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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.51 MB, 1298x820, library.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3464615 No.3464615 [Reply] [Original]

Let's see your libraries, /lit/!

I need another one of the narrow bookshelves... 40k sci-fi is my guilty pleasure...

>> No.3464618

>whole shelf of 40k books

heads up you are going to get majorly shat on

>> No.3464620
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Not ashamed.

>> No.3464621
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>> No.3464631
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Here ya go.

>> No.3464635

Eh, it is what it is, bro. Eisenhorn is a bro.

Also, feel free to post your current reading. The book missing, for example, on the left for me is "The Floating Opera" by James Barth.

PDF's for the win.

I lol'd.

I regret so much selling my Reader's Digest collections!

>> No.3464642

Best part is that I got all these, "Anna Karenina"+ "'Madame Bovary" + "House of Seven Gables" for free from a lady who was selling her house. I have like 7 other ones used as decorations.

>> No.3464645

I was a stupid kid. I sold them all for money to buy weed or something when I was like fourteen. I had some dating back to the early 70's and I think late 60's. Shit was so great.

I actually just added a nice edition of "Madame Bovary" to my collection. Found it at a little used book shop for $2.

>> No.3464651
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>> No.3464653

Huh. Well, this thread is bound to be very long and useless.

>> No.3464665
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>> No.3464672

Go beat off to your collection of dead trees somewhere else you pathetic excuse for a person.

>> No.3464676

>being THIS much of a faggot

>> No.3464681
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But he's right.

Nobody is impressed with the books you bought but haven't even read.

>> No.3464683

You got 'im good.

>> No.3464704
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I tend to stick books on my shelf that I have successfully read. I even mark the day I start, and the day that I finish. For example

I hate people who buy dozens of crappy books then go: "IM SMART" without even reading them.

>> No.3464707

OP here, why would you buy a book and not read it?

Shit's not logical, Spock.

>> No.3464709

Does it really take you that long to read a book?

>> No.3464717

If it was Frankenstein in the summer that was a required reading and marked annotations for High School, yes.
It took me about 2 weeks to complete Les Misréables on my own terms, so that's pretty much what happens.

>> No.3464733

>any books about zombies that aren't about vodun


>> No.3464738

PDFs are shitty. There are much better ebook formats.

>> No.3464740

depends on the book.

>> No.3464743


>> No.3464751


>> No.3464768


>> No.3464770

I concede

>> No.3465570


I see someone bought the collector's edition of Guild Wars 2.... still playing?

>> No.3465577


Rot in hell both of you, I'd rather play WoW all over again than playing that piece of shit.

>> No.3465582
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This was taken a few months ago, got a few more now.

>> No.3465594

How many of those have you read/

>> No.3465598

>Let's see your libraries
>less than 5ft of shelf

I'm yet to see in any of these threads a single collection of books equivalent in number to those in one room alone of my house.
Even if you ignore this, there are hardly more books in any of your photos than the number some of you claim to have read in the previous month in threads of that sort. Do they just vanish? Do the people who actually read not post in these threads? Does everyone who reads use an eReader?
Either that or you're all compulsive liars.

>> No.3465601

There's this thing called a library.

>> No.3465605

Run off back to /tg/, little neckbeard, it's the better board anyway.

>> No.3465606


I have 10s of metres of books, i have posted them before but you just end up being mocked by fools who haven't read 1% of what you have. Sad really.

>> No.3465607

hm, I wonder what he is drink-eugh.

>> No.3465609

Libraries are just where homeless people go to use the internet.

>> No.3465612


>implying the brand makes a difference when you're drinking it with dr.pepper

>> No.3465638

I'm working towards being a minimalist, I sold off almost all of my fiction books and just got myself a kindle. Less is more.

>> No.3465646

Can I post a picture of my dick isntead?

Dick thread?

>> No.3465650
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Fuck yeah, Dick!

>> No.3465654

>books not showing signs of reading
>alcohol next to books
>vinyl next to books
>all books placed on shelf facing the same way

Kill yourself

>> No.3465655

>all books placed on shelf facing the same way

Wait what's wrong with this?

>> No.3465656

A mixture of autism and karma-whoring

>> No.3465659

I used to be like you.

then I wore my "I (heart) Dick" T-Shirt on a long subway ride....

>> No.3465662

But anyone's house I go into usually has books and DVDs facing the same way, it seems like a very normal thing to do.

>> No.3465667

>books not showing signs of reading

do you twist and bend your books so that they can look like library books?

>alcohol next to books
>vinyl next to books
>all books placed on shelf facing the same way

what's wrong with this?

>> No.3465670

Posting pictures of your most recent meal online to a bunch of people who you don't know is considered normal. What's your point?

>> No.3465676

No, I do this strange thing called 'reading', which tends to ripple their spines etc.

It's trying too hard to appear patrician and "le tortured eclectic"

>> No.3465677
File: 122 KB, 476x356, holy what is this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Karamazov Brothers
>Not the Brother Karamazov

>> No.3465680


>> No.3465682
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I just started building it recently. Some of them are filler books, too. They were too cheap to ignore.

>> No.3465683

People were arranging books in the same direction hundreds of years ago. Libraries face books the same direction. If you arrange them in random directions that would seem very try-hard and hipsterish since it opposes natural inclinations.

>> No.3465690


I read too sometimes, but I don't suffer from parkinson's disease.

>> No.3465712


If you'd read the big books there (like "The Karamazov Brothers" (what the fuck, by the way?)) their spines would be damaged.

>> No.3465720

That, Ulysses and Finnegans wake are the only books on that shelf I haven't read.

>> No.3465731
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"Collecting" shelf (mostly read)


>> No.3465732


It's fairly obvious that there is quite a lot more unread stuff there.

There is no shame in admitting it and being honest. Lying is a foolish thing to do, especially on the internet where it's never really necessary.

>> No.3465733
File: 424 KB, 1200x1593, books2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Reading" shelf (all read)


>> No.3465739

I had The Idiot with me on my trip to Greece and even got poolwater on the backside and a few of the last pages. I don't understand how you can ruin an entire book just by reading it.

>> No.3465746

>I had The Idiot with me on my trip to Greece and even got poolwater on the backside and a few of the last pages.

That's nice, honey. (Also, if you took it with you on a trip, you'd expect it to look at least slightly used..)

You don't ruin the books, but with paperbacks in particular it is always easy to spot whether they have been read or not.

>> No.3465752


How did you take it on a trip and keep it in such perfect condition? The books I pick up at the airport tend to be more worn out by the time I reach home than yours.

>> No.3465757


Trust me it's not in perfect condition, it just looks that way when it's squeezed in like that, but yeah, it's one of my most "ruined" books.

>> No.3465762

Is there a name for those type of covers? The old looking sleeveless hardbacks.

>> No.3465761

I know some people take care of their books but these just haven't been opened its obvious.

Also what is blacked out on the top right?

>> No.3465764



>> No.3465766

Why would you even waste your time posting this?

>> No.3465771

R-r-recognition, anon ;_;

>> No.3465770


Even the ones I haven't read have been opened several times.

>> No.3465776

>Finnegans wake

>> No.3465779

Dat untouched Finnegans Wake. Shit looks newer than the books you see in stores.

>> No.3465785

>those perfect, unruffled, unread paperbacks
>all dat Joyce
>The Pale King

I'm guessing you just started coming here and just bought a bunch of what you've heard of from the plebtricians of /lit/? Shit, I've been there too, but get to reading those freaking books.

>wordsworth editions
>pleb liqour
>being swedish

>> No.3465792

The Pale King was given to me when I finished my unpaid internship at a bookstore, it's not like I would buy it myself.

>I'm guessing you just started coming here and just bought a bunch of what you've heard of from the plebtricians of /lit/?

Not far from the truth, but like I stated the picture is very old, and I don't buy a great many books

>> No.3465800

>untouched books
>not untouched bottles
>"cool" pink floyd vinyls

It smeels like /lit/ spirit

>> No.3465802

Oh my fucking god what a poser. I bet metro's just there as a little joke as well.

>> No.3465806

No it's the only book I've actually read.

>> No.3465808

>it's not like I would buy it myself.

Why not?

>> No.3465812


Because I've heard nothing but bad things about it.
unfinished etc.

>> No.3465813

What's going on in this thread?
>everyone accusing everyone else of not reading
>sci-fi and zombies praised
>"Really? Finnegans Wake?" comments
>"Really? DFW?" comments
>most insightful comments are about cheap alcohol
>plebs plebbing plebs
>>>/tg/, >>>/mu/, >>>/co/, >>>/notlit/

>> No.3465822

>Because I've heard nothing but bad things about it.

Try talking to people outside of 4chan some time. Though admittedly it's not the best entry point into his oeuvre.

>> No.3465829

That feel when I will never post my bookshelf on /lit/ because I take good care of my books and everyone will accuse me of not reading them.

>> No.3465840

I will create a bookshelf thread tomorrow with an updated version of>>3465582

People will go apeshit thinking I just hoard books and never read them.

>> No.3466083
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>implying you haven't seen this picture before

>> No.3466205
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Just got this

>> No.3466236

ITT: Tryhard pieces of pathetic shit.

>> No.3466240

aah love that room.

>> No.3466262

What I'd like is a really nicely bound copy of Shakespeare that isn't too expensive. The only one I see these days is the B+N style thing with the sticker (!) of his portrait on the front which is complete shit

>> No.3466276

How about the hardcover RSC Shakespeare? I own the paperback (I'm cheap), so I can vouch for the contents. I assume the hardcover would be bound nicely, since the RSC are pretty reliable.

>> No.3466278
File: 1.47 MB, 2560x1920, 2013-02-11 19.53.51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

errbody 'mirin my Martin Amis

>> No.3466284

Hm I'm looking for leatherbound preferably rather than just hardbound. I would prefer multiple volumes instead of one fuckhuge tome. This one's 2500 pages which is vast.

>> No.3466291
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Tried to get everything on the picture.
Feel free to hate on me!

>> No.3466293

Can I have like, all of your books?


>> No.3466297

bro u must get so much of that hipster pussy real talk

>> No.3466299

Noice. Don't think I've ever seen that edition of Infinite Jest before. What publisher is that in the top right corner (the Fitzgerald)?

>> No.3466305



>> No.3466320

Sometimes people just have more than one interest.

>> No.3466322

At least he bought nice editions, tho. But the fact that he seems to read deeply into author's oeuvres stand him in good stead. Better to be deeply read than widely read.

>> No.3466323

>owns IJ and sod all else in terms of recent literature

>> No.3466324

I can't believe these threads exist.
Anyone who has posted their bookshelf should be banned.

You pseudo-intellectual idiots drive me mad.

>> No.3466325 [DELETED] 
File: 833 KB, 531x816, rings_book_cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The entire book of Lord of the Rings was just one big lazy metaphor for World War II.

Hitler is replaced by Sauron
Himmler is replaced by The Witch King
Gondor is Britain
Rohan is USA
Easterlings & Haradrim represent Japan & the Axis powers

The ring being cast into Mount Doom is symbolic to the Atomic Bomb being dropped to end the war. The ring is also symbolic to the corruption that even the allies faced in the face of adversity with the brutality of War bringing out the evil in good men.
When Gondor asks Rohan for help and they initially refuse to aid at the battle in the Pelennor fields this is symbolic to USA's reluctance to aid Britain in the war due .
Sauron & the forces of Mordor is used to represent Hitlers rise to power and the Nazi's lust for power & control

If you think Tolkien wasn't a hack you *seriously* need to read between the lines. He had no ideas of his own so he wrote a book about World War II and changed a few names and places thinking nobody would be the wiser. Well he's wrong, he is a hack and does not deserve any of the credit he has today.


>> No.3466328

I've never actually seen Amis (either of them) discussed here

>> No.3466329

Swing and a miss, faget.

>> No.3466331

It's just book porn. Stop being such a captious old fuck.

>> No.3466334


>> No.3466332

Its the normal hardcover version but with the dust cover off.. I don't really like dust covers.

The fitzgerald books are from a penguin classic designer series, they are quite nice!


it's true that i frequently go to /mu/ but i've actually been on this board longer and i've read every book on that shelf (besides Finnegans Wake of course)

>> No.3466333

Please do not post this thread

>> No.3466336
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>> No.3466338

>he thinks 'captious' is an esoteric word or something

I thought you said you read?

>> No.3466344

I've never heard it before, but it's a good word

>> No.3466348
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>> No.3466364
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>tfw no shelves
The Dos Passos book is USA

>> No.3466368
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>> No.3466376
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Have read, but haven't bought yet:

Candide (still stumped on which translation to buy, originally read the Anonymous one)
God and the State
The Metamorphosis, In the Penal Colony and Other Stories
Animal Farm
Nineteen Eighty-Four
The Glass Menagerie
The Hobbit
Lord of the Rings
Death of a Salesman
Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf (trying to find one that isn't the revised edition with bits arbitrarily cut out)

>> No.3466377

>The Dos Passos book is USA

Have you read it? I've been meaning to check him out but I think I'll start with Manhattan Transfer.

>> No.3466378

I'm storing my books and CDs in a cardboard box while redoing my place. It hurts.

>> No.3466379

Why would you buy Borges collected fictions if you already have his complete works?

>> No.3466382

Neither of them get mentioned on /lit/ very often. From the few times they've come up, I've gathered that the general opinion of them is that they're decent but, apparently, not worth talking about.

>> No.3466384

>Hasn't read the Great Gatsby
How does it feel being a high school dropout?

>> No.3466385

Not everyone lives in the USA, Gatsby wasn't even on my high-school list

>> No.3466387

>Being so self-conscious that you define things you like as "guilty pleasures".

>> No.3466391



I'm a big music collector too and I love to see other people's music stuff and I find that many of my friends who also collect music (especially vinyl) love it too. Same goes for books. Hell, even seeing other people's movie collections can be interesting and in many cases fascinating.

You really have to be one anally retentive motherfucker to think that this is "pseudo-intellectual" and that one should be banned for posting this. You're fucking retarded.

>> No.3466393

I'm reading it now (first book of his I've read), and it's been fantastic so far.
I have a year of this thanks to having to live off-campus for my second year of university

>> No.3466397

Gatsby's done a lot in England as well, especially if you do A levels

>> No.3466401
File: 2.32 MB, 2592x1936, extensivebookcollection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do I into /lit/-core?

>> No.3466402

Scotland, none of the classes in my school ever did Gatsby and it was never on the wider list

>> No.3466403

>not worth talking about
Read as: no-one has read them

>> No.3466405


>> No.3466407

Still in high school. Got busy with the Camus and Dostoevsky, and Gatsby's coming up soon in school anyway. I bought that copy, as well as the John Updike and Ivan Denisovich books from a nearby Goodwill, dollar each.

>> No.3466409
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Not all of them I'm proud of, I got many as presents, I also have more computer books and a comic (Beano and Dandy - good shit) collection somewhere. I also have 5 pics. damn limits.

>> No.3466424
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>> No.3466427
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>> No.3466429

>buying a wordsworth translation
Oh shit son

>> No.3466432
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>> No.3466445

I have the cloth hardback of that Holmes book and it's awful, for some reason they translate words like brandy to scotch

>> No.3466447
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Issued by the school. Never really got into it so never got the proper books.

>> No.3466459

Maybe read Orwell's works before reading a shitty biography of him?

Even A Clergyman's Daughter alone would be more fulfilling than 7/8ths of that collection

>> No.3466464

Kindle. Most of my books are on that, including Orwell.

>> No.3466466

More than likely. It's a shame; Martin Amis (in my opinion) is one of the few living authors that can tackle huge issues in beautiful, funny and resonating ways. His father's pretty damn funny too.

>> No.3466477

is Martin better than Kingsley?

>> No.3466481

Wouldn't say one's better than the other, they're two vastly different writers

>> No.3466509

They're different. Martin is more of a literary writer and Kingsley leans more toward comic writing. They're both great at what they do, but Kingsley's writing was very much targeted to the people of his generation (read: Philip Larkin), so it feels dated at times.

>> No.3466523

agreed, I'd much rather read an ePUB on ADE

>> No.3466534

Good. I had you pegged for a second friend.

The wound was a curiosity in a small way and various doctors examined it with much clicking of tongues and "Que Serte! Que Serte!" One of them had told me with an air of authority that the bullet had missed the artery by "about a millimetre". I dont know how he knew. No one i met at this time - doctors, nurses, practicantes or fellow-patients - failed to assure me that a man who is hit through the neck and survives it is the luckiest creature alive. I could not help thinking that it would be even luckier not to be hit at all.

Not my favourite paragraph of that book or anything, it just made me laugh in the middle of such a serious book.

>> No.3466587
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I'm prepared for hate.

>> No.3466595

First ones i saw were Sagan and Hitchens. Even if the rest of the shelf was DFW and Tao Lin id have some respect.

You may pass unscathed. Good bookshelf,

>> No.3466602

go to bed, redd.it

>> No.3466610
File: 25 KB, 250x327, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, is that the nmh vinyl collection??

>> No.3466611

>Hitchens; Not only that, but morality as well, 24 dollar slim book.
>Feynman everywhere
>Screams overcompensating atheist, even has Douglas Adams on top shelf

>> No.3466615

As someone who can barely remember his high school physics and has never read any pop-sci, would I understand and be engaged by The Elegant Universe?

>> No.3466622

>Hitchens; Not only that, but morality as well, 24 dollar slim book.
I-I g-got that for c-christmas.

>Feynman everywhere
You cannot possibly be implying that this is a problem.

>Screams overcompensating atheist, even has Douglas Adams on top shelf
Lol, I guess.
Although Douglas is only on the top shelf because it's hardcover.

>> No.3466632


Shouldn't be a problem. It's a neat book, even though it's been years since I read it.

Just don't expect too much. It's popular science, after all.

>> No.3466642

>The super brothers mario
>The brothers warner

>> No.3466644

Awesome unread books, everyone.

We're all really impressed with your ability to buy things and put them on shelves.

>> No.3466645

Much better. And change Mario to Marx.

>> No.3466646

Yep, read it in 8th grade. Lovely book, easy to understand.

I'd recommend A Short History of Nearly Everything after

>> No.3466647

Nothing wrong with Chris Hitchens; he's a great writer, and his bellicose rantings are hilarious, knowledgable, and pretty much spot on.

Commendable bookshelf. I congratulate you on your Orwell, although more could always be procured.

Sam Harris is great.

A tad science-heavy. I'm a scientist myself, and my bookshelves have next to no science except textbooks.

>> No.3466655

>Nothing wrong with Chris Hitchens
>Sam Harris is great.
Oh dear.

>> No.3466659


>> No.3466662


I'm seconding this. A Short History of Nearly Everything is an excellent read.


Thanks! Haha.

>A tad science-heavy. I'm a scientist myself, and my bookshelves have next to no science except textbooks.

Yeah, no, I actually agree. Most of them were bought some two or so years ago though, as I had a period where I really, really wanted to get into all of this. I still love it to be sure but I feel like I've gotten over that phase now and it's only in the past year, year and a half that I've really branched out.

>> No.3466665

Peter is so sexy, even Russel Brand wants his lips.

>> No.3466676

To the poster above saying more orwell, that books he has is similar, if not the same as mine. It has all of his novels, everything he has written beyond essays.

>> No.3466682

> doesn't appreciate men of intelligence and wit regardless of their opinions

How would you like it? Mr Hitchens?

>> No.3466687

>men of intelligence
I'll give you wit, but only because of Hitchens. But they're both pompous buffoons.

>> No.3466690


Hitch himself hated it when people referred to him as "Chris." I think it's it.

>> No.3466691

I assume that collection is American. Wasn't sure whether it included Books v Cigarettes or Wigan Pier, which are pretty esoteric to British life.

Dunno if things like these are included in international collections of his works.

>> No.3466692


Holy crap, this is just like my bookshelf (which I would post, but I don't have a good quality camera).

>> No.3466695

How are they pompous?

>> No.3466698

You're right, i missed that, Wigan Pier isn't in it and no essays, no appendices either, unfortunately. Some of his stuff is hard to find like Homage to Catalonia which also isn't in there. I dont even know if its being printed anymore, actually.

>> No.3466701
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>> No.3466725

It is ;)

>> No.3466739

are you ron macballs?

>> No.3466742

>Some of his stuff is hard to find like Homage to Catalonia
McCarthy lives on in the land of the free.

>> No.3466747

For everything non-fiction that orwell has ever written, i recommend "Essays" from the Everyman's Library Collection.

It includes everything Orwell has written besides his Novels. 1400 Pages with every essay, letter and even years worth of weekly book reviews.


>> No.3466784


I'll be sure to read this.

>> No.3466801

>How are they pompous?
Have you read or heard them? They spend a lot of time going "Oh my god, how can anyone possibly have a different viewpoint to the one I have or like?"

>> No.3466807


No, they don't.

>> No.3466809

"I'll jerk you off if you jerk me off! hahaha isn't it great being retarded!?"

- This Thread

>> No.3466810

You are clearly completely unfamiliar with their work.

>> No.3466829


Actually, I've read most of Hitch and three books of Sam. To me it sounds like you're just another extremely typical hater against them for no real reason. It wouldn't surprise me if you just don't like it that they question your belief or something.

At the very least give examples, because you seem to be seeing things that I and many others don't.

>> No.3466838


It's only a dickmeasuring contest for people like you, who seem to think that everything is. Some of us actually just enjoy discussing literature with others and see what others are into without pretense. Maybe you should grow up a little and do the same.

>> No.3466839

I don't think Harris or Hitchens are pompous but there's no denying Dawkin's pompousness. He's so far up his own arse he can have seconds without having to fill up his plate.

>> No.3466848

Yes, I've read pretty much all of it.

Your argument stinks of someone who hasn't actually read them at all, and is simple bandwagoning and/or being 'edgy'.

>> No.3466849


It's funny people say that because he goes out of his way to give credit where credit is due and to be humble where he should be. On cases such as sharia law, catholic child abuse scandals, etc, in things everybody's equally "pompous" about, he really gets bashed in for.

To me it just seems like these atheists have gained certain undeserved criticism from their theist counterparts that has somehow managed to infect even the people who tend to agree with their assertions. For instance, Hitch is arrogant, even though he shows the utmost humility in light of science and our ignorance of the world, and Dawkins is pompous, and Sam also is pompous (somehow), and even Dennett, who went out of his fucking way not to step on any toes, is pompous and arrogant!

It's just banal to me anyway.

>> No.3466859

Dawkins is the most timid and unpompous of the lot. You clearly don't know what you're talking about.

If being angry about millennia of repression and death caused by religion make the intelligent writers among us 'pompous', then no one of any intelligence or literary wit has any reason for passion for anything.

>> No.3466879

Hey, I was right.

>> No.3466896 [DELETED] 
File: 61 KB, 720x960, books1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1/7 my shelf for unread books

>> No.3466898 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3466899
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>> No.3466900 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3466906 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3466924


>> No.3466927 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3466930 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3466932 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3466935 [DELETED] 

>No wonder the voice of the Muslim Brotherhood turned out to sound so tinny. Does it seriously expect to take on any of the problems I have just mentioned, with its feeble, simplistic slogan, “Islam Is the Solution”? The mullahs in Iran were able to hijack the 1979 revolution because in the Ayatollah Khomeini they had a figure of almost Lenin-like authority, and because (with the covert consent of the smirking Baptist Jimmy Carter) Saddam Hussein did them the immense favor of invading one of their western provinces and cementing a hysterical national unity.
>If you saw my "Londonistan" essay, in the June Vanity Fair, you will know that fanatics who are unwelcome in Africa and Arabia are allowed an astonishing freedom in the United Kingdom. The leader of Ennahda, the outlawed Tunisian Islamist group, the aforesaid Mr. Ghannouchi, was until September 11, 2001, allowed to broadcast his hysterical incitements into Tunisia from a London station.
>Researching this in the late 1970s in Germany, I became convinced that the Baader Meinhof phenomenon actually was a form of psychosis. One of the main recruiting grounds for the gang was an institution at the University of Heidelberg called the Sozialistisches Patienten Kollektiv, or Socialist Patients Collective, an outfit that sought to persuade the pitifully insane that they needed no treatment save social revolution.
Disagree with "Hitch"? Then clearly what you think is either no worth listening to or should be banned, or is not worth listening to at all. Here's him talking in even more pompous terms:
What do you mean you mistrust the media and politicians? Shock horror
Applaud me! Seek my approval!

>> No.3466939

>No wonder the voice of the Muslim Brotherhood turned out to sound so tinny. Does it seriously expect to take on any of the problems I have just mentioned, with its feeble, simplistic slogan, “Islam Is the Solution”? The mullahs in Iran were able to hijack the 1979 revolution because in the Ayatollah Khomeini they had a figure of almost Lenin-like authority, and because (with the covert consent of the smirking Baptist Jimmy Carter) Saddam Hussein did them the immense favor of invading one of their western provinces and cementing a hysterical national unity.
>If you saw my "Londonistan" essay, in the June Vanity Fair, you will know that fanatics who are unwelcome in Africa and Arabia are allowed an astonishing freedom in the United Kingdom. The leader of Ennahda, the outlawed Tunisian Islamist group, the aforesaid Mr. Ghannouchi, was until September 11, 2001, allowed to broadcast his hysterical incitements into Tunisia from a London station.
>Researching this in the late 1970s in Germany, I became convinced that the Baader Meinhof phenomenon actually was a form of psychosis. One of the main recruiting grounds for the gang was an institution at the University of Heidelberg called the Sozialistisches Patienten Kollektiv, or Socialist Patients Collective, an outfit that sought to persuade the pitifully insane that they needed no treatment save social revolution.
Disagree with "Hitch"? Then clearly what you think is either no worth listening to or should be banned, or you just can't think at all. Here's him talking in even more pompous terms:
What do you mean you mistrust the media and politicians? Shock horror
Applaud me! Seek my approval!

>> No.3466941

You best read that St Augustine - highly recommended.

>> No.3466951 [DELETED] 

i'll make sure to read it after i finish under the volcano.

>> No.3466956

Dat James Franco collection.

>> No.3466990 [DELETED] 

a friend lent it to me back in the summer. i finished it in 2 days. never read it or thought about again,

>> No.3467012


>Dawkins, Hunter S. Thompson, Bob Dylan books, Huxley, entry graphic novels, Bukowski

>and in the middle of all this standard teen lit Ulysses out of nowhere

why is this always the go to purchase for kids who want to seem smarter than they are?

>> No.3467055
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>> No.3467062

Just started reading this year (properly). I've had Ulysses for a while. Still haven't attempted it. I just got Portrait of Artist so going to read that before I attempt it.

>> No.3467069

Me too anon, me too

>> No.3467294

You might want to lay off reading all this /lit/core shit. I knew people were influenced here, but...yikes.

>> No.3467310

/lit/core is just the western canon for the most part, it's not really a bad thing to start with it.

>> No.3467342

>anonymous mustache thing.
>Comfy as fuck.
>Awesome space to book density.
>Coffee/tea pot gizmo
>Watch looks fancy as fuck.
9.95 Would talk to about things.

>> No.3467413
File: 1.97 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_0142[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stephen King

>> No.3467442

Only recently acquired, have read Desperation, Under the Dome, Gerald's game, Christine, Started the Tommyknockers.

>> No.3467460

Brave soul. Throwing a half shelf of Stephen King up on /lit/ as evidence of a "library".

Should I consider it some sort of de facto victory that my shelves were the only to escape comment?

>> No.3467483

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.3467516
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>> No.3467520


>> No.3467527
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fuck forgot pic (2/6)

>> No.3467530
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>> No.3467535
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>> No.3467538
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>> No.3467543
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>> No.3467604

Wouldn't sunlight ruins those books?

>> No.3467605


mah nigga

>> No.3467703
File: 44 KB, 480x640, 556637_4384656170632_382245350_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OnLy GoD cAn JuDgE mEh

>> No.3467776
File: 852 KB, 2960x1816, right now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are what I have with me at the moment, much bigger library at home.

>> No.3467873
File: 473 KB, 478x393, thelibrary.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its my favorite room: floor-to-ceiling bookcases

>> No.3467934

Does /lit/ dislike harry potter or something?

>> No.3467940

Fucking jelly.

>> No.3467963

I bet you wear them around like you're cooler than me.

>> No.3467969

Not anymore. They were cheapos I got from work last summer. I have a decent pair of aviators now.

>> No.3467982
File: 2.69 MB, 3264x2448, Middle School.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /lit/

I have had the pleasure of living in the same house since I was a young boy, so I own a shitload of books. I can break them down by storage locations that roughly delineate my age of the time of reading.

So here is Middle School, as you can imagine I was a very lonely child. I also had a hard on for star wars, and if you wanna step to me about star wars knowledge come at me bro. This is in the basement where I keep all my video game systems and board games as well as where my friends and I play table top games. I like to think my well thumbed paperbacks which served me in my youth now make for suitable 'nerding out' decor.

Before you ask: Yes I have a job and yes I live with my parents.

>> No.3467993
File: 836 KB, 2592x1456, books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have a good camera so I can only really post one shelf, this is all of K to the beginning of L. The books in the right corner are Kundera, Lahiri, John Lathrop, and DH Lawrence.

>> No.3467996
File: 2.59 MB, 2448x3264, High School.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


To continue, here is high school. I have a lot of miscellaneous shit in my bookshelves please forgive me. I am aware that my shot glass collection is tacky as fuck, but it brings back fond memories and honestly I don't know what else to do with them. I really haven't touched that bookshelf in a long time.

I feel bad I really liked that Arthur C. Clark anthology. D-Do books have feelings?

>> No.3467998

I think your middle shelf might be starting to sag just a tad.

>> No.3468000


oh shit you can't see anything really. Oh well.

>> No.3468013
File: 2.30 MB, 3264x2448, College.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here are the books I took with me to college as well as those I didn't sell back from classes I took. My best friend spilled detergent on my copy of The Diamond Age which still pisses me off, it might be one of my favorite books.

>> No.3468014

Did you read Gates of Fire by Presserfield? I haven't gotten around to reading the Alexander book, but it's on my shelf. I'll get around to it eventually.

>> No.3468018

>shake weight

>> No.3468025

>disgusting looking carpet

>> No.3468030
File: 2.29 MB, 2448x3264, Currently.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nope, Cant say I have. Although I liked virtues of war a lot, if only because a book about Alexander the Great has to try very had to not be interesting.

T'was a gift from my fraternity pop.


And here is my current reading collection. I am currently working on The Power Broker, the fucking door-stopper that it is. Other than that most of my current reading is done via kindle fire. Which is sweet, but then it means I can't share pictures of my gross ass house, a sad day for us all.

>> No.3468033
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cannot unsee

>> No.3468039


That's my sisters room, shes away at college so it doesn't get cleaned. Although I agree I would never have a white carpet, it would get dirty as fuck.

>> No.3468041


that's the way to go

>> No.3468050


Is gates of fire good?

>> No.3468063
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>> No.3468066
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>> No.3468067
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>> No.3468199


I approve of your bookshelf.

>> No.3468202

>that feel when I was going to be a smart ass and post a picture of my ebook file

>realize that I actually have like 2 full wall shelves (like 2x3 meters) of books in one room, and an upright cabinet with like another 150 books in the bedroom

Goddamn, I never realized I'd manage to hoard so much shit.

I need to dump a bunch of these at the local charity shop.

>> No.3468245

Nice but throw some Chris Hedges books in there. Would also recommend Kevin P. Phillips and William Blum.

>> No.3468322

>two copies of Suttree
>putting stephen king on the same shelf as actual lit
>untouched Ulysses
Commie filth
>Steve Jobs

>> No.3468869

Australian detected

>> No.3468877

Steve Jobs and Assange are the ones that got you and not the Derren Brown.

>> No.3468879


Yeah, I've been thinking about Hedges for quite some time but I've never gotten to get any of his books. Any ideas for what I should read first?

I'm only aware of those other two peripherally but I'll look into them. Thanks!

>> No.3468884

>9000x12000 blurry grainy pics of shitty books

Fuck this thread, learn to resize your images.

>> No.3468888

>shitty books
What would you rather see?

>> No.3468930


On average, /lit/ apparently owns 9-12 books which consist of either

a) young adult science fiction
b) standard issue hipster starter kit

That explains a lot, I suppose.

>book porn

If these pictures are to be considered that, they would rank comparably somewhere between "QUADRIPLEGIC ASIAN ASS PORN" and "NURSING HOME EXCURSION TO LOCAL NUDE BEACH."

>> No.3468933
File: 683 KB, 2448x3264, 2013-02-14 15.53.28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are two books that are still unread, just got them few days ago.
I still have around a hundred of books in my bedroom, but most of them deal with Japanese literature, art and economics. I'm waiting for a new bookshelf. I'm trying to have a bookshelf entirely dedicated to Japan because it's my field of study. However, it's going to be difficult because my home is kind of tiny.

Also, fuck you for making me read Ayn Rand.

>> No.3468938

>Rand and Kerouac
You got got

>> No.3468941

Good editions of good books in a digestible resolution with a decent quality camera in focus like this:

>> No.3468945

Glad to see you picked quite possibly the least interesting collection of literature in the thread

>> No.3469114
File: 1.70 MB, 2560x1920, 20130117_093818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3469116

Oh my fucking lord

>> No.3469133
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>Finnegans Wake

>> No.3469135

good or bad?

>> No.3469139

>Reader's Digest
why would anyone have those? you should be ashamed

>> No.3469146

It made absolutely no difference which one out of the thread I'd have picked and you know it.

>> No.3469155

/lit/fag to the max, this is obvious from the fact that you have so much /lit/core and your philosophy is literally an introduction and Nietzsche. You are a pleb in disguise

>> No.3469162

Beyond bad

>> No.3469163

No, you picked the guy who clearly came to /lit/ brought the most mentioned authors en masse and then presented them next to the music /mu/ told them to listen to. Even the fantasy pic is more interesting than that as it has a trace of individuality.

>> No.3469167

A book's a book

>> No.3469168

Bought, my apologies

>> No.3469253
File: 950 KB, 4116x624, IMGP0657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are five shelves of books in this room alone. I can't be bothered to get readable images of all of them, my camera isn't good enough.
Here's one shelf and the little cabinet I put some books in.

>> No.3469257
File: 590 KB, 912x1852, IMGP0662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course I've read all of them. Except Tikhal and Pihkal; they're just pretty.
Come on /lit/, abuse me.

>> No.3469275

Relatively impressive, breadth is refreshing here as few people tend to deviate from literature. I like your shelf and people who are hating on the Hitchns can't into modern polemics.

>> No.3469281


Is that actually a bound facsimile of the Voynich Manuscript, or just a book about it? If the former, what did it run you?

>> No.3469309

>one philosophy book
Yep, I'm definitely on /lit/

>> No.3469316

Pappa! :3

>> No.3469340

>missing the massive Kierkegaard

>> No.3469347

My one philosophy book is Thus Spoke Zarathustra. How does that make you feel?

>> No.3469368

>implying he's not all you need

>> No.3469384

Aw shit. En felles normann på /lit/. Lest noen gode norske? Blir stott og stadig anbefalt Knut Hamsun.

>> No.3469385

Could be worse, slightly unsavoury amounts of Dawkins. Thumbs up for anarchy + sf

>> No.3469397

Hamsun er jo flott, han, men jeg har begynt å se mer på samtidslitteratur i det siste. Olav L. Reisop sin bok Pastisj er ganske flott, for eksempel. Egentlig er det meste fra Flamme forlag interessant, hvis du liker det mer moderne.

Jeg må også varmt anbefale Ibsen, faktisk. Det er en klisjé å anbefale han, men jeg tar faget "Ibsens samtidsdramaer" på Nansenskolen, og må si at han er en mye mer interessant forfatter enn Den Jevne Mening vil tilsi.

>> No.3469404


>also missing Sisyphus


>because that book totally isn't a paragon of Existentialism

>> No.3469410

Ok. Takk for tips. Skal sjekke ut!

>> No.3469413


Annen nordmann her (>>3466587). Anbefaler deg å lese En Folkefiende, som er en av mine favoritter i alle fall. Har en mor som roser Hamsun til skyene også, selv om jeg aldri har lest noe av han selv, så kan vel anbefale deg å lese noe av han også!

>> No.3469426

It is a bound facsimile, it was a gift from my brother, I don't know. Sorry.

>> No.3469427
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>> No.3469436
File: 940 KB, 1322x2047, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A copy of Rimbaud's work in German and French is hiding behind the shelves. It stores 90% books.

>dgw keine deutschen

>> No.3469453
File: 214 KB, 664x1000, DSC_0166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quite small, sadly.

>> No.3469466

Apologies for the sideways picture.

>> No.3469698 [DELETED] 


How? I feel it's a fairly respectable collection.

>> No.3469713


How in the world is that bad? Berryman? Camus? Dostoevsky? Burroughs? Joyce? Kafka? Kipling? Rimbaud? Tolstoy?

I mean I get that Bukowski, Ginsberg, and Kerouac are mostly disliked peoples here... but seriously. You have zero basis.

>> No.3469726

good taste

>> No.3469741

>one or two books from some of the most widely owned authors alive plus the beats, the beats, the beats (but not the interesting ones) and my first self-important poetry books (one in translation)

>> No.3469744

I've always wanted to read Queneau in French, but I'm afraid it'll be an exercise in futility

>> No.3469742


Also Asimov? Bellow? Falkner? Hemingway? Steinbeck? Pound?

Seriously. Do you just dislike all literature?

>> No.3469746


What's wrong with any of that.

>> No.3469801


Has no one noticed that he's airbrushed over something on the right?

>> No.3469880

Yes, probably a picture of himself or Dan Brown's works

>> No.3470197

Look at the reflection on the right, it's Ayn Rand.

>> No.3470206

Yeah, that's Atlas

>> No.3470225
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Please be gentle /lit/

>> No.3470244
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>> No.3470245

mr cool ice has a library

>> No.3470304
File: 554 KB, 1628x1058, readingisforfaggots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I still make it? I've been moving around recently, so my shit is kinda all over the place. Good opportunity to post some pics.
Not gonna shy away from the fact that I haven't read everything on display.
Also, not pictured: my kindle


>> No.3470309
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>> No.3470314
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>3 copies of Gears of War

>> No.3470323
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>> No.3471429

Gates of fire was great. I haven't read it in, gosh, probably getting close to ten years, I really enjoyed it.

>> No.3471439


>Fifty Shades of Grey at the bottom

.wait... wut...

>> No.3471481
File: 106 KB, 634x394, 2cool4u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love being rich.

>> No.3471490

>I love pretending to be rich on 4chan by posting photos of Highclere Castle and pretending I own it.


>> No.3471504

>he loves trolling retarded mongoloids

>> No.3471527

why is the dividing wall made to look like a bookcase? how can we trust any of the bookcases now? is it a gesture, saying, trust them or don't, it really couldn't matter less? a challenge to anyone who might suggest the books were unread or empty-paged, saying; perhaps they are, but you won't find us apologizing?

>> No.3471544

It is a secret passageway, is why. If you check out the link posted above, it says it leads to the Music Room.

>> No.3471921
File: 1.87 MB, 1277x958, book shelve.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my collection! Hope it's interesting enough. I'm Dutch though, so many Dutch translations! I'm definitely not ashamed of any of these books, though I'm going to sell the books on the last photo. Also didn't include any college books, since I don't feel they are a part of my collection. Sorry for the bad quality of the pics!


>> No.3471923
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>> No.3471925
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>> No.3471927
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>> No.3471929
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5/7, oops forgot one

>> No.3471930
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>> No.3471932
File: 2.48 MB, 1459x1094, sh6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

7/7 These are going

>> No.3472917


Why do you have two editions of Jonathan Strange?

>> No.3473204
