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/lit/ - Literature

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3483573 No.3483573[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How often do you get laid /lit/?

I want to write but the pussy game ridiculous

>> No.3483600
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I'm sexist, what do you think?

>> No.3483643

Which category are we talking about:

>> No.3483648

I'be never pursued a woman and don't know how to respond when girls try to seduce me, what do you think?

>> No.3483658
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Writer of course,

Where do you think we are?

>> No.3483659

I'm so ugly that the only thing I have said to a woman in the last 3 years is "hi", what do you think?

>> No.3483682

Arthur Miller was a playwrite who fucked Marilyn Monroe, and he was a beta of the highest caliber.

This is what engineers and mathematicians will never get the chance to experience, and you can see it everytime they shit on liberal arts.

>> No.3483691

You do not:
Smile and smirk when it's necessary;
Move your body when it's necessary;
Accept what she likes at the get go - to critique it later so she may critique you;
Talk about things that interest herself alone only you sir, only you;
Stick to several rhetorical devices;
Play around with your Language her Language and Everyone's Language;
Talk about the History of the Art in the world that interest her first, from thence yourself and then everyone else's;
Talk about the History of Science in the world that interest her first, from thence yourself and then everyone else's;
Talk about the of Music in the world and Composing it with her.

>> No.3483692

How have girls seduced you if you've never been pursued?

>> No.3483699

i'm fucked in that dept. i've had the opportunity to fuck a bunch of cute girls, but i pussy out b/c my dick is too small.

>> No.3483708

What happened to: opposites attract?
Unless you're a Musician of the lowest caliber By 'Stoicing' everything in excessive amounts; Then she will be your equal by hearing herself to Be 'hedonistic' to etude.


>> No.3483706
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>> No.3483717
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> all these dickless faggots who've never seduced a female with their literary sex gymnastics

>> No.3483733

>i once got 4/10 to fuck me by correcting her on sylvia plath trivia

gtfo. go away amateur

>> No.3483737

You have obviously mistaken my misspelt "I'be". The 'b' replacing the intended 'v', must have planted a "been" into your subconscious.
You even managed to reform the sentence in your mind as you went on reading it, planting the word where it fitted to create the sentence the stray 'b' impressed upon you.
You see, "I've" is what I meant to write.

>> No.3483747
File: 162 KB, 960x960, 1355593939902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> opposites attract
> 2013

Relationships where the corresponding partners have polarized interests and personalities never last. That saying is a lie and a grand scandal sir, I bid you ISHYGDDT

>> No.3483758

well spotted m8

>> No.3483763

Stay the fuck away from the kind of women who would post on /lit/. They're the kind who act like it's your job to PROVE YOURSELF WORTHY in conversation of their massive bloated egos.

This girl, for example:

This is a /lit/ female. They have no taste or talent. They are just arrogant hipsters. Do yourself a favor, and fuck a dummy.

>> No.3483787


This. Goddamn this.

Required reading shit right here.

>> No.3483796

wut. didn't know she was a /lit/ chick, but that's not even a good example of a hard to impress, egotistical hipster chick.

>> No.3483797

What the fuck
Is that seriously a 36 minute video about some chick talkin about her books? I'm 2 mins in and bored out of my mind.
She's a solid 8/10 though, must be why it has so many views

>> No.3483802

>She's a solid 8/10 though,

she's an underdeveloped boyish looking feral child.

>> No.3483805

So you aren't a Scientist lady wanting to be a Musician . . .
And I'm not a faggot whose also not a Musician, but has somehow found theories and far-fetched hypothesis, who know where it was found . . .

I fucked a few dummy's myself;
No Portable head for thee in our bodies:

>> No.3483807


That's just your typical youtube anorexic bookslut.
I've noticed a lot of body image issues among the "literary" female crowd.

>> No.3483810

Twice. Now I don't know if I'm bi or just HOCD.

>> No.3483812

where can i find youtubes of booksluts discussing hume

>> No.3483814


Could someone please explain to me girls' fascination with fucking highlighters, sticky notes and those little sellotape tabs with the coloured ends?

>> No.3483843

books are so boring to look at so I add some color. It also helps to keep notes without a journal.

>> No.3483847

ever see a girl paint something with endless concentration and finery and artifice, but no actual emotion or passion

they approach books the same way. ask a girl if you can see her copy of being and nothingness, open it up, and enjoy your purple sharpie doodle bonanza

>> No.3484290
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She's just a little precious. But maybe I'm a little course.

>> No.3484296

i dont know why, but her voice and the way she talks makes me want to choke her

>> No.3484343

ok /lit/, I still don't know about phillosophy, so I must ask WHY ON EARTH would I have to bore myself with normalfags? why can't I find a cute girl with something meaningful inside her head? why /lit/, why?

>> No.3484353

She's obviously a book fan and not an actual reader

>> No.3484362

Length and girth pls.

>> No.3484370

chicks seem to respond well to me writing, they find it attractive. the only problem i have when it comes to getting laid is that i'm in a three-way relationship that's exclusive.

>> No.3484372


Why do you guys speak as if an anorexic childish body type is not attractive?

Just because you find big breasts and big asses attractive does not mean that everyone else follows suit.

>> No.3484375

confirmed for pitafile

>> No.3484377


you don't need to be good looking to get laid, one of my old dealers was this really hot chick and she pretty much exclusively dated ugly dudes.

>> No.3484378

It's called ASMR, fucking plebs.

>> No.3484382


it does nothing for me cuz i like when a chick has tits and an ass, not necessarily big but something that makes me feel like i'm not just fucking a dude. cuz for that i'd rather just actually fuck a dude.

>> No.3484383

you are the worst tripfag on earth shoot yourself

>> No.3484390

5" length, 5" girth. it's small, bro.

>> No.3484392

I fuck this hot chick on the daily

godder addicted 2 da DICK

>> No.3484396


woman dealers are not appropriate models for the situation though because they cut down their potential dating pool to "people who are cool with a whole shitload of drugs" and accordingly meet a whole bunch of guys of varying degrees of social respectability (=prettiness)

>> No.3484397

Eliminating all anorexic childish body types does not leave only big breasted, big-assed bodies. there are all kinds of in-betweens.

But if you're going to go for that type, at least keep it tall and model-tier aesthetics. otherwise you're just fucking a pile of bones in a 4/10 flesh costume.

>> No.3484398

>something that makes me feel like i'm not just fucking a dude.

Doesn't her vagina make you feel like that?

Reference: white male with equal numbers of female and male sexual partners.

>> No.3484411


ever hear of foreplay? i like the way a chicks body feels not just her vag, and a girl who's all bones just doesn't feel as good to the touch.

i just like women who look like women.


aren't they just as appropriate of models as chicks who are into anything else? my point is she was hot and fucked ugly dudes cuz she liked knowing she was "the pretty one" in the relationship.

but even if we're not talking hot chicks you could still find some chick without being attractive.

i don't think i'm particularly good looking (and i'm a total fuck up loser/love drugs) and chicks seem to really like me. i've never had a chick friend who hasn't at one point or another either told me she was in love with me or just wanted sex.

>> No.3484414

I used to get laid alot more, but I wasn't spending as much time working on my writing or music. It's not that I don't care, it's just that school and art seem more important.

>> No.3484417

Im 25 never had sex, girl friend, kissed etc. I more than likely will die alone.

>> No.3484416
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>thought black humor started in the 1950s
>now thinks black humor started in the 30s

>> No.3484418


>> No.3484422


i don't get how someone can get to 25 without getting laid, it's not exactly hard.

>> No.3484423

>i like the way a chicks body feels not just her vag

What the honest fuck?

>> No.3484424

Go outside. Smile at the people. Talk to the people. Become the people.

>> No.3484425


what? appreciating other parts of a chicks body is weird?

>> No.3484432

You don't go to many boards on 4chan, do you?

>> No.3484433

If you're between 4 and 8 inches you're fine. You'd have realized this if you'd had sex.
At least fuck a hooker or something, jesus...

>> No.3484438


+ aside from foreplay what about just being able to grab onto some chick's hips when you fuck her and feeling something more than just bones?

>> No.3484439

It was very easy, i have never asked out a woman. Mainly because of crippling self esteem issues. Its a slippery slope. The longer you go the worse it gets.

>> No.3484443


just cuz there's people on 4chan who are 25 year old virgins doesn't mean i get how that happens.

i mean fuck i've been offered money for sex before, and housing, drugs etc. so how hard could having someone just fuck you for free be?

>> No.3484444


all the fuckin time bro
do you even chauvinist?

>> No.3484448

>appreciating other parts of a chicks body

Besides the sexual organs, every other external part of the female human body (regardless of pedantic arguments of sexual dimorphism) has an exact equivalent on the male body.

What you are appreciating is the 'human form' in general, not a 'woman's body'

>> No.3484450


i've never asked a woman out either... you don't need to plenty of chicks will ask you out if you dont make the first move.

>> No.3484451

I've dated quite a few girls and at the point of sex I stop myself, since when I get to know them I become disgusted with the idea of being with them, and I've never been able to meet a girl and then immediately fuck her.

I really need to get the visages of christian romance out of my system. Or something.

>> No.3484452

has never happened

>> No.3484454


eh be all autistic about it if you want i like tits and hips and an ass.

>> No.3484457
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>I've never been able to meet a girl and then immediately fuck her.

That's my MO. I get bored if they don't do it straight away.

>> No.3484459


sex feels good, doesn't matter if the chick isn't someone you want to maintain a relationship with.

>> No.3484462

So you are in an exclusive relationship that is without any sex? What ever for?

>> No.3484464


a woman has never approached me in my 25 years of life.

>> No.3484466

I get bored of them in general, rather than them actually wanting to fuck.

I know sex feels good, that isnt the problem.

>> No.3484467


i meant being in an exclusive relationship keeps me from fucking people other than the ones i'm with.

>> No.3484470

>open it up, and enjoy your purple sharpie doodle bonanza
I laughed. Good choice of words.

Also, I relate to your commentary. Word.

>> No.3484471


you don't even have any chick friends?

>> No.3484474

I have not hung out with anyone outside of my immediate family in 4 years.

Yes i have a full time job, and no i dont live with my parents.

>> No.3484481


eh i wasn't gonna ask that cuz i'm unemployed and living with my parents and i know that doesn't have an effect on getting laid.

but why the fuck not?

>> No.3484488

Not him, but you guys have som serious trouble. If you are virgins I just want to say you got the wrong idea.

>> No.3484504


i enjoy rough sex (and have met chicks who don't mind it either) so what exactly have i got wrong?

>> No.3484524

I can't believe guys that show potential romance girls their writing. Its so try hard.

>> No.3484529

You fucking saying it to the bitch, And then you try your hardest not to have the quenching need to write it down; therefore you try your best to memorize everything you say to her to showcase it to the world.

>> No.3484555

Having sex regularly(or at all) is mostly a social activity; if you aren't very social, and/or notably attractive, it's not going to just happen to you.

I think you don't realize just how introverted some people really are.

>> No.3484556

That's just like, your opinion man.

>> No.3484560

Probably the best advice you could give. That's seriously what it takes to get laid, be a "person" and even some non-'people' like myself manage

>> No.3484566


eh i wouldn't call myself social, and i wouldn't call myself attractive either (i don't think so anyway.) and even if i disregard one of my s/o's (since we've known each other since we were 13) it's still not exactly hard to find people.

if you work somewhere you end up having to interact with people around you in order to be able to kill boredom, same with school... and if you have a job where you're forced to interact with people who aren't co-workers those are more potential people.

shit there's online dating, there's talking to people online and just taking it past a forum and having a conversation and getting to know people like that. don't even gotta leave the house.

i'm not even talking parties or bars i'm just saying the fucking basic leaving the house once in a while or talking online can lead to getting laid.

>> No.3484567

and another tidbit I forgot to add - once you leave highschool and college, it gets increasingly more difficult to find sexual partners(for most).

>> No.3484572
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You are demonstrably wrong. Even disregarding the obvious differences like boobs/vag/waist-hip ratio/ etc, females have a thicker layer of subcutaneous fat, which is what gives them their voluptuous softness. And it's not like you're fucking just a body, there are the other aspects, the moans, the little sounds, the looks she gives...

you sound like a 'tits feel like bags of sand' kind of guy

>> No.3484574


i guess...idk i had sex with a girl i met talking on cracked.com in the comments before.

>> No.3484575

Get a job as a waiter. Great way to be around hot chicks, and women in general. It's easier to get to know women if you're put in the same environment together and forced to interact.

>> No.3484578
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All o' my this. It's like she's determined to be as coquettishly meek as possible.. whispering, frying her words, etc.. do not want. Couldn't make it past thirty seconds.

>> No.3484579

wtf, cracked?? was she hot at least? I never understand how those things happen. People claim to meet on 4chan n shit and I just never get how.

>> No.3484581

It could be part of the problem. Im a welder, out of 50 employees there are 0 women and im the youngest one by 25 years.

>> No.3484583

Never. I treat my body like shit, have awful hygiene, and no confidence. I've given up on sex and romance, now I just drink and read.

>> No.3484584

I used to get laid. But now I'm in a different country where I Look like I belong, and I can speak the language to some extent, but not well enough to get very far into talking with girls. And this isn't a place where they're used to hearing accents, so you just get these wtf looks. The best I could hope for is that some girl finds my off way of speaking and general stilted awkwardness cute. I know I'm fairly attractive to them from the looks I get ...just that when I open my damn mouth...

how do i into women in a different country?

>> No.3484585

I can have simple platonic conversations all day long and they'll never even remotely come close to stimulating romantic/sexual interest.

I seriously never get the "just talk" advice, there has to be something else you're doing to steer the conversation in that direction.

>> No.3484586


cute for a redhead (daywalker not a ginger) not normally my type (we actually started talking cuz i made a comment about not finding redheads attractive) it just kinda ended up happening after she told me she was in love with me. but that's my point it's easy to get laid cuz there's people fucking everywhere you don't even need to leave your house.

most people just want to find someone to connect with even if it's just for a little while, all you gotta do is just actually have a few conversations and shit just kinda happens.

>> No.3484588

Shit man, there's your problem. No girl's trying to get with welders. Leave that sausage carnival and find a more femme-friendly workplace.

>> No.3484592


if there's something i'm doing that steers the conversation i'm not aware of it. i talk to everyone the same and if shit goes that way it goes that way.

every chick friend i've ever had and some of my guy friends have at one point or another brought up sex or love or whatever in relation to me.

>> No.3484594

I haven't had sex in like two years. Every time I notice a girl is attracted to me I immediately begin to distance myself from them. I don't understand myself.

>> No.3484596

Crazy. I imagine you had an attractive profile pic or something that she could latch on to? I mean look-wise so she knew you're at least acceptable. Also what the hell's a daywalker? Sounds like some sort of hooker prowling the streets for johns during the day.

>> No.3484599

>>I wouldn't call myself attractive

Most people are notoriously bad at evaluating their own attractiveness. They're either narcissistic, too modest, or completely oblivious one way or the other.

>> No.3484600


it's a ginger without freckles...guess you don't watch south park.

i don't think i'm all that attractive. i had a profile pic yeah but when i first met her she was with this guy (they'd been together for like 7 years) we talked for a while and idk shit just happened.

>> No.3484605

Pays too much. It is the highest paying job you can get without having a college degree or owning your own business. To me its also cathartic. For some reason repetitive tasks are boring for most people, to me they are soothing and help me make my mind blank. It also helps im good at it.

But it really is a male dominated industry. The last statistic i heard was only 2% of welders are women.

>> No.3484604


i wouldn't know i suppose, but if i was someone else i wouldn't fuck me... unless i thought i was cool, and we were both wasted.

>> No.3484608

She was still with the guy when you hooked up? And tell me about the logistics, did you live in the same town? Did you travel somewhere? Meet at a party's house, or a hotel?

>> No.3484610


you don't need to meet chicks at work to get laid though. there's chicks kinda everywhere.

>> No.3484612


she flew cross country to meet me, she broke up with him after he caught her making plans and shit. i met up with her and took her to this empty apartment i had keys to (no one lives there, i used to still had the key knew the locks weren't changed know the landlord never checks it etc.) we smoked a bunch of weed chilled and had a lot of sex for 4 days.

she wants something more serious, but she's got shit she needs to get together cuz he was taking care of her financially and shit. and it'd require me going to where she is.

>> No.3484613

Never. I'm a shamefully slow reader, so I don't really have time.

>> No.3484615


there's a lot more to the story, but if i explained it all i'd sound fucking crazy as fuck and nobody would believe it so there's the short version.

>> No.3484618

There aren't women at my house or work. Those are the places I go. I shop for food and other essentials once a week. So like i said originally i more than likely will die alone. The good thing is i have pretty much comes to terms with it.

>> No.3484619

>if i explained it all i'd sound fucking crazy as fuck
No, it wouldn't. It's as trite and banal as you could get. (How old are you? 18?)

>> No.3484620


but you use the internet yeah?

>> No.3484621

welp you like it and the pay's good so there's that. Ask one of your 50-yo workmates to hook you up with one of his wife's friends. She'll probably be a little banged-up but still good for a romp or two. Or better yet, a daughter. Get him to tell her about your amazing welding power-level. To tell her you're a flame and iron juggernaut.

He doesn't seem to get out much so what the best option would be is to surround himself at work with women

>> No.3484624


lol nah trust me there's more to it than what i'm saying. it just actually does all sound crazy. obviously i'm only gonna talk about the less complicated shit cuz that's the normal every day shit that doesn't matter.

and nah i'm 26

>> No.3484626
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>Implying you don't have the dick of a Greco-Roman god

>> No.3484627

Actually I'm interested. Go on please.

>> No.3484632


she had a thing for me, and well she kept going on about us having a connection...she's pagan... she did this crazy ass past life ritual and that kinda got things moving along in the direction where we ended up meeting/fucking.

>> No.3484637

of course, but i don't see why that is relevant

>> No.3484638

pic? I want to know what a pagan daywalker redhead looks like. And it's not like you talk to her anymore, right?

>> No.3484639


so do women...see the relevance now?

>> No.3484643


i'm not posting her pics here, and honestly idk what i've got going on with her at this point.

>> No.3484646

I had sex this morning.

Now back to Ulysses on my Kindle.

>> No.3484649

not really. Ive been using the internet for almost all my life and im still in the situation im in. So no i don't see the relevance.

>> No.3484651


try talking to a few.

>> No.3484653

>yo gurl you wnt sum f4urk

>> No.3484656


that'd probably work with the right chick.

>> No.3484658

the guy is clearly autistic. how is chatting up strange women on the internet going to help him

>> No.3484661

and when i mean autistic i don't mean it in the 4 chan insult way. I mean it in the clinical psychology way.

>> No.3484662

as long as he doesn't aim too high and isn't completely repulsive he'll get something

>> No.3484660

why not? she doesn't browse here. And it's not like anyone will start some massive campaign to find her and tell her that her pic (that was probably already up online) had found its way to the internet... again. C'mon

>> No.3484666


everyone's got shit wrong with them. and maybe he'd get some practice talking to chicks even if shit doesn't work out.

>> No.3484668


cuz i don't think it's cool to go around posting pics of some chick i've fucked like it's a trophy on a forum.

>> No.3484670

>25 years old
>never been approached in his entire life
>as long as he isnt repulsive

he more than likely isnt pretty on the eyes man

>> No.3484672

I'm sure she's not hot enough to be a trophy. And it's not like you're doing it on your own, it's at someone else's very persistent request.

>> No.3484674

>purple sharpie doodle bonanza
>purple sharpie doodle bonanza
>purple sharpie doodle bonanza


>> No.3484676


why so curious? and eh like i said she's cute but isn't really the kinda chick i'd normally go for. still i doubt she'd like it much and you never know who browses anonymous forums.

>> No.3484677

I meant socially repulsive. Look around, tons of uggo couples.

>> No.3484678

maybe b/c it'll help in discerning what type of girl to look for. I mean one who'll fly someplace to drugs and fuck with a stranger met on a humor forum. Idk, I'm just curious. PM it to me, if you're a 4chan Gold member.

>> No.3484685


you'd be surprised... she isn't the first chick i've met online who was willing to do something like that for me. met another older (11 years older than me) chick who told me she was in love with me, wants to fuck me, and offered to help me move out to her/set me up with a job/housing/etc. etc. etc. (no drugs involved though she's anti-drugs and hardcore christian) and they're both totally different types of chicks... there's been others too... and dudes...

>> No.3484693


the older chick sends me gifts.

>> No.3484700

I've been the target of cougars before. It's flattering in a way I doubt it'd be if our genders were reversed. A lot of the attention I got before I got laid was from older ladies. Once one even propositioned me but I was too oblivious to get it.

>> No.3484705

Pretty often, as I'm married. At least a few times per week.

I'm not attempting to be a writer though - I just love literature.

>> No.3484708


way older women don't do it for me so i haven't slept with any, but i'm cool with accepting gifts and flirting and shit cuz why not?

>> No.3484721
File: 50 KB, 500x500, 1352441182578.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

I'm glad that I now know we're all highschool kids, only slightly brighter than /soc/ or /r9k/.

What's your favourite hentai featuring pokemon characters, gentlemen?

>> No.3484727


i'm 26, and never claimed to be bright. i'm admittedly a dumb as fuck piece of shit loser, but i do write and i can get pussy so it's cool.

>> No.3484730

/lit/ has been getting progressively shittier over the last year. I'm surprised you hadn't already caught on

>> No.3484734
File: 36 KB, 600x463, litAges.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need I remind people?

>> No.3484737

post a bit of your writing please

>> No.3484739



>> No.3484742
File: 2.38 MB, 445x250, killme.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw every argument I've been in on /lit/ makes perfect sense now

>> No.3484743

I kinda stopped browsing here for a long while when I found out about the age distribution on /lit/

>> No.3484744

'Meh' is right.

>> No.3484745

I'm a 27 year old kissless virgin. Can we talk about books instead please? I find this topic depressing.

>> No.3484747
File: 1.91 MB, 329x319, shelshock.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm contemplating it right now. I really should not be surprised all things considering, but seeing it just... yeah.

>> No.3484749
File: 136 KB, 729x600, littfwnogf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calculation engine sayeth 'nay'

>> No.3484750


guess i'm better at getting laid than i am at writing.

>> No.3484756

Agreed. Something kinda lame for someone in their mid-late 20's to be hanging around a bunch of 15-18-19 year olds. I just think of a senior who had to find friends among the freshman 'cause all the other seniors were too cool for him.

>> No.3484758


i hang out with people younger than me cuz i get along with them better, most people my age have fucking kids and shit and jobs and can't just get wasted whenever.

being an adult isn't like being in hs.

>> No.3484764

Getting laid in around 3 hours after class, maybe do some fingerbanging or dirty talk in hte library with my qt for a bit before we get too horny and have to come home to fuck

>> No.3484765

>have been published


>> No.3484766

take solace in that. it's what you'll look back on when you're old, after you've failed as a writer and have offered nothing to the world but a string of decent fucks to girls who've forgotten them by the time their late years have found them too.

I have sex and have been published.


>> No.3484772


dude i said i write, i didn't say it's my entire life or that i was good at it. i get that you don't like my writing, that's cool... but that's no reason to be such a downer.

congratulations on getting published, it's really too bad it doesn't make you a more pleasant person.

as for old age i'm not planning on it, i've seen it first hand. i'm planning on suicide or overdosing before then.

>> No.3484774

lol. the only reason I gave kind of a snide response was cause your 'i guess i'm better at getting laid than at writing' sounded kind of smug and braggy. like the subtext of it was you saying i don't have sex or something, but it seems i read too much into it. I'm with you on the suicide btw

>> No.3484781

I am still a virgin. But I am 19 years old so it ain't that bad... right?

>> No.3484782


nah it wasn't a matter of being smug. what else am i gonna say to being asked to see my writing and then getting told "meh is right"? it's literally just a matter of oh well guess i'm better at one than the other.

your sex life wasn't even kinda on my mind.

it's cool though.

>> No.3484788

well, while your writing may not be something spectacular now, I will say I saw a few indicators, a few good lines, that suggest you do have skill and the fact that you seem to write regularly (which is more than most writers on /lit/ can say) means that skill will grow.

>> No.3484792


nah i haven't really written anything in years it's just something i do on and off, like i said...it's just a hobby i don't take it real serious cuz i don't think i'm all that great at it and i think it'd be silly to make it my life or whatever. but when i'm high and got nothing else to do i write.

>> No.3484793

I have a girlfriend so maybe 1-4 times per fortnight.

>> No.3484796

I need to get out of here.

>> No.3484805
File: 206 KB, 2220x1306, DSC00855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh man I get so many lays eachday like today i saw a hot girl talking to her mom outside the canteen and i then i went up and said 'hey babies want to lay?" and they we all went into the toilets and kissed lots on the lips and then we laid.

>> No.3484807

lol nice youtube post

>> No.3484832
File: 1.03 MB, 3415x2084, DSC00752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3484902

I have a girlfriend. Couples fuck pretty regularly so I guess that should answer your question.

She's the one who actually got me to read again, lending me Life of Pi... now I read more than she does.

>> No.3484905

>reductio ad fornicatum
This thread is everything wrong with 4chan.

>> No.3484933


Oh, man. It is for these reasons that 4chan always makes me happy in the morning: I kill myself laughing with these guys.

>> No.3484957


Man, a few tips: start doing workout in a gym, consult a nutritionist, do some dance classes, make a teeth whitening: take a few months to improve yourself. Than start going out, go out and be not afraid to talk to girls. Eventually you'll meet a nice girl who will be the chosen one.

One thing: really go to the gym; this advice may seem silly, but I assure you: within 3 months of workout your self-esteem will be very high.

There is also a book that, despite being exaggerated and sensationalist in some ways, helped a lot of guys to relate better with women. It's The Game, by Neil Strauss.

Go ahead: you will still fuck many girls in your life.

And about fitness, here is a nice inspirational video:


>> No.3484981


>> No.3485018
File: 25 KB, 625x402, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get laid whenever my girl's around. This thread is silly

MrPoetFletcher makes me laugh. White-knighting then trying to chat her up with 1984. Clearly a well-read chap. 'capped for justice.

>> No.3485032

>There is also a book that, despite being exaggerated and sensationalist in some ways, helped a lot of guys to relate better with women. It's The Game, by Neil Strauss.

are you 15

>> No.3485034
File: 94 KB, 640x427, mfww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I want to write but the pussy game ridiculous
You sound employed

>> No.3485036

I don't like having sex. Well I do, but I always worry about getting her pregnant, even if I use a condom and despite her using the pill. I honestly have nightmares until she has her next period.

>> No.3485037

Jesus christ what an annoying whore, trying and failing to sound all Björkly cute. Would rape just to spite her even though I don't want to/10.

>> No.3485039


I know, it sounds ridiculous. But it's like they say, no book is so bad that it can not teach you anything. This book has some good advice, as strange as it may seem.

>> No.3485062


Is there a graphic like this for nation of origin?

I'm curious whether all the anti-American Continental fetishism is coming from American hipster douchebags who just finished their first semester of European Lit or actual foreigners with a cultural insecurity complex.

>> No.3485070

Of the several girls who frequented the now dead /lit/ tinychat, none of them acted this way.

>> No.3485072

There was a /lit/ tinychat? Was that thing any good at all?

>> No.3485075

Yes, though it died over a year ago. It was mostly an insular group of namefags, trips and prolific anons from that time. Everyone was fairly intelligent and had their specialty areas. I miss it.

>> No.3485076

>You'd have realized this if you'd had sex.

i've had sex. but my last gf told me it was small in the middle of a fight and even tho i didn't show it, it crushed my confidence.

>> No.3485079

It was fun occasionally. /litx I think it was and before that /litclub.

>> No.3485083

>it died over a year ago.
just like /lit/

>> No.3485088

Damn why did I never know about that. Would been fun for sure.

>> No.3485091


I haven't been here in about a year, it seems pretty much the same now as when I left, just with less DFW and Sunhawk threads.

>> No.3485093

>no brownbear
>no d&e
>minimal onion and stan
>sunhawk still exists
>pol threads daily
>dfw threads still happen

it's awful

>> No.3485129

It always was awful. Stop trying to romanticise a golden age through rose-tinted hindsight. Yes we had Brownbear, but we also had fabulous. There were a few articulate troll posts from D&E, but we were still swamped by the routine idiocy that we have now. /lit/ has always been awful.

>> No.3485130

You forgot the daily 30 Ayn Rand thead spam, chap.

>> No.3485212

This there always were shit threads and there always will be. And yes there are always threads like THIS ONE or the existential angst threads. Just hide them and discuss what you want to discuss.
If /lit/ is to shitty for you, you are free to leave.

>> No.3485738

>just have a few conversations

Most guys who are bad at talking to girls have poor communication skills in general.

>> No.3485833
File: 95 KB, 789x651, ban.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>That glorious feeling knowing that I'm the one that killed Brownbear

>> No.3485909

How can I go about procuring such a ban?

>> No.3485912

you seem kind of mad

>> No.3485934


>Deviously acquire dox on the worst tripfag
>Wait for him to spam the everliving fuck out of the board
>Watch as he spazzes the fuck out by deleting every single active post with his trip on it
>Follow him to another board and continue to reply to his posts with his Dox
>Receive ban
>Screencap, post it to warn-off other tripfags, and revel in the knowledge that you purged the filth from /lit/

>> No.3485941

hahahha poor brownbear

>> No.3485965

>i'm proud of making the board worse

you children can't accept that for the most part the trips>anons on /lit/. b-but its 4chan we r legion. fuck off.

>> No.3486406
File: 16 KB, 187x252, actawin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking tinywank ever did /lit/ any good
>waaaaah my bro bb ;-;

You little bitches better hurry up whats coming and drink the fucking cyanide. Your fucking tinychat? A cancerous infection that shit up the board 24/7 with LOLRANDUMB trip wankery shat out by underageb& cocksuckers that finally died off like the diseased lepers they were.Crawl in a hole and cry yourselves to sleep you parasitic pissants. /lit/ might be slowly creeping to /shit/, but it sure as hell ain't going to be by your doing.

>> No.3486916

Hey, I'd take it.

Oh, and that whole women-love-Sylvia-Plath thing? It's real. Genuinely. I was at a used book store once when I happened to pick up an copy of The Bell Jar. I was stopped by three women on my way to the cashier.

>> No.3486946
File: 75 KB, 498x616, 1320341342990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thing that bums me out is that I've never heard it through the grapevine that anyone liked me. I've had crushes -some that I've made known and some that I kept to myself- but as far as I know no one's ever had a crush on me.

Like, I know guys that are pig-ugly and yet there have been women (okay, girls) who'd been into them from afar. I never really got that self-esteem boost.

I'm relatively okay-looking and personable, but I commute to uni and am currently unemployed. I always feel like those things are keeping me back. Guess it's time to finally suck it up and make an OKCupid profile or something.

On the flip side, I get hella reading done.

>> No.3486987

Source: http://fuuka.warosu.org/lit/thread/S1970225#p1970309

>> No.3486992


there was this one guy in the grade above me in high school who looked like an absolute ogre but got more pussy than anyone else. I don't understand it

being ugly is a good excuse though

>> No.3487039

I get drunk and recite one of Shakespeare's sonnets and next thing I know the ladies are all over me.

Still a virgin though.

>> No.3487052


Welp, that's the wake up call I needed.

Turning 33 tomorrow.

Time to leave 4chan and never come back.

It's been fun, gentlemen.

>> No.3487081

there is a clearly observable sudden decline in quality every day when the americans start waking up. most of your countrymen are terrible posters.

>> No.3487181

>Starting HURR HURR STEM WARS again

>> No.3487187

I think this is a joke thread.

Just don't let it happen again.

>> No.3487206

Or, you know, Americans and Europeans who legitimately think Europe is a better place? It's not that rare nor unthinkable.

>> No.3487269
File: 26 KB, 479x358, wut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ctrl+F "fuck"
>52 matches

For shame /lit/.

>> No.3487272

Don't you like Ginsberg?

>> No.3487557


Get off 4chan, Dad.

>> No.3487576

What do you expect, this board is shit.

>> No.3487599

Your dick isn't small. I promise.

>a grill

>> No.3487603

Oh my god! A grill on /lit/!
You wanna .. like .. start a ... bbq with me?

>> No.3489033
File: 201 KB, 817x913, she mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahah she messaged me

>> No.3489051

>I'm not to be fucked with
I had to laugh, she's 60 pounds wet and wearing boots.

>> No.3489103



Missing the entire point. Fucktards.

>> No.3489108

I fucking hate her so much. She's such a stuck-up cunt. This brought me joy.

>> No.3489114

I'm 21 and I'm a virgin. I don't even look bad, I actually look good but I don't give a shit. I really don't care, I just eat, work, sleep, and repeat ad nauseam. I'm not even alive in the inside.

There might be a chance. I like someone, for the first time. But if he doesn't like me, I will be sad and that's it. Nothing more. And repeat, repeat, repeat.

>> No.3489119

Is the ASMR thing just about the whispering mannerism etc. or is being a complete cunt part of it too?

>> No.3489143

Holy fuck that video was irritating. Made an account just to say how much of a pretentious cunt she looked.

>> No.3489144
File: 27 KB, 638x547, barfrog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never met a girl who I like enough to fuck who liked me enough to fuck.

>tfw being a virgin at 18 makes me a loser

fuck this earth.

>> No.3489146

Well life is what you make of it.

>> No.3491245
File: 54 KB, 900x850, 1357455470569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

23 and virgin.

>> No.3491247

>Come to /lit/ first time all week

>See this

>There is no Mod

>Leave /lit/

>> No.3491252

I've never had sex, and I doubt that will change any time soon.

>> No.3491284

You're not alone brother ;_;

>> No.3491287

I get laid all the time by girls, real ones too. They are so hot and sexy when they have sex with me all the time.