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/lit/ - Literature

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3444719 No.3444719 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.3444745
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>> No.3444759
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>> No.3444781

for me its jasmine tea, cigarettes and fluoxetine.

oh and listening to bartok.

>> No.3444788

ITT: faggots.

>> No.3444793

>Béla Bartok
I like you.

>> No.3444794

dedication, depression, loneliness, coffe, cigarettes, alcohol and woman.

With this, talent is optional.

>> No.3444792

Green tea and stoner rock

>> No.3444798

Dilaudid, Oxy, etc

>> No.3444801

Especially when its being played by Martha Argerich.

>> No.3444805

a shit job combined with an english degree with a writing emphasis, and getting older.

that's what does it for at least.

>> No.3444813
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You. I like you.

Aside from that I chug obscene amounts of coffee.

>> No.3444866

>Dilaudid, Oxy, etc
Shit, ruining this thread with DFW references is not nice.

>> No.3444874

What's the best stuff of her playing Bartok? I've been listening to her do Chopin tonight.

>> No.3444876
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>people who invest heavily in their identity as "writers"

>> No.3444883

on 'Live from the concertgebouw' she plays one of my favourite bartok pieces, but really I enjoy any of her performances of his work.

>> No.3444884


I haven't read DFW yet. I'm a legitimate opiate addict. Not proud of it, but it's the only thing that gives me any motivation at all or any relief from my 4+ years of depression.

>> No.3444909

>associating smoking and drinking with writing

Television has done a number on you guys.

>> No.3444930

most writers do, look at camus posing with a cigarette in all his photos, and Neitzche grew a beard in order to look more like a writer.

>> No.3444938

I really hope you're not being serious with this post.

>> No.3444952

you don't understand today's marketing evironment man, you gotta make yourself a brand™, you got to have an instantly recognizable persona that sticks to people's minds. after you have that and are famous you can do all that avant garde revolutionary post-postmodern stuff, not before because nobody'll give a fuck

>> No.3444958

Vulgar drip coffee and screeching abscract fuckjazz

>> No.3444963

That's one strategy. Or you can just write what you want to write and if it's any good, the people who matter will like it and you'll at least be respected among other writers, eventually gaining cult status after your death.

>> No.3444987

but that isn't fun, I don't want to be ahead of my time just so that I can do some abstract wankery over how my ideas will live on forever because I won't be there to see it. and why not write for everyone? it is a commonly accepted fact that most bestsellers are trite that anyone with the attention span required for writing can write. you can hide some clever stuff in those "easy books" too, and then you can sit in some mansion in riviera and transform literature as we know it. beats doing it in some filthy slum below poverty line

>> No.3444998

Writer's fuel = experience and reflection.
Drugs merely lessen the strain.

>> No.3445062


>> No.3445079

good music breaking the windows

>> No.3445095


>> No.3445125

This. Do you think Tolstoy or Dostoevsky were on drugs?

Not matter what you put into your system it won't give you anything worth saying. And yes, you all sound like self-absorbed retards.

>> No.3445130


>> No.3445134

Gasoline won't magically get you to the best destination, but it sure helps with the travel.

>> No.3445135

whatever happened to the days of a bowl and notepad?

>> No.3445137

Nothing worthwhile has ever been written under the influence of cannabis.

>> No.3445139

Try driving a car without gasoline.

>> No.3445142

You discovered unpublished writers on a board like 4Chan?

>> No.3445145

not true. my shits both elightning and awe-inspiring, as well as hilarious.

>> No.3445148

That sounds like it would result in the worst writing ever. I bet you live in California.

>> No.3445147

>God tier
Alcohol, Nicotine, Coffee, Opiates.

>Good tier
Cocaine, Speed, Cannabis, Psychedelics, Benzo's, Ecstasy.

>Bad tier
Ritalin, Ambien, most RC's

>What the fuck are you doing tier.
DXM, Meth, Crack, Poppers, Solvents, DPH, Nutmeg.

>> No.3445151

>alcohol God instead of Good
>not distinguishing different methods of taking opiates
>psychedelics on the same tier as cocaine

>> No.3445158

You forgot sniffing glue.

>> No.3445163


Confirmed for amature amongst erowid ninja's.

>> No.3445164

I think that comes under solvents.

>> No.3445172
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>erowid ninja's.

>tfw your trip report gets 'published' on erowid.

>> No.3445181

>go on erowid
>go see cannabis 'trip reports'
>see something with a title like "Quantum Esoterica: A Crowleyian venture beyond Space and Time"
>it's about how this high school kid smoked his first bowl

>> No.3445200

i know this feel.

>> No.3445390

>gets 'published' on erowid.
Well, it's a step up from TAR.

>> No.3445415
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>90% of thread consists of talentless manchildren thinking their addictions will make them great writers

I just knew this was going to happen

>> No.3445510


I don't think mine will make me a great writer. I think it will give me the motivation to get out of bed and actually write something instead of just laying there hitting my ribs with my hammer.

>> No.3445525

Stay edgy kiddys

>> No.3445533

If you can't even be motivated to walk of your own accord you sure as hell aren't going to a high-quality runner.

>> No.3445538


>> No.3445547
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Worst thread on /lit/ right now.

>> No.3445561

I think this thread displays the real /lit/

>> No.3445563

Discussing about drugs makes rarely sense. We can study them from a scientific point of view, but they affect us on a more subtle level, that we still can´t understand with the tools we have today.
But if you are still discussing whether they are good or bad, or trying to make an objective analysis of their effects without considering a possible user, his life, his memories and his body, instead of just reporting your personal experience, you are doin it so wrong...

>> No.3446282

>not listening to Zoltan Koscis the Bartok god play Bartok

>> No.3446472

>DPH not God-Tier
wtf u doin mate. Can't handle deleriants dude?
True psychonauts revel in the darkness that DPH takes u to.

>> No.3446488

Not that guy, but nobody in their right mind would try using DPH to write.

>> No.3446561 [DELETED] 

I've disavowed all drugs except caffeine in coffee or tea form.

I used to smoke weed everyday but I don't miss it.

>> No.3446608 [DELETED] 

>Speed in Good tier
>Meth in what the fuck are you doing tier

You know nothing (about writing).

>> No.3446618

Welp, now I know why so many of those reports are pretentious and tryhard.

>> No.3446625

try robitussin

>> No.3446716

I love DXM, i just don't write while on it.

>> No.3446726

Can you write on meth? I just end up masturbating for ten hours.

>> No.3446733

What about nootropics?

>> No.3446762

>mah nigga

>> No.3446781

Why would you advice a junky to drink cough syrup?

>> No.3446784

disagree. It's all about the coffee and internal problems that lead to writing in my life bro.

>> No.3446786

babbies first pseudo-opiod

>> No.3446801

Chill, Winston.

Codeine CWE's, chasing tar, methedone, Tramadol, subutex, fent, spiking white, morphine ES, pod tea, we're all after the same feeling.

>> No.3446837

...was going to do some heroin today but it didn't work out.

>> No.3447622

They worked....too intensly for me, after i took piracetam every color, every shape, every detail became 10 times more intense. The same thing happened to every thought that i had and consecuently to every sentence that i had read. It was literaly like watching a movie, infused with intense feelings and sensations. But i am bipolar so it probably sent me into some kind of hypomanic state and beware some people have negative reactions to it, while others do not feel it at all.

>> No.3447761

All I am reading is "I have no capability to find creativity in myself so I indulge in expensive habits that are both self gratifying and destructive to make up for my lack of a personality".

>> No.3447791


>> No.3447858
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>lol associating writing with smoking and drinking
>look at these russian writers

>> No.3447866
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>> No.3447891

Yeah, I they sounded amazing, really, from the way they're talked about online, perfect, but when I tried them (piracetam, ALCAR, choline) they were either really bad to marginally above average. Piracetam is wildly unreliable, sometimes making you fog-brained and sleepy as fuck to sometimes not working to sometimes providing a slight boost I can't be sure isn't placebo. ALCAR is somewhat better, but if I take too much, i.e. two pills the same day, they turn on me. Choline was lackluster to say the least. IMO you'd be better off doing idk speed or something. Caffeine is even better than the nootropics I tried. I want to try Modafinil, but it's expensive, needs an Rx, and it's spooky how little we know about it.

>> No.3448156

Yeah, a lot of people project their own motions into things. Try having a joint and just relax..

>> No.3448159
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>Piracetam turns me into Spok. My emptions are suppressed, and I become almost computer like.

>> No.3448162

Good one. Give us another stunning joke, perhaps one about nignogs, watermellon, frie chukuh and stealing bikes.

>> No.3448243
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>Writer's fuel

>> No.3448255


Dear Lord. Are you writing from a library?

>> No.3448257

>should be writing my book
>instead I am on /lit/ posting about what I ingest whilst writing

such is life.

>> No.3448261

My book is paraphrased 4chan posts arranged into one narrative. You guys are writing my book for me.

>> No.3448262

good luck getting published

>> No.3448264
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>> No.3448267

You don't think it will be successful? On the contrary, my book is a scathing critique on contemporary society from the collective voice of our generation. It embraces post-modern ideals while simultaneously destroying them. It accurately and painfully depicts the topics on every 16 - 25year old's mind and should, hopefully, appeal to the demographic that wrote it. All I'm doing is holding up a mirror.

>> No.3448282

I know this one too well.

>> No.3448283

i'd readit.

>> No.3448313

yeah but like
no plot, man

also do you really think posts here are interesting or insightful

>> No.3448366
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>a scathing critique on contemporary society from the collective voice of our generation

I've heard this somewhere before

>> No.3448372

I've always wanted to try these.

My friend who goes to columbia says they literally increase your IQ while on them, and its basically cheating to be using them while doing anything with school

>> No.3448379

My experience with them is that they just make you really alert, but it's different from what you'd be feeling if you took something like amphetamines.

They won't make you smarter.

>> No.3448431

So its level 2 coffee? How is it any different from caffeine pills? No come down im guessing?