491880

Has 4chan just hiccuped?

>> No.3491959

He ripped off Fotane and Hemingway's style and had really strong editors to make sense of his pissy drivel.

>> No.3492082

This is actually somewhat true.

>> No.3492335

Pro Tip: He didn't.

>> No.3492347

fante dude. or is fotane an obscure joke ?

>> No.3492349

>How come ... was able to produce so much good stuff?
>He didn't.
*He wasn't

Grammar is important.

Please be more careful next time.

>> No.3492357

I'm disappointed. That's the best insult you've got on me?

>> No.3492358

It wasn't an insult.

>> No.3492367

Quip, retort, wise crack, etc. Fill in your own blank then.

I have to assume you're the person I told to be more careful because there was already a Bukowski thread on the front page and that you got mad about that.

>> No.3492417

The worst thing about being a tripfag is always having to get the last word in, else people will know you lost.

>> No.3492627

Fuck off.

>> No.3492637


>> No.3492649


>> No.3492660

why wouldn't he have been?

>> No.3492708

I believe this guy has a psychic disorder, because hes so fixated on this author and apparently spends his whole day browsing lit/ for Bukoswki threads to post in. Do you have no work to do Bulkowski?

>> No.3492720

Are his books difficult to read?

>> No.3492750

Only an egotistical dullard would be offended by such a gentle rebuke as >>3492349.

They corrected you for grammar on a literature discussion board. No need to be upset.

>> No.3492753


No, seriously. Fuck off. You rear your ugly little head in every single Bukowski thread.

>> No.3492762

>Are his books difficult to read?
In terms of prose? No, they are stylistically minimal and very easy to read.

In terms of content? They can be a little hard for some delicate flowers. He was an alcoholic who was severely abused as a child and discusses this. There is also woman bashing, swearing and general despair.

>> No.3492871

He writes at the level of a fifth grader. No, they aren't hard at all.

>> No.3493018

>He writes at the level of a fifth grader
That's a little hypocritical.

>> No.3493047

Why so many bukowski threads?

>> No.3493055

Because Laurie Penny threads are a bannable offence.

>> No.3493164
File: 28 KB, 534x113, Lauriequestion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Laurie Penny is about to do an online Q&A for Question Time in 10 mins. This should be good.

>> No.3493171

Could someone please ask her whether those femdom fics are true stories?

>> No.3493180

Ask her yourself.

>> No.3493190

I dunno man, he sounds like a shifty motherfucker if you've ever heard him talk

>> No.3493191


>> No.3493212

I have joined le twitterverse specifically for this.

>> No.3493217

like half his writing covers labour. I hardly think he's a sponge

>> No.3493222

are you going to ask about femdom or boring twitter feminist journalism shit

don't be a nigger

>> No.3493220

taking it too far, m8

move along to another thread

>> No.3493229

I am not the "N" word. I am happily married to an Anime pillow (Thank you very much)

Well now excuse me... I am going to fuck the fluff out of it now.

>> No.3493235

What anime is it

>> No.3493237
File: 63 KB, 545x222, Picture 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have joined le twitterverse specifically for this.
She just said pic related. Ask her about being a burlesque stripper.

Also, enable 'All' instead of 'No replies'.

>> No.3493239
File: 55 KB, 640x467, fucking-hipsters-spiderman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because pic related

also only the wealth extremes are interesting for fiction. It's only if you fall in between bukowski and tolstoy's high society that no one gives a fuck. authors like dickens who cover both extremes are guaranteed success

>> No.3493246

what does she have to do with bukowski?

>> No.3493247

Both are shit

>> No.3493248


Sailor Moon.

Fuck you for interrupting my stroke session with it. You should be fucking ashamed of yourself.

>> No.3493253

is she a fan? did she big him up?

>> No.3493255

that's harry dean stanton

>> No.3493256

stop derailing threads pls

>> No.3493258

I certainly have a preference about which one I'd rather wake up next too after a night drinking.

>> No.3493263

Never met a self-respecting hipster who liked Bukowski
Franzen and Murakami are arguably the two most successful semiliterary authors, and they write almost exclusively about the middle class.

>whoops everything I said is wrong hurr durr

>> No.3493268

why don't you like her? what did she do to get on your jimmies and be relevant to /lit/ more than any other journalist?

>> No.3493269

She's written 4 books too.

>> No.3493270

so why did you ignore all the other questions?

>> No.3493273

that\s only contemporary hipsters

>> No.3493275

I'm not the same guy. I'm a fan of hers.

>> No.3493281

Why does /lit/ like this cunt?

>> No.3493286

>Why does /lit/ like this cunt?
Cause she's fighting the good fight.


>> No.3493310

She's a self-righteous, privately educated champagne socialist. She makes a few good points, but a broken clock is right twice a day. Really don't understand all this /lit/ love for her.

>> No.3493324
File: 800 KB, 459x2157, Laurie Penny red.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care about her parentage or wealth, just the content of her arguments. She was a teenager when she wrote pic related and it's pretty good...for a teen. I honestly think she might have something really powerful to say in a few years.

>> No.3493330

She says she's 24 in the opening sentence, and the only good part is the Thompson quote.
I think she'll keep saying things for years, regardless of whether or not it's powerful.

>> No.3493335

This is tumblr tier. Are you fucking kidding me? This is a grown adult sperging about the subjugation of women in Genesis, rebellion against the man in a posh private school, and boring, nutless, angsty leftist activism. Who cares?

The bar is low these days.

>> No.3493338

She wrote the italics when she was 18. She goes onto say it was the first post on her blog.

>> No.3493353

She's still a teen mentally from the looks of things. I mean, all this "Down our oppressors!" and "stick it to da man!" shit is cringeworthy. She's a hypocritical, inconsistent journalist. I think /lit/ only likes her because of the way she looks or something along those lines.

>> No.3493392

>I mean, all this "Down our oppressors!" and "stick it to da man!" shit is cringeworthy.
That's because you live in a bubble of incredible privilege, while 'western democracy' maintains a three tier, 1st, 2nd, 3rd world status for our opulent consumerism, and force the majority of the world into poverty.

Yeah, attack anyone complaining about the system. The government now owe 17k for every single person in the country, and we are going to fucking feel that debt over the next decade. But no, ignore it, criticize these lazy leftists who can see this and are screaming to do something about it. They are deluded scroungers and everything must be ok, because you can lay in bed all day masturbating and eating chocolate. For fuck sake, why are people so blind? Pacified by television, internet and lulled into thinking everything okay.

>> No.3493398

i don't think he's attacking the act of complaining about the system, i think he's just not impressed by a teenager repeating the same rah rah fight the power slogans that they all do at that age, and somehow getting published for it because she has blog tier writing abilities

>> No.3493985

Put my thoughts into words.

>> No.3495023

She's right though. In the 70s, outsiders, freaks had mobility, could walk into a job, and leave for another easily. Normal jobs were also less relentless, young people didn't have to work as hard. Pay was better, you could be invested in the system.

The baby boomers really did a number on the world. They grew up in a semi socialist world then as soon as they started getting power, they changed the rules so the money went in their direction at the expense of their children's generation.

>> No.3495037

I think vocal fans - maybe 3 anons tops - make it look like lit love but I assure you - /lit/ does not unite around anything, good or bad.

I myself can't be bothered to go find out who she is because there are a million other interesting things not teen-angsty that hold my interest.

>> No.3496138
