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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 386 KB, 1224x1200, Post-Modernists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3465346 No.3465346[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

You have 10 seconds to be as Post-Modernist as possible.

>> No.3465349

It isn't possible though.

>> No.3465351

I laugh at webcomics because they refer to things and people in a bald, unclever way.

>> No.3465352

"You have 10 seconds to be as Post-Modernist as possible," wrote Italo Calvino on 4chan, expecting a shitstorm.

>> No.3465353

But postmodernism is shit. Why would I want to do such a thing?

>> No.3465357

I have an entire life-time with nothing to do but to be as post-modern as possible...

>> No.3465371


>> No.3465383
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>> No.3465389

Are you ever goin to txt me

I was

>> No.3465391
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>> No.3465395
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>> No.3465652


>> No.3465660

The author wrote down the first sentence to his new novel. It read "the author wrote down the first sentence to his new novel. It read".

>> No.3465685

There. Are. No. Words.
This is just repeated in scribbles the first two pages.

>> No.3465697


▲ ▲

>> No.3465735

I can't post anything, because posting is a digression of a social construct

>> No.3465754
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A true understanding of deconstruction cannot arrive without a solid understanding of the history of internet image boards.

Jacques Derrida uses language to showcase ideas.

pic related, it's a rhizome

>> No.3465875
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LOL so random xD nonsense that pretends to be 2deep4u LOL so random xD nonsense that pretends to be 2deep4u LOL so random xD nonsense that pretends to be 2deep4u LOL so random xD nonsense that pretends to be 2deep4u LOL so random xD nonsense that pretends to be 2deep4u LOL so random xD nonsense that pretends to be 2deep4u LOL so random xD nonsense that pretends to be 2deep4u LOL so random xD nonsense that pretends to be 2deep4u

>> No.3465879

ITT: no one knows what post-modernism is.

Just stop, /lit/

>> No.3465881

I have ten seconds to be as post-modern as possible.

>> No.3465886
File: 294 KB, 640x400, a very boring picture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3465888

I have no real skill or intelligence so I will try to make a "deep" statement by bullshitting in any way possible.

>> No.3465897

There is a Hand to turn the time,
Though thy Glass today be run,
Till the Light that hath brought the Towers low
Find the last poor Pret'rite one . . .
Till the Riders sleep by ev'ry road.
All through our crippl'd Zone,
With a face on ev'ry mountainside,
And a Soul in ev'ry stone. . . .

Now everybody -

>> No.3465904

ok fine

>> No.3465963

>Calvin and Hobbes
Hang yourself. Please, do it for everyone.

>> No.3465971


>> No.3465975

Snow-balls have flown their Arcs, starr’d the Sides of Outbuildings, as of Cousins, carried Hats away into the brisk Wind off Delaware, - the Sleds are brought in and their Runners carefully dried and greased, shoes deposited in the back Hall, a stocking’d-foot Descent made upon the great Kitchen, in a purposeful Dither since Morning, punctuated by the ringing Lids of various Boilers and Stewing-Pots, fragrant with Pie-Spices, peel’d Fruits, Suet, heated Sugar, - the Children, having all upon the Fly, among rhythmic slaps of Batter and Spoon, coax’d and stolen what they might, proceed, as upon each afternoon all this snowy Advent, to a comfortable Room at the rear of the House, years since given over to their carefree Assaults.

>> No.3465999

For Sale.
Post-modernist Literature.
Never Read.

>> No.3466049

Is that synonymous to pretentious? Is irony necessary?

>> No.3466079

Is it necessary? No, it's one of the many cancers eating away at contemporary literature.

>> No.3467350
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(This is but a interpolation in a text that has yet to be written.)

>> No.3467357


>> No.3467361

why even bother?

>> No.3467363

Odd bump. All this thread contributes is that most of /lit/ has no idea what post-modernism is

>> No.3467365

Post-Modern means after modern and there hasn't been strong enough movement(s) to identify as such. At least in writing.

Sorry. how did I do

>> No.3467366


>> No.3467370

Japanese roof on a glass building!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111111111 house

>> No.3467378 [DELETED] 


>> No.3467385

So what's postmodernism?

>> No.3467396
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>> No.3467406

Is post modernism the endless conversations about whether time exists or not?
I hate that shit.

>> No.3467430


A tool for dialectical analysis of texts.

That is all it is.

Everything else people claim it to be, it actually is not.

>> No.3467479

I believe in nothing but everything in a sort of religious, spiritual vibration.

>> No.3467494


I just want to feel.

>> No.3467502

the next night we ate whale the next night we ate whale the next night we ate whale the next night we ate whale the next night we ate whale the next night we ate whale the next night we ate whale the next night we ate whale the next night we ate whale the next night we ate whale the next night we ate whale the next night we ate whale the next night we ate whale the next night we ate whale the next night we ate whale the next night we ate whale the next night we ate whale the next night we ate whale the next night we ate whale the next night we ate whale

>> No.3467505

Don't you mean "new sincerity"?

>> No.3467525

Psh, III want to feel tooooo Anon. I would tooootaly like my life to have meaning and for people to respect me.

>> No.3467541 [DELETED] 

Would this be new sincere or post-ironic? And does it change because you took omitted the intro, now it's your own critique on your interpretation of postmodernism, portraying it as nonsense, even though you deliberately removed the context.

>> No.3467554

is this a question about itself?

>> No.3467574

fuck hegel

>> No.3467575

I was watching Game of Thrones when she texted: 'come over. I need you.' My Prius was out of gas though, so I figured that it was not worth it anyways. I stayed home and ate Lucky Charms straight from the box, not feeling like I was dying inside anymore...I had been dead for ages.

>> No.3467590

nice one

>> No.3467592
File: 6 KB, 202x250, derrida.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3467606


>> No.3467608

Vader doom. Progress rapidly to tragic end. Anal marriage. Pre-heroine overdose. blasted and obdurate. Kamikaze. To make true the lie. To make true the disgusting joke. The reality of the tragedy and the underground free human delight mistaken for a life of luxury and supported by magic. Like a kind of copulating pizza bang boomerang clop clop rock stop drop the nintendo control lid brick. You know but don’t for the first serious minute or two. Eco fist the pincher. Lid richer and such dumb. Purr. Vat stack lack bat knack clack pack.

>> No.3467653

Something about post-colonial American Apparel, while sucking a cock in a transgressive manner.

>> No.3467671


>> No.3467674

the fuck

>> No.3467679

post-modernism, bitch

>> No.3467681
File: 25 KB, 510x258, kevin_the_office.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat intertextuality

>> No.3467682

Well I'll be damned. Looks like it.

>> No.3467688

Not to mention the meta commentary on the nature of language and the vaccum of discourse in post-industrial society.

>> No.3467701

I deliberately misportrayed my view of postmodernism with a common criticism which portrays it as nonsense and meaningless and more accurately depicts our world than the original piece. OR maybe I'm lying now, in which case does that diminish the message?

>> No.3467722

i win

>> No.3467777

You win.

>> No.3467796

nice quads

>> No.3467803
File: 22 KB, 318x475, Mason_n_dixon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3467807

Even the commentary through anti-commentary that Warhol employed in the "pop" art movement that has since been commented on by all of the best artists and commentators, where the artist makes no comment at all--his 'product' (let us not forget that Warhol commercialized art my babbies, hence le double entendre alla 'product') is nothing more than a rorschach, a fill-in-the-blanks, a vased mirror that both reflects and holds society's judgements, inferences, commentary, and emotional responses to it- they FILL it with their IDEAS, but it is empty.

And thus showing the utter insanity of art itself, the absurdity of their attempt to analyze art, and finally through this mocking relationship from artist to viewer (for the viewer has been had, dear friend; in his sincerity he has lost sight of the fact that he is being mocked) the revelation that there is no meaning in art at all.

Warhol was revered for his bitter cynicism and sarcastic/ironic humor, he was playing the critics and the industry alike- and yet little did he know he would spawn a whole generation, in fact several, who were more concerned with appearing to be of that same "mocking-you-with-because-your-sinre-beliefs-are-bullshit" class than actually having a more sincere belief apart from the one they mocked.

And irony destroyed art and literature for now all sincerity is mocked and scorned and trivialized, and even I am not sure If I post this ironically or not.

>> No.3467809

Da fuck is 10 seconds? Da fuck is da fuck? Kafka.

>> No.3467835

>"Or Read Novels", adds Euphrenia, her tone of dismissal owing more to her obligations as a Guest than her real Sentiments, engage'd more often than she might admit, with examples of the Fabulist's Art.
> As if having just detected a threat to the moral safety of the company, Ives announces, "I cannot, damme I cannot I say, energetically enough insist upon the danger of reading these storybooks,- in particular those known as 'Novel.' Let she who hears, heed. Britian's Bedlam even as the French Salpêtrière being populated by an alarming number of young persons, most of them female, seduced across the sill of madness by those irresponsible narratives, that will not distinguish between fact and fancy. How are those frail Minds to judge? Alas, every reader of 'Novel" must be reckoned a soul in peril,- for she hath made a D----l's bargain, squandering her most precious time, for nothing in return but the meanest and most shabbiest kinds of mental excitement. 'Romance,' pernicious enough in its day, seems to Comparison wholesome."

>> No.3467853

kafkaesque footnote

>> No.3467871

“My neck feels like it wants to shit but it's a neck,” said Jean Genet.

>> No.3467883

Given the pervasive level of deep cultural ambivalence (>>3465349, >>3465353) manifesting across a characteristically late-capitalist array of symbiotically oppositional fronts of re-presentation, attempts to construct a Post-Modernist persona -- itself a mediated form related to but distinct from the "postmodern" forms articulated above (>>3465971) -- are by a necessity spun out from an ever-expanding core of knowledge that in turn mimics past forms of varying cultural canons (comics, see >>3465346; internet memes, such as >>3465875; low-culture icons like Elvis impersonators and boy bands, from >>3465886 [themselves symptomatic of the depth of simulacrum-penetration into society's sedimentary foundations]) ...

and fuck it I can't go on

>> No.3467897

good effort.

did it hurt, trying to think?

>> No.3467914

>And irony destroyed art and literature for now all sincerity is mocked and scorned and trivialized

not true. historically cynicism and irony have acted as catalysts for art movements and cultural paradigm shifts, eg machiavelli's impact on italian art and society. sincerity gets mocked and scorned because inside of it is an inherent under-performance; an episode of existential stagnation that is shortsighted and hinders social progress

the post-warholite generation re-established the antagonism of this frictional stagnation by eliciting said scorn and trivializationment towards this 'sincere' plebbetry. this alone shows that, to some degree, their beliefs 'are' more sincere than those of the people they disparage, perhaps to a significant extent

also another good example is this harlem shake thing. people are increasingly accepting this death of sincerity, and the dance is highlighting this with its exaggerated nihilistic/pseudo-hedonistic uselessness. a lot of the videos are p funny. watch out for other 2k13 trends

>> No.3467946

While I enjoy the (perhaps) genuine praise of your first line, I don't really appreciate whatever your second line is attempting to accomplish.

Of course, you are implying a substantive deficiency in the post, and in me.

Is the deficiency that the ideas expressed in the post are merely incomplete - that I could continue that sentence and create a complete thought that would be in some way more valorous?

Are you saying that the line is attempted thought because it falls short of a real thought (ignoring, of course, this issue of what exactly constitutes a "real thought")?

I'd just like to know exactly you are trying to insult.

>> No.3467955
File: 58 KB, 655x546, rstlfce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am Tao Lin


>> No.3467964

oh man. this is great. will you write my dissertation for me

>> No.3467970

I enjoy both classic black and white movies from the beginnings of cinema,but I also enjoy modern classic films and literature such as harlequin romance novels and harry potter.
Did I do good?

>> No.3467971

this was good, fuck this douche >>3467897

>> No.3467978

The flag of my never-less-than was clutched by the sperm of my unconscious thoughts. It is unable to recognize the magnitude of what has appeared and then fell through the void in a flick of an eyelid, that which represent the soul I long to unravel from the pole it holds. Though, I know my fault and take part there, still clutching that flag, still waving.

>> No.3467989

this is wonderful.
do go on

>> No.3468032


I am Carles

>> No.3468036

do you even pinch one?

>> No.3468049


loaves or pine cones.

>> No.3468060

Varicose summations of jilted Barbie playsets.

>> No.3468068

calvin and hobbes owns.

>> No.3468078

Clarisse’s car had broken brakes, but luckily there was uphill. Drive way too far into the drive way, and end up in the gay raj, she always used to say. Rakes littered her lawn, booby traps as her ex-husband vietnammed the seventies, and she liked the idea of impenetrability. The sound of rake handles smashing faces over and over in smashing successes and sound reasoning. Round seasoning: dinner wafted over to Sebastian aroma first, and squared his appetite. So what kind of math did you get yourself into today? Sebastian stared down the logirhythm, before he pierced its carapace with his fork and shoved it in his mouth, crunching loudly like snow after freezing rain, and coral reefs broke to pieces inside every rain drop, crunching loudly like car accidents and the heads of insurance agents who had affairs with the boss’ wife, loudly crunching numbers so she wouldn’t ask anymore embarrassing questions. Have you any mores? No, but a moor burnt all Sebastian’s heather. A piece of logirhythm lodged in his throat, as a dead loggerhead turtle washed up on the shores of East Timor. Clarisse applied the Heimlich, and the cork popped the champagne into the drainage ditch.

>> No.3468080

Polaris isn't a boyband, you twit. And elvis is clearly there to indicate that the marriage is taking place in las vegas.

>> No.3468136


Hall of Fame-tier post.

>Captcha: byMoot 1423


>> No.3468149


You spelled logarithm wrong, but I'll be damned if I know how to spell it right.

>> No.3468177

why are they wearing a scarf?

>> No.3468183


>> No.3468195

he was being postmodern you uncultured philistine

>> No.3468309

Postmodernist has opinion...
Opinion postmodernist has
Has postmodernist opinion
Opinion has postmodernist
Has opinion postmodernist
Postmodernist opinion has

>> No.3468323

Recant recant recant - an eco. Something horrible from eons of time past reaches your ears. What! Your scream tears out of the darkness and into subsistence with reality. “Damn those mongoloids for letting the steam escape this damn pressure cooker” Gizudegief remarked cruelly. Whats left on the agenda but to eat some muscles and call it a day. Indeed Skrimpskin considered to himself wretchedly as he scratched at his pox infested face. Troglodytes all and every one a troglodyte. Fear. All this fear and no one to put it on but myself. What a fine jacket of fear. Fear screaming from every pore in this miserable body etching itself into the very fabric of reality. The ghost that haunts this land shall suffer the peoples greatly, “muahahahahaha”.

>> No.3468334

thought is a construction that i and other post-modernists have moved beyond

>> No.3468830

You're thinking of post-structural analysis you sod, and that's a literary theory school which is considered part of the postmodern movement as it displays a discontentment with Western metaphysical notions thus leading to the degradation of meaning etc. etc. edgy hipsters words are meaningless

>> No.3468847

Derrida? Is that you?


>> No.3468849

Gizgurdlegeif left his house on a sunny mourning not unlike the rest of his lizard kin in order to secure the spotlight for yet another round of hopscotch vomit-mouth.

>> No.3468853
File: 826 KB, 320x260, 1360210814303.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your tongue is in your skull.

>> No.3468885

"whatever dick said" -baudrillard

>> No.3468932


There, I just defeated all the modernists with my wonderful work of art posted above this sentence. You can call me Pollock.

>> No.3468942

Le Corbusier was a hack. His work represents all that is wrong with western civilization.

>> No.3468953

Eight hours since he entered the train. In a state of total blissfull delirium he had sat down with no clear goal in mind other than escaping the cold outside in a world that was but an enemy to humanity and their feelings.
As off now, starting to get clear again, he thought of nothing at all. He remembered vaguly his own voice, reciting a poem by Baudelaire in the train for the delight or ... misschief of everyone else in here? He didn't know and he knew nothing in particular. While the neon signs already started to glow again in the dimm evening light, John the idiot, the bastard, or what else he was called by others, went back to sleep again. Continuing his train ride along line twenty three.