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3474436 No.3474436[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why did Nabokov write about pedophilia?

>> No.3474456

He was a pedo

>> No.3474461

because he knew he was too intellectually intimidating for anyone to criticize him about it

>> No.3474520

Because he genuinely was a paedophile. There is no way he could outline exactly what it felt like to be attracted to nymphets, not all adolescents, but very particular young girls; that total consumption of the mind and ecstasy a brief brushing of flesh can bring, and not really feel it.

I have felt every word of what he was saying as I'm also drawn towards 'nymphets'.

>> No.3474529

Guaranteed publicity

>> No.3474583

Hey, guys. Guys... W-what edition of Lolita should I get? The annotated version, the one with the blonde girl eating an apple on the cover or the one with the brunette chick in bikini reading a magazine? They all look great and I can't decide for fucks sake.

>> No.3474625

He was a pedo himself. The man was an entomologist for god's sake, think about the psychological implications of that.

>> No.3474629
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>W-what edition of Lolita should I get?

Get this one - a UK first edition.


>> No.3474632

Go for the annotated version. The lengthy introduction is fumbling and pointless (what introduction isn't?), but the notes are useful.

>> No.3474637
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Why did Gainsbourg write about pedophilia?

No seriously, why did it have to be about that, this is my favorite record ever but the lyrics creep me out.

>> No.3474638

>not listening to the audiobook.


>> No.3474639

I don't care what anyone says, "fire of my loins" is the most awkward and hilarious endearment ever.

>> No.3474641

gainsbourg is top tier

he wrote about a lot of stuff

>> No.3474674

this would actually be really good musical accompaniment to reading Lolita, I get the same sort of feel from both

>> No.3476514

>Because he genuinely was a paedophile. There is no way he could outline exactly what it felt like to be attracted to nymphets, not all adolescents, but very particular young girls; that total consumption of the mind and ecstasy a brief brushing of flesh can bring, and not really feel it.
This. As if any further confirmation were needed, in the 1920s he wrote The Enchanter, which explores similar ideas as Lolita (namely the man/girl sexual attraction). However, that book has an abrupt and somehow more disturbing ending.

But I also feel the book is a criticism of US culture at the time.

>> No.3476519

Because it was genius to write about something which was supposed to be disgusting but then compensate it by style and poetry.

>> No.3476518
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You could always get this one.

>> No.3476522


thank God that edition is out of print

>> No.3476529


>> No.3476546


cause it looks like shit

>> No.3476593

Not even read it but ill take a guess. It was to take an idea that was immediately repulsive to his readers and make them understand the motivation behind the pedophile and accept, if not understand it. It was essentially a challenge to himself to see if he could out out-write the instinctive rejection of a pedophile as a person.

>> No.3476616

I think I heard somewhere that he himself hated pedophilia

>> No.3477658

>listening to audiobooks.
Slow, uncontrollable pace. FUCK YES

>> No.3477667

bc why not

>> No.3477745

If you think Lolita is about pedophilia then you've got problems son.

>> No.3477842 [DELETED] 

If you didn't get aroused by Lolita, you need to leave /lit/.

>> No.3478535

Nah - looks like a nymphet to me.

>> No.3478547


>> No.3478563 [DELETED] 
File: 17 KB, 275x274, 1356408149527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a logical argument against adult-child love that isn't "stop doing things I don't like"?

>> No.3478583

It has something to do with consent, but I can't be bothered to flesh it too far out.

>> No.3478587

Fucking hate when pedophiles try to claim Lolita.

>> No.3478674

H-h-how did you backward post an image ._.

>> No.3478681 [DELETED] 

Sounds pretty arbitrary.

"This group of people cannot do this thing because I say so."

>> No.3478698

Because it scars children for life.

>> No.3478701

>"This group of people cannot do this thing because I say so."

All moral frameworks are of this form.

>> No.3478702

I'm a bit of a closet pedo, I would say it's because pedophilia is something very misunderstood, like homosexuality was back in the older times. To write about something like this is to shed light on a the condition, where the media portrays only pedos that are criminals and rapists, rather than show them in an apologetic or sympathetic light.
If I was a writer, I would love to write about it.

>> No.3478706 [DELETED] 

That's the point. At one point it was alright to burn witches, we will look back on our persecution of pedophiles in a similar light.

>> No.3478710

How can we say that burning witches was wrong? Because we said so?

>> No.3478719 [DELETED] 

I didn't say it was "wrong", but the general public feels it was wrong, yet looks at pedophiles in a similar light as our ancestors looked upon witches.

All I want is consistency.

>> No.3478723

That's a terrible analogy. Real witches never existed in the first place.

>> No.3478729 [DELETED] 

And? They still attacked a group of people for doing things they didn't personally like.

>> No.3478736 [DELETED] 

Funny how your average "progressive" looks back and says "Wow, I can't believe people actually hated homosexuals for being who they are." yet simultaneously hates pedophiles.

>> No.3478737

>If you didn't get aroused by Lolita, you need to leave /lit/.
Definitely had an erection during parts of it. I don't understand how the fact she's 12 instead of 18 or whatever and sitting on humbert's lap and his description of her ass tussling about wouldn't arouse you

>> No.3478746

Once again, I love how everyone is ignoring the overwhelming, obvious fact: paedophilia causes serious psychological scarring on children, often leading them to suffer from PTSD and a lot of them literally want to murder their abusers if they remember them when they grow up. Homosexuality between two consenting adults is harmless

>> No.3478761

If you think HH is sympathetic you might not have been paying attention

>> No.3478768

>Homosexuality between two consenting adults is harmless

Adult Diapers, Prolapsed Anuses, Intestinal Ruptures and Internal Bleeding would like to have a word with you among a few others.

>> No.3478784

Technically our culture is attracted more and more to "youth" in girls.. and young girls hit puberty around 10..

Naturally if we were animals we would be fornicating with them at an earlier age.

There is an inherent desire and animalistic lust there, but because of society and our minds we must suppress that.

The book is somewhat about secretly embracing these forbidden desires.

>> No.3478800

Dont forget the bug catching

>> No.3478810

I have nothing but sympathy for pedophiles but i detest child molesters.

>> No.3478832

>Adult Diapers, Prolapsed Anuses, Intestinal Ruptures and Internal Bleeding would like to have a word with you among a few others.

Yea, if you take massive dicks all the way up the ass, sure. Most gay guys I know use small, thin dildos and give each other head.

>> No.3478837
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>implying sex is bad
>implying children arent only convinced they are scarred because liberals brainwash them into thinking sex is bad
>implying they are actually scarred for life by having a temporary natural function with another human being

My mother is Dutch and had me when she was 13-14, and has never said she was "scarred" or complained about sex at a young age, only of what a wonderful and fulfilling life she has had.

This anti-youth movement is strictly a phenomena built up in America by cultural Marxists, just like transgenderism and other strange things that only sprout up in the USA and not other countries, somewhat like autism and many other anti-social complexes brought about by weakness, suppression and denial of human instincts.

>> No.3478842

Not the guy you're replying to, but how do you know this?

>> No.3478846

>liberals brainwash them into thinking sex is bad


>> No.3478847

>transgenderism and other strange things that only sprout up in the USA and not other countries

transgenderism has had a very extensive history everywhere but the West

>> No.3478845


There's no evidence to back that up.

>> No.3478869

I've just heard from a ton of gay guys that they don't want to do anal and just give each other oral sex. Maybe they've experimented or whatnot and don't like it, maybe they haven't.

>> No.3478872

To back up what, the thing about abuse scarring children? I don't need to prove that, you can google it

>> No.3478886 [DELETED] 

>a society that stigmatizes adult-child relationships results in a traumatized child

No shit. You don't think latent homosexuals 100 years ago had breakdown after they had sex with a man for the first time in a world that told them it was horrible? Hell, that still goes on today when homosexuality is mainstream. Now multiply that by 1000x for the child seeing as how they are more easily coerced by social norms.

>> No.3478890 [DELETED] 

Do you honestly believe that if a young girl and an older man who loved each other had a consensual sexual relationship somewhere in the woods removed from society, she would be suicidal, traumatized, and want to kill herself?

>> No.3478899




>> No.3478921


There is a huge victim culture in America where everyone is a victim of something or another, and doing things you love is bad.

Everyone in the US is babysat until they are 18 in public education, and then thrown out into the world, after they have been maimed by cultural Marxists and left without defenses.

It is no wonder there is such a development problem in the United States, with people having anti-social and anxiety disorders (far worse than sex-induced PTSD) and being virgins in a basement until their mid 30's.

>> No.3478935
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>> No.3478988

I'd say 14+ is jailbait. Something just feels wrong about 12.

>> No.3479002

You're an idiot.

Girls develop at different speeds. What if a 12 year old looked around 16 and a 16 year old looked around 12, would you still say finding the older-looking one is "wrong"

I got offered a handjob (and more) by some 13 year old girls in my hometown last year, and they were expreienced enough to know what it meant and had probably had sex a number of times. I refused, being an uptight caucasian autist, but I still think they were smoking hot

>> No.3479006
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Most girls at 12 are fully developed.

Girls that havent developed tits or pubic hair are not good to go. Girl who have tits & pubic hair are good to go, regardless if they are 12 or otherwise.

>> No.3479009

>Something feels wrong about a static number

How's that brainwashing working out for you?

>> No.3479011

>Girls that haven;t developed tits or pubic hair

Sup Australia?

How's that retarded logic coming along?

>> No.3479020


not that other guy but talking about sex doesn't mean you've had sex a number of times. we all have the internet now, everyone in elementary school knows what sex is, they just dont understand it.

>> No.3479022


I'm a britbong.

I don't see whats wrong with that logic. If their sexual organs aren't developed nature doesn't intend for them to be having sex. If they are developed, they are biologically ready for sex.

Nature doesn't abide by human laws. Having a statutory minimum age to legally have sex is absolutely absurd as it doesn't apply to everybody equally.

What if i (23) was in a relationship with a fully developed 12 year old girl and she was both biologically and mentally ready to have sex?

I'd get thrown in jail whilst some other retard having sex with an immature 16 year old gets away with it.

>> No.3479025

I realize that, god knows I do, because I've had to lie about that since I was 16.

But these girls had had sex with some people my friend's knew, and one of them had jerked off my friend (old friend). They knew full well, which is sad, but true.

>> No.3479028

nature intends them to have sex for proliferation, we as humans are over that biological shit by now, you sound crazy.

the relationship thing makes sense skill wise, as a 23 year old, you might have more experience and skill talking to this girl and taking advantage of as while the 16 year old won't.

this obviously isn't foolproof, like most cultural constructions, but it's what society goes on

>> No.3479029

>I don't see whats wrong with that logic. If their sexual organs aren't developed nature doesn't intend for them to be having sex. If they are developed, they are biologically ready for sex.

>> No.3479032

SOme girls don't have large breasts ever, some never grow a substantial amount of pubic hair.

The only issue should be whether they're intelligent or reasonable enough to understand the consequences of their actions and are judged able to make informed decisions (having sex) and whether they have the physiological capacity to have sex without suffering long term from tears etc.

There are many females who are 20 years old who are less capable of making such decisions than many girls aged 13

>> No.3479053
File: 2.25 MB, 246x151, 1339403621819.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Age of Consent is about 12 all across the board in South America, from Argentina to Paraguay to Mexico and more.


>> No.3479061


Also, I thought it was legal at 12 as long as your partner is under 17, and for anyone over 17 it's 16 minimum

I think Portugal and Japan both have low age barriers too

>> No.3479075

It's on Wikipedia

Some restrictions apply, like male on male sex, or dominate / coercive sex, but it says straight male-female is smiled upon

>> No.3479096

I meant the source on the gif., but thanks

>> No.3479120

I recall reading that his inspiration to write it came from hearing a story about a monkey at a French zoo, who with encouragement produced the first drawing by an animal, of the bars of his cage. Though he didn't make clear why this expression of torment was to be about fiddling kids. Presumably he was just a pedo.

>> No.3479143

I lol'd so hard for some reason

>> No.3479176

Is there a logical argument against not allowing post-pubescent human beings to give sexual consent?

Seriously, kids hit puberty at like 11 and 12 these days.

>> No.3479186

It is not something very worrisome to most people. Most youths lose their virginities at around their thirteenth birthday in Portugal, it's not smiled upon, it just doesn't bother anyone.
The Age of consent is 14 years old in Portugal, but until 16, older lovers can still be charged with abusing the ingenuity of the youths.

>> No.3479295

Seconded. The notes are fantastic. And the guy, Alfred Apple Jr. actually spent time with Nabby, so you get the genuine article.

>> No.3479319


maturation, obviously. i would say 16 is a good age, but not an innocent idiotic preteen.

>> No.3479338

link to the annotated epub if anyone is interested. enjoy.

>goo(a period goes here)gl/OEhd1

>> No.3479339

We do consider post-pubescent people to be able to give sexual consent, you are not post-pubescent once you've 'hit' puberty, you are pubescent. You remain pubescent for a little less than ten years, or more abstractly, you remain adolescent for around ten years. It's not PRECISELY ten years, and 18 is not an age at which we are universally mature, there is no such age, but we universalize 18 because it's the point at which you've been roughly educated and we can't exactly restrain you. Anyone not mature (11 and 12 year olds) is able to be manipulated into doing things with little understanding of how it may traumatize them, or how it may endanger them, or at least little consideration of it.

If you keep begging for shit to be absolutely 'rational', consistent, and non-arbitrary, you ought to know that there is no moral system with these qualities, it's unattainable, and your attraction to kids is itself irrational, inconsistent, and arbitrary.

I don't personally have anything against repressed hebephiles, I don't think that it's a mental illness, and it's to some extent historically precedent. But I hate that I've only had a conversation with one in which they've cherrypicked, projected, deluded themselves, and called for the dismantlement of our most salient social order all because they can't get their dick wet. And at every step, they think they've got the progressive view of things, that they're the unjustly persecuted minority in all of this.

>> No.3479412

Actress is Sophie Marceau

one of her early movies, maybe La Boum 2

>> No.3479422


I'm afraid to follow that link.

4chan has lied to me before...

>> No.3479429

Why wouldn't he?

>> No.3479445

I'm a good guy, anon.

>> No.3479450 [DELETED] 

>m-my feelings say so


>> No.3479483

>Everyone else's feelings say so and you'll get penalized if you act on yours.

>> No.3479568

Not in Guyana.
We changed it to 16 a few years ago... or made it fool proof to go to jail if caught with a girl under sixteen. A lot of people had sex with underage girls and got off because the law had loop holes or what not.
Also many farmers in the rural areas had(probably still do it) a saying: "me mek em so me tek em". That referrers to his taking his daughter's virginity when she started to develop "bush" aka pubic hair.

>> No.3479642


Guyana knows whats up.

>> No.3481925

L'amour braque

>> No.3481941

dude your mother wasn't fully mature to fathom the consequences of her actions. I bet having a child that young made it hard for her to enjoy her youth and get education. There's a lot of responsibility in taking care of a child. How about your father? Did he stick around?
Because liberals like to push single parent homes and fatherless homes are some of the worst.

>> No.3482111

because he was trying to make a point about how you can be the most cultivated, genteel, handsome looking guy in the world and be totally revoltingly screwed up on the inside. hh is an over the top parody of the european intellectual, always talking about proust, psychology, he says something about watching russian silent film s at one point.
nabokov wanted to make a point about "lovers of beauty"
also he talks shit about american culture too.

>> No.3482173

>because he was trying to make a point...
I thought he was only trying to make money by writing a book that's 'spicy' and controversial enough to make the bestseller list, without compromising the 'elite' allure for those who read purely for status.

>> No.3484167
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