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3478380 No.3478380 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/, what are some "manly" books? I feel we need a proper collection.
I am not trying to be a complete narcissistic asshat, I'm just curious.
Here are some of my choices:
-Tarzan: Lord of The Apes
-Jack London Collections
-Hemingway novels
-Moby Dick
-Blood Meridian
Pic related: One manly motherfucker

>> No.3478397

I'm asking for more books like The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt".

Stealing from a post I made in my thread

One of the letters the author found was one in which Theodore's father wrote to someone complaining about his son's occasional anger problems at college.

One lil bit of trivia no one seems to bring up as often as I'd like is a direct reference to Theodore being on the debate club, at a debate with another school or whatever, and being so mad at an opponent he smashed a pumpkin over the student's head.

It's not confirmed if he wont the debate but I'd like to think he did.

But it's little things like that which make it awesome for me.

And why the hell has that bit of trivia not caught on?

>> No.3478413

Oh as for manly books?

The Del Ray collections of Robert E Howard's works, Conan, Solomon Kane, El Mon Brak, Kull, etc.

I still think it's manly, though with a touch of class and dandy foppishness, The Count of Monte Cristo is about revenge and the a wee bit of adventure.

>> No.3478475

So much repressed homosexuality ITT! I shan't be replying lest I catch teh gay from you people.

>> No.3478483


>> No.3478487

Heinlein novles

>> No.3479385

Saint-Exupéry novels (Wind, Sand and Stars especially).

>> No.3479406

A lot of good ones have been mentioned. I'm including some with some more "pop" picks that dudes usually are into.

Robert E Howard
Le Carre

>> No.3479463

>Jack London collections

Nope. Some of his best books (Iron Heel, John Barleycorn, Martin Eden) and some of his best short stories, don't really worship masculinity and macho-ness, as someone like Hemingway does.

He more often than not focuses on sensitive, self-loathing guys (like himself). Iron Heel is even written from the POV of a woman, and Ernest is pretty headstrong and so on, but he's not distinctively manly

>> No.3479534

>implying Ma Joad isn't the matriarch of the group

>> No.3480586

Throw McCarthy's Border trilogy on that list.

So goddamn masculine.

>> No.3480622
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>> No.3480641
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Pro tip:
>No manly man is proud of being manly, for being manly means being violent, irrational, angry, bitter and dirty.

Blood meridian gets this point perfectly fine. Following my completly retarded definition, Lord of the Flies also aplies to your book list.

Being manly is a hobby pursued by boys

>> No.3480648

C'mon! He at least included Moby-Dick, which is pretty overtly homosexual.

>> No.3480654

ultimate neckbeard

>> No.3480689

you gotta be kidding me

>> No.3480696

I'm speaking literally

>> No.3481069

>no Joseph Conrad
What is this I don't even

>> No.3481597

Hemingway puts hair on your chest.

>> No.3481603


>implying anyone who read sits around actually trying to be a manly man.

Seriously, these retards at the gym shooting roids in their ass.