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/lit/ - Literature

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3445579 No.3445579[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>You will never spend your days with your writerbros at Shakespeare and company, mutually reading your work and enjoying red wine.

>> No.3445600
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>red wine

>> No.3445615

What about it?

>> No.3445622

Red wine is for women and flaming homosexuals.

>> No.3445627

it goes with the shakespeare

>> No.3445628

No, but i often wander through the streets of Statford strung out on Benzedrine. Does that count?

>> No.3445629

Its such a great idea to leave those shelves out there like that. I bet they never lose merchandise to thieves that way.

>> No.3445634

All bookstores who sell used books do this in Paris. I guess people are more civilised here.

>> No.3445640

Good because the former applies to me.
White wine is okay though.

>> No.3445650

>Shakespeare and company
There's a great little Jazz bar near there called the cat and something or something and the cat... anyway, that's a great part of Paris, though my heart will always belong to Montmartre.

>> No.3445652


It's a common occurrence in cities of merit. Paris, Edinburgh, Oxford - all of them have used bookstores with stock outdoors.

People with an interest in acquiring books usually aren't disgusting enough to steal them.

>> No.3445653

OP, I'm in Paris studying abroad and have been there twice so far. You go often?

>> No.3445658

At least once a month.
Funny, I'm also a foreign student. What university do you go to?

>> No.3445659

Is much fruitier, sweeter, chilled white wine masculine in the narrow mind of the bourgeoisie, or...?

>inb4 you don't know shit about wine

>> No.3445663

St John's University, from New York. Only been in Paris about three weeks so far. What about you?

>> No.3445672

I meant what Parisian university. I go to Paris IX.

>> No.3445675

if I had to live with litfags I think I would stab everybody in their sleep.

>> No.3445678

Men prefer liquor.


>> No.3445680

I wish I knew any litfags in real life. You don't know what it's like to be surrounded by philistines.

>> No.3445683

Being familiar with the work of "Tim and Eric", I know if you want to look real fine and knock off ladies, shrimp and white wine is the only way to go.

>> No.3445689


Garçons Beaver!

>> No.3445706

Well, St John's, hahah. We have a campus in the 6th. I actually have to run right now, but I'll monitor the thread if you ever wanna get a bottle at La Palette or something.

>> No.3445718

Oh wow, I didn't know that. My bad.
And yeah sure, why not?

>> No.3445725

>You will never have a qt french gf

>> No.3445729

There's a nice documentary about Shakespeare and Company-


"Portrait of a Bookstore as an Old Man"

>> No.3445756

Don't give up anon, I've had 3.

>> No.3445757

It looks like Mecca for hipsters. No thanks.

>> No.3445780

>them cockroaches

>> No.3445877
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The whole place stinks like dried semen and they recommended me catcher in the rye

>> No.3445891

You probably looked like a deranged person

>> No.3445895


In other words, a teenager.

>> No.3445977

I heard it went to shit after whitman died.

>> No.3446003

>be in Paris
>be 19 and on my own
>become very fucking homesick (originally from Berkeley, CA)
>walk miles in the rain
>get lost
>shoes don't fit
>wtf Notre Dame is on an island?
>I've been walking the wrong direction on wrong side of river for 2 miles
>mfw Shakespeare and Co
>mfw SAME bookstore at home on Telegraph Avenue (I never knew there were others)
I went in and had tea and relaxed and got warm... then bought the Lord of the Rings for the first time.

>> No.3446009
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>> No.3446067

I prefer vodka.

>> No.3446088

I bet you mix it with something, you fucking pussy.

>> No.3446115

I mix it with my tears

>> No.3446133

Could work if you have diabetes:
>To return once more to diabetes, it is not a kidney disease because of glycosuria, nor a pancreatic disease because of hypoinsulinemia, nor a disease of the pituitary; it is the disease of an organism all of whose functions are changed, which is threatened by tuberculosis, whose supperated infections are endless, whose limbs are rendered useless by arteritis and gangrene; moreover, it can strike man or woman, threaten them with coma, often hit them with impotence or sterility, for whom pregnancy, should it occur, is a catastrophe, whose tears - O irony of secretions! - are sweet.

That has to be one of the most tasteless (excuse the pun) sentences in all of philosophy, right?

>> No.3446146
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Wasn't this the place where Jeanette Winterson hung out after her freakout?

>> No.3446351

Freakout? I'm too lazy to look it up, so dish, please.

>> No.3446357

I actually hung out there with some friends for a few days my sophomore year of high school. I went to Paris and London with my French class and my teacher let us do whatever the fuck we wanted.

>> No.3446481

Berkeley Shakespeare & Company is unaffiliated.

>> No.3446513

Shakespeare and Co. isn't really like that. I spent a lot of time there when I lived in Paris because I had some friends there. It's got some nice places to read and whatnot, but a lot of tourists come, and the avant-garde scene has nothing to do with it whatsoever. Most of Les Inrockuptibles even were past its time.

>> No.3446525

>Les inrockuptibles
Les inrockuptibles is and always has been fucking garbage. I don't know why everyone talks about it.

>> No.3446536

laughing spartans.jpeg

>> No.3448051

Joke's on you I already do.

>> No.3448062

>Bacon and company

>> No.3448067

I can just imagine the kind of people who go there.

>> No.3448070

You should imagine the stench

>> No.3448120

I did, shit was cash. Met a crazy american women who was a conspiracy nut. Talked for hours. Bought 5 books, because i didn't have any more money. Nice people, great place.

Will go again this year.

>> No.3448123

Claret is the best drink one can drink.

>> No.3448199

Is the piano still there?

>> No.3448221
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Drinking Cognac from a balloon snifter with an accompanying cigar trumps a glass of claret.

>> No.3448226

>Visit Paris
>Try to avoid doing the tourist shit
>See the Eiffel Tower
>Mirin' the dodgy as fuck dirty alleyways all around it
>See the Arc
>Dat queue
>lol no Louvre
>Just take a walk around for a few days
>Come across Shakespeare and Co
>Duck my head in
>Ten thousand [presumably] male [presumably] art students all either reading Hemingway or using a Macbook


>> No.3448230 [DELETED] 

art students read hemingway?

>> No.3448237

There's a bookshop/cafe near me that has jazz musicians and poetry readings and stuff. It's a bit hipster/ie but I'm not enough of a snob to care.
Check it out if you're ever in Oxford

>> No.3448266

Confirmed for never been there

>> No.3448268

>>See the Eiffel Tower
>>Mirin' the dodgy as fuck dirty alleyways all around it
There are no alleyways around the Eiffel Tower, dipshit.
It's standing in goddamn field. (aka "park".)

>> No.3448280

What is a good drink to order while out?

Say having Lunch with a friend.

I am new to drinking, so i don't know what kind of drinks places should be expected to have.

Whisky & coke? gin & tonic?

>> No.3448284

And next to the river.

>> No.3448296

For lunch, you don't want to be drinking spirits really. And while cocktails and mixers are nice, they're not exactly masculine. Stick to beer/wine/cider. If you want to be a man's man, ale (Theakston's old peculier is an experience, safe options are anything from Badger Brewery, you can usually ask for a taste, especially if they do local ales/real ales). If you want to be a Lad's Lad, cheap lager or strongbow. If you have an semi-okay idea of wines and the place isn't overpricing them, order whatever goes with the meal wine wise. If you want to look vaguely cultured/cosmopolitan, go for a Czech lager. I tend to drink local ales and ciders, though ciders in particular can be pretty hit and miss outside of traditional cider areas, and even in them sometimes.

>> No.3448305

It depends on what your friend is doing. If they want a white wine to complement the fish and finish with a brandy afterwards, just do what they do. Unless I'm in a decent restaurant though, I usually get a pint of whatever European beer they have on tap.

There is a strong etiquette about what you're supposed to drink with food, but nobody really cares any more. You can order whatever you like as long as it fits the situation; most spirits with a mixer or a beer/cider go well in every situation. Just avoid shots, slammers and pitchers unless you intend to get hammered.

>> No.3448318
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>so i don't know what kind of drinks places should be expected to have.

Everywhere sells beer, cider, the usual spirits, orange juice and coke. If you go up to the bar, there will be 'taps' that are connected to a barrel in the basement. This is usually the common thing to go with. The taps are labelled so you can ask for a 'pint of kronenbourg' or whatever beer is displayed. If they don't have a particular beer on tap, they may stock it in a bottle, but these are generally more expensive.

With spirits, they are usually displayed behind the bar. You can ask for something directly, - "JD and coke", or ask for whisky, vodka, gin etc..., to get the house brand. They quite often confirm a brand too, so asking for "Vodka orange" may be met with "Is smirnoff OK?" The same with coke/pepsi.

If you want wines, usually only when eating or if you are a hipster/girl in a club, you will have a wine menu with the cheapest at the top and the most expensive at the bottom.

If you are getting drunk, drink whatever you want. Some places encourage strange drinks so you may see "TVR- Tequila vodka and redbull" or something similar written somewhere near the bar. The easiest thing to do if you're unsure is to get a beer. If you're sat outside, just ask the waitress "What beer do you have on tap?" and pick one of those.

Welcome to drinking.

>> No.3448320

>Ask about literature
>we don't give a fuck, lol

>Ask about booze
>novel-lenght answers, thousands of them

/lit/ in a nutshell

>> No.3448323
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We just pretend to read, here.

>> No.3448333


Thanks guys, but what about places that don't have a Tap?

the only places I have seen with a Tap are actual Pubs - i'm talking about other restaurants (unless i'm just missing it?)

>> No.3448336


inb4 you get raped

>> No.3448346

See the drinks menu. Many places still have taps though, without being pubs. If you want wine, it's pretty usual to get it with whoever you're drinking with and get a bottle. You'll usually be asked before ordering food if you want any drinks too.

>> No.3448353

With Wine - there is usually a list of names i dont understand. Is there a lexicon?

Should i go to the bookstore and get a book of Wine, so i have a bit of an idea of what im doing?

Is there a go-to wine? at the moment, i basically choose at random.

>> No.3448357

The restaurant will usually have a bar squirrelled away somewhere. Either way, there's a drinks list in the menu.

>> No.3448380

It doesn't matter. The wines are usually listed by price and there is no real go to wine as everyone has different tastes. Unfortunately, despite taste, the more expensive a wine the more it's considered good. When ordering a wine, the waiter normally opens a bottle and pours a tiny amount into your glass to sample. Don't worry, if it's corked, you will know.

Try to match wine to food. So, red wine for red meat, white for fish. White is usually kept in a cooler next to your table, while red sits on the table. If you are in a very good restaurant/silver service place, don't touch the wine. The waiter will refill your glass when it's nearly empty. Filling it yourself is showing that you think the service is bad, but this is only in high-end places.

If it's worrying you that much just let whoever you're with choose a bottle.

>> No.3448393

Names are generally speaking according to grape varietals, so what you're really looking at are a list of different kinds of grapes. As you get knowledge of which grapes are like what and used where, you should have a pretty decent idea of what kinds of wine you like from any given menu. If you want to go in depth, this book is about the best I've found:

And, because growing conditions vary from year to year, you have to keep up on wine news (which can often dictate which wine you're going to be trying). So things like http://www.guardian.co.uk/lifeandsle/wine

The only other points I can think of are, if you get a particularly bad red wine and you're in the company of Mediterraneans (or you're sensible), mix it with coca cola. And if you're getting wine (esp. red) with vegetarians/vegans about, it doesn't hurt to check it is suitable (though more often than not people aren't bothered).

>> No.3448417

Thanks for the clarification, guys

>> No.3448422

/lit/ - Literature

>> No.3448430

Drinking threads are the new philosophy threads, and philosophy threads are the new adderall/caffeine/nicotine threads.

>> No.3448444

>Drinking threads are the new philosophy threads

>> No.3448476

btw I'm a girl :3

>> No.3448479

sent ;)

>> No.3448481

>Red wine is for women and flaming homosexuals.

It depends on the setting. With food, or sat at home with a book in front of an open fire, red wine is perfect.

>> No.3448484

No. You're gay.

>> No.3448489
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I think it's more likely that you are just a child.

>> No.3448495

He is also gay.

>> No.3448497

Ha. Do you remember the wine lolly?


>> No.3448498

There is something about certain foods and drinks, particularly cheeses, wines and ales, that seem to have something to do with age and palate.

>> No.3448500

Apparent children. Only immature kids and teens would use age as an argument.

>> No.3448502

>foods and drinks
>to do with palate
Is this supposed to be an informative statement?
That's like saying smells have something to do with your nose

>> No.3448504

he's right, real men drink oil

>> No.3448509

>That's like saying smells have something to do with your nose
Wrong on all fronts chap.

>> No.3448510

>Only immature kids and teens would use age as an argument.

It's still shitposting even if it's ironic.

>> No.3448512
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>real men drink oil

>> No.3448515

This entire thread is shitposting dumbfuck.

>> No.3448518

You can.. Maybe not at Shakespeare & Co., but we could have a /lit/ gathering. We could get together and discuss our work, art, etc. I think it would be good for us. We would probably be a lot more polite to one another in person; that might help us reconsider our pretentious internet-personas.

>> No.3448519

This is what happens when you don't aggressively scare off /mu/ shitposters. Enjoy /lit/

>> No.3448522


>This is what lake wobegon teenagers actually believe.

>> No.3448525

>This entire thread is shitposting, dumbfuck.
Apart from the serious answers.

>> No.3448531

There aren't any. None of them pertain to the op regardless of how serious they seem to you.

>> No.3448533

>he thinks off topic = shitposting
Lurk moar

>> No.3448535

I'm in favour of this.
We could do gatherings by country (or continent) they would actually be a lot more useful than other boards meet-ups

>> No.3448536

The serious offtopic answers are still shitposting for being offtopic.
Nothing in this thread is allowed by the /lit/ rules. Take it to /trv/ or /ck/

>> No.3448537

>There aren't any.
Among many others

>None of them pertain to the op regardless of how serious they seem to you.
Still thinking thread discussions have anything to do with the OP post.

>> No.3448540

It does. It always will regardless of muh board cultures.

>> No.3448543

Hahaha. Totally not shitposting at all.

>> No.3448545

That's not shitposting. He's seriously highlighting your ignorance.

>> No.3448550

If you really think it's against the rules, report it and stop whining. All that will happen, though, is one person making false reports, which might amount to that person getting banned.

>> No.3448551

He's highlighting off topic discussion which = shitposting in my book. I don't care how you define it.

>> No.3448553

I'm not reporting anyone but don't pretend what you're doing isn't shitposting. /lit/ is a complete mess because of people like you.

>> No.3448560

That's what they did in /fit/ over the summer, and I heard it was pretty cool. I'm not sure how this would pan out here since we are a smaller community and significantly more moody.

>> No.3448563

It would be filled with autist teens and old people.

>> No.3448565

/lit/ would be dead if it wasn't for interesting discussions that deviate from the OPs post.

>> No.3448568

On that note, everyone be proud:
No mention of /lit/.

>> No.3448571

I don't think we're nearly as autistic as we make ourselves out to be. It's more of a thing we tell ourselves so we don't have to participate.

>> No.3448579

No one mentions /lit/ because no one goes to or cares about /lit/

It already is dead. The discussions are far from interesting. The community clings to whatever hope of a discussion there can be just to barely push the threads along. Most of those discussions are pointless and inane.

>> No.3448676

This seems nice, I with there were more bookstores like this.

>> No.3448864

Let me know what days you're free if you ever see this thread again. What's yr age/gender, by the way?


I don't raep

>> No.3450142


I'm never going back there. It's a dead city.

>> No.3451361

Your mom is a dead city.