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/lit/ - Literature

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3452634 No.3452634 [Reply] [Original]

Reading the myht of Sisife, Albert Camus, what do you think of it?

>> No.3452654

It tells me I shouldn't kill myself because I should enjoy the suffering.


>> No.3452663

It tells me I shouldn't feel bad for killing Arabs.

Pretty good.

>> No.3452659

Read The Brothers K too, and learn to enjoy humiliation and embarrassment.

>> No.3452665

Suicide is the quintessential Evil. I wouldn't advise you do it.

>> No.3452694

I found it absurd.

>> No.3452698

What you mean? The book make you have a nihilistc vision of life or the book is shit?

>> No.3453033

lelelelele bert camels muh absurd clenched ass

>> No.3453080


stan pls go

>> No.3453084

The day of 1,000 satans?

>> No.3453087


>> No.3453090

His novels are better in terms of bringing across his message...

>> No.3453092


>impersonating the most powerful tripfag in the universe while not shitting aryans on gods green earth

>> No.3453097

lelele you think i'm going to deign to talk to you. joke's on you faggot i'm dictating this post to a secretary

signed but not read

>> No.3453099 [DELETED] 


u guys have gotten way too good at this, im starting have like, major identity crise

>> No.3453105

This is the official death of /lit/.

>> No.3453138

you read a different book or your brain fluids are all messed up

>> No.3453144


/lit/ died with our basement christ Deepthroat

>> No.3453152


>implying you don't miss D&E

You're basically him on acid.

>> No.3453160
File: 711 KB, 1455x2244, rebel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

btw, do you think The Rebel is better?

>> No.3453646

I still can't comprehend how guys like Sartre and Camus went through the whole existential crisis and nihilism thing and ended up with an uninteresting and unwarranted sort of humanist/socialist ethic. It does not follow.

Also, I just read that the Pinguin edition of The Rebel omits the section on Max Stirner. Truly, these publishers are worse than Hitler.

>> No.3453658
File: 184 KB, 430x366, moses.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

retards with nothing interesting to say who were only in it for the pussy

>> No.3453704

lelele fags fags fagotss seething hot mouse penis stew boilling inside your anal twat dissemblage floating in maggot-encrusted cow milk

>> No.3453707

avoid the plague

didn't like it

not sure why he wrote it

if it was meaningless, no fortune, no destiny or whatever, then what the fuck is the point of reading any book, when we can see that in reality

>> No.3453714

>if it was meaningless, no fortune, no destiny or whatever, then what the fuck is the point of reading any book, when we can see that in reality

You're one step closer.

>> No.3453749


And that, my friend, was the point of the book.

>> No.3453834


>not sure why he wrote it

That's because you're too much of a fucking retard to understand subtext.

>> No.3453840

Did you at least get the nazi analogy

>> No.3453846

>if it was meaningless, no fortune, no destiny or whatever, then what the fuck is the point of reading any book, when we can see that in reality
...Yes. That's the point of reading that book.

Now read the Myth of Sisyphus and The Rebel and you'll understand his philosophy as well as anybody.

>> No.3453870

A lot of the chapters were quite worthless to be frank. You could probably get away with just reading the first 2 maybe and the last one. The last is pure fucking sex though

>> No.3453883

Has Camus actually added anything if relevance as far as philosophy goes?

>> No.3453887

I think The Rebel is a lot more relevant than the Myth of Sisyphus, but everyone reads Sisyphus.

>> No.3453908

Not really, he is more an independent and personal philosopher than one who contributed a great lot academically. However, his impact on people was large, so you choose which should be viewed as a bigger accomplishment.

>> No.3455255

Isn't he basically a humanist nihilist?

>> No.3456117

Of Camus I've only read The Stranger. Did he ever write anything that was just an essay of his philosophy, rather than his philosophy revealed through a story?

>> No.3456129

Yes. Myth of Syphilis and The Rebble.

>> No.3456131

Thanks meng

>> No.3458642
