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/lit/ - Literature

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3476192 No.3476192 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.3476199

There is an enormous difference between college educated individuals and those with a HS diploma. This difference is reflected in the way they speak and think.

>> No.3476202

this is the literature board, not the college education board

>> No.3476225
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>mfw people think the brainwashing diploma mill that is academia is anything but a tomb and echo chamber for the decaying corpse of the western intelligentsia

>> No.3476231

>english/philosophy/psychology/anying but science&engineering degree general

>> No.3476237

lol my degree in business means I'll get paid 100,000 USD straight out of school with bonuses. I don't give two shits about being smart or "educated", as long I'm making cash and you're whining on the dole.

>> No.3476240

dont feed the troll, /lit/

>> No.3476242

you spelled 'job training center' wrong

>> No.3476251

it's so hard to tell these days *sob*

>> No.3476253

University at the very least has the ability to expose people to a broad range of lifestyles and philosophies that the would otherwise never encounter in their life.

All of my friends who were fortunate enough to attend school in a different region are vastly different and more experienced today than those that stayed home to work/attended a local college.

>> No.3476262

>Man, this Hegel guy seems important. He's really challenging, though. I'd better start with some simple and introductory works, and build up to his tougher shit.


>> No.3476264

What business school do you go to?

>> No.3476267


>100k starting

enjoy your strong middleclass

>> No.3476276


>> No.3476285

You can do independent studies while in college. The problem, maybe not a real problem, these days is you don't just find Hegel interesting, but him along with every other philosopher of his time and you can't figure out who to start with so you just stack up 40 philosophers/writers/critics that you will never read on.

>> No.3476286

>not justreading a summary on wikipedia

Nigga please.

>> No.3476292

I get your argument/frustrations, but the two are not mutually exclusive. What I mean to say is that there are many people who are 'introduced' to Hegel in college then go on to self-study his entire body of works after graduating.

In fact, I bet you anything there are many more like what I've described above than there are people who've never been to college and are "self-educated" and are like you describe.

So, let us not talk falsely and misprize what a college education is and what it can lead to.

>> No.3476297

>enormous difference between college educated individuals and those with a HS diploma.

It's called debt.

>> No.3476318

Only those that go to top schools.

The lower ranked schools are nothing but diploma mills that are highschool ver.2.0 these days.

>> No.3476324

This. Also, why do people assume /lit/ even goes to class?

>> No.3476332
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I'm not a lazy, know-nothing piece of shit; I'm actually really smart and probably would have gotten, like, a 4.0 from Harvard or something if I actually cared about school, which I don't, and didn't, because it is (and was) gay.

>> No.3476335
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>not a know-nothing piece of shit

Pick one.

>> No.3476336

>Modern education
>Sixteen years of study so you're qualified to work in a supermarket

>> No.3476337

i went and did a trade, 200k a year bitches, and best thing is pretentious pseudointelligent fags usually don't exist in trades, worst thing is fifo - which aint too bad.

>> No.3476341

>mention college/university on /lit/
>reaction A: "hurrrr trivial shit - self taught all the day nigger!"
>reaction B: "hurrrr organized/nationalized education is da debul. you walk out as zombie lol!"

Dropouts / frustrated shit-tier majors detected.
It's pretty fucking obvious by now.

>> No.3476346

nice what do u do?

>> No.3476353

This is more relevant to primary school than college.

I thought it was all a waste but eventually came to my senses and realized that you can learn a hell of a lot in college if you involve yourself.

>> No.3476364

>that the would otherwise never encounter in their life.

The internet fixes all that- there is no excuse anymore.

>> No.3476370
File: 37 KB, 524x468, 1360189843753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I delusional/stupid for considering studying architecture? I don't have much time left for my decision, and I have no idea what to pick...

>tfw you want to major in Everything

>> No.3476372


started of as auto-electrician, but ended up doing advanced diploma (cert 4) electronics communications, heavy diesel mechanical and boiler making

>> No.3476376

Don't sell your self short you is so smart you coulda gotten a 5.0, but trying ain't cool.

>> No.3476380

>>just like lawyers, but worse.

Too many of them, and you guys still caused the financial mess. Enjoy being unemployed.

>> No.3476383

If you don't mind doing remodels and what have you it's always a necessary profession.

It's hard to start your own firm.

Structural Engineering is more lucrative but not as creative. That said, realize that you will be at the whims of your clients unless you make a name for yourself somehow, which is not terribly likely.

>> No.3476381


>> No.3476384

architecture grads actually have a higher unemployment rate than arts and humanities majors

if you're looking for employment, you would do better to pick literally anything else right now

>> No.3476385

Okay, say that to the emergency room doctor who is treating your work related injury.

>> No.3476389

There are too many of every single degree

>> No.3476387

That's only because they're picky and want to start immediately at the top.

It's easy to get a job drafting but you start at the bottom.

>> No.3476390

fuck man I know these feels.

Been in school since 2007 and have enough credits to get two degrees. Finally decided to do a BA Philosophy/BS Geology

My advice is, at the end of the day just pick whatever your best at. Or whatever your second best at if it translates to getting a good job.

>> No.3476395


and get work compensation, one of the highest in industry. ima not trying to hate on uni students, i was a broke and drunken stoner during my younger years and would never of had the determination to get anywhere by means of brain power. i go to work, get drunk in the end, and yeah, its a fucken shit cunt working, but at least i'm not dissapointed because a tradesman is getting paid more then me if i was a electrical or mechanical engineering because i don't know shit but stuff from books and lecturers.

>> No.3476409

good on ya m8!! I might do that if I drop out of uni. Are there any skills I need before hand?

>> No.3476412
File: 41 KB, 740x289, major_in_the_universe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Philosophy / Geology
You're a cool guy.

I am also considering physics and biotech, which I enjoy and all, but neither is really creative apart from research. Architecture, on the other hand, would be perfect for me (once I'm past the whole CADmonkey stage).

Comic hated, but truly related.

>> No.3476413

Yeah, I miss read your post, sorry about that. I'm working on my Masters right now, personally I wish I had picked up a trade to at least make some money while in school.

>> No.3476417


>> No.3476426


learning not to underestimate people because of what their so called learning experience is, learning not to think your better then everyone else because you've read a couple books on a example "cars", or watched some youtube shit - or start talking about religion, philosophy and literature - otherwise your're never gonna fit in and people hate pretentious cunts like you. it's all in what you want to do. i wanted to earn money, and really going and doing literature or philosophy at university ain't really gonna mean shit is it? and fuck going to university to earn money. waste of time.

>> No.3476431

I've been thinking of studying communication design, but anything anyhow related to creativity or arts scared me in the way that I am afraid of being unemployed. What are the chances that my profession won't be needed?

>> No.3476435


will be big if you wanna do industrial/ wireless design. lotta shit needing communications designs now, especially in shit becoming automised or remote controlled - and the need to secure these channels.

>> No.3476440


It was always like that.

>> No.3476441
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Yeah... right.

Especially in sciences.

>> No.3476447

Define "top schools".

>> No.3476462

People who think this isn't true must not realize the huge number of community and state colleges that give people credit for stuff like algebra. Even decent schools have majors that exist only to be sold to people. "Education" has become the equivalent of bottled water. Obviously thats not universally the case, people who apply themselves can learn a lot with good teachers. But those people are a tiny minority of people getting degrees.

>> No.3476466

That comic isn't even realistic, it's downright pessimistic.
How rude.

>> No.3476521

As opposed to the vast quantities of non-college educated people ho are supreme self-taught individuals?

The alternative to modern education is a life of complete ignorance in everything for 99% of people.

>> No.3476527

samefag: note that a life of ignorance isn't inherently bad. But if we are proposing that intellectualism should be a primary goal of individuals, then modern education > "self-taught" bullshit

>> No.3476997

lmfao, there are no demand for more scientists or mathematicians, the cognitive dissonance is strong with this one

>> No.3477044
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>> No.3477068

Someone who coasts through college is less well educated than a high school senior who applies himself.

>> No.3477073

why is it a himself and not a herself?

>> No.3477078

because i'm male and it came to mind

>> No.3477081

ITT: Mad people who couldn't get into a good college.
Seriously, it seems like you should be upset at the personality type and not the college education. Sorry, but there are jobs in this world that require a more focused and in depth study of a subject that high school might not/can't provide.

>> No.3477097

That is a horrible excuse as I am male myself and do not do such things.

disappointing, you are below me, you are a primitive.

go live in some hut you tribal nut case

>> No.3477105

ooh good job OP you found a picture that expresses your opinion this makes you much less of a faggot. fuck off.

>> No.3477109

It's actually proper english language grammar to use "himself" in that sentence.
Go fuck yourself.

>> No.3477114

but people who says "oneself" sound like ....................................................................................................................................................faggots

>> No.3477116

I lol'd.