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/lit/ - Literature

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3452159 No.3452159 [Reply] [Original]

Name one good book written by a woman or minority

>> No.3452163


>> No.3452171

Geek Love by Katherine Dunn

>> No.3452177


Two birds. One stone.
>My opinion, of course.

>> No.3452176

This is like the forth or fifth thread of this kind we have today. Can you please get the fuck off?

>> No.3452179

jeanette winterson
janet abu-lughod

>> No.3452195
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Hey it could always be another Tao Lin or DFW thread.

>> No.3452205

You're not helping.

>> No.3452210

Virginia Woolf was far better than most male writers.

She had more talent than the DFW, Franzen, Foer USA triumvirate of pampered white people problemers have all together.

>> No.3452214

On Beauty - Zadie Smith

>> No.3452219
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>> No.3452228

Clarice Lispector

>> No.3452229

How's To the Lighthouse anon, it's in my pile of books to read, debating on whether I should start it or not.

>> No.3452236

>Geek Love by Katherine Dunn
I'VE READ THAT BOOK, BITCH. i've never seen it mentioned here before. funny.

any short story or novel by flannery o'connor.

song of solomon by toni morrison

any short story by eurora welty

>i'm unfamiliar with good minority or female authors so i wonder if there are any good ones at all.

arrogant naive idiot.

>> No.3452234
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The Fountainhead

>> No.3452242

Glorious. Delves deeply into human interaction and the spaces between people. Things left unsaid, mental disturbances, hidden emotion.

Wish I could read it for the first time again.

>> No.3452258

100 años de soledad

>> No.3452266

>Name one good book written by a woman

They haven't written a good one yet, maybe in the future...

>> No.3452273

Wouldn't call him a minority (in his own country), but you got a point there.

Anyway we know this thread is bullshit there are plenty of good books written by both.

>> No.3452279


Honestly though, that's the only one worth mentioning

>> No.3452288

TTL was one of the few books that, upon finishing, I had the raging desire to read again.

>> No.3452298

Anything by Joan Didion.

>> No.3452308

Wimmens and nigras can't write! So edgy, OP.

>> No.3452312
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>Name one good book written by a woman
Meat Market by Laurie Penny.

>> No.3452316
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>> No.3452327
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Seriously, this like the trillionth time she's been brought up today!

>> No.3452340

To Kill a Mockingbird
Uncle Tom's Cabin
The Color Purple
I also enjoyed The Bell Jar.

>> No.3452361

Harry Potter
The Hunger Games

>> No.3452365

Kim Harrison
Anne Bishop
Laurell K. Hamilton
Deborah Harkness
Trudi Canavan
Jenny Nimmo
Angie Sage
N. K. Jemisin

Now leave

>> No.3452372

Castle Rackrent, Ormond, Letters for Literary Ladies
The Yellow Wallpaper
Oroonoko, The Rover
The Mill on the Floss, Silas Marner, Middlemarch, Daniel Deronda
Kitchen, N.P.
The Tale of Genji
To the Lighthouse, Mrs Dalloway
Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice, Mansfield Park
The Story of O
The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter
The Color Purple
White Teeth
Ethan Frome, The Age of Innocence
The Handmaid's Tale, Oryx and Crake
Hotel du Lac
Aurora Leigh, Poems, The Battle of Marathon: A Poem
The Sea, the Sea
The Tale of Peter Rabbit, The Tale of Jemima Puddle-Duck, The Tale of Mr. Tod
The Pillow Book
The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie, The Girls of Slender Means
The Making of Americans, Three Lives, Paris France
Kristin Lavransdatter
Thoughts on the Education of Daughters, A Vindication of the Rights of Men, A Vindication of the Rights of Woman

That's a quick list of women's works

>> No.3452375

So, at what point do we mention that Caucasian is a global minority?

>> No.3452381
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>> No.3452399
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>any short story or novel by flannery o'connor.


>> No.3452428

Wide Sargasso Sea
The Bell Jar
Orange Are Not The Only Fruit
Sexing the Cherry
Pretty much anything written by Jeanette Winterson
Margaret Atwood's dystopian works.

I could go on.

>> No.3452437

Those interested in "To the Lighthouse", here's an appropriate excerpt:

>Women can't write, women can't paint—what did that matter coming from him, since clearly it was not true to him but for some reason helpful to him, and that was why he said it? Why did her whole being bow, like corn under a wind, and erect itself again from this abasement only with a great and rather painful effort? She must make it once more. There's the sprig on the table-cloth; there's my painting; I must move the tree to the middle; that matters—nothing else. Could she not hold fast to that, she asked herself, and not lose her temper, and not argue; and if she wanted revenge take it by laughing at him?

>"Oh, Mr Tansley," she said, "do take me to the Lighthouse with you. I should so love it."

>She was telling lies he could see. She was saying what she did not mean to annoy him, for some reason. She was laughing at him. He was in his old flannel trousers. He had no others. He felt very rough and isolated and lonely. He knew that she was trying to tease him for some reason; she didn't want to go to the Lighthouse with him; she despised him: so did Prue Ramsay; so did they all. But he was not going to be made a fool of by women, so he turned deliberately in his chair and looked out of the window and said, all in a jerk, very rudely, it would be too rough for her tomorrow. She would be sick.

>> No.3452443

These all sound like the precursor to a rape scene.

>> No.3453013
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The Old Testament

>> No.3453027

Tao Lin is a card carrying minority member and is a great author. He also named his coming novel Taipei to trick critics into not being able to dislike his Asian American work lest they seem racist.

>> No.3453058

Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison

>> No.3453556

donald goines is pretty good...

>> No.3453564


>> No.3453574

Infernal Desire Machine of Dr. Hoffman
by I forget her name

>> No.3453578

None of them can read.

>> No.3453601

Anything by a white man.

>yfw whites are a global minority

>> No.3453744
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>Trudi Canavan

>> No.3453746

The Bell jar, definitely.

>> No.3453877

To Kill a Mockingbird - Harper Lee
Wild:An Elemental Journey - Jay Griffiths
The Summer Book - Tove Jansson
A Winter Book - Tove Jansson

>> No.3453902



>> No.3453909

what do you call anne hathaway when she throws the bell jar out of a window?
anne PLATHaway

>> No.3453951

YES. The book is very good.

>> No.3453955
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This is good example.

This book is shit.

>all these Margaret Atwood namedroppers
Just no.

Also I was reading this just this morning. It is very good just please try to ignore the Alain de Botton shit on the top.

>> No.3453958


Angela Carter is great.

>> No.3453961

I lol'd.

>> No.3453966


you were late

>> No.3453973


please, kill yourself quickly, as to not spread your ignorance any further

>> No.3453974


>> No.3454001

the count of monte cristo

>> No.3454009

There are none.

>> No.3454026

Do Jews count?

>> No.3454037

somebody likes Oprah.

>> No.3454043

My nigga Frederick Douglass

>> No.3454066

on the old /lit/ this thread would have gotten ~15 replies

>> No.3454083

On the old /lit/ several tripfag circlejerks would have 200 replies

>> No.3454092

This guy knows what's up. OP your thread is shit.

>> No.3455879

Elizabeth Bishop

>> No.3455958

and it'd still be better than this