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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 178 KB, 400x600, watchmen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3487864 No.3487864 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think of Watchmen? Do you think any comics/graphic novels can be good literature?

>> No.3487868

>> No.3487870

Love it.

I also love Alan Moore's Swamp Thing Saga.

The man's a genius and a snappy dresser.

>> No.3487905

Sandman is pretty good, the idea of the Watchmen is better and more important than the actual work, Maus is history for those with ADHD, Persepolis is fucking tedium in picture form, Miller is a hypertensive faget and the very idea that comics should be considered literature takes more away from comics than it does literature and ought to be quashed right now.

>> No.3487916

>> No.3487974

>> No.3488046

>> No.3488068

>> No.3488099

The Watchmen movie was a vast improvement on the graphic novel.

Alan Moore may be one of, if not the best graphic novel writers of all time, but he's still a pretty mediocre writer. For The Watchmen he needed an editor to tell him "that's stupid don't do that, this is terrible, change this, cut this part down."

This is essentially what Zack Snyder did with the movie. He cut all the gangrenous fat from The Watchmen (Black Freighter) and repaired the embolism that was the original ending(a squid? really?).

Sometimes artists get to esoteric and expulsive for their own good. It's a known problem and it's why editors exist. Why is "A Clockwork Orange" so good? Because the producer and the editor sat down and cut *forty five fucking minutes* from Kubrick's edit before it was released.

>> No.3488111

>> No.3488152
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What do you think of Evangelion?
Do you think any anime can be considered good lit?

>> No.3488910

Loved Watchmen, don't think it is good literature. I don't have time to exactly think this all through, but something along the lines of creating ALL of the images for the reader doesn't sit well with me in terms of literature.

>> No.3488926

>> No.3488928

Stop making this thread! Stop responding to it! Fuck!

>> No.3488963

Comics can be great, but they can't be Literature. Because Literature is a medium, not an adjective.

>> No.3489171

Sandman and Watchmen are amazing. Dont know about the rest.

>> No.3489202

>> No.3489218

>> No.3489237

>> No.3489245

>> No.3489251

Does anyone else just really hate the term "graphic novel?"

>> No.3489268

>> No.3489302

>> No.3489308

>> No.3489323

'Comics' evokes either superhero stuff or 'funny page' strips, to me. I find 'graphic novel' more applicable to the sort of story you might tell in a novel, presented visually. Doesn't really matter, and certainly people try to use it to imply greater sophistication in their product or their reading materials.

...my favorite comic/graphic novel apparently won the Hugo award. http://www.diggercomic.com/?p=3

>> No.3489325

>> No.3489336

>> No.3489346

The best graphic novels I have read are Asterios Polyp and Jimmy Corrigan. They would both be in my 'Top 50 things I have read' list.

>> No.3489358

>> No.3489362

>> No.3489438

>> No.3489456

>> No.3489460

>> No.3489891

>> No.3489914

>> No.3491400
File: 420 KB, 1600x1027, LoveBunglersJaimeHernandez.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love and Rockets, especially Jaime Hernandez's Locas series.

>> No.3491408

>> No.3491411

Didn't read watchmen, Maus is fucking amazing. Anyone with questions on if graphic novels can be meaningful lit should read it.

Clowes is pretty good, too, but he is definitely more of the awkward lit/ graphic novel indie sort of thing, not as deep as Maus gets.

>> No.3492075

From Hell is just a masterpiece, way better than Watchmen and V for Vendetta in my opinion

>> No.3492130

I don't know if they're good "literature" but comics* can be just as deep/insightful/moving/whatever as literature.
There's probably a similar percentage of good-to-shit.

The Filth & The Invisibles are certainly Illuminatus-tier. Sandman is very good but mostly a character-based thing for entertainment. Transmetropolitan is an excellent use of a Hunter S Thompson character. Preacher is quite similar in atmosphere to how I imagine King's Dark Tower series to be. Cowboys and religion with a dark sense of humour.

Watchmen & V for Vendetta are very good stories but not significantly deeper than a good science-fiction novel. From Hell was a bit dry for me, I'm a huge fan of Promethea although it's more of a manifesto or statement of Moore's philosophy than anything else.

Arkham Asylum: A serious house on a serious earth is literature-worthy, I'd argue. The only Batman worth reading (Killing Joke aside).

Dave McKean's Cages is a real work of art. As is Shaun Tan's The Arrival.

Modern American comics fall into two camps - Superhero shit (what most people imagine comics to be) and things like Ghost World, Love & Rockets, American Splendor, Black Hole, etc. All quite similar to alt-lit. The latter's good if you like that sort of thing.

The most serious literature-like comics you're likely to find are modern European (not British, although those are lots of fun) and South American.

Search terms of note: Fables, Invincible, The Boys, Cerebus, Moebius, Lucifer, Hellblazer, Books of Magic, Murder Mysteries, WE3, Maus I&II, Junji Ito, Hellboy, The Tragical Comedy of Mr Punch, I Kill Giants

*I don't see the point in making a distinction between comics and graphic novels. That's just a glamour for people who're scared of the comics label.

>> No.3492146
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Hey, /lit/.

Are teabags good literature?

>> No.3492162

chris ware's work is really moving and his art is beautiful

>> No.3492178

Promethea is Goddess Tier.