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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 958 KB, 489x750, tumblr_m9mmd02tb41qzocfyo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3455035 No.3455035 [Reply] [Original]

Hey, I have just started Discordia, and it is brilliant. It's a mix of artwork and journalism focusing on the current state of society. Is there anything else even remotely like this?

>> No.3455038
File: 120 KB, 480x621, discordia-laurie-penny-molly-crabapple-greek-riot-police.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll post a bit of the artwork.

>> No.3455041
File: 79 KB, 350x486, discordia-laurie-penny-molly-crabapple-fucke-heroes-fight-now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3455043
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>> No.3455049
File: 88 KB, 383x527, tumblr_m4qlfph9VE1qzocfyo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3455095

I like this. Its what Ralph Steadman and Thompson would be doing now if they were female communists travelling Europe.

>> No.3455103

Read the Illuminatus! trilogy.

Hail Eris.

>> No.3455126

i'm not even an anti-feminist but this shit is infuriating

>> No.3455130

Why are you talking about feminism/anti-feminism? These pictures are about civil unrest.

>> No.3455133
File: 20 KB, 278x390, Bob_Dobbs_approves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3455264

Why the fuck is a heavily illustrated book only available as an ebook? All her other - just word - books are printed, yet the one that's half pictures is for ereaders. Fucking stupid, would not buy.

>> No.3455263

Absolute bollocks. And that includes the illustrations.

>> No.3455268

Ha. Did you actually buy it?

>> No.3455383
File: 24 KB, 285x297, Power_Dobbs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Bob" Dobbs

>> No.3455502

Civil unrest from an armchair. These are shite.

>> No.3455540

>Civil unrest from an armchair.
Lol. Try reading her before making statements like that. She travels the world specifically to get involved in protests and connect with current movements.

“We all go down together, horses looming above us, baton blows still coming down on our heads and shoulders. I am genuinely afraid that I might be about to die, and begin to thumb in my parents’ mobile numbers on my phone to send them a message of love.

On top of me, a pretty blonde seventeen-year-old is screaming, tears streaming down her battered face as she yells abuse at the police. The protesters begin to yell, but even in the heat of battle, these young people quickly remember what’s really at stake in this movement. “We are fighting for your children!” they chant at the line of cops. “We are fighting for your jobs!”

To understand what these protests are about, you have to understand what it feels like to be 21 and staring into a future that’s closing in front of you like a great, dark mouth. First you get scared, and then you get angry — and the political potential of that anger should not be underestimated. For those from more privileged backgrounds, the first spurt of pepper spray to the face is an important education in the nature of the relationship between state and citizen..”

>> No.3455586

Romanticized nonsense.

>> No.3455594

Apply yourself.

>> No.3455923
File: 238 KB, 1024x696, 1360523117985.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3455975

This whore probably works for those she's supposedly against. So quit discussing her; You're merely adding to her prestige.

>> No.3455977

>For those from more privileged backgrounds, the first spurt of pepper spray to the face is an important education in the nature of the relationship between state and citizen.

That's actually quite a powerful statement.

>> No.3455981

Why the hell is she everywhere on 4chan all of a sudden
Have I missed something

>> No.3455985

so other than emotionally charging and biasing a journalistic piece, why did she need to be getting beaten the shit out of with the protesters? rather than observing and reporting objectively.

She is marketing herself not her stories and that to me is just sad.

>> No.3455988

Shes a qt this is the internet...that help?

>> No.3455996

No, not really. I'm assuming she had been in the public spotlight for a fair while before 4chan gained this obsession with her sometime last week, so what triggered it? If anything at all?

>> No.3456008


why can't I handle


all of this edgy


>> No.3456010

Only if you don't read much. The privileged person's wake up call is a common theme in political journalism these days.

>> No.3456013
File: 199 KB, 421x563, pennyroom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This whore probably works for those she's supposedly against.
She's a writer and journalist. Just because she hates the 'system' you expect her to live homeless?

Pic related is her bedroom. The only money she gets is from a book sale or when an article gets published, and she spends it all travelling the world and writing about things she considers important.

>> No.3456027

Because she is a protester and activist. Why would she suddenly remove herself from the scene just to observe? She's modelling herself on HST by diving into the issues to report from inside.

>> No.3456029


>The only money she gets is from a book sale or when an article gets published

Plus the money her parents left her of course. Being a Marxist revolutionary is awfully expensive.

>> No.3456036
File: 329 KB, 685x1024, cell10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And painting her hair. Fake frugalism 2/10 would not bang.

>> No.3456044

And what does that really accomplish other than making yourself the center of the piece?

>> No.3456057

>Plus the money her parents left her of course.
[citation needed]
"I live in london, independently. I buy my own food and wash my own clothes. I budget. I go to gigs. I drink and interview people and write articles." -Laurie Penny

>> No.3456062

>And what does that really accomplish other than making yourself the center of the piece?
So Hemingway and Thompson shouldn't have bothered? Orwell in the middle of a civil war; what a fucking poser.

>> No.3456076

Wow she's so real

>> No.3456098


She was privately educated.

>> No.3456105

Can I go one fucking day without seeing Laurie Penny's hideous face on 4chan?

>> No.3456110

So? She didn't have any say in who her parents were.

>> No.3456114

Go on /a/. Seriously.

>> No.3456119


You doubted the fact that her parents were wealthy and now you know they are you're saying it doesn't matter?

>> No.3456122

I'd rather look at her than Tao Lin, DFW and Bukowski.

>> No.3456134

When did I doubt the fact that her parents were rich? You said she's living off her parents money, but she repeatedly stresses how she is self sufficient and doesn't. I know her parents are middle class, she even studied English at Oxford. I don't understand your point.

>> No.3456147

>but she repeatedly stresses how she is self sufficient and doesn't
A lot of rich kids like to say crap like that, and it tends to amount to "mummy and daddy said I have to get a job", not to them not receiving anything.

>> No.3456152

Laurie Penny fans are fuckwitted spastic assholes. There's a whole plethora of scholarly leftist thinkers that are deserving of your attention. Penny, despite not even being remotely fucking close to a scholar or even a thinker, is not one of them. She's a 26 year old white girl born into privilege. She knows nothing about the world and anything she does tell you about the world I'm sure you could have deduced on your own.

I mean seriously, are Eagleton, Zizek, Chomksy et al too fucking deep for you? Because those are a few leftist thinkers you should be reading instead. Or do you avoid them because they expose the charlatanry that is 3rd wave feminism and postmodernism, which Ms. Penny is a product of?

Get the fuck off of /lit/. If you want to shitpost about this whore then take it to /pol/.

>> No.3456155

Psst. If you want to detract attention from her, just start shitposting threads with some other person who writes books. The more contemporary/irritating, the better.

>> No.3456158

>I mean seriously, are Eagleton, Zizek, Chomksy et al too fucking deep for you?

You should try reading her essay on Zizek, I think you'd be surprised. By the way, which of her books or essay collections did you read to give us this fantastic insight into her opinions?

>> No.3456170

I'm not going to read some 20-something's opinions on Zizek. I've read enough of her bullshit to know there's no way she can even comprehend a third of what Zizek writes, let alone criticize any of it.

>> No.3456167

>The more contemporary/irritating, the better.
If you want to start a real shitstorm, post someone under thirty who has only published one book.

>> No.3456196

She’s the hero /lit/ deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So we’ll hunt her. Because she can take it. Because she’s not our hero. She’s our guardian, a watchful protector. A dark journalist.

>> No.3456211


>hey you should read what she had to say about -

>> No.3456249

>learn something

An episode of Sesame Street would probably have more to teach me than Penny.

And this isn't about reading "real authors." It's about subscribing to real scholars and not some totalitarian leftist, reactionary, 3rd wave feminazi postmodern hack that has no idea how the world works beyond her little sphere of privilege and narcissism.

She's the UK version of Janeane Garofalo. Nice to listen to if you're a 17 year old girl into Riot Grrrl and other shitty feminist-punk bands. Beyond that age, though, you've really got to start questioning the intelligence of people that are fans of hers.

As a final thought, I'd personally love to drop her off in the Punjab Hills and see how the "cultured" men there treat her and her stupid hair.

>> No.3456254

The illustrations are pulp banksy-tier protesting.
She seems to embody the highschool misinterpretation of Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas's surface aesthetics in a very contemporary liberal, self-branding and egotistical way.

>> No.3456265

I just finished reading her critique of Game of Thrones and I've never felt this much hatred in my life. She admits to having never read the books and furthermore changes aspects of the shows to fit her myopic worldview. So infuriating.

>> No.3456273
File: 69 KB, 400x245, cairo riots2.rtrs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'd personally love to drop her off in the Punjab Hills and see how the "cultured" men there treat her and her stupid hair.

She's in Cairo right now writing an article on civil unrest. I'm sure she'd love to drop you off in the Punjab Hills and see how the "cultured" men there treat basement dwelling 4chan shitposters.

>> No.3456283

>I just finished reading her critique of Game of Thrones
Can you post the link?

I just read her Girl with the Dragon Tattoo one which started:

“For a long time, I refused to read Stieg Larsson’s Millennium trilogy. Not out of disdain for popular fiction, nor because of the many objections in feminist circles to the books graphic depictions of sexual violence. I simply declined to spend my money on one more novel entitled 'The Girl With the Distinguishing Physical Attribute of Minor Narrative Significance.'”

>> No.3456292

Good for her. I hope she gets molested in a crowd like other female reporters have. Maybe it'll open her eyes and make her realize just how shitty Islamic culture is.

>basement dwelling 4chan shitposters

Now you're just projecting, little one.

>> No.3456296

>comparing the Egyptian capital with Paki backwaters

>> No.3456297

This is what is so annoying about that bloody Starkey video. She should have just let him continue, as it sounded like he was going for another one of his "Johnny foreigner is so uncultured and beastly, thank god for colonialism for forcing superior white values on so many". Instead it just became a rich girl oppressing a poor old working class boy.

>> No.3456299
File: 8 KB, 546x566, 13312231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>"Game of Thrones is racist rape-culture Disneyland with Dragons."

>> No.3456302

I suggest that all you anons out there fighting the good fight report all Laurie Penny threads as "Commercial spam/advertising" from now on. It is obvious and it's degrading the quality of this board.

Thank you.

>> No.3456308

But do we even have a janitor?

>> No.3456316

Yes. Reports go even higher up. If you reach critical mass they'll look at it.

>> No.3456332

You have my support.

>> No.3456362

>degrading the quality of this board.
1 thread about a book? lol.

>> No.3456371

Same goes for Tao Lin.

>> No.3456393

Wouldn't it be easier just to make a list of books of which discussion is allowed?

>> No.3456397

>all you anons out there fighting the good fight report all Laurie Penny threads as "Commercial spam/advertising

Are you retarded? You are seriously going to abuse the report system because there is a thread about an author you don't like?

>> No.3456398

Lel, it sort of is though. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

>> No.3456411

"Game of Thrones is, in short, about as much gory, horny fun as any pop-cultural artefact can be in a post-Fordist, post-crisis spectacle society which has not yet sanctioned hatchet-slashing death-matches between social outcasts and starving circus animals, although David Cameron has not yet revealed the details of his plan to tackle Britain’s housing crisis. No wonder everyone’s watching."

How the fuck did she fit Tory bashing into a single Game of Thrones bashing sentence?

>> No.3456416

I neither know of this woman, I neither care. She is a nobody, her merit none, and the board has been spammed for the last three days with threads from her supporters that encourages purchasing her books.

>> No.3456419

>abuse the report system because there is a thread about an author you don't like

Are you retarded? Answering anything short of yes to the abuse of any system if it benefits me in some way perceived or real would be downright unamerican.

>> No.3456457

>She is a nobody
She a well known journalist and author outside of this particular secluded bubble of regurgitated content. Look at the spamming the resident autist Tao Lin gets, then look at his public awareness; less than 14k twitter followers, no youtube views (some from /lit/), non-existent facebook presence. Now look at Laurie Penny; 60k twitter, youtube views in the right up in thousands, heavy following along a range of platforms. Her popularity is surging on multiple forums right now.

There is one single thread on /lit/ right now about her, and it's actually about a book. I don't see what the problems is.

>> No.3456464

>knowing any of this
>knowing all of this

You are an inscrutably elaborate ruser, or genuinely suffering from an inferiority complex. Either way, I am quite happy to say that while reading tao lin on the toilet today I actually got over him. What work of yours/hers do you suggest I start with?

>> No.3456466
File: 19 KB, 460x468, 1359385503492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What /lit/ user would write like this? No one.
>Her popularity is surging on multiple forums right now.

Get out. Do you enjoy your life? What is your pay? Do you write on your CV that you are a forum spammer that tries to sell products by shiposting?

Kill yourself. This picture is the perfect representation of her work.

Report this thread for bacterial marketing.

>> No.3456491

>Her popularity is surging on multiple forums right now.
What's wrong with that? I had seen her on red-dit, student-forums, and read an article of hers on vice before seeing her here. I'm surprised, given the popularity of feminism on /lit/, that this board hasn't been talking about her sooner. I'm not a marketer, I just looked at her twitter an hour ago.

>What work of yours/hers do you suggest I start with?
I'm not her. As someone else pointed out, she's protesting in Egypt at the moment. I would recommend something to you, but it would get 20 reports for spamming.

>> No.3456554

>protesting in Egypt
>no one gets paid to protest

I highly doubt she does free public appearances.

>> No.3456558

Maybe she's there with vice?

>> No.3456592

>no one gets paid to protest
>I highly doubt she does free public appearances.
She's a little protest junkie. Read some of her articles. She travels the world following economic meltdowns and protests that she supports, gets right in the middle of them, then writes articles about them. It lets her write stuff like (>>3455923), which newspapers and magazines lap up.

>> No.3456601

anyone got a download link?

>> No.3456602


>I highly doubt she does free public appearances.

An old Brit skullfucked her on stage over this.


The second she gets called out she plays the victim. She's a snake and an opportunist.

>> No.3456621

What's wrong with wanting your flight paid for to appear in another country when you have no money?

His whole argument is that she's an evil person for wanting travel fare. The part of the argument that you missed was the section where she called him out for being a racist, homophobic, and a bigot. When she began with the tax thing he lost it, the video has had the beginning cut to miss her attacking him.

>> No.3456630


>implying all she wanted was travel fare

Sure, lol.
You keep telling yourself that she's a paragon of selflessness and virtue. Chump.

>> No.3456634

He's a queer as fuck clubfooted polio ridden gimp from a working class religious minority background..

>> No.3456637

There was meant to be only one period, not two, excuse the accidental faggotry.

>> No.3456648

>Thinks David Starkey isn't such a colossal cunt that he manages to be a homophobic queer when religion is involved.

“The way to do that is not to ban them, not to fine them. It is for them simply to put up what seems to me to be a quite proper notice in a small privately run hotel which says 'we are Christians and this is what we believe.' Speaking as someone who is gay, but had a mother who was a Christian and passionately hated and opposed them. The hatred and the opposition made me what I am. Nice and sweet about gays isn't a good thing."

>> No.3456656

>that Nietzschean agonism
Alpha as fuck.

>> No.3456662


Writing him off (in points that may very well be valid about him) doesn't mean that she is blameless byproxy.

She's a smug hypocrite who'll bend any talking point to suit her agenda at the time.

Which means she'll no doubt go far in the world of political punditry.

>> No.3456664

It's a fucking bitch move. You think hotel owners, bar owners and people who run restaurants should be allowed to put signs in the window saying 'No gays allowed'? Once you allow that we'll start getting 'no women' and 'no blacks' too. There is nothing positive about government endorsed segregation.

>> No.3456673

That youtube debate was about 'British identity'. She called him out for agreeing with this >>3456664 then called him out for being a racist. That video only shows the part where he turns on her after she brings up his previous tax fraud. I agree, she comes off as a cunt in that video, but that's because the first twenty mins have been cut out.

>> No.3456679


>and 'no blacks' too.

Hey, if we're going to entertain sensationalism why suggest that it'd only stop at segregation?

I feel a full blown genocide might be sparked off by all this. What are your thoughts on it?

>> No.3456684

I was referring to a gay man being in favour of homophobia in a sort of what does not kill me makes me stronger amor fati kind of way. I was only partly serious.

>> No.3456688

The hotel didn't ban gays, it just didn't want them sharing a bed (and probably fucking) in their property.

>> No.3456694

"please don't fuck eachother in the ass on my property" is hardly a bold request I'd say.

>> No.3456695

How is saying "You cant drink in this bar because you are gay" vastly different from "You cant drink in this bar because you are black"? That's not sensationalism at all.

>what does not kill me makes me stronger.
He wasn't taking that approach at all. He said Christians should have to right to discriminate against gays because it says so in the bible. The guy is an idiot.

>> No.3456707

>She's a 26 year old white girl born into privilege. She knows nothing about the world
As a white guy born into privilege, I can confirm that you should not listen to our women.

>> No.3456709

People are born black and there isn't really a way to hide it if you are.

Agreed, but if you don't include all people in this request it has crossed a line.

>> No.3456712

>The hotel didn't ban gays, it just didn't want them sharing a bed
"David Starkey, who has been nicknamed the "rudest man in Britain," has come to the defense of hotel owners who turn same-sex couples away as a result of their anti-gay Christian beliefs."

He says they should have the right to turn away customers who are gay, not just ban them from anal sex.

>> No.3456727
File: 49 KB, 402x402, Michael-Jackson-38211-1-402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People are born black and there isn't really a way to hide it if you are.


>> No.3456736


>He says they should have the right to turn away customers who are gay

If you are a small business owner I believe it should be your right to conduct your business how you wish with regard to customers and clientelle. I see no reason to impede sovereignty of an owner over their business and control it.

Make these establishments and their attitudes public. Name and shame them, but don't strip them of their right to manage their business however poorly they want to. It's their cash going into it.

I know there are many moral ambiguities here, and I'm hardly in favour of judging people over something as natural as sexuality in 2013, it's fucking archaic, but that hardly means militant nannyism of business owners is justified.

>> No.3456738

I don't know if that's hiding it exactly.

>> No.3456749

I thought it was ridiculous

>> No.3456753

Think about it again when you're getting pepper sprayed or tazed.

>> No.3456756

>Brighton College was named England's Independent School of the Year 2011-2012 by The Sunday Times.[1] It is a leading boarding and day school for boys and girls aged 3–18, situated on the South Coast of England.

>> No.3456757

The realisation that the authorities are not acting to your best interest isn't all that obvious to the comfortable middle class. Some never get to that realisation at all.

>> No.3456761

>militant nannyism
Ensuring people are treated equally and fairly is by no means "militant nannyism". It's akin to saying the law in general shouldn't apply to small business owners as far as their business is concerned.

>> No.3456763

I haven't ever been and it is unlikely that i will and I'm not from a privileged background.

>> No.3456785


If small business owners want to kill potential revenue due to bigotry then let them.

The free market is doing more for equality than those small legislations ever could. Every single minority and group of people are being catered to more and more if there is an opportunity to make cash off of them.

That sounds crude, but it isn't. Most businesses these days don't care, all they see is potential market growth. It is a structure that is all inclusive. Let the old generation die out, because the free market will continue to shape itself to cater to every need.

>> No.3456797

>but that hardly means militant nannyism of business owners is justified.
I don't really see it as imposing limitations on how a business operates, as much as promoting a state whereby individuals have the right to be treated the same. I'm not advocating state interference in any financial way, or saying they need to have equal amounts of male/female, gay/straight, black/white people using their services, but they should be required to abide by the social code of non-discrimination.

Banning customers from a service, or refusing to hire people because they happen to be gay shouldn't be tolerated in a society where homosexuality is legal and de-stigmatized.

The issue here is more one of religious freedom. They are saying 'the bible forbids homosexuality so they wont allow it', but they are going against social ethics and discrimination laws. If they wanted to say 'slavery is endorsed by the bible so I'm going to shackle the nearest African' they would be prevented on the same grounds. In my opinion, religious extremism should be only tolerated when it doesn't conflict with law or social ethics.

Outside of religion, to say a company should be allowed to act on prejudice towards gays, is no different to saying they should be allowed to act on prejudice towards women or Muslims.

>> No.3456861

where can i download it?

>> No.3456877


I'm waiting for a free download too, as someone said they bought it in another thread. I'd rather have her Penny Red book though, the one where that 'Fuck the system' quote came from. Hopefully someone finds/posts an epub; there is no way that I'm paying for it.

>> No.3457004

a single individual, or a few individuals, spamming her on every board. this was followed by hordes of trolls, and then a snowball effect took place. the original few spammers are still wearing themselves out on the same joke, and so we're still putting up with it.

>> No.3457010

You're a fine one to talk. It's you who keeps bumping all the Bukowski threads with shitposts and badly photoshopped pictures. You are single handedly ruining this board.

>> No.3457055

all up, i've posted exactly one picture. this is it:

>> No.3457149

Go to bed, Laurie.

>> No.3458339
