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3486872 No.3486872 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't you reading A Song of Ice and Fire right now?

>> No.3486883
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because I don't care whose fathers father died in the battle of the great fathers, during the war of the fathers in the age of the dragon fathers, and whom now feast upon the pig whose father was the greatfather of the father of the pig who died during the battle of the pigfathers fatherwar of pigs.

>> No.3486879

I'm busy breathing oxygen.

>> No.3486889
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But I am! What do I win?

>> No.3486894
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>> No.3486920

Because it's a really bad series

>> No.3486936

Because I'm on A Feast for Crows and it's terrible. I don't care about the Greyjoys, or Brienne, or Cersei.

>> No.3486951
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I am exactly in the middle of that and I just wish I could just shoot them all in the face and see what happens to Arya (or Cat, whatever). George is a fucking douchenozzle.

Pictured: dickweed

>> No.3486952

Hi. I am from HBO. I would like to buy this series. How fast can you write it? how much nudity will there be?

>> No.3486965

Because I stopped reading A Storm of Swords half a year ago and never really felt like picking it up again.

I'm at least 1/3 of the way in the book and the only interesting thing that has happened so far was Jaime getting his hand chopped off.

>> No.3486980

I got up to the Red Wedding and then stopped. It's a wildly overrated series -- not bad, just overrated.

>> No.3486982

It's a very poorly written, thinly veiled War of the Roses historical fiction. If I want to read historical fiction I'll read Sigrid Undset instead of GRRM.

>> No.3487015

Jaime loosing his hand basically fucks everything up. Makes him a good guy, Cersei doesn't want to fuck him anymore, also readers are to suffer through Cersei POV chapters.

>> No.3487017

Too busy reading Wolf Hall.

>> No.3487019


it's not all total shit, some parts are actually cool

>> No.3487068

A Feast for Crows is where the series goes off on an odd tangent.
Picks up again after it.

>> No.3487088

I've already read them all. I've forgotten much of what happened already, though, except for the "major spoiler" kind of stuff.

Not sure if that reflects on a failure of retention on my part or on the book.

>> No.3487097


I'm on the third book now and i could see myself battling through the A Feast for Crows but i'm wondering, how good is A Dance with Dragons compared to the rest of the series? (No spoilers please)

>> No.3487101

Because it reads like a treatment for a TV show. I might as well just watch the show.

>> No.3487106

That book was largely meant to fill in the gaps in the political part of the story. Personally, I thought the Cersei perspectives made the book worth reading. It was interesting to see how she devolved from a seemingly cunning and powerful cunt to this pathetic, insecure, and incredibly foolish cunt.

>> No.3487110

I thought it showed more like how she never really had much say, beyond that she puppeteered Joffrey around. Losing that pawn, she's just a whore basically.

>> No.3487135
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Because it's not finished. What's the point if I'm just going to forget what happens when he releases the next one ten years from now?

>> No.3487143

Because I read novels that have intellectual depth and aren't pure entertainment machines and appeal to manchild senses

>> No.3487152


>intellectual depth

I'd rather read a book meant for manchilds trying to escape this world than a book about the idiotic ideas of some pseudo intellectual who thinks he's hot shit.

>> No.3487164

I don't know, there's not much to pull out of fiction, aside from entertainment, that you can't get from a combination of philosophy texts, and life experience.

>> No.3487168

Yes, that's partly why I described her as being pathetic. She has all these illusions of power when, in reality, she's not much more than a figurehead-- and falls even lower than that at the end

>> No.3487178

I liked the series when I was a teenager and reread it later, but I have to say, in the first read it might be damn good, but in a second read one notices a lot of flaws in it.

On the other hand I have grown to like more serious works of literature in the last years, so even if I upset a few people, I am saying that GoT is simply not what I read anymore. It is an entertaining fantasy series with some interesting characters, but it is mainly just that, fun and action, nothing deep to it.

>> No.3487377

I'll never understand the eternal hate /lit/ has for these books. By now people here just resort to the same, automatic one-line catchphrases to criticize the series that I'm convinced that if they're not trolling, they're at least jumping on the bandwagon.

Also, the longer I stay on /lit/, the more I'm convinced that this series is usually only appreciated by people with a grasp of history as a theory and discipline. Asoiaf captures beautifully and exactly the way history tends to unfold, or the manner in which historians record history and events. Things like the nature of causality, the cycle of rising and falling fortunes, the anticlimactic and unforeseen ends people meet..all the things that stand out in real works of history. Statements like >>3487178
>but it is mainly just that, fun and action, nothing deep to it.
make me scratch my head. I get the impression that maybe english lit students, who probably make up a sizeable chunk of this board, have developed in some ways a rather narrow way of judging literatures.

>> No.3487395

>Things like the nature of causality, the cycle of rising and falling fortunes, the anticlimactic and unforeseen ends people meet..all the things that stand out in real works of history
I'm guessing you're not an actual historian. I enjoy this series, but they're not even close to what happens in real world history, where things like food production are way more important than "causality" based on the stupid decisions of replaceable leaders.

>> No.3487416

>I'm guessing you're not an actual historian.
lol why did I expect this response? I'm in the process of becoming one, I guess I can say. I love the condescending nature of that sentence.

>where things like food production are way more important than "causality" based on the stupid decisions of replaceable leaders.
One of the specific ideas/themes of the series is the effects of institutions of power ie replaceable leaders. Things like 'food production' don't make much for insight into human nature.

>> No.3487433

I have better things to be doing than wasting my time reading 800 pages of filler. The remaining 200 pages is actual book, and not a fluffed up soap opera script. I do not give any sort of a fuck about the 12 billion stops the characters make on their journeys between places.

I stopped reading halfway through A Storm of Swords, somewhere between when Arya wants to go see her mother but Beric Dondarrion spends 200 pages dragging her along the entire breadth of the country and Jon Snow is fucking about doing literally dick shit with the ice queers in the north.

>> No.3487438

Daenerys' chapters are really fucking awful except the next to last one, and Quentyn Martell's chapters are kinda boring and pointless. Everything else is pretty decent, especially Reek.

>> No.3487440
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Because I prefer Joe Abercrombie.

Nothing against GRRM, I just prefer the characters and the World that The First Law is set in.

>> No.3487456

>that instance on instant gratification and 'stuff happening'
Considering this is a work of literature that focuses, at least on the surface, on plot, you should be ashamed. Or is this me being trolled?

>> No.3487459


>> No.3487464

>instance on stuff happening
Are you serious? Am I the one being trolled? What the fuck?

>> No.3487529

>thinly veiled War of the Roses historical fiction
It can't be thinly veiled if the work is making obvious its inspiration from such events as The War of the Roses. You make it sound like the author was hoping that no one would realize his books were based on past historical incidents. I don't mean to sound like a prick but have you actually read much of the series?

>> No.3487556

Because I'm watching Breaking Bad.

>> No.3487563

10 out of 10 post right here. Legitimately laughed out loud.

>> No.3487565

Why is Jesse shooting dogs?

>> No.3487580

Because I would read LOTR before I read ASOIF, and I don't have time right now to read LOTR.

>> No.3487582

I am not an English literature student. But reading novels like War and Peace, Crime and Punishment or Doctor Zhiwago are way more rewarding than GoT for me. They are great, well written and actually give me some insight on my own live and inspire me. Which GoT while the books are like a fun ride, don't do for me.

I am not saying that you are a retard for liking the books or anything. I am just saying, that they are not for me. There is so much 'serious' literature and literature that will give me more ideas and stuff to think about.

>> No.3487614

i can't help reading the first 4 lines in kanye west's voice.

>> No.3487681

Because I have other things to read.

>> No.3488118

A feast for crows was ridiculously boring.
And a lot of the characters in the whole series is fucking boring as well..

This is what I've done:
I've downloaded all the audiobooks (chaptered), and now I'm gonna go through all the characters I actually care for.
Like listening to all the Jon Snows chapters, then move on to another character....because a lot of them are fucking boring and I can't sit through all this shit.

>> No.3488138

The saturday night live skit summed up the TV show pretty well.

>> No.3488140

the fucking eragon books have more life than this bullshit.

>> No.3488166

I don't know, all I want to understand is why he wears that same style of hat in practically every single picture of him

>> No.3488722

Because when I am on the last book and when I have finished it, I'll have to wait YEARS until the next one is being released. I cannot stand the pain of having to wait this long ; ;

>> No.3489246

Shit, And here I was walking around thinking he was young and healthy. (for some fucking reason)

Well he is obviously gonna die before he finishes the series....I wonder is Brandon Sanderson will jump in and finish this one as well.

>> No.3489271

Is A Dream of Spring the last book?

He needs to decide on an end before he croaks it

>> No.3489291
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>implying this fly nigga doesn't have decades left to live

>> No.3489304

he looks like he smells

>> No.3489329

I'm waiting for the next book to be published and hoping he doesn't dies before he publishes

>> No.3489382

Everyone in that picture looks like they smell.

>> No.3489387

He has already decided on an ending. It will be "bittersweet" (his words).

But if he dies before the last book is out, his agent is under instructions to destroy all his unfinished material.

>> No.3489389

Every time I think of starting it, I realize that its longer than Vonneguts novels combined.

Just nah man nah.

>> No.3489419

Aah, yes, the good old Vonneguts test. Works every time.