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3468985 No.3468985 [Reply] [Original]

Why is this book such shit in comparison to The Idiot and Brothers Karamazov?

>> No.3468995

Why would you call C&P shit?

I have read C&P, half of The Idiot (lost the book on a train ride unfortunately) and Brothers K. I liked all of them. Don't want to say too much about the Idiot since I haven't finished it.
Brother K is obviously his best work, but I don't think C&P is shit compared to it.

I think it could have to do with the fact that C&P was the first of his 'great novels' he wrote and maybe he refined his skills and ideas later on.

>> No.3468996

I love love love love LOVED Crime and Punishment!

>> No.3469000

religion, morality, ideology

>> No.3469023

The only issue I have with Dostoevsky is that he is too pro-religious. Even in TBK the two people representing non-belief are peripheral at best, and one of them is supposed to be one of the brothers! (Ivan. The other being Rakitin.)

This whole belief that "without god all is allowed" or whatever gets increasingly annoying and the unsubstantiated claims are really bothersome.

But in any case, I liked all of his stuff, including C&P.

>> No.3469655

I wouldn't bother too much with that. In his existentialist ways, I don't think he truly advocates for religion, but for its values, or any good values really, i.e., for denial of plain nihilism.

>> No.3469666

m8 C&P is a gem ill whoop yur willie

>> No.3469750

haven't read TBK yet so I can't speak for it, but Dostoevsky's not very annoying for a Christian writer.
Actually, Christian Existentialists on the whole are very tolerable, as opposed to some overly theistic, non-philosophical writers an edgy R3ddit-atheist would portray as "Christian lit." So I have much sympathy for Dostoevsky's brand of belief, knowing that the character of Shatov in Demons demonstrates much of his belief-logic. The way he puts it, the way he frames atheism, I don't get bothered by it, since he's mostly attacking the extreme of nihilism, which he happens to see as arising from atheism. He's not totally wrong in that even...

>> No.3469817

better than C&P IMO, and I loved C&P.

>> No.3469869

I wouldn't call it shit OP, though it is certainly not my favorite of his. Persnally I find the story somewhat boring (not a fan of depravity and filth and such things), but like all his work, it's just so god damned well written.

>> No.3469870

oh, absolutely. from what I've read, it seems he really refined as he went on writing in the second part of his life.

>> No.3469930

Why did dostoevsky hate the humanists so much?

>> No.3469996
