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3446049 No.3446049 [Reply] [Original]

ITT we write a novels plot in the most simplistic manner that we can manage and we try to guess the work.
I'll start (easy one):
>rich and unlikable
>swimming pool

>> No.3446061

The Great Gatsby

>> No.3446074
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Awesome thread idea, faggot.

>> No.3446075
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Jay isn't unlikeable, pal. Anthony Patch, on the other hand...


>Doesn't eat
>Doesn't eat

>> No.3446078

The Great Gatsby


>> No.3446082

A Farewell to Arms

>Stomping whores

>> No.3446094

OP here.

Way to go, you're an asshole.

Here's another one,
>Dumb nurse

>> No.3446103


>> No.3446109

>Look how neat this door is
>No laughter allowed
>The climax is a metaphor for what the author thinks about religion

>> No.3446114

Marcus Aurelius- Meditations

>> No.3446116

Want to go home to your wife and son?
Well you can't!

>> No.3446118

>bad things happen to bad people
>i wish i was a farmer and a peasant

>> No.3446144

Anna Karenina?

>guy A is a dick and B is an awesome fellow!
>forget it, B is a dick and A is fucking prince charming
>my younger sister is a slut and everyone in this story is crazy except me, onee-chan and my love interest
>let's all get married!

>> No.3446149

As You Like It? I know its not that, but it's similar, and I want to keep this thread afloat

>> No.3446150

>hurr fuck the system
>it was you all along

>> No.3446153

no idea what yours is

>> No.3446155

Battle Mace

>> No.3446157

The Great Skagsby

>> No.3446161

>third scene
>first scene
>eighth scene
>second scene
>fifth scene backwards
and so forth

>> No.3446164

The Odyssey?

>> No.3446166

is it every tarantino film
if it is that is cheating

>> No.3446168


>> No.3446173

>prodigal incoming
>no penis

>> No.3446175

>complicated court problem
>ugly girl resigned to marrying old man
>whoops, no, you get the hot doctor

>> No.3446178

the Bible!

>> No.3446180

The Sun Also Rises?

>> No.3446183

It is memento. An excellent film by Nolan before he sold-out and started making pop-fic movies

Good call

>> No.3446184

Doctor Who

>> No.3446185


Not Brave New World.

>> No.3446189


>> No.3446190

The world according to Garp?

I know it's not but the plot is similar

>> No.3446192

Nopes both.

>> No.3446197


Good luck

>> No.3446200
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Think Regency.

>someone killed a drunk buffoon, oh noes!
>must have been his also drunk-ass son, let's sentence him!
>meanwhile, his little brother is being a paedophile and the cool middle brother gets mad and starts dying
>it was the butler's doings all along! Too bad he killed himself lel

>> No.3446202

>orphan abuse
>unknown family connection
>cleaning objects take on new functions
>English institution

>> No.3446207

White noise?

>> No.3446210


>> No.3446213

Tao Lin

>> No.3446217

>make some neat shit
>oops, not like that
>wash it off
>make it again, but right this time
>oops, not like like that
>kill son
>doesn't work

>> No.3446220

The Bible, you edgy son of a gun.

>> No.3446225

Bleak House

>> No.3446227


>> No.3446231

Had to make an easy one...

>> No.3446233

>Baby trees
>I'm a big hairless baby and I do what I want

>> No.3446235

...blood meridian?

>> No.3446239

>Nobody knows the trouble I'm in
>Gay bondage cupboard
>Quarries are the leading cause of death in GENERIC GERMAN CITY

>> No.3446240

>electric trees
>endless death/ non-death
>instant teleportation
>Big sharp monster
>aging backwards
>apocalyptic battle
>church takes over
>android infected blood holds key to universe

>> No.3446241

>man falls in love
>man attempts to relive lost love
>man seeks vengeance
>man dies
>everyone dies

>> No.3446242


>> No.3446244


I love that book, but the sequels were terribly disappointing.

>> No.3446246

funny, 'cause I like the last two sequels best...

>> No.3446247

Hunger by Knut Hamsun

>> No.3446248

Lawrence of Arabia

>> No.3446249

>drugs for absolutely fucking everybody
>the terrorists win, technically
>maybe incest

>> No.3446251

Tropic of Cancer?

>> No.3446253


Everything written by Pynchon, Joyce, DFW.

>> No.3446255


>> No.3446256

That's because you're a pleb.

>> No.3446258

goddamit, I know this book, but not the name.

>> No.3446262


>> No.3446263

Um, no. it's because I'm the messiah.

>> No.3446265

Things Fall Apart.

>> No.3446266


Africa: The Story of Africa.

>> No.3446270

>all protaganists killed
>boy becomes tree

>> No.3446275

temple of the golden pavilion

>> No.3446277

>no dice

>> No.3446281

>whoops, author dead; you'll never know

>> No.3446290

The Mystery of Edwin Droog

>> No.3446294

easy, Pride and Prejudice

>> No.3446298

>kill a guy
>whatever idgaf

>> No.3446300

>heart disease

>> No.3446301


savage detectives?

>> No.3446302

The Stranger

>> No.3446307


Brothers Karamazov (too easy)

>> No.3446310

>your in trouble
>for what
>cant tell you

>> No.3446311

>aw shit my gf is preggo
>but i love my young attractive student
>even though i am old she might like me back
>her brother likes a dancer
>i will convince him to rob her to pay for my abortion
>meanwhile i am another guy who is evil
>wait not evil just secretly gay
>i will take care of that guy's pregnant gf
>nobody must know i am gay!

>> No.3446313

The Trial?

>> No.3446316


>> No.3446317


>> No.3446318

trick or trick

>> No.3446319

You fucking idiots, I already did the Trial. God damn it what's wrong with you god fuck shitting cunt:


Fuck all of you.

>> No.3446320

you're's was gay

>> No.3446321

No, mine was clever.

>> No.3446322


>> No.3446323

easiest one yet, Pride and Prejudice

>you will never be Darcy

>> No.3446326

>3 act play as the wind up for a one line joke
>that line also happens to be the title

>> No.3446327

clev·er [klev-er]

1. gay

>> No.3446332

>english boy goes to boarding school
>gay sex

>> No.3446333

Importance of Being Earnest?

>> No.3446334

>le The Taming of the Shrew face

>> No.3446336

What's that one movie where the british teen goes to boarding school and gets raped by other boys?

>> No.3446338

also possibly correct?

>> No.3446339

Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

>> No.3446341


you liked that scene, didn't you

>> No.3446343

Crime and Punishment

>> No.3446345

I find that kind of thing really unsettling actually. I like rape porn but the whole psychology of it made me feel filthy for days.

>> No.3446347

>spiderbites, time travel and priapisms, OH MY!

>> No.3446348

and it's a borstal, not a boarding school.

>> No.3446353

>I like hunting
>I really like hunting
>Fuck I'm annoyed
>Still, hunting is great

>> No.3446352


>> No.3446355

Something by Ernest Hemmingway

>> No.3446358

Green Hills of Africa, and it's Hemmmingway, with three m's

>> No.3446360

>fired for racist slur against blacks
>life goes to shit
>turns out to be black
>who knew

>> No.3446375


On the Road?

>> No.3446379

>the world is at war!
>i am lonely

>> No.3446381

Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.3446382

The Perks of Being the Fault in our Gatsby

>> No.3446385

>Be genius kid
>Go to space to kill gay aliens

>> No.3446388

>my dad hates me
>i have nothing left except these fucking animals

>> No.3446390

Ender's Game

>> No.3446393


The Age of Reason?

>> No.3446396
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oh very unsettling, disturbing, deranged, deprived, you got it....

... but very raunchy, too, ohoho... oh yes yes yes. So wrong, if you will, but also so right? Makes ye feel a kind of sickly, tingly squirm in the stomach, makes you queasy, yeah? And yet something about the utter depravity of their actions glues your eyes to the screen, scintillates, grips the senses with unshakable force and says "WATCH ME! OH WATCH ME! I AM RAAA-AA-AUUUNCHY!

And you cannot help(no It cannot be helped can it?) just for a moment imagining his tight little pink rosebud all at once being toooorn agape (ye can almost hear it, yuck yuck!) by the pillaging cocks, them hairy, his not-so-much (and yet inexplicably rigid at this uninvited guest's entrance) horrifically stretched and searing and clenching down with rigamortal force on the thick meaty cocks that do not allow it to close down (oh but it so badly wants to, oh won't you just let it?)

NO! And but little does the little anus know that his very stubbornness to be closed and tight is what lets him off sooner, rather than later, so to speak- for it is this tightness that grips the very CORE of the older BOYS and sends them through other worlds of pleasure until they empty their seed in his sprightly young body and leave him, panting, on the floor.

>> No.3446401


Darcy is too much of a snob in the beginning and only likes Lizzie because she doesn't give two shits about him. Also:
>Darcy "saves" Lizzie's slut sister
>"i did it 'cuz I lurv u"
>"omigosh women are not vending machines that you put kindness coins in until sex falls out , you creep! "

Mr. Knightley is the best Austen hero. Kind to everyone, mature and isn't afraid to put a bitch on her place.

Another one:
>I'm a man-whore
>I find it a good idea to get in a relationship with previous guy and I don't care if he cheats on me because I've self-esteem issues. We both die on a car crash.
>I'm a 2deep4you pretentious a slut with daddy issues
>I leave my wife and daughter for said slut and she abandons me that day; later some nigger kills me and I go die by my ex-wife.

>> No.3446406

>a genuinely good book that people read in order to seem culturally aware
>unreliable narrator

it's not ulysses

>> No.3446408


The History Boys

>> No.3446409

That's right.

>why does this slut keep complaining to me
>and where the fuck is the bathroom?

>> No.3446410

I actually don't have an answer, I just wanted people to list books with teenage gay sex in them.

>> No.3446412

>professor, respected in his field
>hot girl, drool drool; should I?
>yolo fuck it, I'mma hit it
>found out, scandalized, forced to resign

>> No.3446417

>plane crash
>mental hospital

>> No.3446423


>> No.3446424


>> No.3446425


Oh shit, I forgot about that. No. Girl is professor's student.

>> No.3446428

I don't even...

>> No.3446433

life of pi?

>> No.3446435


>> No.3446437

Also, he's Paul Rudd.

Fuck you if you don't like Paul Rudd.

>> No.3446441

>you motherfuckers suck at politics
>this is what a ruler should be
>this dude came pretty close
>but he was fucking his sister
>well shit, i'm in exile, what do i know.

>> No.3446446

Maybe a longshot, but The Ground Beneath Her Feet?

>> No.3446449

The Republic

>> No.3446450

>sewer systems
>Watts towers
>more sewer systems
>almost renew the affair, but stop

>> No.3446451

Woops, I meant The Prince

>> No.3446458


>> No.3446461


>> No.3446465

>my eye, my eye

>> No.3446466



>> No.3446470

>narrator is a total square

>> No.3446471

>mysterious magic
>save the day

>> No.3446478
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Jonny Lee Miller is the qtest Mr. Knightley, imo.

But any actor portraying an Austen hero is always 10/10.

>> No.3446484

>moon of not-utopia
>planet of capitalism
>bare breasts in the snow
>fuck this: I'm going back to the moon

>> No.3446486


>> No.3446492

I feel like I should know this... was it made into a movie with Keanu Reeves?

>> No.3446498

A scanner Darkly?

>> No.3446503


>> No.3446504


The Moon is a Harsh Mistress?

>> No.3446512

>everything's shit
>pretty prose
>but son you're great
>but dad you're great

>> No.3446515


>> No.3446517

>Depressive professor
>Imaginary friends

An underrated book.

>> No.3446518


>> No.3446519

>crazy shit happening everywhere
>the coolest character is a fucking cat

>> No.3446524

>a gang of time traveling homosexuals rules the wild west with an iron fisting fetish

>> No.3446531


Wild Boys?

>> No.3446533

>why can't I do white things
>goddamn I wish I had freedom
>fuck didn't mean to asphyxiate that pinko bitch
>commies aren't so bad
>dead w/e

>> No.3446537


>> No.3446540

The Bible

>> No.3446545

>glorified babysitter for maybe romantic match
>absent daddy
>ghost shit
>maybe sex abuse
>little boy dies because she cared too much

>> No.3446548

10/10 would lol again

>> No.3446553


>> No.3446555

>I don't have a penis
>Let's get drunk
>What a nice nigger
>Oh shit that dude just got gored to death, time to drink more
>tfw no gf

>> No.3446556

>acne vulgaris
>abusive dad
>depression era
>everything is shit

>> No.3446562

Native Son

>commies aren't so bad

>> No.3446564

>man tries to be clever
>gets married and fails
>leaves wife for a qt
>tries to be clever again
>suicide and horrific shit
>second wife leaves him
>he dead

>> No.3446565

the odyssey (not a book but whatevs)

>> No.3446567

>man seeks new start
>fall in love with hoe
>hoe acts like a hoe
>he torn between two women
>chooses hoe
>hoe dies
>he turns cray cray

>> No.3446569


>> No.3446570

Les misérables.

>> No.3446572

this sounds like an alternate, fucked up version of The Shining

>> No.3446574

Well done!

>> No.3446575

Atlas Shrugged but with gender reversal.

>> No.3446577

>Bitch with emotional issues
>Kills shit
>Still emotionally fucked up

Another one.

>Bitch has emotional issues
>Still has emotional issues

A third, unrelated one.

>Dude is always horny
>Gets laid
>Government kills him

>> No.3446579

Nopity nope, think Russian.

>> No.3446580

>Dude gets prison raped
>Global conspiracy
>Hail Eris!

>> No.3446581

any and all 20th century literature

>> No.3446582

last one is 1984 lel

>> No.3446584

??? u stupid, bro?

>> No.3446588

>freudian psychology is bad and you should feel bad

>> No.3446593


>> No.3446594

The Sun Also Rises

>> No.3446597

>man forms a bromance
>his bro becomes an alcoholic
>he shifts his attentions to the bro's sister
>death and change
>oh shit war!

>> No.3446598

>yo cracka gimme yo trick
>fuck u nigga imma chill in my tent fuck all yall
>yo man i sorry come back man peace
>naw nigga i ain't doin shit i'm goin home

>> No.3446600

>real human being

>> No.3446601

the iliad

>> No.3446602

>Dude gets engaged
>His waifu is stolen by a foreigner (howaito piggu)
>She gets fat and dies
>Dude becomes terrorist
>Kills whitey

>> No.3446607

I spent minutes thinking that up.

>> No.3446611

>mfw I have no face
>mfw I have no body either

>> No.3446614

I have no mouth but I must scream

>> No.3446616


>> No.3446627

>At park
>looking at tree
>I realise that things exist and life is monstrous
>Some creepy dude with hands resembling giant worms is hitting on me

>> No.3446631

>guy creates virus that destroys everyone and the world
>guy vaccinates friend
>friend survives and left in charge of the guy's ideal bioengineered society which also survives

>> No.3446635

i am legend?

haven't read it i'm just speculating

>> No.3446642



Anyone for the other two?

>> No.3446643

La Nausee

>> No.3446650


>> No.3446651


>> No.3446654

The Master and Margarita

>"u queer m8"

>> No.3446660


>> No.3446665

it really ought to be but it's a copyrighted book.

>> No.3446662

/fit/ sticky

>> No.3446664

the first part of Disgrace

>> No.3446667

Mike Rippletoes?

>> No.3446668

Oryx and Crake

>> No.3446669
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>> No.3446671

>dog latin
>fuck bitches get children

>> No.3446673

>pop pop pop
>death row

>> No.3446674

>I'm so French I'll write a book about nothing and you will buy it

>> No.3446676

> Orphan
> Love
> Crazy vampire bitch
> Hunger
> Marrage

>> No.3446680


>> No.3446682

probably a stretch but... The Stranger?

>> No.3446687

All French philosophy of the 20th century?

>> No.3446683

>tfw expat
>tfw friendzone
>tfw alcoholic
>tfw no dick

>> No.3446685

already done, mate, but good effort

>> No.3446695


Shit, didn't see it. How about:

>build shack on friends property
>live in it
>society maaaan

>> No.3446697


>> No.3446704

The best of all possible answers!

>> No.3446715

>I'm a rich spoiled little girl
>Oh no, I'm poor
>Fuck yeah I'm rich again
>Thanks daddy

>> No.3446720

>injuries and insult
>wine and wall

>> No.3446727

can we do plays as well?

>oh fuck man i made a fool out of myself
>'oh baby, please don't commit suicide!'
>i aint doing shit bitch leave me alone
>has a revelation
>'i think we're gonna be alright honey'
>alright now leave me for a bit bitch
>commits suicide

>> No.3446729


>> No.3446731

>Everbody in the world is now a rhinoceros

>> No.3446735

>What an ugly little girl
>What a tease
>Fuck this
>Damn, that bitch was fine

>> No.3446736

Death of a Salesman?

>> No.3446741

>if you like thinks you're a nigger/babby
>if you like ideas you're a chink/teen
>if you like yourself you're a white man/adult

>> No.3446743

Ask the Dust?

>> No.3446748

>chink parents
>go chink in chinkistan a bit
>marry whore in vegas
>lurk threads about myself on 4chan
>not sure if feelings

>> No.3446750

No, but now that I think about it, maybe I was too broad.
>Be caddy
>What an ugly little girl
>What a tease
>Fuck this
>Damn, that bitch was fine

>> No.3446754

I'll just do one word.


>> No.3446764

>pigs are assholes

>> No.3446765


any Psychology textbook.

>> No.3446771

animal farm?

>> No.3446773


>> No.3446776

>be taoist sage honey addict

>> No.3446778


Nope. Hint: author won a Nobel Prize.

>> No.3446779

Catcher in the rye

>> No.3446782



>> No.3446792



>> No.3446795


Rhinoceros by Ionesco? Haven't read it, just guessing.

>> No.3446803


The Tao of Pooh.

>> No.3446804

Ding! We have a winner!

>> No.3446800


>> No.3446802

>jews did it

>> No.3446806


Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

>> No.3446807


>> No.3446818

>be scholar
>get sick
>get better
>vital as fuck yolo
>little boys are mesmerizingly beautiful and exciting
>wife gets sick
>idgaf what about them boys though
>wife dies
>feel sort of shitty living in north africa luckily there's a little boy around

>> No.3446814

>I pooped for three chapters

>> No.3446821

>meet a girl
>not a qt but she's neat I guess
>gonna be a doctor now
>oh shit I'm out of money
>nvm I got this
>not into that chick after all actually
>life is good

>> No.3446823

L'immoraliste by Gide?

>> No.3446824


Death in Venice.

>> No.3446825


>> No.3446830


Ulysses. Wasn't it only one chapter though?

>> No.3446831

Not read it, but Eris implies Illuminatus, maybe? Something RAW, I'm guessing.

fnord fnord pine fnord fnord

>> No.3446833

One episode which pretty much feels like three chapters, you're right though

>> No.3446834

close its Ajax by Sophocles, i think death of a salesman was based on that though, so i'll give it to you.

>> No.3446835

>fuck school
>i'm gonna wonder around new york city
>being a judgmental prick

>> No.3446836

>Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

>> No.3446838

catcher in the rye

>> No.3446849

>The Bishop is a really good man
>Everyone else is an asshole
>Man is suffering
>Whore is suffering
>Doing the right thing means suffering.
>Stop: Describe stuff
>Still Describing stuff
>Stop: Describe stuff
>Idealistic Youths are Idealistic
>Doing the right thing means sacrifice
>Avatar of Mercy defeats Avatar of justice by being merciful to him
>Avatar of Justice kills himself
>"Take her and be happy"
>"Wait, I suddenly realized you're a saint."
>Finally suffering ends

This one is really easy guys

>> No.3446850


>> No.3446853
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Pic related

>> No.3446858

Vinegars wake

>> No.3446859

Les meez

>> No.3446860

Justine, ou le malheurs de la vertu

>> No.3446862

Catch 22

>> No.3446863

>life's a drag
>meet alpha guy
>become bros
>become bro

>> No.3446865

Les Miserables Unabridged?

>> No.3446866

fight club obviously

>> No.3446864


>> No.3446867

you got it

>> No.3446872

on the nose

>> No.3446877

>drinking with bro
>soldiers go by
>join them
>fuuggg :DDDDD

>> No.3446879

>kill grandma for $$$
>never use $$$
>fall in love with a whore
>muh justice

>> No.3446882


>> No.3446885

Get into town, get into pissing contest with the three baddest motherfuckers, bad guy interupts
The organization you've wanted to be a part of since birth no longer exists, but if you're bad enough you and these three veterans can save everybody.

This guy's ex is a bitch

>> No.3446887

>Be a pilot
>Crash in the desert
>Little brat asking me to draw him shit
>Keeps talking about his life
>This is not your fucking blog
>I'm just trying not to die of thirst

>> No.3446889

>make corpse collage
>technology is evil

>> No.3446891

Musketeers, Musketeers everywhere.

>> No.3446892

>gubmint wont let me read books

>> No.3446893

The Little Prince

>india, pakistan and chutney

>> No.3446894

fahrenheit 451

>> No.3446896


>> No.3446898


>> No.3446901



>> No.3446902


>home from collage for break
>bring friend
>hey fam my friend is a nihilist
>uncle taking the piss
>friend shoots uncle
>friend falls in love with qt3.14
>he fucks up and dies
>that's what you get for being a nihilist

>> No.3446904

Fathers and Sons

>> No.3446907

>tfw no one has guessed yours yet
>tfw you reply to your own just to return it to relevancy
pls respond ;_;

>> No.3446910


>> No.3446911

>I'm a cool alchemist who don't need no friends
>Healing the plague and shit
>I'm also gay

>> No.3446914

>uppity dude demands total obeisance
>fuck this.jpeg
>follow me ye jollies!
>exiled from kingdom
>sit in fiery pit, causing mischief

>> No.3446915

the grapes of wrath?

>> No.3446916

The Plague by Bert Caymans

>> No.3446918


>> No.3446919

paradise lost

>> No.3446920

Pair of Dice Lost?

>> No.3446921



>> No.3446922

scratch that i mean paradise lost

>> No.3446925

>be smug judge getting my flaneur on
>bitch falls in the river
>i ain't getting in no river
>can't handle the guilt
>get drunk in amsterdam

>> No.3446926

>My Roommate is Smart, Yo.
>I mean like, Smarter than the Cops.
>I'm going to write a diary about it.

>> No.3446927

It was The Wasp Factory

>> No.3446928

Maybe I should've read the OP more carefully; it's a short story, not a novel.

>> No.3446930

La Chute

>> No.3446931

3 books:


>rolling rock


>> No.3446932


>> No.3446936

>hot air balloons
>it was just a dream (or was it?)

>> No.3446937

3 more books:




>> No.3446938

>bitches try to make superman
>the wrong superman dicks around in the desert for a bit and then becomes king

>> No.3446939


>> No.3446941

Don Quixote, no eye deer, Moby-Dick

>> No.3446946

Myth of Sisyphus (The Rebel)

God am I slow

>> No.3446948

similar, but nope

>> No.3446955

All correct.

3 more:




>> No.3446956

>blackies make whities go cray cray

>> No.3446958

think political sci-fi

>> No.3446963

I was thinking the invisible man... but this works

>> No.3446970

3 more, /phil/ mode:




>> No.3446965

Heart of Darkness?

honestly I think your greentext is too generic

>> No.3446967

If it helps
>This one time my Roommate meets someone as smart as he is, (who isn't his lazy brother)
>It doesn't go well

>> No.3446969

fuck. I know this one...

>> No.3446972


>> No.3446975

A Little Princess?

>> No.3446978

Any Sherlock Holmes story

>> No.3446983



>> No.3446980

but youre right

>> No.3446981

1. Old man and the sea

>> No.3446985

About time

>> No.3446986


>> No.3446990

yeah, I guess it worked then :)

>> No.3446993


Journey to the End of the Night

>> No.3446995

>Everyone is connected and everything is important, so says the made up religion that I've joined, it has a lot of pithy witticisms and you occasionally get a foot job out of it.
>Oh, and this other guy invented a new way of making ice cubes,
>It doesn't go well

>> No.3446999

got it

>> No.3447000

hey, that's my face! Are you me?

>> No.3447001

The Idort

>> No.3447002

>Journey to the End of the Night

>> No.3447007

2)Poisonwood Bible
3)On the Road

>> No.3447008


>> No.3447012

>everything is gray
>except the angel
>living in a cellar
>everyone else is nasty
>bastard took our clothes
>oh shit I starved, but you gotta carry on, my wayward son

>> No.3447014

1. The old man and the sea (already done)
2. Heart of Darkness
3. On the Road

>> No.3447015

>the sun stares down
>poor happy girl becomes rich and miserable
>marries working guy
>happy again

>> No.3447018

The Road

>> No.3447021


>> No.3447022

1. Ulysses (Joyce)
2. Gravity's Rainbow
3. Infinite Jest?

>> No.3447024

>sweet kid and supernatural friend travel every night and make friends
>sweet kid meets street kid
>sweet kid gets sick and goes to beach with mom
>wait, I think the kid just died

>> No.3447026

Catch 22?

>> No.3447029

I wuz gunna say that, but I thought it was just a movie.

>> No.3447028


>> No.3447033

100 Years of Solitude?

>> No.3447035


>> No.3447040


>> No.3447041

2. Madame Bovary

>> No.3447044

>fuck going to school, we got shit to do
>fuck the police
>go camping
>fuck rich people
>have to bury one of my bros
>fuck banks, rob one
>break back into school
>classmates, teachers, everything is a clusterfuck
>I make it out alive and live out life as boring family man

>> No.3447046

3 more:




>> No.3447048

1. A Separate Peace (lel)

>> No.3447047

Clockwork Orange

>> No.3447049


if it helps
>This scientist guy's kids had interesting lives

>> No.3447051

ha, ha nope but interesting guess

>> No.3447054

>young & poor
>like books
>oops, killed someone
>on the run
>friend dies
>stay gold

>> No.3447058

Fight club

>> No.3447059

Nope. The three are all related, if that helps.

3 more:




>> No.3447075

grapes of wrath

>> No.3447096

>beautiful, but hideous in the attic

>> No.3447098

Lord of the flies?

>> No.3447102

>poor people doing poor people's shit
>claustrophobia and darkness
>child labor
>go on strike
>why don't we riot
>anarchist fucks everything
>trapped, about to drown
>eat rotten wood, belt, shoes
>hey honey, it's going to be okay, they'll find us
>*knock, knock, knock*
>now his hair is completely gray
>it was the alcohol and debauchery that ran in his veins

>> No.3447103

Think "Funny Apocalypse" Guys

>> No.3447104


Lord of the Flies

Lord of ???

>> No.3447105


Thread isn't even bumping anymore.

>> No.3447111

Didn't even realise I got 2 lords. Last one isn't one.

>> No.3447119


>> No.3447124

NEET bastard in New Orleans needs to get a job and screw his liberal pen pal.

>> No.3447126

Lord of the rings, Lord of the flies, neuromancer?

>> No.3447134


>> No.3447137

We're going to keep killing people until Sherlock Monk finds out who did it.
Because if people are allowed to laugh, they won't want to believe in JeBus

>> No.3447138

<opponents of the union army> <shaming cap worn as punishment in school>

>> No.3447149

DaVinci Code

Why isn't the thread bumping?

>> No.3447152

because limit. perhaps make new one

>> No.3447156

Portrait of Dorian Gray

>> No.3447158

No, the lit/core monk mystery

>> No.3447170

yes, I also discovered you can just google what I typed and it is the first thing that comes up

>> No.3447180

New thread

>> No.3447249

Cat's Cradle!

Old Man and the Sea, Heart of Darkness, On The Road.

Probably something by Burroughs, never actually read his stuff.

>> No.3448660

>Post apocalyptic world