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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 113 KB, 961x487, Penny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3453129 No.3453129[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So /lit/, what books will you be reading next?

>> No.3453139

Are you retarded?


>> No.3453143

Relax. How long could it possible last?

>> No.3453148


>How long could it possible last?

For as long as you fail at grammar.

>not adjectives

>> No.3453155


>> No.3453157
File: 50 KB, 809x1118, 1330198095733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People make mistakes.

>> No.3453162

That's what she wants you to think.

>> No.3453170


Indeed, like your parents.

>> No.3453172

Crown and Country by David Starkey

>> No.3453178

My favorite moment was when she wrote about how Ryan Gosling saved her from an oncoming car, but then got pissed when people started calling his actions heroic.

That was the same person, right?

>> No.3453180

>How long could it possible last?

I always make this mistake. I think I must be subconsciously saying 'blee' at the end, making it phonetically correct for 'ble' instead of 'bly'.

>> No.3453186

Yeah. She said this:

"It is rather irritating that I have finally become tabloid-famous in the guise of a simpering damsel in distress. But my mobile phone and email went mad, and I woke up to stories about Gosling the "lifesaver" in The New York Observer, The Huffington Post and even The Washington Post. This is final proof that America has gone mad, lost all sense of perspective, and badly needs to be rescued from itself – possibly not by Ryan Gosling, decent and upstanding chap though he undoubtedly is. I was determined not to play at all, but among the reams of interview requests was one from the Ellen DeGeneres Show. I am very grateful to the dashing and meme-worthy Mr. Gosling, just as I am grateful to every other kind New Yorker who has saved me from oncoming traffic in recent weeks … making the streets of this fine city that much safer for random British writers.”

>> No.3453193

It's obnoxious. Please stop. Everyone.

>> No.3453191


Interesting; perhaps you have some slight dyslexia. French is my mothertongue so I never make mistakes of that sort.

>> No.3453197

She's right though, he's not a hero.

>> No.3453202


Hero or not, he saved her life, and we all wish he didn't. She made everyone wish he didn't.

>> No.3453203

I don't get it. What's the problem?

I feel like I'm missing something here.

>> No.3453206

That was my point.

>> No.3453209

Never mind, I looked at the front page are there three threads about her. Is she "a thing" now on /lit/?

>> No.3453211


It wasn't obvious except in your mind.

>> No.3453213

I'm sorry.

>> No.3453265
File: 127 KB, 400x440, LauriePenny1mandc2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he saved her life, and we all wish he didn't
That's nasty. I think she's pretty attractive and has an interesting economic perspective that most of our generation aren't in a position to promote.

>> No.3453289

Religio Medici/Urne Buriall - Thomas Browne
Moll Flanders
Norton Anthology of Modern Poetry
2 Samuel

I shn't be reading Laurie Penny cos she's a posh faux-left Graundiad hack with an annoying voice and nothing of interest to contribute, afaict.

>> No.3453286

Alright why is every board posting about this chick all of a sudden? No one cares.

>> No.3453291


dude looks like a lady

>> No.3453292

Well, if every board is posting about her, I would guess that someone, does in fact, care.


>> No.3453310

I hate nice, benign little scumbags like you. You're always there to save a ho and tell us how attractive you think a particular girl is as if your opinion doesn't lower her value even more.

>> No.3453313

Tao Lin tipped her off to how fast hype reifies itself on elitist image boards.

>> No.3453330
File: 386 KB, 403x530, Tao Lin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hate...

Ohhh, never good to start a rant like that. Are you having any emotional problems with your parents or school? You might feel better if you talk about it.

>> No.3453424

What book is that?

>> No.3453430

Angelmaker by Nick Harkaway

>> No.3454624

-Whatever, Houellebecq
-Pnin, Nabokov
-Tropic of Cancer, Miller.

>> No.3454631




>> No.3454641

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight in the original ME.

>> No.3454644


>> No.3454650



>> No.3454651

Blake Butler - Scorch Atlas
Yoshiyuki Tomino - Mobile Suit Gundam - Awakening, Escalation, Confrontation
Graeme Kirkpatrick - Aesthetic Theory and the Videogame
Gordon Calleja - In Game: From Immersion to Incorporation

>> No.3454652

I'm finally going to tackle Infinite Jest.

>> No.3454660

Oddly enough, you can use drugs to counteract it. Xanax, Vallium, even melatonin will let you sleep through it. Or you can make a codeine CWE when you start to fell shitty and let the poppy wrap her loving arms around you.

>> No.3454671




>> No.3454697

>forcing that horrible piece of shit of a human being and writer on /lit/

Welp, I used to think this was the best media board
Maybe /co/ is worth checking out?

>> No.3454711

Read it slowly. Just knock out 20 pages a day and continue with reading something else.

>> No.3454715

"I haven't read anything by her I just saw a youtube clip, now I'm going to cry about it."

>> No.3455328

>Read it slowly. Just knock out 20 pages a day and continue with reading something else.
I've been doing that for the past few months.

>> No.3455355

nice ghost bump

>> No.3455367

I'm actually reading through Hemmingway's novels. Just killed Farewell to Arm, and For Whom the Bell Tolls, now going to attack The Sun Also Rises.

I seem to have got into the habit of reading an entire Authors bibliography. Thompson was before this, Kafka before him, and Fitzgerald before that.

>> No.3455387
File: 37 KB, 438x754, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Farewell to Arm

>> No.3455406

It has been stated several times. penny threads are from SRS. Do NOT FEED TROLLS

>> No.3455408

What's SRS? I thought it was short for serious?

>> No.3455436

Shit Redit Says. (I don't think you're allowed to say that word, hence the misspelling)

They're an excellent saboteur network of activists who occupy a space on Redit for calling Redit out on its misogyny, racism, etc.

>> No.3455437

Shit re**it says

>> No.3455440


Wow, that is some /b/ level blindness right there.

>> No.3455454

>for calling Redit out on its misogyny,
Well, it's definitely not them then. The purpose of spamming this girl is to increase misogyny.

She wrote a couple of articles about the severe abuse, death threats, people threatening to wait outside her house and rape her, that she's been getting from random internet trolls just because she's a feminist. She made the mistake of saying it scared her. Now that video of her acting like a dick is smeared all over 4chan, the negative comments about her have shot through the roof, and some little misogynist troll is sat at home and grinning like a wanking Jap.

The sole purpose of spamming her is to get people to hate her. Unfortunately, she tried attacking the 'lonely little internet misogynist', the kind popular on 4chan, so now they are attacking her back. I actually feel kinda sorry for her.

>> No.3455461

>The sole purpose of spamming her is to get people to hate her.

I truly suspect (though I might just be paranoid) that it is a marketing campaign. A few anons have already admitted to ordering something by her and I myself have downloaded a copy of Meat Market. Hype reifies itself incredibly fast on this board. How long before she becomes a household name like Tao Lin?

>> No.3455470

At Swim-Two-Birds

Next I'll knock out Dubliners and Woodcutters. After that I'll start Gravity's Rainbow or The Master and Margarita. Alternatively, I'll finish Portrait of the Artist before GR or M&M. I'll clean up with Heart of Darkness, then Stoner.


Here's hoping that she dies out faster than that shitty Lilith Saintcrow may-may.

>> No.3455477

Are you me? That's almost identical to my list.

>> No.3455478

>I truly suspect (though I might just be paranoid) that it is a marketing campaign.
I did too when she popped up 3 days ago, but I looked at her twitter account and she seems to be involved in some kind of riots in Cairo at the moment and I seriously doubt she has a marketing team.

The comments on youtube were sparse with one every couple of days, but now they are a continuous stream of hate.

She is very outspoken about the internet culture in promoting misogyny, about male keyboard warriors that are exacerbating a problem that seems to be spilling out into real life. She has also written a few articles about the death threats she's receiving (multiple times a day) and I honestly think this is an attempt to increase that.

>> No.3455487

Some game manuals for my xbox (does it count)?
Otherwise some biography on Feynman.
(all on my ipad, never got involved with paper)

>> No.3455489

After Frankenstein, Catcher in le Rye. Fooketh thien polizen.

>> No.3455496

>I myself have downloaded a copy of Meat Market
Is it any good?

>> No.3455504

I'd just sat down to start Inherent Vice when someone IM'd me. Now I'm on the internet. This is why I never get any reading done.

>> No.3455508

sex and character - Otto Weininger

>> No.3455527

Could you be more deluded. You have literally no idea how internet marketing is done these days do you? Don't think for one second that you inhabit a small fringe market on the outskirts of internet. 4chan is one of the biggest sites on the web. And Laurie Penny is a house hold name on all of them. If you think this is a smear campagin you are stupid.

>> No.3455535

Post it. I also plan to get Invisible Man, Lolita, Correction, The Third Policeman, Confederacy of Dunces, Brothers Karamazov and I am a Cat.

>> No.3455550

At Swim
Gravity's Rainbow
Master Margarita
Pale Fire
The Tin Drum

>> No.3455565

>4chan is one of the biggest sites on the web.
I think it's about 500th in the US and 800th in the UK, with the vast majority of that traffic on /b/. Despite what you think, /lit/ has absolutely no relevance to anything.

>If you think this is a smear campagin you are stupid.
If you think to the contrary, you are even more stupid than you think I am. Apart from the two reactive threads now, look at the ones that have been started over the past few days on here, /pol/ and /tv/; they all start with "Watch this dumb privileged bitch get owned," or "You leftists are deluded" and link to the same youtube vid. Now look at that youtube vid and attempt to pick out any positive comments.

If she wanted to market herself for sale, she wouldn't be drumming up popularity by getting 99% of exposed people to hate her. The popularity by hated image is not one she's angling for as it will get her dropped from her main source of income; journalism. I'm pretty sure your only knowledge of viral marketing comes from 'Tao Lin,' and you probably believe every single thread on here is started by him too.

>> No.3455573

Which translation of M&M did you get? Mine's the Hugh Aplin one, but I hear Burgin and O'Connor is the best.

>> No.3455581

>Despite what you think, /lit/ has absolutely no relevance to anything.

Except for being the perfect place to market books to on a popular website.

>> No.3455589

Is /lit/ so fucked up to take the bait?

>> No.3455606

I have the Ginsburg translation

Pevear and Volokohnsky is excellent for understanding context w/ footnotes; Burgin/O'Connor I've heard is great as well

I'm not familiar with the Alpin translation

>> No.3455604
File: 9 KB, 180x280, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This board had a lot of love for Journey to the End of the Night, but I'm halfway through it and really not feeling it. The prose is just meandering all over the place, and while I enjoy the musings of a disenfranchised soldier, he doesn't seem to be saying anything of value or even managing to say it well.

>> No.3455608


>> No.3455623

Thanks, anon.

>> No.3455642
File: 126 KB, 450x666, 1Q84_jacket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, after I finish re-reading 1984

>> No.3455643

Oh, you poor fool.

>> No.3455873

1Q84 has nothing to do with 1984.

>> No.3455935

That's weird because I regularly bash the shit out of my own posts just to bump them and get a discussion going. It could never be that they use /pol/'s vitriol towards women to get attraction? All pr is good pr. Hatred is the most viral feeling on the internet. There has been research by the university of pennsylvania on this shit. If 10 millions see's her and 66 percent hate her. 33 percent likes her. That is 3.3 millions possible customer. Internet is so large that you just don't give a flying fuck about positive reactions anymore. It's just getting a reaction that matters.

>> No.3455976

Its sitting on my lap right now. I like Murakami and all but man that book makes me wanna throw it against a wall. It also really has nothing to do with 1984 either.

>> No.3455984

That's completely wrong. Have you even read both?