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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 15 KB, 228x279, marcuspolo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3444139 No.3444139 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/. What have you changed about yourself to become a better person?

>> No.3444144

I embraced nihilism.

>> No.3444146

Oh Lord it's hard to be humble
when you're perfect in every way.


>> No.3444151

I embraced humanism.

>> No.3444149



>> No.3444154

I embraced transhumanism.

>> No.3444155

What exactly did you do?

>> No.3444160

I embraced trumanism


>> No.3444162

I sent an express-paid envelope enclosing my entire life savings to TAO LIN @ 688 入店行窃 Blvd. P.O. Box 6789, Taipei, Taiwan 8862

>> No.3444165

he hugged a guy with a prosthetic leg

>> No.3444184

I embraced apathy

>> No.3444191

I accepted that nothing will stop the exponential growth curve in technology. It will eventually reach at zero point, at which time we'll either be living in a Matrix-like scenario where we are slaves/batteries to machines (as if we aren't already) or we will have the technology to upload our consciousness to self-replicating machines, essentially rendering homo sapien sapien obsolete (extinct).


>> No.3444194


>> No.3444195

I embraced feminism.

>> No.3444198

I think it might actually be Tao Lin this time.

>> No.3444200

>implying we are not already in the matrix

>> No.3444206

Tao Lin, go home. You're strung out on heroin.

>> No.3444205

I embraced concubinism.

>> No.3444207

I won a drinking competition.

>> No.3444208

the day /tv/ has a more genuine introspective conversation than /lit/

>> No.3444222
File: 23 KB, 230x230, 1360089888064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Op here

>> No.3444225

What part of "as if we aren't already" went over your thick skull?

>> No.3444235

you said 'slaves to machines'. i thought you were making a joke about the corporations being all lel totalitarian and stuff.

>> No.3444241
File: 142 KB, 756x1084, cg jung finds you amusing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop projecting, son.

>> No.3444321

I realized that there's a reason why I spend day after day here on 4chan. It's because I want to be here. I was raised in front of a computer, it's so engrained in me that I never really had a chance to have a 'real' life. Funnily enough, this realization is very empowering.

>> No.3444329

>better person?


pick one

>> No.3444336


>> No.3444338
File: 45 KB, 960x720, CuttingEdge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3444460

I embraced my one true love.

Then I woke up and embraced my pillow.

>> No.3444518

I started a war against my soul and faced my demons

>> No.3444565

I fucking hate you.

>> No.3444594

I quit 4chan.

Then I came back. I'm quitting again tonight, I swear.

>> No.3444621

I learned to empathise - and when I couldn't, I tried my best to sympathise.

>> No.3444648

Began trying to acknowledge & accept things I don't like about myself, i.e. realize I'm far from perfect (never will be).
I find that growing as a person is made easy when you do this.
Also face fears, particularly ones relating to peer pressure. Brings out the genuine.

>> No.3444691

I took a Shiza and realized I could ne'er be relieved, so I vomited instead: I am not vomiting now.

>> No.3444827

I've embraced that I have to work really hard not to be a terrible person.

>> No.3444829

I'm working on a degree that will get me a job that pays a lot of money.

>> No.3444837

Computer Science?

>> No.3445160

I've given up worldly ambition and strive for ataraxia.

>> No.3445177

why does /lit/ hold on to words like this? you're all so insanely boring

>> No.3445189

Why do you hold on to a word like "boring"? Probably because it's the most fitting and consise to refer to a certain concept.

>> No.3445194

I quit smoking and keep my caffeine intake to a bare minimum. One cup a week. I started working out, reading and even joined an online philosophy course. Now, all these are really selfish acts and they don't affect other people that much so I am questioning if this even made me a better person? Isn't becoming a better person about improving ones morals and treating your fellow man better? Because in regards to that I am failing miserably and my being is filled with resentment, anger, jealousy, envy, feelings of inferior and a whole bunch of negative stuff. Each day is another day to change it up that i just let pass and end up accumulating more negativity.

>> No.3445196


by stop using such words.

>> No.3445201

You're on the right path, anon. I'd much rather idly banter waiting in line at the supermarket with a well read healthy non-addict than some stimulant addled self hating mess. Now please adhere to an Hellenistic philosophy of choice to complete the package of pleasantness.

>> No.3445209

I came into this thread to answer your question, OP, but I realized I can't put into words the improvements I've made.

I'm much happier and more focused than I've ever been in the past. I'm getting good grades, putting in job applications, writing more, learning chess tactics, whittling, getting exercise, and still having time for kung fu movies and hanging out with my girlfriend (yes, you read that correctly).

I'm not sure exactly what I did. I just started thinking about the nature of reality and kind of hit a point where everything started working.

>> No.3445226

Autarchism: following the path to become stronger.

>> No.3445230


>> No.3445237
File: 841 KB, 1310x1080, Some Men Just Want to Watch the World Burn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The right path? This pictures sums up where you two are heading

>> No.3445241

Pursuing a healthy lifestyle leads to militant nihilism?

>> No.3445243

>mah nigga
this guy really knows his shit.

>> No.3445246



>> No.3445249

Haven't you heard? Everything is subjective and nothing means anything and we can't even be sure I'm not a figment of your imagination! Or wait, was it you that's a figment of my imagination?

>> No.3445253

The Joker seemed pretty malnourished to me. Also his dental health was suboptimal at best.

I do like watching the world burn though.

>> No.3445255

Could you gentlemen please elaborate on this -ism?

>> No.3445257

I love it when people goes all "NOTHING IS REAL EVERYTHING IS SHIT", but I really can't imagine how can anyone do it sincerely.

>> No.3445258

I meditate more often and am considering involvement in local politics, for purpose of ignoring bureaucracy in favour of getting things done for the benefit of the common citizen.

>> No.3445260


>> No.3445261

I like it how they dedicate their life to preaching this message online instead of pulling a Novatore.

>> No.3445263

I can't imagine it, but I can all too easily imagine that people might sincerely be that way.

>> No.3445268
File: 153 KB, 475x700, prince_with_five_concubines_mughal_harem_wh88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being as alpha as that guy on the pic.

>> No.3445586


Are you me?

>> No.3445595


Jesus I fell asleep reading your posts.