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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 73 KB, 720x222, altilitmanifesto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3489041 No.3489041 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't you a member of the alt-lit community?


>> No.3489045
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>> No.3489047

Once again women prove that feminism is all about saying "fuck everything" without actually doing or changing anything.

>> No.3489048

>the alt-lit community?
Alt-lit' is a buzzword to describe Tao Lin and his minions. He's described as 'alternative literature,' because he and the fuckwitt neckbeards who enjoy his drivel want to set himself aside from every other form of the written word. There is a deluded belief that his autismal mewling is genre defining, and that being a socially inept, xanax-addicted, dead-pan sperger who writes in a monotone first-person sincerity that ironically parodies itself is new and edgy enough to demand recognition.

They tried with new-autism, that didn't stick. Then came new-sincerity, stolen from the music scene, that didn't stick either. Now 'alt lit' is the flavour of the month, and these insufferable cretins believe they are part of a literature revolution that rivals the beats or realism, because the popularity of social media means they can masturbate to his twitter feeds while convincing themselves that King Sperger himself is relevant.

>> No.3489049
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Men can be alt-lit too

>> No.3489050
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>> No.3489053
File: 72 KB, 768x468, dilemma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody here submit stories to the alt-lit magazines?

They have a bunch of them that accept short stories, I think I'll type out a few today and submit them en masse to every one I can find

>> No.3489054
File: 344 KB, 606x360, altlitqt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody else notive how attractive the girls in the alt-lit commuity are>?

>> No.3489058
File: 38 KB, 597x400, altlitprizefiction.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This won a cash prize recently

What do you think?

>> No.3489061

Eagerly awaiting an example.

>> No.3489065
File: 162 KB, 1080x720, nolinkheremu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another

>> No.3489069

That site sure isn't easy on the eye.

>> No.3489082

I might join it just for the audience. I'm not alt-lit but my stories are far too liberal for /lit/'s taste.

>> No.3489087
File: 296 KB, 1280x853, altlitdeeplyemotionaltributetothehumandondition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SPOILER: Don't read this is you're unacquainted with human suffering, it'll make you emotional

>> No.3489095
File: 451 KB, 430x481, altlitqt2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"H-Hey Anon, why aren't y-you a member of the alt-lit community?"

>> No.3489112

Go to college and realize these chicks are 5s or 4s

>> No.3489117
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>> No.3489121

I am in college.

I only go for pale young girls with low-self esteem. It's like my thing

>> No.3489125

>thinking those types have low self-esteem


>> No.3489127

They do. They cover it up by desperately trying to fit in to peripheral groups and cliques like the alt-lit crowd.

Underneath that all they want is to be tied up and spanked and be blowbanged by a posee of well hung african-americans.

>> No.3489128
File: 25 KB, 200x345, laurie-penny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because alt-journalism is better.

>> No.3489133
File: 29 KB, 518x160, Question time.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Laurie Penny is on question time tomorrow with Christopher Hitchens' brother.

>> No.3489135

that's all women u fool

>> No.3489141

Yes, but these ones don't actually suck black phallus, they only fantasize it, leaving them a wreck of repressed emotions and desires (hence the anti-emotion stance of the alt-lit community).

Getting a girl like this to be intimate with you is like blowign a hole through a dam wall and letting the liquid flood the valley below. They are so fucked up from consciously trying to be other than what they want to be that they're literally bursting with vaginal juice and cocklust.

>> No.3489148

Any interview with Peter Hitchens and Russell Brand is hilariously awkward.

>> No.3489155

I don't hate Peter Hitchens as much as other people.

I don't agree with what he says but he always seems to want to discuss the issues in a rational and logical way

>> No.3489156

>Russell Brand

The line up is:
Vince Cable
Diane Abbott
Michael Heseltine
Giles Fraser
Peter Hitchens
Laurie Penny

>> No.3489165

Oh lord, my sides!
I'm honestly curious how often this is true. Personal experience certainly backs up your opinion.

Yours sincerely,

A well hung posee of African-Americans.

>> No.3489168

Well I wouldn't know since I'm a virgin, but I think it's common knowledge that girls are deviant as hell in their sexuality, probably because as young kids they're told to be prim and pure and whatever, so over time they repress their instincts and desires (whereas guys joke about them with their dads etc) and end up wanting to be assfucked by their fathers while being choked by their best-friend's older brother.

>> No.3489172

*many girls

>> No.3489185

All I can say is that the 'daddy issues' stereotype is horrendously accurate.
Dated a girl whose dad was an officer in the army, it was quite obvious he hadn't paid her as much attention as she might have wanted growing up.
The result being that she would do anything to win my interest and approval, and I mean anything.
The downside is that a girl like that will never challenge you on any level, even if she's intelligent, for the sole reason that she craves your approval at all times.
Though it's amazingly fun at first, it really starts to grate on you after a while.

>> No.3489195


Wow - that is awfully in every way possible.

Was it written by an edgy 9 year old?

>> No.3489196

I'd love a girl like that

For someone to see me as a good judge of character or as an respected arbiter of what is good and bad amkes me rock hard

>> No.3489194

Is this the end-of-the-road shithole postmodernism was leading towards?

>> No.3489197
File: 93 KB, 720x960, altlit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

17 year old actually

Pic related: translated into a dozen langauges and selling worldwide

He has a new book coming out published by Canongate, called Lolito

>> No.3489199

Plath did it better.

>> No.3489201

God, what a piece of shit.

>> No.3489204

I think he's a little too set in his ways when it comes to discussion. He wants everything to be like in a debate club, making him I think the perfect mildly autistic straight man to Russell Brand.

>Diane Abbott
>Michael Heseltine
Overall, this looks to be a pretty hilarious line up.

>> No.3489206
File: 42 KB, 500x375, hookingupqithqt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u mad?

>> No.3489208
File: 14 KB, 203x300, andrewneill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw nomfw

>> No.3489209

>the death of literary standards.docx

>> No.3489211

Why are you the one the one stammering you scurvy cunt?

>> No.3489212
File: 6 KB, 183x275, benbrooks23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you have against people who are the voice of our generation?

>> No.3489216

I suppose "have had" would have been more appropriate. Unless Peter is in the habit of talking to dead people.

>> No.3489217

Chris is dead brah

Also they were never very close from around 18 years old

>> No.3489213

Man, that chick on the right makes a good funny looking friend to the one on the left.

>> No.3489214

>Peter Hitchens
>Church of England

>Christopher Hitchens
>prototypical angry atheist

They must have some fun discussion around the table at Christmas.

>> No.3489219

Well anon, I wish you luck in your quest to find one.
In all honesty your best chances are with a girl who has a stereotypically 'tough guy' father persona. Go figure.

I've learned that I need someone who can challenge me, not just in terms of sexual deviation, but intellectually. I need a woman with fire in her belly, who I might disagree with on multiple things, but has the guts to stand up for her own opinion.
However I loathe 'feminist' feminists. You have to be able to reason with someone. Coming up against a blind wall of irrational thinking is the worlds biggest turn off.

>> No.3489222

I want the opposite of that.

I just want a pure, virginal youth who is naive and sheltered from the world, who lets me fuck her ass and throat but doesn't find it wrong or disgusting, and likes to cuddle and praise my patrician tastes.

>> No.3489223

His passing would only improve the quality of discourse so.

>> No.3489224

The disagreements between the two brothers have always been public sibling squabbling. I think they went some way to making up though before Chris died.

>> No.3489240

Attraction is a weird thing.
If you wouldn't mind indulging my curiosity, do you think there's any reason you might prefer such a submissive partner? What was your mother's relationship like with her partner(s) for instance?

In the interest of sharing:
I guess my need for a challenging partner comes from having two incredibly intelligent parents, both Sci PHD's back when they meant something, (major jealously for not being as smart as they are, but I get by). I was raised in in a house where friendly debate was pretty much constant between my parents.

So what's your mind molding upbringing anon?

>> No.3489247
File: 9 KB, 215x184, ew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know how or why I stumbled into this cluster fuck but I'm now horrified by the amount of acne scared "writers" with too much eyeliner I've seen.

>> No.3489252

My mom and dad are pretty normal I guess, no complexes here.

I guess it's down to my low self-esteem and insecurity. I've always been very jealous with my girlfriends to the point of breaking up with them in the fear that they were about to break up with me.

My mind molding upbringing is pretty uneventful. Mom worked as a school nurse in another highschool and dad worked as a manager of a luimber mill. We never talked about anything really, it was a quiet house, with my dad being the silent but authoratitive leader of the household. I found out my younger sister had a crush on him after stealing some of her journals and finding fictional stories about her bathing her and rubbing her clitoris and making her shiver and feel hot and bothered etc.

>> No.3489254

*him bathing her

>> No.3489255

I just googled alt-lit and I can't find a substantial community for it anywhere. It just seems to be a few tumblrs. Not convinced it's as much of a thing as this board gives it credit for.

>> No.3489257

See the link in the OP faggot

Alt-lit is the jew of literature. Always present and thought to befar more powerful than they are by a group of otherwise intelligent delusional autists

>> No.3489259
File: 56 KB, 550x505, 550w_birthdays_david_dimbleby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right. I have seen a lot of shit spewed from this girl, and a couple of good excerpts too. I will watch you on Question Time, Laurie Penny, and I will judge you. If anything, it will be quite amusing to see you go full communist while Dimbleby peers over the top of glasses at you with his beady rat eyes. I'm reserving judgement for 24 hours, then I'll decide how much of a cunt you are.

>> No.3489262

>It just seems to be a few tumblrs.
That is all it is. A few tumblr pages and Tao Lin and his friends twitter feeds.

>> No.3489264

>you will never use your face as Laurie Penny's human chair as she appears on question time, feelign the sweat trickle down her thighs and pubic hair into your mouth and nose

>> No.3489265

That can be terrible in it's own right. I consider myself a bit of a polymath, but I was recently in a relationship with a girl who was ridiculously clever, not the smartest girl I've dated, but the smartest person I have ever met, seen or heard of. In the first place, I got to know her because I admired her. I am confident that she'd make Leonardo Da Vinci shit his pants and fall over, crying with all his self confidence lost in a few minutes after the encounter.
It was cool being with someone like that initially but eventually, living up to that is tough.
Challenge is good, but it can go too far. I felt like I was unworthy, and I couldn't perceive her relationship with anyone else as anything but the relationship between a downs syndrome kid and a professor of all known knowledge.
She was atleast a 9, too.

>> No.3489266

Post a picture faggot

>> No.3489267

That shithead needs to know his place.

>> No.3489272

If 'Laurie Penny erotica' becomes a thing, I'm all for it.

>> No.3489273

See where I said
>just seems to be a few tumblrs
It has an "alt-lit market" page but all of the links are to blogs or more tumblrs.

Here we go ...

>> No.3489274

Alt-lit thrives on irony and self-deprecation

>> No.3489275

>she lets out a nervous fart into your nostrils

>> No.3489279

>not the smartest girl I've dated, but the smartest person I have ever met, seen or heard of
What? You been e-dating on mensa or something?

>> No.3489280

he is, church of england, remember?

>> No.3489281

>she squirms around and fans up her skirt beneath the desk, letting the rotting yeast waft onto your face

>> No.3489283

In his case, it thrives on mummy and daddy.

>> No.3489284

Not really, since he published his most famous book when he was 17 and has published 5 more since

>> No.3489287

Nope, but she was a member.
We're still friends, I'm not gonna post people on 4chan without their permission.

>> No.3489289

When in Rome...

>> No.3489288

The "most famous" part of that first book was that out of context Observer quote on the front. He's consistently panned by critics. Tao Lin on the other hand...

>> No.3489290

>being intelligent
>being a member of MENSA
Pick one.

>> No.3489292

Definitely sounds more of a preference due to difficulties in past relationships.

Cheers for sharing anon I was just curious. Wonder if one of us will ever shift into preferring the other's ideal stereotype.
Either way I'm out,
Good luck with the world etc.

>> No.3489294

It's not like she bragged about it bro.
But yeah, I am not a big fan of mensa either.

>> No.3489295

>fuck the boys with their big books
ok, we'll let you have the small books


>> No.3489293

Maybe we could hook up anon-chan?

>> No.3489297

Have you seen his wiki page?

It's so obviously written by him that it isn't even funny any more.

>> No.3489311


Oh, for - look. Read your sentence again.
>not the smartest girl I've dated, but the smartest person I have ever met, seen or heard of

>but the smartest person I have ever met, seen or heard of
This means she is the smartest person you have ever met, seen or heard of.

>not the smartest girl I've dated
This bit means you have dated at least one smarter girl.

Put the two clauses together and you're not simply implying, you're outright stating that you've dated a girl who was not only smarter than her, but whom you've never met, seen or heard of.

At this point I don't have a very high opinion of what you think is intelligent.

>> No.3489312

>It's so obviously written by him that it isn't even funny any more.
>The novel was published in 2011 by Canongate Books Ltd. It centers around Jasper, a teenager who is in his final year of compulsory education and, like his friends, engages in drugs, sex and drink in his spare time.
This sounds like he's just copied an episode of Skins. Can write his own wiki page and shit post on /lit/, cannot write a novel worth a damn. Who'd have thought?

>> No.3489314

my sides.

>> No.3489316

If i remember correctly he has different opinions to his brother on pretty much everything.

>> No.3489317

What's with the >FIVE?

>> No.3489318

I'm sorry, let me rephrase that.
"she is not ONLY the smartest girl I have ever dated"

>> No.3489320

That's pretty much what the Observer said about it, with the parallels to Skins.

>> No.3489322

Okay, good job.

>> No.3489327

That's what makes me think it was written by him - that, and the "has not sold a million books" thing. It sounds like the sort of irritating semi-serious self-deprecation that people like to do in an attempt to seem both slightly-humorous and modest. Totally out-of-tone for Wikipedia, and reads like something out of a blog.

>> No.3489332

If you didn't have to pay to be a member or it had actual benefits it might make sense, but it's like self-publishing a novel as is.

>> No.3489338

I thought he was going full on arsehole.

>> No.3489339

I'm a little annoyed they deleted Kitzo Hekotormos' entry for not being notary enough, but his self written one is still there.

>> No.3489345
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>> No.3489350

It's sort of pseudo-modest, you know. It's inflating your own ego by saying something intended to look like you're deflating it. Well, at least the "Not sold a million" bit. The "FIVE" bit, however, could be just him being a cunt about how many books he's written in just a few years. I don't think that's really anything to be proud of, though. Novels should have a lot of work put into them, especially if you're aiming for the "literary fiction" strata of writing, and bragging about being able to get five novels published since 2011 (even if some were probably written beforehand) doesn't reflect well on the writer.

>> No.3489357
File: 9 KB, 300x330, mandc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If 'Laurie Penny erotica' becomes a thing, I'm all for it.

The halo from the single ceiling light blurs as tears fill my eyes. I'm a filthy privileged male and Mistress Laurie is here to check me. Lifting her heeled boot from my chest, she bends down to check my restraints, pulling at them with one hand while holding my mouth open with the other to spit in it.
"You dirty scum" She hisses, and squeezes my balls, digging her empowered fingernails in.

This is the first time I have been hogtied by an English feminist, yet I already realise what a worthless maggot I am. I hear her heels click down either side of my ears and look up to see her thong pulled to the side as she squats down on my face. Her thighs clamp around my head, my nose pressing into her dark asshole, and her pussy lips press into my mouth. I can taste her sweet feminist juices. She reaches down and parts her wet pussy lips with two fingers and groans when my eager tongue starts to probe inside her.

"You naughty, naughty boy," She says. "I'm going to have to teach you a lesson." She lets go of my balls and grabs my cock. Leaning forward she takes me in her mouth. I wriggle in my restraints, the cable ties cut into my ankles and I feel a warm tear of blood trickling down towards my foot.

Mistress Laurie opens her mouth and takes my cock. Forcing me to the back of her throat, she holds it there until she chokes and her saliva drips down my privileged shaft.

I can feel her teeth closing in. Jaws starting to clench to fix my worthless masculinity.

she reaches back and slides one finger into her ass. My cock is solid. I strain to tongue around her finger and beg to let me taste her.

She slides a finger into my ass now, fingering both of us with matching speed.

"Mistress Laurie" I whimper. "I think I'm going to cum."

>> No.3489366

I think it's a family thing. her parents are in mensa, and she's been there since childhood.

>> No.3489369


>> No.3489376

More please

>> No.3489379

requesting feet

>> No.3489385


> There is... a violence... a violence in all of this...

>> No.3489405

4chan tripfriend "Rei Koz" aka the creepy all-caps guy is getting a bit of attention in the alt-lit community

"Rei Koz is amazing. What is this I’m reading? It reminds me of a long-lost Dadaist poem. ‘Everynine is Spiralwork’ is beautiful. I read it several times. There are three children with Germanic names. A random guy comes out in a spaceship and snatches them up. That’s all I can figure out. After that there are some creative words that aren’t even words, a lot of tribal repetition, and warnings. It’s a weird story. If the Brothers Grimm were alive and alt they would drool over this thing. Love this poem."

>> No.3489406
File: 709 KB, 1500x1956, benbrooks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: Jelly has-beens unwilling to accept the fact that Ben Brooks has overturned centuries of traditions and forged a new paradigm of what the novel should be

>> No.3489415

Nothing he does in his writing is new or interesting.

>> No.3489424
File: 47 KB, 327x491, benbrooksswag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's now what "cult American novelst and poet Dennis Cooper" says

>> No.3489430

the alt-lit community seems appealing. An easier audience you couldn't ask for. I could sperg all over them with the most sticky strings of purple prose, and their fragile minds would explode with amazement at my wit.

>> No.3489436

Do it

I'm writing stuff right now to submit to their mags

Gonna get me some qt hipster vagine

>> No.3489439

Tao Lin and friends used to post there and the barrier to acceptance is really low nowadays
all the hipster vagine you could ever want

>> No.3489455

>The beauty and the beast.

However I'm unsure of whom is the beast in this case.

>> No.3489458

Wow over a quarter of million people following that thing on twitter.

Sounds cool

>> No.3489463

i don't think they care for purple prose.

it seems that the key to alt lit is to seem like you're not trying.

here's some poetry by alt lit superstar Steve Roggenbuck:

>> No.3489468
File: 72 KB, 232x295, Misspenny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"You filthy boy," she says. "What am I going to do with you?" Standing up, she grabs my arm and drags me across the floor to the foot of her bed. My cock is so hard that I can barely keep my privileged load from shooting. Mistress Laurie perches on the end of her bed and removes the stockings from her pale white legs. I groan in worthless delight at she presses her foot into my face, her toes spreading to allow my tongue to clean between them.

"You should be grateful to clean your mistress' feet," She tells me, and wraps the stocking around my neck.

"I am mistress Laurie," I groan. The stocking pulls tight and my head feels light. She kicks me in the side of the head before sticking her toes in my mouth again. There is no feeling in this world that can compare to the pleasure of cleaning your feminists toes.

I wriggle my right hand free of its restraint. Glancing up at her I can tell she permits this. I begin to stroke myself, laying there on the floor like the privileged trash I am. I pleasure my worthless cock for my queen.

She swaps feet and allows me to service her other toes. Oh, mistress, I am not worthy. I look up and see has slipped an empowered finger inside herself. She sticks another in, and looks down at me, beating myself into ecstasy and sucking on her toes.

I get a special treat from my mistress as she lets me taste her fingers, swirling them inside my mouth, then fishooking my cheek.

My cock is tensing now. I can feel I'm going to shoot so I slow down. She notices. Jumping down from the bed she squats over my face again and tears of joy fill my eyes as I'm granted a taste of her precious asshole. With my free hand I reach up to touch her, but she slaps me hard. I've angered my Mistress. What does a worthless male like me think he's doing trying to touch his queen?

"Oh mistress," I begin, but it's too late. She kicks me in the ribs and winds me. Picking her bag of feminist delights up from the bed, she pulls out a strap-on....

>> No.3489475

Shit that stuffs pretty good

Know wher I can buy some of his other works?

>> No.3489477

>achingly try to seem like you're a modern-day Hemingway without all of the interesting bits on Xanax in your prose
>write shite poetry in a couple of minutes in all lower-case
>acquire respect of imbeciles

Is this how alt-lit works?

>> No.3489479


>> No.3489483


>> No.3489490

penny-lit because she's just as cheap as a penny, get it, get it?!

>> No.3489496

hemingway? no

but yeah -- xanax prose about feels, no trying allowed. also you should maintain a meta-ironic internet presence

>> No.3489501

More. I need more of this.

>> No.3489506

I'm not talking about any thematic similarities to Hemingway, but rather the minimalist prose style. It goes hand in hand with all of these guys' sort of deliberately disaffected tones. Simple declarative sentences, lack of embellishment.

>> No.3489503

What the fuck is this? Is he actually famous?

>> No.3489516
File: 34 KB, 638x472, ray.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it gay to like this because it's feminist femdom or gay because a fat dude wrote it on /lit/

>> No.3489581

My sides are somewhere in the stratosphere.

>> No.3489641


The thing that get's to me about Laurie Penny is that she is utterly out for herself.
She only fights against things that she perceives affect her negatively, the good of everyone else be damned if it gets in her way.

She only appears as an idealistic upstart because she is on the wrong side of the wealth/power divide. She is just as bad as most other politicians, and should she achieve power or wealth, I'd be truly shocked if she then threw down a rope ladder to help others.

Maybe she will unintentionally do some good, I hope so. To the realist in me however, it is quite apparent such hopes are bullshit.

>> No.3489661

Just waiting to see how she performs on Question Time tomorrow.

I disagree about things that affect her. I know she travels the world reporting on civil unrest and any social movements. Her last article was in Ireland, the one before that Cairo, and her last book was written about the Greek financial crisis.

>> No.3489663

Well, at least she seems to know she's on the wrong side of the wealth/power divide. Chris Hitchens seemed to think not having gone to Eton granted him access to being hoi polloi. As far as young journos go, I like Owen Jones.

>> No.3489691

I already am, OP.

>> No.3489694

>As far as young journos go, I like Owen Jones.

Have you heard the song Laurie Penny and Owen Jones recorded?


>> No.3489704

I doubt he would write it and include bad press.