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3479826 No.3479826 [Reply] [Original]

how pathetic are your journals, /lit/?

mines full of self loathing and loneliness and half brained solutions to both of those things

>> No.3479836

I don't keep a journal because I'm not doing anything which requires remembering, as Steinbeck was when he kept his

>> No.3479841

Mines has drawings of dicks.

>> No.3479849

i have a bunch of .txts with quotes, thoughts, and brief summaries of stuff i'm reading about. one of them is specifically dedicated to my ideas. they're all pretty cool

sorry you feel the need to dedicate so much energy to your self-loathing.

>> No.3479854

it just come naturally

mine does too

>> No.3479852


I'm not nearly self-indulgent enough to keep an actual journal.

>> No.3479870


So make positive thoughts come naturally. Write about your good qualities and the things that you accomplished over the course of the day, rather than your negative qualities and your failures. Those thoughts will come about more naturally over time if you allow yourself to think about them more.

>> No.3479871

no negativity is creativity

>> No.3479877

you sound like the archetypal american teenager who doesn't realize he sounds like the archetypal american teenager.

>> No.3479878


Except for when your self loathing prevents you from actually creating something. Kind of hard to muster up the desire to put something out there when you're screaming at yourself about how awful it is and how no one will every take you seriously, you know.

>> No.3479893

I don't have one, I try to live a life relatively free of 'residue'. Feels good not to keep any writing, photographs, correspondence, emails, souvenirs, trinkets etc.

>> No.3479895

Mostly it's just scribblings of things I want to research later, occasionally I'll actually write something. For the past week I've dedicated it to writing about a girl who I barely know, however.

>> No.3479896

just get rid of them after a while

>> No.3479899

I don't hold a journal so I just randomly write down.
I'm really in my worst state right now. Fuck it /lit/, I'm going to confess.
I just gave up on being my parents' company's successor. I don't want to deal with their bullshit anymore. I just admitted it few hours ago, and I cried like a piece of shit. I said that I was sorry but I'm a weakling. I'm good but too weak.
Now I'm headed to nowhere. My life is empty. I always think of ending it as soon as possible because I'm bored. Nothing loves me and I can't love in return.
However I can't do it. My parents will kill themselves if I die. I don't want that to happen. I've already ruined their company. I don't want to end their lives.

>> No.3479902

Don't keep that up. It started an obsession with her that lasted a year for me. I knew her for one week.

>> No.3479913

>turning down the bourgeois life
sounds like you're pretty well off though, why not use their money to live?
travel around and do drugs and stuff

>> No.3479914

Hang in there bro. Something out there can and will love you, and you will love it in return and feel different, please just wait and see, I've been there.

>> No.3479916

i keep notes of 'philosophical' thoughts (more like philosophical reminders) on my phone and txt file on my computer, i've been doing this for years

>> No.3479920

Yeah that's right I'm offing myself

>> No.3479927

I did travel. Sorry to some of you, but it's boring as hell to me.
I'm a strict person so drugs are not my thing and I can't stand alcohol. If I get a boring corporate job slowly killing me from 9am to 11pm, then I think I will last longer. Otherwise, my life is too boring and I just want to end it.
Everyone despises me, despite my looks, my studies, my everything. I'm not even an evil bastard, I'm just an empty dude, without any genuine warm soul. I'm already dead.

>> No.3479932

can you transfer any money you have to me via paypal or something before you do it?

>> No.3479938

I know there's that person that might like me, but not as much as I do. It's not balanced. I gave too much, I expect too much because I was a spoiled kid. I wish that I could have a brother or sister, so I can depart without letting my parents die. Damn.

>> No.3479942
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>> No.3479953

I did, but now I don't feel like accumulating them anymore. I only write down occasional notes and pithy insights, but I don't attempt to chronicle my life anymore. I find the whole trying to hang onto things and capturing them thing annoying. Just go with the flow, maaaan.

>> No.3479963

Medication over expiration, brother. If you've tried everything else and it doesn't work, get checked.

>> No.3479970

don't listen meds suck
you can't get sad even when you're supposed to, but that doesn't mean you're happy either

>> No.3479971

sounds like you need an Annie Hall

>> No.3479972

you may be a failure but you can do one good thing with your life (give me $)

>> No.3479973

My journal kicks ass and lit is the only place I can brag about it.
>3 years old
>write every day, no exceptions.
>First few months were self loathing bullshit
>Now every entry kicks ass and each one is uniquely enjoyable to write.
>I'm much better at writing.

My journal is the only part of my life that's alpha as fuck.

And complaining about having a shitty journal is gay as fuck. Go cry about it in your journal.

>> No.3479978

I will give two weeks. In two weeks, I'm going to have a date planned months ago, at a piano concerto. I will know if the real problem is within me or not. If it's not as bad as I thought, then I will get some medication. If it's bad, then I will just cry everyday until I dry out and then drown myself in my own mediocrity. I can't end my life as long as my parents are still here. So I'll just try to get a job and cry every night.

>> No.3479982

you sound boring as fuck.

>> No.3479986

love this post

>> No.3479989
File: 31 KB, 240x332, Epic tits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Go in for semi-radical honesty and get into stoicism. If life seems like shit take that as it is but don't let it affect your will, your emotions. Even if the whole world tries to destroy you they can only destroy your body, and you alone destroy your mind, and it's never too late to live by that truth.

>> No.3480018

That's probably true. Very true. And I destroyed myself because I had everything since I was a kid. I have no envy. I only live in boredom.

Interesting. I will look forward to it. Thanks.

>> No.3480060

My journal has devolved from detailing events and hopes into detailing every capricious attachment towards every new woman I meet.

If anyone were to read it, I'm sure they'd think, "Man this dude needs to get laid."

>> No.3480073

Same. I have a perpetual feeling of goodwill towards this girl because she smiled at me once and never kicked me when I was down or insulted me. I hope she has a good life.

>> No.3480074

sounds a lot like mine

>> No.3480103

>because she smiled at me once

>> No.3480119

A girl complimented me on my eyes the other night. I couldn't write it down because my roommate was awake and sharing a room sucks when you want to write down your secret thoughts.

>> No.3480122


>> No.3480136

I work hard on my eyes. They're so deep and glassy. I'm a foolish idiot but my eyes are my greatest friends, people stare into them a lot and admire them. So green and wide with a slight snarl under them to show I'm intelligent. Oh I'm a great pretender.

>> No.3480161

My journal: each entry is either depressed existentialist bullshit or else critiques of books im reading

>> No.3480168




>> No.3480173

jesus christ
jesus christ, why is love so lonely

>> No.3480206

>Be this desperate
>Think someone will be your friend

Flail tearfully against one and one only.

>> No.3480220
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you tell me

>> No.3480224

And who should i flail against? what the fuck do you mean? what do you mean?

>> No.3480273

Who here prefers hand-writing their journal/thoughts compared to typing it up and keeping it stored as .docs on your computer?

>> No.3480286

too needy, man. i hope you don't act like that in public. it is hard making friends, though, as i've learnt since i changed city.

>> No.3480356

I keep two journals; one electronic journal where i put in the thoughts of articles i read of the internet
and one physical one that is all about what i did and it is where i just vomit all my thoughts. I think i can write better than what i write in my journal.

>> No.3480383
File: 280 KB, 434x348, 1359743197102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been keeping a journal off and on for about 4 years. The first year or so was me getting over my only "love". After that its just been general wondering, poems, ideas for stories, and just writing down some things I thought I would like remembering later. Also the occasional self-loathing.

>> No.3480400

Me. There's something so cathartic about physically carving your thoughts onto a piece of paper. I keep mine in A5 unruled notebooks; when I finish one I date the cover and stick it in a box. Been doing this since '08 and there's a pretty big stack of notebooks at this point. Not much literary value to any of them, but reading them and looking back at where I was at certain points in time is pretty fun.

>> No.3480410

mine is filled with questions I ask myself about my responsibilities and plans

it actually reads a lot like Depression Quest except less "affectation"

>> No.3480420
File: 2.62 MB, 3872x2592, DSC_1019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm currently using an old log book. Ive developed an all caps handwriting so everything is legible and in order, as well as very organized. Gotta invest in a style and medium that suits you, just like real writing.

>> No.3480440

Is that intentionally blurry?

>> No.3480451

I can't be assed to keep a journal going. It's a weird amalgamation of not knowing what to write once I'm staring at the page, paranoia that someone will find it and read it, and thinking that anything I write wouldn't be worth the ink anyway.

>> No.3480473

Yeah. The handwriting is nice and the pages are full, but its still full of phrases that lit would jump on without hesitation. I don't tend to hold back when writing an entry. Anything that seems pertinent to what I've been doing or thinking about goes straight in, so it can be a bit melodramatic.

>> No.3480479

maybe you should invest more in a better camera

>> No.3480522
File: 2.91 MB, 3872x2592, DSC_1022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.3480537
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I scribble daily thoughts on a napkin at dinner, then wipe my mouth with it so I have incentive to throw it away.

It's nice getting some thoughts out in writing, but it's never nice to think they are worth keeping.

mfw people tell me they keep a journal

>> No.3480871

>being pressured by your parents to live your life how they want you to

Yes anon you are weak

There's no reason you have to take over your parents' company and you should damn well know that

do what YOU want to do in life

>Your children are not your children.
>They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself.
>They come through you but not from you,
>And though they are with you yet they belong not to you.

>'On Children', Kahlil Gibran

>> No.3480883
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>drugs are not my thing
>I'm just empty

you just gave the solution to your own problem

do some drugs, find yourself

>> No.3481593

I wrote about 700 pages last year. Half of the time I'm bragging about how much weed I've had and rambling on.
The other half is me complaining about hearing voices and bragging about how much alcohol I've had.

>> No.3481601

I do both. I just always need a place to put my thoughts down.

>> No.3481635

Long periods of depressive bullshit, occasional plans to better myself that never pan out, noteworthy dreams, transcripts of interviews, literary analysis, songs I've written, snippets of short stories, poems, and texts that I've received that I want to remember.

>> No.3481643

Yeah, it's bad. Still haven't worked out how to strike a balance between having it around to remind myself how pathetic I can be, and burning the thing to make sure nobody discovers it after my death.

>> No.3481701

>georgle carlin muh favrite philosopher xD

>> No.3481707 [DELETED] 

I've noticed that I better myself more and live a happier life when I do so without writing about it and even without clear goals. Just sort of vaguely drifting towards more pleasant habits seems to work the best. Logging it just leads to neurotic perfectionism and failure. Mite b cool to try and do it without analysing it so much.

>> No.3481709

Everything I write is so painful to read I tear it out and throw it away every time

>> No.3481713

I've noticed that I better myself more and live a happier life when I do so without writing about it and even without clear goals. Just sort of vaguely drifting towards more pleasant habits seems to work the best. Logging it just leads to neurotic perfectionism and failure. Mite b cool to try and do it without analysing it so much. Sometimes pleasant things just evaporate when you stare at them too much.

>> No.3481744

Yes... yes.

>> No.3481748

Self-loathing don't work like that, man. It seems to me like people who are happy with themselves and people who aren't are constitutionally incapable of properly understanding one another.

>> No.3481762
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Apart from the fact that it's kept in a writing app on my iPad, it's pretty normal

They're just details of how I felt about certain minor events in my day as well as motivation for doing what I'm doing because sometimes I tend to forget

I am no writer and I haven't had a huge imagination since I lost my connection with drawing, but I've always wanted to get into writing and I thought maybe this might help a bit.

>> No.3481767

Not so bad. I occasionally write about my pathetic mental life, but mostly it's just what I've been doing during the day, amusing scribblings, dreams I've had, my opinions of people, perverted comments about my girl friends, etc. just whatever. I'm not bothered with structure, just putting it down in a way I find natural.

Stop writing pathetic shit, you guys. You're making yourself sick.

>> No.3481769

>Stop writing pathetic shit, you guys. You're making yourself sick.
Or purging themselves.

>> No.3481772

Don't fucking do it.
It might seem bad to you but in a few years you will be able to look back and it'll seem motherfucking cringe-worthy, which is not only fun but you'll also see how much you've improved since then.

>> No.3481782

>. I've already ruined their company.
Hang on, why? Presumably they'll just get someone more qualified to do it.

>> No.3481784

That has zero value to myself

>> No.3481785


>> No.3481787

Well, it's your choice but I thought so, too when I was younger and I just regret it so fucking much.
Do what you have to, but I don't really see a point in throwing your shit away, either.

>> No.3481793

You're not purging anything by keeping it to yourself. Tell a person you know we'll how you feel, that's a much more powerful purging.

>> No.3481795

I think of my diary more as a sketch book. Of course I only fill it in when i'm miserable for who would write when they're happy and fulfilled, so it can come across as a little whiney at times. Sometimes its steam of consciousness, drawings, poems, general crap, quotes i like, songs i like, lists, hopes, sorrows, lists of guys I wanna screw. One of them I put a cigarette through 50 pages, it felt right at the time. I always express myself in the best way I can think of to get my emotion across, so its good to use different media (staples, candlewax, chalk, spray paint, charcoal, ink - you name it... Except blood, I think that would be a tad too faggy)
I also make a point of filling it in when i'm on any kind of drug, just because its interesting to see how my writing changes (i mean the actual handwriting, as well as the words...). Alcohol stems my creativity, weed makes me think i'm being profound when i'm actually talking shit, mandy makes me spout a lotta brain vomit but can also be quite insightful, etc.
When i'm dead they'll be read.

>> No.3481798

>not whispering it into a hole in a tree

>> No.3481870


I'd be way to critical to do that, not to mention how much I'd probably cringe at what I used to think and act like at the time. Also, the potential embarrassment if someone were able to read your deepest thoughts by accident...

>> No.3481887

Writing without showing anyone helps, if only by externalising your thoughts. That's why I never write down good stuff, I keep it inside me like a secret treasure.

>> No.3481889

Very. So much so i stopped doing it. I only ever wrote in it when I was really down or upset so just came off as whiny and self-pitying.

>> No.3481894

My journal is pretty much for my whining. I don't really talk to people about how I really feel, so the journal is the outlet to get that out plainly.

>> No.3482000

Mine is just full of my workout numbers since I'm a /fit/izen. I also like to write when I start and when I finish a book.

>> No.3482035

I started a journal about 2 month ago, since about 2 weeks, I don't feel the need to write anything in it anymore. It is like everything I am has already been written down - and things like writing down what I've done today or 'thoughts' I have about my environment are nothing I feel the need to write down - it was just a tool to describe myself ... I don't actually know for whom I've made this decription, though. Probably for myself - looking back at it in a few years or so ...

>> No.3482076

>Your children are not your children.
>They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself.
>They come through you but not from you,
>And though they are with you yet they belong not to you.

Aaaaaaahhh why are there so much insight in books and why can't i read all of them