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3470626 No.3470626 [Reply] [Original]


>Most Native English adult speakers who have taken the test fall in the range 20,000–35,000 words.

>tfw 25500 ;_;

So many words I recognised but couldn't place in context and hence didn't understand properly.

>> No.3470638



>> No.3470644
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> pabulum
> oneiromancy
A Classical education really helps with some.

>> No.3470650

27,000 words.

I expect it is actually slightly lower in real life.

>> No.3470662



>> No.3470669

Should probably read more.

>> No.3470672

Your total vocabulary size is estimated to be:

dem GRE exercises from years ago

>> No.3470685

>English is third language
>11,100 words


>> No.3470703


I read a lot less than I used to, but have started again recently. I imagine it will improve.

>> No.3470750

28,600. I was expecting my number to be a lot smaller, as I checked none of the words on the far right column in the narrow vocab section, and I only read a little and half of what I read is fantasy.

>> No.3470759

>33,700 words

2nd language

>> No.3470767


A lot of the latter ones were outdated bullshit words from the 16th century which I have never come acrosst

>> No.3470780

38,300 words.

Some of those I'd never heard of, though.

>> No.3470783

Don't know what this is relative to but it sounds good.

>> No.3470787

I knew oneiromancy was some kind of divination, but didn't know which kind, so I didn't check it.
Just looked it up. Should have remembered.

>> No.3470789

There really doesn't seem to be enough of a middle ground. It goes from "like" and "I" to "inflagriflabasticibufication."

>> No.3470794

I'm not clicking that many fucking check boxes jesus christ.

>> No.3470796

Is this some endurance test in clicking holy shit I gave up because I lack the sheer physical endurance thanks for the carpal tunnel

>> No.3470800

macfags pls go

>> No.3470801

>not using tab and space bar

>> No.3470808
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>tfw artificially inflating score by knowing latin and greek

>> No.3470811

26,200 words

>> No.3470822


Fuck you guys I don't believe you didn't cheat.

>> No.3470859

foreign fag (english is my third language)

24,600 words

so i'm average, i guess

>> No.3470862


>And for foreign learners of English, we've found that the most common vocabulary size is from 2,500–9,000 words. Click here for the full distribution (opens in new tab/window).

or not

>> No.3470883

39,100. I'd like to thank the two semesters of Latin I took in college.

>> No.3470889

I got beat by a minority?

>> No.3470898

It's actually a pretty bad measure of vocab as it quickly goes into the pointlessly obscure

>> No.3470900

>Got 800 on SAT Reading, 36 on ACT reading

I don't even

>> No.3470902


FUCK still average ;_;

>> No.3470935

scary fact time: foreigners are the majority.
kafka mode: no matter in which country you live

>> No.3470939

'Don't check boxes for words you know you've seen before, but whose meaning you aren't exactly sure of.'
The word is exactly here. We all wanna perform our best,

>> No.3470954

>tfw 24,000

i thought i was smart too

>> No.3470965


Thanks, Pinecone!

>> No.3470975

32,000 words

>> No.3470980

Forgot to say, non-native speaker. Spanish was my first language, but I'm most fluent in English.

>> No.3472003

ὀνειρ is Ancient Greek for 'dream'. Homer saved my ass there.

>> No.3472050
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This is making me angry.

>> No.3472078

Thank you based Wolfe

In fact, Gene Wolfe is probably one of the best authors to read to expand your vocabulary.

>> No.3472080

At least nine of those would be easy if you knew Latin.

>> No.3472084

I think the Anglo-Saxon equivalent of this word sounds better. One of my favourite English words.

>> No.3472088

Learning dead languages is an inexcusable waste of time.

>> No.3472092

I hear Goethe knew more words than anyone, ever.

>> No.3472097

I wouldn't call an expansive vocabulary a 'waste of time'.

>> No.3472101

45,000. Better than I thought. I must be some sort of genious or something.

>> No.3472103

"Hardly anyone uses it" is the definition of "useless", mind.

>> No.3472105

No, that would be "no one uses it".

>> No.3472106

> learning something currently not in use is worthless

Why is there the discipline of history then?

>> No.3472109

39,600. Why are there so many euphemisms for 'fat chick'?

>> No.3472114

Name one application for the highly above average vocabulary.

>> No.3472116

bein good @ writin m8

>> No.3472119

12900 non-native

>> No.3472124

Using the words hardly anyone understands is the opposite of being a good writer.

>> No.3472130

Definition. From the latin finis, meaning end, meaning to say where X ends, that is, what marks it off or sets it apart from other things. Abstract nouns are very vague, but their Latin components illustrate their meaning in a metaphorical form.

>> No.3472131

u r avin a laff m8

>> No.3472134

Being able to understand old writers without getting pissed off with them for not talking the same way we do. So pretentious, man!
Being able to understand medical and scientific terminology more intuitively.

>> No.3472186

Suck it.

>> No.3472202

>not knowing tenebrous, braggadocio, bruit, estivation, and uxoricide

>> No.3472265
File: 23 KB, 718x417, Vocab size.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I feel like I'm a pretentious twat though...

>> No.3472267

If you didn't get them all right then you have zero chance of becoming a succesful writer and should probably kill yourselves

>> No.3472271

we have google now grandpa

>> No.3472279


I didn't cheat though.

>> No.3472281

45,000 (srs)

>> No.3472283


The complicated words from this survey aren't archaic words...they're obscure ones.

>> No.3472292

>can't become a successful writer without knowledge of mostly archaic words

To understand why this argument is stupid, compare someone like Faulkner to someone like McCarthy.

Sure, Faulkner doesn't have those seemingly made-up words that McCarthy uses (I remember there being a ton in The Road), but he has that beautiful poetic prose and impeccable style that McCarthy decided to ape. That's what elevated Faulkner's novels to their canonical status, not some contrived show of the extent of his vocabulary.

>> No.3472297


Well, shit. I had no fuckin' idea I was doing well, I thought I left way too many blank by the end...

>> No.3472298

>seemingly made-up words that McCarthy uses

None of them are made up.

>> No.3472306

tru dat

Good to see that some of you (well, at least one of you) can tell the difference between shit and shinola. Another thing that has always bothered me is McCarthy's disregard for certain punctuation marks, as if the rules don't apply to him. Pretentiousness at its finest.

>> No.3472311

Time will prove McCarthy a better writer than Faulkner.

>> No.3472331


I don't know about that. It was a bit of an exaggeration on my part to call McCarthy shit--he will probably end up in the canon. I enjoyed Blood Meridian and liked Suttree even more, but I still think Faulkner is leagues ahead of McCarthy. McCarthy is just too inconsistent. He will have have a few beautiful passages in all of his books, but some parts are just so poorly written. I think he would be a much better writer--I know he's capable of based on some of the passages he has written--if he didn't write in such a gimmicky style.

>> No.3472369

29,000, not bad for a second language.

>> No.3472387

13,000 here

I don't give a flying fuck.

>> No.3472425
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>> No.3472442

And for foreign learners of English, we've found that the most common vocabulary size is from 2,500–9,000 words. Click here for the full distribution (opens in new tab/window).

I got

Your total vocabulary size is estimated to be:

So I think it ain't THAAT BAD

>> No.3472457

Your total vocabulary size is estimated to be:

Non-native. It's ok, I guess, on average.

>> No.3472458

Well at least I'm well above other foreign learners.
But is it good enough to publish a fantasy novel in english?

>> No.3472471

>read sidebar
>"Norman (French)"

all of my wut

if they can't get a simple fact right then who are they to judge my vocabulary

>> No.3472479

I'm 20 years old, a native English speaker, and I got 19,500. Am I retarded?

>> No.3472481


native speaker and read my first novel when i was 8, fuck yeah

>> No.3472488

In Blood Meridian he describes the horns of some cow or bull as "agoggle." I can't find it in the OED so I suspect it's a made up word.

>> No.3472497
File: 58 KB, 190x190, 1346941631091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

18,300 and i'm native

>> No.3472499

I don't think of myself as having a large vocabulary, but even so I think this test suffers from sample bias and outright lying. I expected to be quizzed on some of these words I was claiming to know. I think people are checking words they couldn't properly define.

>> No.3472501

8 is pretty average, bro.

>> No.3472509

24,300 I'm 19 so I guess that's okay.

>> No.3472512
File: 404 KB, 500x406, and-not-a-single-fuck-was-given-that-day-flood.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

8750 master race reporting in

>> No.3472533


>> No.3472564

Your total vocabulary size is estimated to be:

German here. Feels okay, man.

>> No.3472566

Native Australian, roight?

>> No.3472567

>that look of approval by the old man
Grat picture.

>> No.3472582


>> No.3472587


Not a native speaker.

>> No.3472590

This vocabulary test sucks. It's not randomized.

>> No.3472596
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>19 year old
>non-native, but learned very young
>over-achiever in general
>got into serious reading about a year ago

Feels alright.

>> No.3472601

>It's not randomized
Why would you take the test more than once?

>> No.3472604


To learn more words.

>> No.3472616


Not bad for a non native speaker who has never been in an English speaking country.

>> No.3472669


I suspect it's a bit lower than that...

>> No.3472690

19,200 words

Not bad I guess, Belgiumfag here.

>> No.3472710


I felt bad until I looked at the breakdown by age and realised I was less than 1,000 off the "average"

>> No.3472728


I got most of them.

>> No.3472746

'goggle' is a word to describe ogling something/someone

'a' is a common prefix to turn a word into describing a state, e.g. 'abed', 'asleep', 'ago'

Even though it's not in the dictionary, it's a fine word, I think.

>> No.3472789

17,500 words, foreign language student from Argentina. Not bad, I guess. Average score for foreigns is 2,500-9,000

>> No.3472825


So... How the fuck can I improve my vocab? 22,300 is just depressing...

>> No.3472833

Read more. Look up definitions.

>> No.3472844

I remember my English teacher (foreign language) telling me that in English there are new words ever day which makes it the language with the largest vocabulary.

>> No.3472846


I read constantly, and rarely encounter words I don't understand. There were a few in infinite jest that I had to look up but apart from that other stuff seems to be fine.

I would actually really like to improve my vocab though, it would be awesome to be able to throw out words like opsimath and seem like a pretentious assole.

>> No.3472853

Don't be depressed. This is a flawed test. They extrapolate the size of your vocabulary based on how well you know words that were only common centuries ago and have since been relegated to the "only-used-ironically-by-normal-pele-if-at-all-but-used-unironicallby-fucktards" category.

>> No.3472863

Do I have to be able to "describe it" or just know what the words mean and be able to use in a correct sentence?

>> No.3472887

master race

>> No.3472897


Read a lot. Read English classics.

This is my word learning system:

>keep a notebook and jot down any words i are unsure of (i am very strict with this - it's surprising how easy it is to con yourself into thinking you know a word when the definition isn't clear in your head)
>each day put the new words in a spreadsheet
>google definitions for the new ones and date them (I love using image search for plants/clothes/animals/architectur features)
>then I randomise the lines of the rest of the sheet (my old look ups) and go through ten or twenty lines and check I can remember the definitions.
>any I am sure of I move to another "words definititely learnt" spreadsheet
>any I'm not sure of I date (to a keep a tab on how often words are looked up) and leave in the sheet to have another go at on some random day in the future

>> No.3472906

Clever. I'm going to try that.

>> No.3472915

>second language
>studied English for over 10 years
>tfw all the words I would have gotten if I had started as a native speaker

I...It's okay...

>> No.3472918

native speaker
I feel like I should've known a lot more of those words but some just slipped my mind. And I keep a journal of new words and everything ;_;

>> No.3472927


>> No.3473003

Well yes, but words pretty much just fall into categories of either common now or "only-used-ironically-by-normal-pele-if-at-all-but-used-unironicallby-fucktards".

What's the point of testing a vocabulary if its only limited to common words? How else would one measure vocabulary?

>> No.3473006

if you can use it correctly and understand it that's enough by my standard. Definitions are just descriptions of use after all.

>> No.3473019


Using the right words is the mark of being a great writer. It's not like you have to use them if you know them, but having more words to use is always good. Also, obscure words tend to be exceptionally euphonious, and a little bit of showmanship never hurt anybody. It's a real joy to watch someone completely in command of their form really go all out, whether it's a writer, a dancer, a musician, or what have you.

Intuitively it seems like a little bit of a Blogthings methodology, but think about it: English is a vast sprawl that's accumulated over more than a thousand years. At any given time, only a small portion of it is necessary to function, even to speak intelligently. Look at all the people scoring just north of 10,000 functioning on an English-language discussion forum. The test probably isn't flawed. It's just measuring something of iffy import.

>> No.3473031
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>23,400 words

>Native speaker

I am going to study he dictionary, this is not good enough.

>> No.3473056 [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 190x192, 1360958432521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>27,300 words

And to think I thought myself well spoken for a younf man of 18 years

>> No.3473062
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>27,300 words

And to think I thought myself well spoken for a young man of eighteen years

>> No.3473084

He's tried my patience with Shadow. I really, really want to like it. I'll give Claw a shot, but I'm taking a break with some Murakami.

To make the post relevant: 30,300. Seems okay for a high-school senior. Still really lacking for a native speaker I think.

>> No.3473087
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I am a native english speaker.

>> No.3473088


I guess it's okay. I'm not sure if I'm a real native speaker though. I was born in Australia to Yuropoor parents, grew up over there for a couple of years, stayed in Yurop ever since but was in a British school.
I guess that I'm a native speaker.

>> No.3473095

I'm a native speaker who has studied latin, greek, and german and done a decent bit of reading. SO HOW THE FUCK DID I GET A 28,000?

>> No.3473131

You're probably young; study more Greek and Latin.

>> No.3473137

as a german who has been stuck for most of his life in a school where movies were put above books.
surely that was because the pronounciation was already presented.

now that i think about it... i was a fucking asspie. i got buttmad when we watched 1984 instead of discussing the book. the only book that was discussed was lord of flies which was... okay

>> No.3473148

>>What nationality are you?
>>England, Belgium, Germany etc.

Since when are countries nationalities?

>> No.3473151

since always pretty much.

>> No.3473154
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>> No.3473157


So... Americans should be America, and I shouldn't be Dutch but The Netherlands?

Also my score was 30200. I like it.

>> No.3473160
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>> No.3473252

Your total vocabulary size is estimated to be:

This is fairly bad, even if it is my second language. I'm Estonian

>> No.3473256

Don't feel too bad, for an Estonian its a big achievement just to be literate.

>> No.3473285

>What gender are you?
privilege checkin' time

>> No.3473293

>just like your gardener

You should be ashamed if you're under my number and American.

>> No.3473298

What if I'm Australian?

>> No.3473312


I only have a problem with Americans, but if you have a score below mine you should be ashamed too that a foreigner knows more about your own language.

>> No.3473355
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>second language

>> No.3473361

First language, 24,700 words. I studied engineering instead of liberal arts in university, though, so I blame it on that.

>> No.3473386

I started to cry upon doing this because my vocabulary isn't as great as I thought it was.

25,300. Native language.

>> No.3473387

Are you preparing yourself to illegally storm the border to get in the US or are you already in?

>> No.3473413

43.600; non-native speaker as in not being born in an English-speaking country. However, I've grown up with both German and English.
But honestly, having learned Latin and some Greek has helped me out a lot.
I'm really pleased with the outcome.

>> No.3473680

Try again next time.

>> No.3473700

Are you guys sure you didn't just click on words you recognized but don't actually know?

>> No.3473764


English is the only language I speak fluently.

>> No.3473786

non native speaker
oh god, what do I do, /lit/?

>> No.3473789

how long does the test take?

>> No.3473823

two pages, so about 2 minutes tops you lazy bastard

>> No.3473827

>English is third language

Could be a lot better, I am disappointed.

>> No.3473855


This is an interesting reply. I wish I had seen it earlier so you could tell me if it was a genuine question or a well-aimed joke.

You could say I'm preparing myself, I just got accepted into Yale.

>> No.3473949

>19 year old Australian
>38,100 words
Is this a good thing, or do I need to get out more?

>> No.3473968

>tfw also 18 and apparently know 1000 more than you.

feels good man

>> No.3474009


>> No.3474033

As a fellow Mexican, good job

>> No.3474035
File: 11 KB, 413x261, 4L8WWda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I am not that smart at all. Second language too. Are they the same words every time or are they shuffled? I think I got all the easy ones, or something. I'm gonna do it again and see.

>> No.3474044

>28,200 words
>27-yeard old native speaker

Mathfag here. Read roughly five books per year between undergrad lit and graduation just to keep my skills from atrophying. Of course some were the literary equivalent of fast food: Koontz, GRRM, and Tad Williams. Others were more substantial like Daniel Keyes, Thomas Friedman, and Brian Greene.

>> No.3474058

>21 years old
>Working on my J.D.

What have you done lately?

>> No.3474063
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welp, about time to start reading the dictionary.

>> No.3474069


Que un extraño en 4chan me lo dijera se sintió mejor a que lo hiciera un conocido. Gracias.

>> No.3474076

>You could say I'm preparing myself, I just got accepted into Yale.

Remember this for the rest of your life, you did not get on your own hard work or merit. You got in to fill a minority quota, and took the place of a student much smarter and hard working than you.

>> No.3474085
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I was impressed with myself for a lot of them, too...

>> No.3474094

native speaker

>> No.3474116

25800, non-native speaker
I was 10yo when knights of the old republic came out, I literally played that game through with a dictionary in hand. Then in school I could skip all English classes and still get all the tests 100% correct

>> No.3474120


Remember this for the rest of your life, don't be such a bitter cunt who projects their own prejudices on situations they know nothing about.

>> No.3474121
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>29000 falling asleep
>mfw I'm still a better writer than any of you twats will ever be

time for bed

>> No.3474135
File: 44 KB, 367x367, Jun17421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

43,500 here
Amurrican of Chilean parents
Native speaker of both English and Spanish

Feels good, man.

>> No.3474147

Same score, that feel.

>> No.3474148

are you a jew?

>> No.3474171

On my mother's side I'm descended from Italian that immigrated to Chile from Naples.

My father's side are descended from Basques that immigrated to Chile in the 1870s to escape the ravages of the Third Carlist War.

So to answer your question, no.

>> No.3474188

I got all of them. On the other hand my hobby is reading dictionaries in order to find recherche words and then using them in conversation as a form of intellectual masturbation.

>> No.3474191

>escape the ravages
but o.k., thanks for answering.

>> No.3474193
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Sounds like someone is butthurt.

>> No.3474205

Fuck yes 36,800

Time to look up some of those fuckin words

>> No.3474206

Do yourself a favor and use Anki.

>> No.3474209

>first language

>> No.3474228

Didn't even finish High-School, so if you're a native speaker and score less than you should probably kill yourself.

>> No.3474230

I got 12900 words. The way to learning English is too hard ;_;

>> No.3474778

The average seems skewed because people who read from /lit/ or other forums would take the test more often than others.
Basically, my 30k word score is way above average. It makes me feel better to think this way.

>> No.3474788

22k english is a secondary

>> No.3474791

Your huge dic only means you put less effort into conveying your thoughts.
Which is the opposite of what one should do, as a writer.

>> No.3474794

I generalized. Most tend to use obscure words rather than simplify their wording.

>> No.3474811

31900 non-native speaker. Suck it.

>> No.3474864

fuck you liar

>> No.3474880

>mfw all these nerds ticking words they kind of think they might know what they could mean

>> No.3474882

23.8k and not a native speaker, nor have I been to an English-speaking country.

This is pretty interesting actually: http://testyourvocab.com/blog/20117-25-New-results-for-native-speaks.php#mainchartNative

I'm just about at the average of a native speaker my age. Feels good.

>> No.3474983

37,000 native...meh I was surprised by the last column

>> No.3476114

35,900 for a native speaker... I'd feel worse about it if I had majored in the humanities instead of a STEM degree.

>> No.3476152

Having a large vocabulary makes it easier to express one's thoughts. This is well known.

>> No.3476164

So much this.

They've explicitly given instructions not to do so, but hey, anything to massage your ego, right?

>> No.3476172

I don't wanna create a new thread so I'll just ask here, am I retarded or is Journey to the West by Anthony Yu not on the internet? Normally I can find shit by googling but I can't find a single link, and the #bookz thing in the sticky didn't give me anything either.

also what's the point of that picture you guys have on the wiki of the different JttW translations? How does that help at all? If someone is looking for that won't they want some of explanation on which translation would be the best for them..I don't see how merely listing them helps.

>> No.3476177

An alternative explanation exists too: people actually know the meaning of the words. One cannot discount this.

>> No.3476185

Based on the intelligence level of the average /lit/ poster, I'm going to reject that explanation.

>> No.3476211

As an 18 year old selective school educated Australian I am quite disappointed with my score of 22400. National tests put me in the top 10% of the populace or are Australians just dumb?

>> No.3476217
File: 10 KB, 199x200, This+_73006b6a903ac7ce51d6713b2b34b73c.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 45,000 words

>> No.3476234

>36,600 words

>> No.3476248

The problem is that the words on the test are at two extremes: they are either extremely common, or they are archaic. The selection of words could be much improved.

It would be better to test vocabulary by using common words, uncommon words that would be known by anyone who reads good writing, and a smattering of the archaic words that Classics majors love.

I would say anyone who is able to read most articles archived at aldaily.com and find that they know all of the words has an excellent vocabulary. Most of those articles have words that are fair and effective for judging a vocabulary.

>> No.3476254

HSC pls go

>> No.3476273


>> No.3476298



>> No.3476315

>20 100

Works for me.

>> No.3476326

non-native, 9650
i'm working on it

>> No.3476354

>mfw saw trollop

>> No.3476363


Any 18 year old is going to have a relatively poor vocabulary. Try again in 20 years.

>> No.3476377

20 000

What a letdown. I am a non-native, though; maybe in a few years...

>> No.3476386

34,400 motherfuckers.

>the relief that I'm as good as I thought

sweet validation

>> No.3476391

Holy shit you're sad because of 11,100 words and it's your THIRD language. shut up I'm jelly

>> No.3476392


Australia is pretty hit-and-miss in my experience. Sorry, anon.

>> No.3476394

No way, some of these words do not appear in modern vernacular and quite frankly do not add proficiency to one's vocabulary.

>> No.3476396

what do you mean

>> No.3476419

>32,600 words

Actually feels good.

>> No.3476424

Outside of Classics academia, this.

>> No.3476425

They don't appear in the 'vernacular'; you're right. But they do appear, albeit rarely, in educated works. Knowing more words is always better than knowing fewer - that's just how it works.

>> No.3476427

I bet you don't know the meaning of the word carnaptious.

>> No.3476444

I think you'll find all people, even the most adroit wordsmiths, utilise the same words across most of their writing and conversations.

>> No.3476463

why does this word even exist? Better question: why the fuck would you use it?

>> No.3476474

Whenever you are writing about something that gives you a particular advantage or effectiveness, you should use 'utilize' over 'use'.

>> No.3476477

You may be able to utilize "utilize" euphonically.

>> No.3476499

Phew, I did better than someone.

It's no excuse but when I wasn't confident on a word I Googled it and if I wasn't exactly right I didn't check.

I also sensed a slight cultural bias with a few words like "natter" mixed in.

Bad feels.

>> No.3476502

30,700 words. Could be worse.

>> No.3476508 [DELETED] 

I find 'utilise' is more indicative of the technological process man engages with when he 'makes use of' a signature artefact be it word of pencil

>> No.3476511

I find 'utilise' is more indicative of the technological process man engages with when he 'makes use of' a signature artefact be it word or pencil

>> No.3476553


you're probably a retarded kindle user too

>> No.3476717


The number should really be a bit lower, though. I probably checked a few that I couldn't quite define--just give synonyms for and that sort of thing.

Would anyone happen to know of a test like this for Spanish?

>> No.3478511

guess im pleb tier shit.

>> No.3478550

23,100 English as a third language
Good thing I don't write in English...

>> No.3478570

Of course, expressing ideas is easier.
But, in conveying it, the obscure words only hinder. You can of course take the gamble and hope the recipient understands those obscure words and risk breaking their concentration and interest.
Accessibility is utmostly important.
Unless one is an egocentric writer/speaker.

>> No.3478663
File: 23 KB, 707x324, results.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I usually "read" audiobooks nowadays a lot of the words i probably know the meaning of but never saw them before.

>> No.3478760


Do you know the guy? Do you know how smart and hard working he is? Of course you do not. So please do not go around humilliating yourself like this.