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3479759 No.3479759[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

At what age did you realize that feminism was a cancer on our society?

>> No.3479767

I've always thought it was dumb, even when I was a little kid, that both parents work and pay someone else to raise their children.

Only marginally related, but I felt like mentioning it.

>> No.3479769

At what age are you going to realize that "they don't share my views" does not equal "hurrr cancer on da societys!!1"

Let me guess, if everyone just thought like you did, and listened to your wise advice, the world would be a better place.

Grow the fuck up.

>> No.3479774

that photo bahahaha. prostate stimulation is nothing to be ashamed of, beta.

>> No.3479777

i don't see what's so terrible about pointing out the gendered influence on our thinking/politics.

>> No.3479780

When that girl didn't reciprocate my feelings for her.

>> No.3479781
File: 20 KB, 429x420, 1352365447968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not letting your girlfriend fuck you in the ass is beta

>> No.3479793


>> No.3479787

What about your boyfriend?

>> No.3479790

>if you don't bow before women you must be a virgin/have a tiny dick/got rejected!

Why are women so shitty at arguing?

>> No.3479795

he said being ashamed of it is beta. yet another /lit/izen with bad reading comprehension.

>> No.3479797

You really thought I was a girl? I'm so flattered!

>> No.3479810
File: 14 KB, 727x149, oc do not steal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3479812

That's the point, moron.

You, me, and the guy in the photo agree that prostate stimulation owns. Society as a whole, though, doesn't - especially for straight blokes.

>> No.3479816

That guy wouldn't make a sign like that if he didn't feel a little bit insecure about letting his gf bugger him.

>> No.3479819

> feminism
>men should bow before women
Why not actually bother to learn what 'feminism' actually is before mouthing off about it?
Crazy idea, I know.

>> No.3479821

eh, i don't think its the most pressing issue in society right now. you'd probably be just fine if you told people you like anal play in the context of a sexual convo.

>> No.3479827

But if it wasn't for feminism he'd have much more reason to be insecure about it, because society would reject him for it even more than it already does.

>> No.3479832

You're the same as stormfags saying "were not white supremacists, we'ere separatists!".

>> No.3479835

>insecure about something private
>make a fucking sign about it.

>> No.3479839

Are you denying that there's an ideological distinction between white nationalists and white supremacists? Because that would be pretty ignorant.

>> No.3479845


Fuck off back to /pol/

>> No.3479846
File: 625 KB, 256x256, fascinatingobject.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's good that women have finally obtained equality in the US, but feminism has become a plague on the humanities. Like the newbies to the intellectual realm they are, so many women want to decry so many things pre-feminist with ridiculous theories- e.g., "two-thousand-year-old-dead-white-le" used as academic terminology. As a young man approaching literature and philosophy, I don't want to blot out entire expanses of history or write off brilliant opportunities for understanding. In order to learn you have to relinquish arrogance and admit that there's something you don't know. Thanks to feminism, students of the humanities in American universities are expected to accept impetuous theories like social constructivism or performativity or the instability of text as dogma, instead of at least approaching theory as an open question.

TL;DR women are relative beginners to the intellectual scene, and like good beginners they ought to keep an open mind instead of agendized pursuit.

>> No.3479847

If thats what it actually did I don't think many of us would have a problem with it.

>> No.3479857

Wouldn't OP's pic be a masculinity issue, what does that have to do with feminism?

Real question, the only thing I know about feminism is that tumblr shit.

>> No.3479861

They think there is, which is the same as feminists actually thinking that modernism isn't indistinguishable from misandry.

>> No.3479864

Sucker Punch.

>> No.3479867

I believe you're confusing feminism with misandry. As far as I'm concerned, feminism= >equal pay for same work output,
>equal chances to get into university, considering that candidates, regardless of gender, have excellent grades
>No fear of being sexually abused at work
>Guys being told not to rape girls, not girls being told to avoid getting raped.

>> No.3479872

that's exactly what it does. you kiddies just don't know how to distinguish tumblr signboard culture from actual feminist works.


have fun.

>> No.3479875

This. If we just had a chance to politely explain to rapists and tell them NOT TO RAPE, there would never be another rape again.

>> No.3479876

So you must be pretty happy with Western society now, right? Since none of those things are problems any more.

>> No.3479882

>>equal chances to get into university, considering that candidates, regardless of gender, have excellent grades

Women are over-represented at college dumbfuck.

>No fear of being sexually abused at work

What? If they feel their boss is an asshole, then they should quit.

>Guys being told not to rape girls, not girls being told to avoid getting raped.

>its not misandry
>guys stop being neanderthal rapists xDDDD

>> No.3479884

The second one isn't a problem. The rest still are.

>> No.3479886

Being male nearly doubles the odds of being a victim of domestic violence as an adult but decreases the odds of perpetrating domestic violence. This finding, although contrary to public perception, is consistent with findings of national surveys in the United States and New Zealand 庸emales hit more often than males, but males do more damage when they hit. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Youth Violence Research Bulletin ・February 2002)

Early studies of partner violence assumed that men's perpetration rates exceeded those of women, in part because these studies relied almost exclusively on clinical samples of women who sought assistance or of men in court-mandated counseling programs. Later surveys using community samples have shown women's rates of violence to be comparable to those of men. (American Psychological Association, Inc., Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, Gender Differences in Partner Violence in a Birth Cohort of 21-Year-Olds: Bridging the Gap between Clinical and Epidemiological Approaches ・997, Vol. 65, No. 1, 68-78)

Approximately 13 percent of women and 21 percent of men report having survived severe physical domestic violence. (American Psychological Association, Inc., Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, Gender Differences in Partner Violence in a Birth Cohort of 21-Year-Olds: Bridging the Gap between Clinical and Epidemiological Approaches ・1997, Vol. 65, No. 1, 68-78)

>> No.3479890

how is this lit related?

>> No.3479891

Conclusion is that female domestic violence victimization rates are no higher than male rates. (American Psychological Association, Inc., Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, Gender Differences in Partner Violence in a Birth Cohort of 21-Year-Olds: Bridging the Gap between Clinical and Epidemiological Approaches ・997, Vol. 65, No. 1, 68-78 Violence ・July 2000)

Women tend to report performing acts of violence at higher rates than men, and men tend to report being victims of violence at higher rates than women. In both cases, the implication is that aggression by women toward men exceeds aggression by men toward women. (American Psychological Association, Inc., Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, Gender Differences in Partner Violence in a Birth Cohort of 21-Year-Olds: Bridging the Gap between Clinical and Epidemiological Approaches ・1997, Vol. 65, No. 1, 68-78)

>muh patriarchy

>> No.3479894

That's false. You appear to have a victim complex.

>> No.3479897

>women over-represented at college

>if their boss is an asshole, they should quit

they do, but they shouldn't have to be in the position of quitting their job because of such a phenomenon.

>guys stop being neanderthal rapists

do you have a problem with the culture shift of men being held responsible for grimey/expolitative descisions rather than women just being told not to hang out in seedy areas in revealing clothing?

>> No.3479903

>do you have a problem with the culture shift of men being held responsible for grimey/expolitative descisions rather than women just being told not to hang out in seedy areas in revealing clothing?

I have a problem with "Men are rapists, women are victims." dogma. Rape is bad, that should be the message. Not that Men are rapists.

>grimy/exploitative decisions

Oh boy, are you one of those cunts who things that if a man has sex with a drunk woman it's rape?

>> No.3479904

>women just being told not to hang out in seedy areas in revealing clothing

That's just practical advice. From my observations, rapists definitely seem to be frowned upon more than girls wearing revealing clothing.

>> No.3479906

To your last (and only salient) point.
I'm not implying in the least that ALL men are rapists. I'm simply pointing out that almost all rapes are performed by men, so therefore surely educating men on the importance of not raping someone, as oppose to educating the possible victims to avoid perpetrators is logical. Please, do explain how I'm wrong.

>> No.3479907



>> No.3479908

>public perception says that men are more likely to hit women
>lets see what people who are influenced by this public opinion feel they can share about themselves without shame in a survey!

awful study design.

>> No.3479909

Guys, I have an idea: instead of offering people practical advice on how to avoid being victims of crime, we should just outlaw crime!

>> No.3479911

>What? If they feel their boss is an asshole, then they should quit.
You've just confirmed that you've never had to work a real job to support yourself. Come back to this discussion when you've grown up.

>> No.3479918

It's the bosses property, if he's an asshole then don't work for him. Hate speech laws are fucking stupid.

>> No.3479921

You're a fucking idiot. In what world do you live where all jobs are just private businesses where your superiors have a totalitarian rule over the entire company?

>> No.3479928

>That's just practical advice

no, it's idiotic thinking that sells both men and women short. hurr men too primitive to resist woman in low cut top.

you don't blame the walls for graffiti.

>> No.3479929

>your superiors have a totalitarian rule over the entire company?

You mean like you have "totalitarian rule" over your house and get to decide who enters, and what people are allowed to say or do? If you come to my house, don't tell me what I'm allowed to do. It's my property. If you don't like it, leave.

>> No.3479931

A person has no right to sexually abuse a person and force them to give up their career.

>> No.3479935

>hurr men too primitive to resist woman in low cut top.

No, RAPISTS are too primitive to resist women in low cut tops. Not all men are rapists.

>> No.3479937

They aren't forced to do anything. If they don't like the job, for whatever reasons, they are free to quit.

>> No.3479939

You're welcome to your opinion.

>> No.3479945

If I left a million dollars sitting in my unlocked car in the middle of Detroit with a sign that said "free money", I wouldn't DESERVE to get robbed, but it would be pretty fucking stupid of me. Same goes for a woman that goes walking in a shitty neighborhood at night dressed like a stripper.

It's just common sense advice.

>> No.3479946

Did you just equate a business with a private house? What is wrong with you?

Do you really not see the difference here? Nothing is forcing someone into someone else's private home. A woman at a job is different. This could be here career. A man is forcing her to sexually satisfy him so that she can avoid being homeless. You can't really be this fucking daft.

>> No.3479952

and rapists don't hang out in specific rape zones and most rapes occur in familiar places, so the mental construct of a "seedy area" relative to the amount of rape that occurs there that can be avoided is a cognitive bias in the first place.

its the farthest thing from "practical advice". it's just ignorant.

>> No.3479954

Both are private property. If she doesn't enjoy the job and what that entails, she can get a new one.

>> No.3479956

When was feminism's mission banishing the shame you feel for your kinks? It's equality between genders. OP's picture is only tangentially related.

It's like saying:
>I need feminism because I have suffered from fursecution all my life
>I need feminism because its hard to pump up tires by yourself
>I need feminism because without sunscreen I burn easily.

>> No.3479957

>specific rape zones

Statistically, there are rape clusters. Areas with lots of blacks, usually (just saying).

>> No.3479958

lol you fucktard, you can't start touching women any way you want even if it is your house.

>> No.3479959

You wouldn't be raped if you didn't look so sexy. Take it as compliment.

>> No.3479969

14. I'm over that now.

>> No.3479964

If you started molesting a woman and trying to have sex with her it would be rape and thus illegal. But if you called her "baby-cakes" and she didn't like it, she doesn't have the right to tell you to stop. It's your house, she can leave.

>> No.3479965

Revealing clothes make men horny. That's their job. If you make a rapist horny, he might rape you.

>> No.3479966

Stop. You're exposing yourself as an inexperienced idealistic underage retard. You don't understand the way that the world works if you're arguing that you can just fucking quit jobs at will if something pisses you off. When you get your career started and have to deal with an asshole boss so that you can pay your bills, then you can talk.
If you're honestly arguing that a fucking regional manager can sexually assault a woman or threaten to fire her, because the business is "his property" (it's not), then you are clearly a fucking retard. Then you claim that it's just so easy to quit your job which you've probably spent years studying to earn. As if it's as simple as not showing up at your McJob because mommy and daddy will pay for your things. You have a lot of growing up to do.

>> No.3479977

Who said sexually assault you fucking retard? That's illegal even on private property. We're discussing so-called sexual harassment where a boss whistlers at a woman when she walks by or calls her inapropriate names. If she doesn't like that work environment, find a new job?

Are you a woman? You argue like an over-emotional retard.

>> No.3479980

>private property
what the fuck?
In your mind are all jobs small businesses where a guy rents some space and opens up shop?
How old are you?

>> No.3479981

is walking on eggshells around bullies a habit for you?

>> No.3479983

Not really, because they're not even comparable.
Everything you say just shows how uneducated you are:
Feminism isn't about 'female supremacy'
It is about challenging prescribed gender roles, with an emphasis on *equality*

Feminism is great, it's just badly marketed (the name doesn't help things).

>> No.3479988

It's still private property.

>> No.3479991

White supremacists claim they are only fighting for the equality of the white race, and call themselves separatists. It doesn't mean they aren't supremacists.

I can call myself a dragon, doesn't make it true.

>> No.3479996

Bullies gonna bully. If you don't want to be bullied, avoid them or learn to fight or tell a teacher.

Similarly, rapists gonna rape. If you don't want to be raped, avoid them or learn to fight or tell the police.

>> No.3479997

No it's not.

>> No.3480001

luckily regulations and the law disagree with that.

>> No.3480002

If this were true then it would be all good, liberal feminism is the way to go. The reality is that feminists are rarely this docile and start screaming about castration, male privilege and rape culture all the time. You do realise that pretty much EVERYONE agrees with the things you said, right?

>> No.3480003

Yes it is. Walmart owns their store, it's their private property.

>> No.3480005

>White supremacists claim they are only fighting for the equality of the white race, and call themselves separatists.

Those are not supremacists, those nationalists. Supremacists claim other races are genetically inferior and advocate actively oppressing them.

You're a moron.

>> No.3480008

The law also used to say blacks are 3/5 human, it's meaningless. If you support laws that ban hurting other peoples feelings, you are most likely unintelligent.

>> No.3480013
File: 50 KB, 400x360, 1222460427k70rMd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, so stormfront isn't racist. They're egalitarians.

>> No.3480016

>feminists are
how many feminists do you know personally? how many feminist works have you read?

>> No.3480020

Can walmart sexually harass a person?
Can a supervisor at walmart sexually harass a person?
Is walmart the property of that supervisor?

So what point are you trying to make here?

>> No.3480021


>Shouldn't be in the position
No, but nor should anyone with an asshole boss and the reality is that men experience similar levels of abuse in the workplace it is just mroe likely to be expressed in violent ways instead of sexual.

>Do you have a problem with the etc
This is ridiculous, nobody approves rape you fuckwit, we agree it should be persecuted and it is, stop going on about it.

>> No.3480022

I don't know about Stormfront, I've never been. I'm just saying that white nationalists are different to white supremacists. Bunching them together is reductive and ignorant.

>> No.3480024


>equal chances to get into university, considering that candidates, regardless of gender, have excellent grades

As others have mentioned, females are overrepresented at college.

>No fear of being sexually abused at work

There is no way to eliminate the possibility of sexual abuse. You can sue the pants off your boss if he perpetrates it, so there's definitely a good defense in place.

>Guys being told not to rape girls, not girls being told to avoid getting raped.

This is being done all over college campuses in the US.

There is a great deal of good work for feminists to do, not on tumblr or Swedish activist websites but in the third world, especially Africa and the Middle East where women are bonafide second class citizens.

>> No.3480028
File: 12 KB, 343x357, 1356052336392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That walmart is private property just like your house is your private property. You are allowed to say what you want to the people in your house, if they don't like it they can leave. If the women feel they are being mistreated, quit.

>> No.3480030

way to not know how to read. you'll fit right in.

>> No.3480032

It isn't about knowing that rape is wrong, everyone knows this already, its about a conscience-desire conflict and if you don't know that then you haven't researched the topic at all and need to into psychology

>> No.3480033

I agree that it's good advice and nothing to get mad about, but you also can't ignore the fact that most rapes aren't committed by strangers in alleyways but by people the victim already knows and, usually at least, has nothing to do with revealing clothing.

>> No.3480034

and 'nationalism' does not imply 'egalitarianism'. I don't even know what you were trying to say there.

>> No.3480038

the only feminism these idiots have encountered is by way of /r9k/ and tumblr. basically, whatever "shocking" and "emasculating" opinion piece or signboard pic that some loser made a thread about is their conception of feminism.

complete unlearned fucktards who love jumping the gun on this website.

>> No.3480041


Do you not get that a corporation cannot become personified and sexually harass a person?
A person has no right to sexually harass another person. A walmart is not the private property of a manager in that walmart.

>> No.3480042

As long as you're aware that the only kind or rape is violent rape, where a woman is physically forced into sex, and not "I regretted it later".

>> No.3480050

>the only kind of rape is violent rape
Oh my god you people are idiots.

>> No.3480054

"Corporation" is a meaningless legal term. Walmart is owned by a person, it's his property. If he told a woman that worked for him, on his property, that she had a nice ass, and she didn't like it, she is free to leave his property.

>> No.3480059

If you have sex with a man and don't resist, it wasn't rape. None of this "well in my mind I was saying no".

>> No.3480064

>I agree that it's good advice and nothing to get mad about

Congratulations on being more sensible than 90% of self-professed feminists.

>most rapes aren't committed by strangers in alleyways but by people the victim already knows

How do you propose to eradicate this?

>> No.3480070

Nobody is saying they should

But the overwhelming majority of bosses don't do this

No, you just messed up monumentously:
Just because rape tends to happen in familiar locations, that doesn't mean there is no patternation to rape outside of that setting you tool.

>> No.3480072

good to see we have the ultimate authority on types of resistance up in here.

remember folks, if your victim doesn't go down kicking and screaming, s/he wasn't a victim in the first place. ;)

>> No.3480079

By castrating all men and/or killing them and letting their blood flood the streets.


>> No.3480080

If you don't tell your "rapist" that you don't want to have sex/don't try to resist sex, you weren't rape.

>I was le coerced by the patriarchy so muh power imbalance!!! All sex is rape xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

>> No.3480085



and, sure, there are "patternations" (jesus...) outside of where MOST rapes occur. gee, how fucking monumental.

>> No.3480087


Well if you didn't know they weren't consenting, how can you be at fault?

>> No.3480088

Unless it's a member of the Walton family your point is invalid.

And do you really thing it's so easy to just up and leave your job?

Look I'm not trying to make baseless ad hominem attacks, but it's really clear from the arguments you've been making that you've had very limited real world experience, which is essential to making any argument about worker's rights.

>> No.3480089

Not necessarily. Slipping a girl a roofie then having sex with her isn't really "violent" but I'd still call it rape.

Although yeah I don't think a girl getting drunk of her own free will and having sex constitutes "rape", unless she's literally unconscious.

>> No.3480099

Yeah . . . so avoid those zones, genius.

>> No.3480097

I agree with this guy. If she's unconscious, she can't say no or resist. Therefore it's not rape.

>> No.3480098

>the overwhelming majority

only a complete fucktard could think an overwhelming majority were necessary before regulations/action should take place.

>> No.3480100

So if someone says "if you don't have sex with me I'll murder your entire family" and then the victim has sex without resisting, it's not rape?

>> No.3480101

There are no arguments in your posts, only "but my feelings!". The owner of the property can do/can allow others to do anything they want to others within the law and should be able to do so.

If you don't like being called mean names at work, don't work there.

>> No.3480106

I thought I was on /co/ for a second

>> No.3480107

Drugging someone is coercion retard.

>> No.3480109

this line of thinking has become outdated. consent is needed. and not drunken consent, either. sorry it rustles your jimmies that you can't rely on somebody's drunken mistakes anymore.

>> No.3480110

No, it's a trade.

>> No.3480113

I know quite a few personally, at the university I am at I often meet up with the members of the feminist society because they're quite erudite young women. In terms of works, not too many but the new wave of pseudo-feminism and the radicals such as Millett really pisses me off, as do all of the articles regarding rape culture, separatism and affirmative action. Stop making assumptions on my character.

>> No.3480114


Nice strawman. If someone lies there and doesn't say they don't consent then the initiator isn't t at fault.

>> No.3480116

So if two drunk people have sex, the man raped the woman?


Pick one.

>> No.3480121

Stop pressing the stormfront analogy. It makes no sense.

The racial equivalent of feminism would be a belief system that believes people should not be forced by society into specific roles based on their race.

I believe we would call this philosophy 'common sense'. Or 'not being racist'.

>> No.3480123

Sexual abuse isn't within the law though. Sexual abuse includes things like verbal harassment.

>> No.3480124


Sex with someone who is drunk is automatically rape?

>> No.3480128

So all sex that women regret afterwards is rape? So if a woman willingly and happily sleeps with a guy and then discovers that he's a douchebag the next and regrets having sex with him, she was raped? Does this go both ways? Because if so I think I've been raped by several fat chicks.

>> No.3480131

Very few actual feminists would argue that. Stop strawman-ing.

>> No.3480137

you're the only one who has posited that.


if somebody is impaired enough to clearly not be able to make the right decision, it's nonconsensual. it's def. a grey area, though.

>> No.3480138

If the government passed a law declaring it was alright to kill the Jews, would you think that was perfectly legitimate as well? If it's your property, then you should be able to say what you want.

It's called freedom. Do you live outside the US?

>> No.3480140


>> No.3480134

Who the fuck are you to comment on what I know of feminism and my character in general? I am not 'unlearned' and the only person who seems to smack of stupidity here is you for making completely unjustified character judgements simply because I disagree with you. Fucking idiot.

>> No.3480141

That's right. How many times have you raped your girlfriend after a night on the town anon?

>Even when women consent and they're drunk, it's still rape.

>> No.3480142

Women are not physically forced into predetermined roles based on their gender.

>> No.3480145

The politically correct left is the new Fascism.

>> No.3480149

none of what has been posted ITT by those who hate "feminists" suggests any familiarity with feminism.

>> No.3480153

>le no true scotsman face :P

>> No.3480157

No, I didn't say that regulations and actions shouldn't be implemented. I'm just saying that the reality is far less shocking than the media portrayal and the hype, seriously.

>> No.3480164

if there's ever going to be a relevant critique of modern feminism, it's going to have to be written by a woman. sorry, fellas. nobody cares about what you have to say about something you know nothing about.

>> No.3480165

>Your argument:
If what you do on your own private property is within the law, it's fine. If you dislike it, (the verbally harassed person) can leave.
Sexual abuse (which includes verbal harassment) isn't within the law.
>Your response: Some laws are unjust (e.g if a law was made to ensure the death of jews)

So what are you arguing for now? That laws penalizing sexual abuse are unjust?

>> No.3480170


>> No.3480174


>i le troled u :DD

>> No.3480180

I know, and I agree that there are definitely merits to it but there are parts that overstep boundaries and make false assumptions. You can't assume individuals are stupid because there is generally an air of stupidity in the thread. Am I to suppose that you are a man-hating female who has short hair and wears amFootball shirts? No, because that isn't true, and you characterising me as a wife-beating, gun-toting idiotic misogynist is equally discriminatory. Grow the fuck up.

>> No.3480184
File: 57 KB, 510x338, 1361146371292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this is the most popular, bumped thread of the day on /lit/

I don't even know why you guys bother to pretend to like reading. Why don't you all just go to /soc/ or /pol/?

Honestly, none of you like to read. None of you like to discuss literature. Just leave.

>> No.3480188

>Know nothing about
What are you talking about? I have an estrogen level that is 1-6mg lower than a womans so I am not allowed to comment on a subject? Even the general public isn't that stupid.

>> No.3480189
File: 20 KB, 334x393, 1353144910608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Verbal sexual harassment isn't illegal in America, and it shouldn't be, unless you should also be banned from saying hurtful things in the privacy of your own home.

Do you believe that you should be barred from making certain sounds in your own home? If you don't, then sexual harassment laws in the workplace are no different. Unless you're a hypocrite of course, which if you're a feminist, is likely.

>> No.3480194

Because feminism has long been allied with the LGBT community and has also been about male and female equality. The shit you hear about feminism being about women > men is being perpetuated by those tumblr retards and 4chan

>> No.3480204

You are not Immanuel Kant and any allusion to his authority is completely null and void. Would you rather we sat around and talked pretentiously about how much we like books and how books are great and how anyone doesn't agree with us is a faggot? /Lit/ is a shitty board full of hipsters with illusions of grandeur and if you are hoping for on-track discussion you may as well leave now.

>> No.3480209

They sure used to be. You know why things have changed? Feminism.

>Implying women don't occupy only 2% of senior management positions in business worldwide
>Implying more than only 3.5% of the world's cabinet ministers are women
>Implying women aren't being paid 30-40 percent less doing the same jobs as men worldwide
>Implying 2 million girls aren't forced into marriage worldwide

They might not be being physically forced into whatever roles (at least in western europe / america / other more developed places), but they are sure being pressured.

>> No.3480212

>You can sue the pants off your boss if he perpetrates it
>...if he

Check your privilege cis scum! Why must the boss in this hypothetical situation be 'male'?

>> No.3480214

The LGBT community can suck a dick, or not, depending on which letter they fall under.

>> No.3480216

>le fuck your bullshit strawman arguments face :P

>> No.3480221


Yes - just like we can tell murderers to stop murdering instead of telling 'victims' to be more self aware and take basic precautions.

>> No.3480226

>but they are sure being pressured.

Oh no, not pressure! No one can possibly withstand that!

>> No.3480231


Wow - you really are thick aren't you.

>> No.3480235
File: 53 KB, 577x435, rape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and rapists don't hang out in specific rape zones

What the DRC? South Africa?

>> No.3480236

The police issued a PSA this Christmas advising us not to leave presents in view of an open window, as it could attract burglars. What a bunch of victim blaming, intolerant pigs.

>> No.3480238

Because feminism isn't about female superiority, it's about breaking down restrictive gender roles in the name of equality. Traditionally, being fucked in the ass is seen as 'unmanly' or 'gay' if you're a bloke. Feminism realises that if it's what works for you then fuck whether it conforms to the norms of your gender or not. Restrictive gender roles affect both men and women.

As I posted before, feminism is great but terribly marketed, and the name really doesn't help.

>> No.3480248


I think that the problem here is that you are conflating women being in less high-power positions and patriarchy. What if the women are in lower-level jobs or no jobs because of a conscious and rational decision to stay at home with children or work in low-level jobs or are generally poor-achievers or don't aspire to such capitalistic goals?
Also, bundling the world together and claiming it reflects western society is pretty erroneous, a majority of these statistics are marred because the two main population areas, India and China, are incredibly sexist due to religious and economic reasons respectively.

>> No.3480254

That is a magnificent quote

>> No.3480255

Why are feminists so quick to point out the correlation between men and rape, but not between blacks and rape? They rape at a much higher rate than anyone else.

>> No.3480256

I'm not claiming it represents western society, I know it's for the world. And yes, I agree that there is a *chance* that for some reason women don't want to have power or get paid, but to me it seems unlikely.

>> No.3480258

>Although yeah I don't think a girl getting drunk of her own free will and having sex constitutes "rape", unless she's literally unconscious.

Yeah - I don't think a person getting drunk of their own free will and running over a person constitutes murder, unless their literally completely pissed out of their mind.

>> No.3480261

Being fucked in the ass IS unmanly, as are a great number of other things. It is a social construct, but it is true. And it is gay, it is incredibly gay to like being fucked in the ass, what is there not to get?

>> No.3480272

That was the worst attempt at reductio ad absurdum I've ever seen. Hang your head in shame.

>> No.3480275

>To me it seems unlikely
Well that doesn't seem to make much difference, to be blunt. I know a lot of women who acknowledge the economic drawbacks of maintaining a career after pregnancy and these also have a damaging effect on career development. It is not a matter of male dominance; if men had to take a year off of work in order to accommodate childbirth and care then we would observe similar statistics. The problem is that the model that claims women are caused to be in lower-level jobs strips them of rationality and, to me, that seems more sexist than anything said so far.

>> No.3480280

If I'm drunk I'm not responsible for my actions, right?

>> No.3480285

>It is a social construct, but it is true.

oh how far we've come.

>> No.3480287

In both cases the negligence of the individual is the problem. If an individual gives consent whilst drunk, is the supposed 'rapist' meant to have some grasp of a deeper phenomenological truth, or are they just gonna hit it?

>> No.3480290

Yeah, it should. I wish it was. Just historically it's been called feminism because historically women DID have much fewer rights than men (no votes, no property, etc.), and there was much more pressure on women to conform to specific gender roles. But then the world changed, feminism as a concept evolved and that isn't so much the case anymore, just the name stuck.
How is having sex with a woman "gay"? If he was gay, he'd be having sex with men. What is there not to get? And so what if it's traditionally perceived as 'unmanly', if you like being fucked in the ass you should be able to get fucked in the ass by a chick and not have to worry about immature dickheads judging you for it.

>> No.3480292

NO, you are responsible because it was a conscious choice to get drunk and abandon your rationality, for which you deserve punishment regardless.

>> No.3480294


No one is going to physically stop you and your girlfriend from engaging in pegging, although if you bring it up in public then you'll probably be ridiculed, and rightly so, I'd expect people with 'normal' sexual habits who insist on bringing it up in public to be treated with contempt too.

A thousand years from now most men will still not consider being anally penetrated by your girlfriend a reasonable thing to do, feminism isn't going to change that.

>> No.3480297

I think you need to do a little more looking into the consequences of declining arranged marriage

>> No.3480291

That true. Wanna have sex?

>> No.3480302

Pretty sure society has much bigger problems. Feminism is more like a small nagging rash rather than cancer in comparison.

>> No.3480303

I'm not implying it is correct in itself, but the social construct 'manly' is incompatible with being sodomised. Just like it is incompatible with being a female, liking mlp and being a neckbeard, fat-ass.

>> No.3480305

That's a case of physical coercion, though, so I agree that it's terrible.

>> No.3480306

But I thought if a man had sex with a drunk woman it was his fault, not hers? Try to be consistent.

>> No.3480317


>not have to worry about immature dickheads judging you for it.

So what exactly does feminism plan to do about it? Force people to not 'judge' people for it. However much you 'educate' men on feminist theory they're still going to consider pegging disgusting.

>> No.3480319

Having sex with a woman is not gay, having a simulated male penis put into your ass IS because it is meant to simulate sex with a male, ergo it is gay. I am not saying anything about it, I simply said that it is rightly perceived as unmanly because that is contrary to what it means to be manly. You're reading too far into what I said friendo. I judge people who like being ass-fucked by their girlfriend, the question is, what are you going to do about it?

>> No.3480324

1. homophobia is stupid.
2. "manly" is stupid

go fucking kill yourself you stupid sheep

this thread is filled with little aspie misogynists that would survive in a real "manly" situation in the first place (think world war 1 trenches)

>> No.3480327

>The problem is that the model that claims women are caused to be in lower-level jobs strips them of rationality and, to me, that seems more sexist than anything said so far.
Interesting point, I'll come out and admit that I hadn't thought of it that way. I guess it's a mix of the two, and I should probably think a bit more before I post. It's just so-called anti-feminist morons like OP annoy me, so I guess I was a bit over-eager to argue with, like, half of everything ITT.

>> No.3480326

>Having sex with a woman is not gay
So close minded.

>> No.3480333

Where do you live? You are incredibly closeminded and an idiot that still thinks of sex as lights turned off, missionary position under the cover etc.

>> No.3480336

I never said it was wrong for him to have sex with a drunk woman? I am being entirely consistent, lrn2ID.
If a man has sex with a drunk woman who gives her consent, nothing has been done wrong. Get it? The woman is responsible due to her neglect, and the man could not possibly have known anything other than what she told him.

>> No.3480343

You won't think I'm beta for too long when I take care of that sweet little boypussy of yours, you fucking faggot.

>> No.3480345

>2. "manly" is stupid

Gets you laid, though.

>> No.3480347

I don't think "feminism" plans to "do" anything, probably because it's a concept and not an autonomous being. But I believe that in time, as the culture accepts feminist ideas more, people *will* start to learn to differentiate between "something I don't want done to me" and "something that no man should do or else he's a faggot".

>> No.3480348

Bust my load in your bum hole :3

>> No.3480365
File: 17 KB, 250x250, 1300044776986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is illegal in the US.
>Harassment can include "sexual harassment" or unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical harassment of a sexual nature.

Your analogy about if insults delivered in the home are not to be considered illegal, then insults delivered at work should not be considered illegal fails to consider differences between the settings. Your guests livelihoods don't depend on you in the home. The situations are not comparable.

You seem to be supporting the legalization of verbal sexual harassment. I'm gonna stop talking with you now.

>> No.3480367

>due to her neglect

What neglect? She should expected to be exploited the minute she is impaired?

>> No.3480360


Nope I'm just not a homo in denial.

>> No.3480361

Lolwut. You're so stupid and your ad hominem is ridiculous. Counter the point or shut your mouth.
>Implying I'm homophobic
>Implying I advocate social concepts because I acknowledge their existence
>Implying I am close-minded because I don't agree with you
>Implying I, or anyone who disagrees with you, am a misogynist
Shut the fuck up with your ridiculous mud-slinging and actually put forward a decent case.

>> No.3480362

Why are homosexuals so creepy and obnoxious?

>> No.3480363

>Gets you laid, though.
Since when and by who

>> No.3480368

Since always by women.

Have you ever left your basement?

>> No.3480371

It's not exploition if she consents.

>> No.3480372
File: 33 KB, 250x374, Special4-8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to see how this stupid college bro faggot and his "manly" bullshit would survive out in a real "manly" situation

>oh man, i have to change my clothes and get naked in front of these guys? b-but that's gay!

>> No.3480374

Because they're trying to annoy him (you?).

>> No.3480375


Oh baby

>> No.3480380

>reductio ad fornicatum
/lit/, I thought you were better than that.

>> No.3480381

Why are you on /lit/?

>> No.3480385
File: 999 KB, 160x160, 1360858676471.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I support the legalization of making whatever sounds you want on your private property, it's also known as freedom. You seem to support a type of Orwellian government that crushes opinions it doesn't like.

>Do you believe that you should be barred from making certain sounds in your own home?

I'm guessing your answer is yes? That invalidates all of your opinions.

>I'm gonna stop talking with you now.

It's for the best. I'll allow you to save face and leave now.

>> No.3480389

This guy - >>3480374 got it in one. I'm not even gay!

>> No.3480390

How's that projecting working out for you? faggot.

enjoy your shitty orgasms with your wife (by wife i mean your "manly" hand)

>> No.3480391

I live in the UK, in Warwick, at the uni.
And I am not close-minded, I am willing to accept whatever the reasonable argument concludes, so don't be ridiculous, you don't have to be an LGBT campaigner or a feminist (Which I can genuinely claim to be) in order to be open-minded. If you want to get into sexual preferences thats fine but I don't see how it is relevant; I am completely fine with modern sexual attitudes, but don't deny them because you don't want the stigma, that is worse than anything I have said by far.

>> No.3480393

>Since always by women.
Pretty sure that super masculine thing is a gay scene thing.

>> No.3480394

To discuss Hemmingway and Jack London.

>> No.3480396

We are not all idiots, perhaps many people would benefit from understanding the gradation of feminism/egalitarianism because it seems easily evaded by many. I appreciate your honesty and clarity of thought though, kudos.

>> No.3480399

Nah that's more like a parody of masculinity.

>> No.3480403

>Feminism stands up for my favourite way of fucking

But current western morality based on non-harm does this as well. People don't give a fuck if you like being pegged as long as you're not hurting anyone. This is not the exclusive domain of feminism

>> No.3480404

hemmignway desperately wanted and needed a girl to peg him

>> No.3480408

Because political correctness.

>> No.3480409
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>> No.3480411

You aren't as masculine as you think, loser.

go lift your weights in your air conditioned gym in the city and then jack off to yourself in the mirror

>> No.3480413

Not what I said, once again, stop reading so far into it. I am simply saying that if she is the one who willingly ingested drugs then she is the one responsible for her own failure to comprehend the situation and, thus, her misunderstanding of her consent is not down to the supposed 'rapist', but her own stupidity.

>> No.3480415

Yeah that was not me, check the ID

>> No.3480416

>Nah that's more like a parody of masculinity.
Nah, not at all. See >>>/fit/, no homo.

>> No.3480417


>> No.3480419

I'm not the anti-pegging guy. I fap to pegging all the time.

>> No.3480423

>gay as an insult

oh wow

kill yourselves

>> No.3480426

>But current western morality based on non-harm does this as well
Yeah, it does now. But it's easy to overlook just how far we've come in a pretty short space of time, and I don't think it would if it weren't for feminism.

>> No.3480427

I think it would be fun to rape homophobic men.

>> No.3480430

>You aren't as masculine as you think, loser.

Why so defensive? Manliness impresses the vast majority of women (including all the best ones) -- that's a fact.

>> No.3480432


Enjoy having a plastic penis up your arsehole while you desperately cling to the idea that you're not a faggot.

>> No.3480433


Please - if you want to 'peg' behind closed doors that your own impetus. Likewise if you have a scat fetish or whatnot that's your own business.

Just don't expect people to treat you normally if you blaring it out in public.

>> No.3480434


>> No.3480437

I "realized" that throughout my teenage years until I actually learned shit about feminism and society and met and talked with actual feminists rather than judging them based on demonized caricatures.

>> No.3480442

You seem upset, gay man. Stop being such a poof.

>> No.3480444

Would you also find it funny if a man raped a lesbian man-hater to teach her to appreciate the dick?

>> No.3480445

>that still thinks of sex as lights turned off, missionary position under the cover etc.

Too lewd!

>> No.3480447

I think this guy is onto something.
The point is that it is certainly not morally wrong to peg, what you put in your butt is your choice. However, I think everyone else is definitely allowed to comment on the aesthetic appeal, or lack thereof, which it involves. I am not going to stop anyone pegging because it is not hurting anyone, but stopping people disliking it is fascistic in the extreme and can't be justified.

>> No.3480449
File: 254 KB, 350x350, YOHIO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This guy for instance.

>> No.3480450

Says you.
>best ones

i am neither feminine or masculine
i am simply what i am
deal with it

>> No.3480452

That sounds HILARIOUS

>> No.3480453 [DELETED] 

I'll fucking slit your throat and not even feel a thign.

>> No.3480456

>Manliness impresses the vast majority of women (including all the best ones) -- that's a fact.
Can you give examples? Is Woody Allen's wife somehow worse than Arnold Schwarzenegger's?

>> No.3480458


>> No.3480460

The moment it started wheeling out the privilege dogma. There's a select group of people who just eat that up, and they're almost always obnoxious self-righteous little shits.

>> No.3480461

The Ancient Greeks would be all over this one.

>> No.3480464

What isn't manly about woody allen?

>> No.3480467

You're all a bunch of fucking nutcase neocons.

go blow up some sandpeople and get shot in the head please

>> No.3480468

Most self-identifying feminists I've met at university have been only a tiny bit smarter than the demonised caricatures you hear about on 4chan. Serious gender egalitarians need to abandon the banner 'Feminism' because it's a magnet for crazy bitches.

>> No.3480475

who gives a shit about them

>if i like it its manly
>if i dont like it is womanly or feminine

shalom! misogynist!

>> No.3480477

No, not true. I could screenshot it to prove it but that takes a lot of effort, though I will if demanded

>> No.3480480

>i am neither feminine or masculine

You're quite feminine, actually. Just saying.

>> No.3480482

A woman impressed by 'manliness' certainly wouldn't be the 'best' one for me. I'm not 'manly', and I don't see why I should attempt to pretend to be just for the approval of others.

>> No.3480484

sticks and stones up my butt which i shoot out at you

fucking atheist neocon

>> No.3480485

I never said anything to that effect, at all, whatsoever. Woody Allen is a great man and his large body of creative, artistic work is surely a manly, alpha-male characteristic, or is that not true?

>> No.3480487 [DELETED] 



>> No.3480489

Are muscles the sole determinant of manliness in your opinion? Or are you just being wilfully obtuse?

Besides, using celebrities' pulling power as an example is bound to give you a skewed picture.

>> No.3480490

To achieve your ends

>> No.3480492


oh wow

you're misogyny is showing

>> No.3480496

>Implying that women and feminine men can't have large bodies of creative work
Keep digging.

>> No.3480498

>If you disagree with me you're insane!

Typical "liberal" debating tactics.

>> No.3480500

I've been part of feminist clubs for awhile and you meet all sorts. Including demonized caricatures and laid back hunnies.

>> No.3480506

As we can see from this thread, the masculinity social construct is founded on insecurity and meaningless dick waving.

>> No.3480511

>Manliness impresses the vast majority of women

lol not in 2013.

>> No.3480513

You're only unmanly because you're lazy.

>> No.3480514

>you're misogyny
>you are misogyny is showing
Your stupidity is showing.
Are you really implying there is no system of value which is relevant to individuals in society? Because I am dividing along the lines of value in general.

>> No.3480516

Well, that's just selfish and deceitful - and I imagine quite unsatisfying.

>> No.3480508

go pray to your jeebus and watch your FAUX news

>> No.3480523

>implying i'm going to allow plebeians to define me

>> No.3480524

I am not implying that, I am simply saying that this man has been artistic, so he is a good man. Do you have a problem with that?

>> No.3480526

woaoowow u so mad misgoynsit ug butt how does it feel to have dobuel chiN! el oh el lel lol butt boy u a pooper u hate women lol

>> No.3480527

no less satisfying than anything else in life

>> No.3480528
File: 25 KB, 245x377, edgy slav.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3480529

Yeah, in 2013. You must have very narrow life experience.

>> No.3480534

that's pretty edgy
you're even more evil than ted bundy!

>> No.3480545

George Carlin - The Male Disease

Men and Women

>where is your god now?

>> No.3480548


>> No.3480551

you're right. that explains why so many male pop culture icons are so manly, right?

>> No.3480555

Why are American comedians so bad? Does 'Humor' actually mean something entirely different to 'Humour'?

>> No.3480556


you got it all figured out, mr. evil genius! no morals for me now!

>> No.3480559

Oh go cry about it you homophobic pikey

>> No.3480566

Uh, no, I simply don't believe in a purpose for life. I think you're conflating nihilism and moral nihilism, you should look it up though, becaue then next time you won't look like an idiot.

>> No.3480570

Haha, it is funny because pikey's are scum

>> No.3480574

you're pretty edgy
go achieve your ends and shove them up your ass

>> No.3480576

homophobes are scum

>> No.3480578

I'm not a homophobe, you racist, I just have taste.

>> No.3480581

shove that taste up your ass

>> No.3480582

Am I really reading this comment? What the fuck happened, 4chan?

>> No.3480589

4chan is filled to the brim with faggots who hate women and pretend to like taking it up the ass. Don't worry it will all tide over soon.

>> No.3480591

Fuck off back to stormfront, you're the newfag here and you are the reason 4chan has went to shit since 2010.

go being an ironic ultra-conservative hipster somewhere else

>> No.3480592


Carlin was a hack, get over it.

>> No.3480593

>muh gender roles

fuck women! i'm such a manly alpha male! i don't need no women!

>> No.3480599

so edgy
look at me
fuckin faggots
fuckin women
fuck religion
i'm a nihilist! fuck kikes and niggers!

>> No.3480596

Are you 13? If so, do you want to have cam sex?

>> No.3480600


What has Carlin being a hack got to do with that?

>> No.3480603

How am I being edgy?
You aren't really putting forward any kind of convincing argument so maybe I ought to shove them up YOUR ass.

>> No.3480612

Everyone report this guy.

>> No.3480607

Pikeys are worse

>> No.3480611

Tastes like ass>>3480591

>> No.3480616


I can take you all on at once!

>> No.3480617

Everyone report this guy

>> No.3480624




>> No.3480626

I am 2,3 and 4

>> No.3480627

What happens when you meet people that fulfil a stereotype? Even if you don't agree with said stereotype, doesn't that throw your ideas into the wind?

>> No.3480731


"Alex, what is rape culture?"
I expected better from /lit/, I don't know why. If you're implying a woman's sexuality is equal to a christmas present in the window, you're part of the problem.

>> No.3480746
File: 88 KB, 800x800, rosenquist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, you're not in any position to comment on "feminism" when you've no understanding of and can't distinguish between any of the many different theories and movements within the huge blanket of "feminism".

You're pretty fucking stupid if you do. Anyone can see you're operating on a surface level media exposure, your opinions are worthless and heavily misinformed. You shouldn't be giving them any credence or attention, let alone mouthing them off with confidence.

>> No.3480771


It's a usefully analogy to understand the basic precautions one has to take in an open society where people are punished only after they commit a crime. You can't stop rapists unless you want to legalize thought crime. But, you can stop rape prone behavior, like getting blasted drunk without a safe friend to help you out. That goes for drunk men and drunk women.

>> No.3480787


/lit/'s making me proud today. or some of you at least. feminism owns, and if the rest of you don't think so I'm sure /r/mensrights could use a few more subscribers.

>> No.3480790

It's advice in order to avoid rape, just as you would tell someone who left his car unlocked in a poor city full of thugs that he was being fucking retarded.

>> No.3480792

>claims to support gender equality
>shames the mens rights movement just like people did to the feminist movement when it began

I'm not even a MRA, but feminist sure do try hard to act like supremacists while claiming not to be.

>> No.3480798

This, you're not in any position to comment on "poopism" when you've no understanding of and can't distinguish between any of the many different theories and movements within the huge blanket of "shit".
You're pretty fucking stupid if you do. Anyone can see you're operating on a surface level media exposure, your opinions are worthless and heavily misinformed. You shouldn't be giving them any credence or attention, let alone mouthing them off with confidence.

>> No.3480806

>responding to yourself to create the illusion of relevance

Feminazis are this desperate?

>> No.3480810

i liekd this pretty girl once and she told me i was ugly


>> No.3480813

>i don't see what's so terrible about pointing out the gendered influence on our thinking/politics.

It's not simply "pointing out", take a look at how feminist teachers have changed the education system to favor girls instead of boys.
