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File: 25 KB, 232x351, Carjat_Arthur_Rimbaud_1872_n2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3490633 No.3490633 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/

I've been on here for a while but just started noticing this guy. He has been getting posted a lot more frequently. Who was he and where do I start with his work?

thanks, friends.

>> No.3490646

His name is John Fitzgerald, he is a south african writer from the 16th century, the first to do biblical sci-fi with his prose.

>> No.3490648
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that would be my doing.

start anywhere in the poems. he only wrote about 100. he also wrote 2 prose poem works called Season in Hell, and the collected prose pomes, the Illuminations. The Illuminations will blow your mind, but I suggest savouring them after you're more familiar with his woeks. The Season in Hell is difficult, but a casual can still enjoy it.

>> No.3490655

Arthur Rimbaud (1854-1891) French poet
Icon of the sexual and aesthetic rebel after writing A Season in Hell, inspired by his affair with his lover, the more conventional (but more technically skillful) poet Paul Verlaine (1844-1896). Gave up poetry, became a merchant trader in Ethiopia.

>> No.3490656

The Drunken Boat, Mémoire, and the short Verlain-ish poems of 1872 are my favourites.

BTW dude was fucking the major poet of France at the time, Paul Verlaine, who is largely responsable for making Rimbaud famous long after he quit writing and left to trade in afrikaa.

>> No.3490657

thank you

>> No.3490664

he was this fucked up little gay kid with a fucked up mom who was really good at writing poems but then he got mad and decided to be a gun runner in africa until he fucked up his leg then waited until it became gangrenous to go to france for medical care. they cut it off then he died 6 months later

>> No.3490674

J'ai horreur de tous les métiers. Maîtres et ouvriers, tous paysans, ignobles. La main à plume vaut la main à charrue. — Quel siècle à mains ! — Je n'aurai jamais ma main. Après, la domesticité mène trop loin. L'honnêteté de la mendicité me navre. Les criminels dégoûtent comme des châtrés : moi, je suis intact, et ça m'est égal

Une Saison en Enfer is great

>> No.3490679

>tfw mystically enthusiastic about life and no one understands but Rimbaud but all the living people look at you in an alerted manner when you cry at the sun

>> No.3490682

Anywhey I wrote a thesis on this nigger, you can ask me anything.

>> No.3490688

How much do you love everything and do you sometimes cry?

>> No.3490690

For the record OP his last name is pronounced RamBow
Read Novatore
Drunken Boat is way too good

>> No.3490691


I love everything... a lot.

I haven't cried lately. Probably repressing some stuff. Very upset about the past few months.

>> No.3490714
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>Read Novatore
I appreciate the advice but I have over six minutes in navy sales and read from Walker to New Goat Stirning so don't fuck with the hooves, smooths. I appreciate your Zeta ass even more for also liking Rimbaud though. You have all encompassing good taste I haste to relate.

Why are you upset?

>> No.3490718

How does one cry? I only cry when i realize i've hurt someone, but it's good. I want to just be able to cry when i'm upset...

>> No.3490730
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Moved to a new town far away for a temporary job. Kind of bad roommates, really don't like the culture here that much, and it took me a long time to make new friends. Can't wait to go back home when my contract is over.

Sometimes shit piles up emotionally and you have to have a sit down and cry for a while. Not like depression, but normal occasional sadness and events.

>> No.3490740

Do you have a physical copy of his complete works? I'm looking on Amazon for it now and every other review talks about how horrible the translation is... this happens on every translation I see.

Which would you recommend?

>> No.3490746


I just read the Pléiade edition now. When my french was not good I read a side by side bilingual edition by Wallace Fowlie and Seth Whidden published by U Chicago press.
It's very literal translation, and although I'd change shit on every page and it may not be a very poetical tranny, I think it's appropriate for understanding the original language.

>> No.3490754

I can live for years until I get feelings again and then I can't even out of Rimbaud. Can't get away from the little cunt. My french isn't even that good.

>> No.3490759

Yet another thing pushing me to learn french. In due time...

>> No.3490762


True dat broseph.


Nighty night y'all.

>> No.3490765

good night to you as well "lack of donky"

>> No.3490771

You can learn enough of the basics of French in a 2 month intensive summer class that you can read the newspaper, watch the news, and read novels.

>> No.3490778

agreed, if you know english you already know like 1/4 of the words you'll come across
i learned enough french to read le monde + camus and listen to rap songs by just fucking around on and off for like 5 months. if you actually studied it you'd learn a lot fast.

>> No.3490785

You inspire me to freshen up my 7 years of neglected high school French. I''ll watch the shit out of their online tv, thanks.

>> No.3490968

Verlaine was pig-ugly, how did he get a hottie like Rimmy.

>> No.3490976

AND, a minor poet. Beats me.

>> No.3490975

I'm actually learning the basics of another language at the moment but I should be done by the summer. I'll definitely give french a go, thanks.

>> No.3490977

Ah, I had a suspicion it was you.

>> No.3491012
File: 107 KB, 483x650, Samuel Beckett.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw French
>mfw studying literature in the US
>mfw no one can understand your infinite love for rimbaud & proust

>> No.3491039
File: 66 KB, 600x741, Arthur-Rimbaud.jpg-5905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because rimbaud actually looked like this
wrong as hell, verlaine was nearly as popular as mallarme and hugo during the late 19th century

>> No.3491049
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>mfw American
>mfw all of my favorite authors and poets are French
>mfw I spent all of undergrad learning German

>> No.3491085
File: 49 KB, 500x294, 1360095513105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw when nobody understands why you hold Hugo's poetry in such high esteem

>> No.3491115

Swann's Way in English was still much more beautiful than the vast majority of native English works I've read.

>> No.3491165
File: 25 KB, 500x321, rimbaud-par-ernestpignonernest-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You love, you lose.

>> No.3491191

I think he means that Verlaine has fallen by the wayside, somewhat, especially in comparison to Rimbaud.