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3478183 No.3478183 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/,

I'm sorry that this question isn't directly literature based, but I figured this would be the best board to ask on.

I've recently ceased my television service, have stopped smoking weed and drinking, and am trying to improve myself in general.

This hasn't been an overnight affair, I've been working at it for sometime.

Currently, my 'hobbies' include fitness, reading, making music, and (unfortunately) 4chan. I'm now trying to cease use of 4chan, but am having difficulty filling the time. I can only read and play guitar for so many hours each day, and am unsure of other productive ways to spend my time at home.

So I am wondering, do you have any recommendations for productive ways to spend one's time?

tl;dr What do you do, other than read and 4chan?

>> No.3478202

I need to quit 4chan as well. It's sucking up all of my time. I at the very least need to minimise my time spent on it.

I'm not really into a good video game or book at the moment, nothing is exciting me and all I have left to do is my uni work. I want other stuff to do that isn't my uni work or 4chan.

Does anybody have a recommended activity for me?

>> No.3478208


>> No.3478238

Every sunday I head out to a coffee shop order one coffee and sit there and read for 2-3 hours. It's great. Get away from the computer, any computer and read. Go outside if you must.

>> No.3478239

>Not lifting

>> No.3478247

>i said fitness was my hobby
>i fucking lift

>> No.3478248

>do not drink
>head out on the pub
>only drink water and coffee
>pick up girls
>wake up not being hung-over
>head out on town
>meet friends

life is pretty fucking good.

>> No.3478286

That does sound wonderful, and I thank you for the recommendation, but I live in a pretty remote rural town and pubs, dancing, and 'heading out on the town' really aren't options for me.

I suppose I could drive out to the city more, seeing as I have stopped drinking and don't need to worry about DUIs...

>> No.3478297

Only 80,000 people inhabit my town.
You only need one to have fun.

>> No.3478385

10000 in mine
no where to go, really. My 'downtown' is 2 gas stations, a super market and a convenience store.

>> No.3478466
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50000 population

can still pull girls off the street

Op, you know how when you think of girls your penis becomes hard? That's your body's way of telling you it wants sex.

>> No.3478498

Holy fuck that sucks. How far off is the closest larger city?

>> No.3478622
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Well done, OP. Have you quit porn as well? That's one of the greatest poisons to mind and body.

I'm not sure how I fill my time really. I walk around some, read some, cook dinners, manage my household and body in general and browse around some and sometimes meet up with friends. I rarely feel bored, and I've not even started properly working out yet. I'm often content to just be. I find it hard to fathom how people do all this and hold down a job as well. Sounds exhausting.

There's only so many ways to be productive though, and in the end you've got to ask your self what you are productive for as well. After all, there's more to life than bettering yourself. I've found that aside from keeping myself healthy and having my things in order there really isn't much to do except frolic around as you like. Maybe your next objective should be to learn to be content with what you have or something. Cultivate that ataraxic glow of contentment in idleness. And maybe take up meditation in that context if you like.

>> No.3478640

my perspective is shit atm. i'm too self-shaming to be as productive as i could be.

>> No.3478691

Try writing.

>> No.3478715
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>> No.3478721

>my perspective is shit atm.

Seriously read on religion and philosophy, food for your mind. We've been brain washed by hollywood crap of 'there is no right or wrong', 'there is no purpose to life, everything is meaningless in the grand scheme of things' 'do what you like (drinking, smoking) etc. Don't fall for it.

>> No.3478865

I thought Hollywood always said that there is right and wrong, the purpose of life is to love and be loved and that by doing your best you can contribute your tiny part to having a better world, do what is good.

I'd say the vast majority of Hollywood films comes down to this.

>> No.3478919

So, I wrote a rather long response to your post but accidentely his escape, so I'll be terse:

I have quit porn, and it has defnitely helped improve my life.

I have never considered meditation, I may try that some time in the future.

Also, I just got back from a walk in the snowy woods about an hour ago, which was excellent. I realize I need to get outdoors more.

And that fox is very cute

>> No.3478922

Boston, like an hour away, unfortunately.

Will also try this next time I feel that there is 'nothing to do.'

>> No.3479091
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Good to hear. You could also get into minimalism and frugalism and the like. There's something very soothing and pleasant about not owning more than you need and knowing where everything you own is. One of the best lifestyle decisions I've made.