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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 671 KB, 538x812, 1356045457002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3441660 No.3441660 [Reply] [Original]

>23 Years old
>Erectile problems from over-masturbation during my teen years.
>My penis is misshapen and has a dark, unusual brownish colour whilst flacid, from all the constant tugging over the years.
>Living in a house with 3 other men who all have the bodies of greek gods from hitting the gym every single day.
>The walls in the house are paper thin.
>At least once a week, one of them, often the guy who lives in the room RIGHT next to me brings back a ridiculously hot girl from a club and fucks her brains out.
>Lie in bed, listening to the sounds of bouncing bed springs and passionate female moans, whilst glaring up at the ceiling, and carelessly thumbing through the pages of books I can't properly focus on from all the bombastic sex antics going on around me.
>Feeling like I died and have already gone to hell.

Think you can top that?

>> No.3441665

>>Erectile problems from over-masturbation during my teen years.
>>My penis is misshapen and has a dark, unusual brownish colour whilst flacid, from all the constant tugging over the years.

lol what

>> No.3441667

Get the fuck out.

>> No.3441669

also, what keeps you from shaving your head and hitting the gym?

Or ar you looking for good books on bodybuilding? I use Ferrigno's

>> No.3441672

Except for the balding and the 3 other men (I haven't moved in yet, but yes, I'm literally doing that as well) then we're pretty much the same person.

The guys I'm moving in with are partly losers as well though, so at least it won't be that bad. Also, I just can't pull back my foreskin, it's not a serious, self-imposed erectile dysfunction. Also, sage for trying to contaminate /lit/ with feel threads. We're better than that.

>> No.3441673

how are you 23 and still such a fucking child?

grow up or kill yourself.

>> No.3441691

Ups and downs anon, don't get so sad.

>> No.3441688

I don't want to make you feel bad, but I think you should go to /fit/

I know /lit/ has a terrible opinion on them, but if like the guys you live with, you'd start working out as well, I'm almost guaranteed your confidence would highly increase, even if you wouldn't make some stupidly amazing progress.
Also, stop watching porn and hopefully fapping.

Don't give up.

We're all gonna make it brah.

>> No.3441693
File: 15 KB, 146x187, bodyb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, we're /lit/ sure, but lets help the guy out. A few endorphins and a weekly routine might be just what the doctor ordered. Here's a book rec for you:

>> No.3441701

>tl;dr : 23 yo manchild crying over first world problems.

>> No.3441702

Wait, we hate /fit/? Fuck! I thought we hated /sci/! Uh no, those aren't dumbells!!! They're, um, paper weights!!!Yeah, That's the ticket!

>> No.3441704

/fit/ is too obsessed with muscles, not enough fitness: whole board is thinly veiled homolust.

>> No.3441705

I've stopped fapping for almost a week now, it's had a good impact on my mood and energy.

I really don't have the time or dedication to go body building, I'm afraid. I'd be eaten alive in the gym.

>> No.3441707

we also hate /sci/

and /mu/, /co/, /tv/, /r9k/, /pol/ and /tg/

>> No.3441716

Time to man up, OP.

Start shaving your fucking head, and hit the god damn gym. The increased testosterone uptake from strength training might just fix your little erectile problem.

Godspeed brother.

>> No.3441719


>> No.3441721

like the other gentlemen ITT said:

get /fit/ or die mirin'

>> No.3441725
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>get /fit/ or die mirin'

i like this expression

>> No.3441727
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>> No.3441730

>I'd be eaten alive in the gym.

Actually, people on /fit/ welcome newcomers willing to change their lifestyles, no matter how fat or skinny they are.

What /fit/ despises are faggots with an attitude like yours.

>don't have the time or dedication

>> No.3441733

Want to fuck? Go out of your house to fuck. Nothing but your self-imposed morals play against you. Rebel against your own indifference towards yourself. Be specially critical about the people that surround you. They dont seem like people that care honestly about you. Only in that way you may expect life to treat you like you deserve.

>> No.3441734

As obsessed as people may be with making gains, nobody would eat you alive, no worries. I think you realise that in this case especially, you're your worst enemy.

And besides, it's not just body building, it's becoming stronger as well. And hey, it's supposed to actually make you feel better as well.

>> No.3441738
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how do you rebel

>> No.3441742

>I don't have the time or dedication

If you have the time to whine on fit about your life, you have the time to get to the gym. It's three, four hours out of your week. Ask one of your roommates to teach you how to work out.

>> No.3441744

No, but since we're moping.

>21 out of university
>have plenty of experience in various industries
>cannot find work at all from internships to basic retail
>live with parents who have been stealing money and losing any pride they had in me.
>want to move into place with girlfriend but unable to
>she lives miles away which makes things difficult
>suffer from PTSD which limits my social interactions
>no friends to hang out with
>no money to do anything with

At least I'm far from alone when it comes to all this. Pretty common among people I know.

>> No.3441745

you think people will mock you for working out? I've never heard of this happening. They'll all try to help you, so they can take partial credit for your success. And you will succeed; everybody does. and you'll enjoy it. Now go start a books-on-tape recc thread because you'll need something for the treadmill and other cardio.

>> No.3441749

what trauma are you ptsding from? and your parents are stealing money?

>> No.3441755

Doing things.
Rebeling takes a strong character.
Just work a creative way out of your shithole.

May i remember you that shit fertilizes entire forests?

>> No.3441758

>19 years old
>live with parents
>parents hate me
>dropped out of college last semester because of social anxiety
>no motivation to do anything
>bored with life
>don't feel anything
wat do

>> No.3441761


I was caught up in some riots a year back and just been shaken since, had treatment so it's not so severe but just avoid going on in the evenings and have this constant sense of dread hanging over me.

My family are poor and so I want to help out a little. I would lend my dad my card or some money but he never paid any back or took out more than he promised. Feel torn as I want to help them but they are sucking me dry.

>> No.3441770

do whatever you like. Have some fun. cruise campus and hang because no that you have no classes there's less anxiety. find some cute girl and help her with her classes.

fool your parents into thinking you've changed by always being cheerful and helpful when you're around them. Act laid back and tolerant when they get mad at you and get up early and get out of the house every day. Get some stupid, pointless job for a little spending money and just live the good life for a few years. don't strain yourself.

>> No.3441774

Pretty much anything, really. Go to trade school. If you're an american, the trades are where it's fucking at. Plumbing, mechanic, carpentry, none of it is going anywhere anytime soon. Practically recession proof.

>> No.3441776

You can deal with some of it by getting out of the house as much as you can, especially during daylight hours. Just walk around or go to the library and read. Helps with the dread if you confront it so often it starts to bore you. Avoid riots though. If that's what makes you freak out. They happen a lot where you're from?

>> No.3441777

No, I can't. Why the fuck would I? Self-pity isn't a fucking competition, nor should it be.

Just start going to the gym, and sort your fucking life out. God, you're pathetic.

>> No.3441780

heating and A/C is everywhere in america, and the cert classes are over in nine months. Also, Inventory and supply chain management is really taking off.

>> No.3441794

Fucking go the gym with them and get some lotion for your dick, stop jerking it, and fucking get some extenze if you really can't pop a boner, holy shit.

Also, shave your head.

>> No.3441798

my anxiety wasn't just because of the classes, its hard for me to go out and do stuff and talk to people or buy things at stores, or apply to jobs, even though i have applied to several. I usually go out everyday to read and smoke cigarettes just to get out of the house
seems boring, and if i felt up for learning things i wouldnt have dropped out of college

>> No.3441802

half of /fit/ is with attitude like his
there always a feel/beta thread on first page.

>> No.3441800


RIP rest in peace

forever mirin'

>> No.3441804

Then get checked out by a doctor and get government checks.

>> No.3441805

OP why don't you just read books in silence like the rest of these faggots?

>> No.3441808

how do you get checks from the government

>> No.3441813

You have to get a psychological examination which should classify you with some level of social anxiety. If it's severe enough, then you should be labeled disabled or something and then I'm sure they'll walk you through the process.

>> No.3441814


sorry but checks from the government come from taxes and I don't want to pay for this pussy. How about you and him both kill yourselves?

>> No.3441818

Sorry, too bad. It's not like that money wouldn't just go to some other pussy or just sit there doing nothing anyway.

>> No.3441822


Nigga you came to the wrong board. /lit/ gets laid about as often as /r9k/

>> No.3441823

Why are there so many guys like this now? If the factories start hiring are they down there lined up? No: The Schneider in my neighborhood needed twentyfive guys at 14.00/hr, and union acceptance and a raise to 24.00/hr after 600 hours. Young guys show up? nope. Guys in their forties. And all you needed was ahigh school diploma. What's going on?

>> No.3441824
File: 37 KB, 927x209, lit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And there isn't a single board with a favorable opinion of /lit/

Face it, this place is terrible.

>> No.3441829

>implying the money wouldn't come from china
>implying the money i would get would be significant at all to all the useless shit the government pays f or

why don't you kill yourself?

>> No.3441830

if young guys came would they get the job over the 40 year olds? nope

>> No.3441833

Young people don't know how to look for jobs beyond your typical service and sales jobs.

>> No.3441835

I thought /int/ were our friends because they can into good general knowledge and history and such.

>> No.3441837

Actually, whenever I'm on another board and, for whatever reason, they're discussing their favourite boards, /lit/ is always mentioned. The general consensus is that we're pretty great.

The only people who don't like us the are the self-loathing lurkers who frequent here, and those who are jaded and bitter that we know what we're talking about i.e. /mu/

>> No.3441840


Because I'm not a loser that can't function properly in society, I graduated college, I'm very happy with where my life is at, and my parents love me unconditionally.

>> No.3441842


Now they just need to make a /phil/ board so we can get the rest of these proles quarantined off and things will be much better for everyone.

>> No.3441846

>Living in a house with 3 other men who all have the bodies of greek gods from hitting the gym every single day.

Why don't you ask them to take you to the gym and help you out? Don't seek for help on the internet.

>> No.3441849

im sorry i didnt choose to be a loser that can't function in society. Your life is just as meaningless as mine, so go ahead and kill yourself.

>> No.3441852

Jesus, what are you, 14?

>> No.3441853
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I don't think it's bad.
I come across insightful people here, and insightful posts and discussion. If i could talk to people in real life about the things posted here, i would be delighted, but the majority of my friends doesn't read anything. Not even Harry Potter.

OP, you might want to try to accept that it doesnt have to be like it is right now.
Try working out, go running every other day. Try to talk to people, make friends and invite them over. Imagine girls as just any other guy, and talk to them like that.

>implying i know anything

>> No.3441856

Au contraire, mon frère, we are the pearl cast in the mud before the swine (the rest of the boards being the swine, 4chan itself being the mud).

>> No.3441857

no, what are you? retarded or delusional?

>> No.3441862


>Oh no, I've fucked up my life
>I know, I'll become a nihilist! That will resolve me of all responsibility for my actions, because everything is pointless anyway
Grow up, friendo.

>> No.3441861


>implying every board doesn't think this about itself except maybe /b/ and /v/

>> No.3441871

yeah, they want the young guys. The old guys kill their health care costs. They'd ban the old guys from applying if they could.

>> No.3441872


My life isn't meaningless. I have a family, girlfriend and very close lifelong friends that would be devastated without me. Just as I would be devastated without them. Grow up buddy, the world isn't as depressing as you think.

>> No.3441875
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Feels so good to leech and fraud and scam and steal the hard earned money away from smug people like you.

>> No.3441882

so your delusional? i was a nihilist before i even knew the word existed, I didn't fuck up my life, you don't know me in the slightest, you should grow up and stop clinging onto your college education and good job and loving parents and realize your life is just as worthless as i am

>> No.3441884

ok, but when you start fappin again, USE YOUR IMMAGINATION

>> No.3441886

hurr its so hard to go to the gym

Greek gods were modeled on greek men bro, and Plato sure as shit didn't use any crazy diets or machinery to achieve his body. Your physical and mental health dictate everything you do.

>> No.3441887
File: 15 KB, 800x600, nihilism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3441890

but their lives are just as meaningless as yours you see?

>> No.3441892


camus and satre
>the cure

>> No.3441893

so just wait to be devasted

>> No.3441896

“Sometimes people don't want to hear the truth because they don't want their illusions destroyed.”

>> No.3441900

Where's the literature?

>> No.3441902

Camus doesn't cure anything. His 'philosophy' provides no impetus for anything.

"Life is meaningless, but you know, ABSURD, so be happy."

It provides no reason to be anything other than a nihilist if you are already a nihilist.

Haven't read any Sartre, though.

>> No.3441907

thats where you're wrong. You only think your life is pointless because you're depressed and have anxiety. It's chemicals in your brain that can be fixed with other chemicals (xanax, etc.) And you're the one saying no one knows you in the slightest, but calling everyone else worthless like you know them?

>> No.3441908

real nihilists are probably the happiest man on this earth

>> No.3441909
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>he thinks his teenager way of thinking is the truth

>> No.3441911


Yeah I'll be upset when they die that's part of life though. What are you proving?

>> No.3441916

man, it´s the internet that makes us anxious as fuck
anyways, realizing the terrible truth about the existence is just the first step, after this you can dive in the illusion

>> No.3441917

everyone is worthless, the chemicals in my brain are what makes it hard for me to go in public places and be in social situations, and depression making it so i can't enjoy things, neither of which would have any impact on my life or existence altogether having any meaning

>> No.3441919

If you're such a nihilist why do you insist on wallowing in the meaninglessness instead of going full sandbox mode and doing as you please?

>> No.3441922

>self pity thread
>77 posts and 8 image replies omitted. Click here to view.
god fucking damn it /lit/

>> No.3441924

because i have crippling anxiety and depression, being a nihilist doesn't make me any less human

>> No.3441926

Meaning is a concept. Concepts are products of the mind. They're subjective and personal and have always been subjective and personal and will always be subjective and personal. That doesn't mean that they don't exist.

>> No.3441927

Don't worry, I'm going to start an existential crisis thread in a bit .

>> No.3441928

but it is, im sorry you aren't ready to face the truth, have fun being delusional

>> No.3441930

Try to fix those things then. Are you even trying?

>> No.3441931

If there is no value in anything, what makes being right about that superior to being wrong about it?

Why not dive headlong into delusion?

>> No.3441932


despondent "baww" threads: not /lit/ related

remember to sage and hide everyone

>> No.3441933

>ice cream isn't delicious, it has no value at all
Do you realise how silly you even sound? If people think their lives have meaning then it is so. Just like if you like ice cream it actually is delicious for you. Value judgements are never objective.

>> No.3441938

any meaning you create for your life is a delusion

>> No.3441947

Value judgements aren't truth apt, silly goose.

>> No.3441948

Why is delusion bad?

>> No.3441950

yes but thinking your life has meaning is delusional, i mean you can do it all you want but you still aren't facing the truth.
im supposed to call a therapist today to set up the appointment but im too afraid to call

>> No.3441953

Is there any reason to face the truth? Is there meaning in that? If not, why do it?

>> No.3441954


Yikes, delusion as opposed to soundness- both categories of human valuation, valuation being the establishment of meaning.

>He thinks being a unadventurous child is philosophically justified

>> No.3441958

What is the truth?

>> No.3441962

>read Kierkegaard
>find God
>stop shitposting

>> No.3441966

because you don't see the truth, i think its always best to see things the way they really are instead of living in a bubble

>> No.3441969

So you think there's meaning in seeing the truth?

>> No.3441970

Thinking someone's life can't have meaning is just as delusional. Learn to subjectivity.

>hurrr communism doesn't exist since I've never seen one frolicking in the wild

>> No.3441973

Lol you done goofed prety hard, cowboy. You accidentally gave your life some resemblance of meaning since you try to adhere to your self-created ethical system.

>> No.3441978

>basing your self worth on how many bitches you fuck while living on a planet that's already overpopulated.

>> No.3441979

I saw one frolicing in the wild once I think:
Big Red Bear?
with a star and hammer and sickle on its belly?
Thought it was a care bear.
Turned out it only cared about the rights of the workers.

>> No.3441980

stop basing assumptions of me off of nothing, it is philosophically justified, because why adventure when i could just sit here and do nothing? they are one in the same in my mind. And i probably would be more adventurous if i enjoyed it

>> No.3441985

>stop basing assumptions of me off of nothing
Is there value in not basing assumptions of you off of nothing?

Is me withholding assumptions about you somehow better than assuming you're a dinosaur browsing 4chan through time?

>> No.3441990

That life is meaningless, at least for a human being. But actually I agree with you on the rest, life can and must be enjoyed.

OP, if being a nihilist doesn´t make you less human, start giving some satisfaction to your human body and your human mind, cause you entirely depend on them. After you have learnt the truth, learn to forget the truth. Or use it.

>> No.3441991

>And i probably would be more adventurous if i enjoyed it
You're a hedonist now?

>> No.3441992

no, what is there besides the truth? i dont go around preaching nihilism because i really don't care if people see the truth or not, but is it better to see the truth? yes

>> No.3441993


Where should I start? Should I read anyone first or dive straight into Kierkegaard?

>> No.3441996

>thinly veiled
confiirmed for never visiting /fit/

>> No.3442000

Define "better" without resorting to giving objective OR subjective meaning to anything.

>> No.3442004

So you don't believing in meaning and value but you think knowing the truth is objectively superior to not knowing it? That's some pretty hardcore cognitive dissonance, friend.

>> No.3442006

What's wrong with that?

>> No.3442002

no, but you are saying things that aren't true.

>> No.3442008

Read the wikipedia article and walk around like you know shit, just like everyone else.

>> No.3442013

being better doesn't mean its objectively superior, stop putting words into my mouth. Just because im a nihilist doesn't make me any less human

>> No.3442019

how could i be a hedonist if i didn't enjoy anything?

>> No.3442021

No wonder people think philosophy is for losers. It's all you losers seem to want to talk about.

who cares if life has meaning? If it does, it's probably some dumb meaning like "love your neighbor" or "respect the planet" and once you've domne those things, then what?

Nah. try to help people and have a good time. If you find out you're good at something do that and try to get people to pay you for it. otherise, just enjoy yourself.

Read Li Po
Read Tu fu
Read the Fucking Rubber Yacht of Homer Cayenne and shut the fuck up.

>> No.3442026

stop trying to make me contradict myself, there is nothing wrong with it, it just isn't the truth, so if you want to keep lying to yourself go ahead

>> No.3442028

If you would be happier lying to yourself, why don't you?

>> No.3442029

What is the truth?

>> No.3442032

because once you open your eyes to it you can't close them

>> No.3442034

I want to read Bukowski and suffer.

>> No.3442035

There are plenty of people who were nihilists and then stopped being nihilists. What about them?

>> No.3442037

What does better mean than? Is it a subjective personal value someone assings to things? Like meaning? Either you can subjectively value things and you can subjectively subscribe meaning to things, or you can't and your preference for the truth is just as meaningless as a preference for pleasant delusion. Learn to nihilism.

You said you would probably do it if you enjoyed it more. In other words, that you base your decisions on pleasure. In other words, hedonism.

>> No.3442039

They weren't true nihilist in the first place.

>> No.3442042

everyone says the same about their ideology

>> No.3442047

No true Scotsman.

>> No.3442052

Well fuck me, but The Myth of Sisyphus realy inspired me. I'm aspireing to be Don Juan, Actor and Conqueror to a certain extent. I DO things that make me APPEAR as someone and I ENJOY it. Fake it till you make it brah.

>> No.3442058

You people need sex, seriously.

I need it too, anyone want to gay it up?

>> No.3442061

there is no real truth, could wake up tomorrow and my entire life was a dream, up could be down, god could be real, life could have meaning

but from our perspective there is no reason to make any of these assumptions, you putting meaning to your life is an illusion that you have no actual reason to believe, you making baseless assumptions about me isn't true because from your perspective there is no logical reason to believe that

>> No.3442065

Nah, You want the Rubaiyat trust me, and some Miniver Cheevy. That's what gys like you read in the late fifties. Here" My Compliments/


>> No.3442068

but there difference between mine and theirs is that im right and they are wrong

>> No.3442073


>> No.3442086

yes but who doesn't base their decisions on pleasure to some degree? just because you don't want to be miserable doesn't mean your a hedonist.

im not very good with words, but better is subjective, maybe it was the wrong word to use, but seeing the truth, it just is what it is, there's no reason not to see it

>> No.3442093

please refer to

>> No.3442097
File: 23 KB, 283x355, sophist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no reason to prefer logical thought to illogical thought. Your only reason to prefer logical thought to illogical thought is because logical thought is logical. And circular reasoning isn't a sound logical argument. The preference for logic can't be logically defended. Your preference for logical is therefore illogical. It's based merely on the irrational faith that logic is superior to the lack of logic. Your position is no more logical than that of a religious person. So now you have two options. Either you accept that logic is superior which would imply that you accept that my argument is valid and that logic is in fact not superior, or you just save yourself the time and admit that logic isn't superior.

Boom. You just got sophisted.

>> No.3442099

/lit/ frontpage:
>Why are adverbs and adjectives so hated by writers?
>Convince why I should take on a STEM field and be a code monkey my entire life
>Tao Lin thread
>What do you think of someone who says "I only read classics"?
>Vocaroo thread
>more philosophy
>Robert Jordan thread
>What do you think of "The God Delusion" written by Richard Dawkins?
>how do you not run out of books to read?
>/r9k/ bullshit -- 116 posts and 9 image replies omitted. Click here to view.
just kill me

>> No.3442102

you are an idiot, i have more reason to believe my beliefs than a religious person has to believe theirs, i could be wrong and life has a meaning and there is an afterlife, but there is no reason to believe that

>> No.3442103
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>how do you not run out of books to read?

>> No.3442104

>you just got so fisted

>> No.3442108

>i have more reason to believe my beliefs

what is this reason?

>> No.3442111

>there is no reason to believe that
What if I wanna?

>> No.3442114

I hope you aren't inconvenienced by the draft created by my post going right over your head.

>> No.3442117


>> No.3442121

go ahead
if you don't know, there is no hope for you and im not going to explain it

>> No.3442123

no i fully understand your post, but its cute that you think that

>> No.3442125

You do not, or you would have realised that it is correct. All beliefs and all truth statements are based on axioms that are assumed and not proven. Therefore all beliefs are fundamentally irrational. Your truth loving nihilism just as much as anything else.

>> No.3442133

logic could be illogical, but from our perspective from humans on earth is that logic is logical you can't win an argument by using an argument from a different context

>> No.3442135

Holy shit OP is that penis stuff true?

Cause if it is I'm screwed and will definitely end up like you. I'm as pathetic though.

>> No.3442138

Logical is logical, but the belief that logic is preferable to the lack of logic can't be logically defended. Your preference of the logical to the illogical is irrational.

>> No.3442142

my preference to logic is subjective, but just because some people prefer the illogical doesn't make logic less logical

>> No.3442149

you don´t close them forever, you try to keep them close for some time. You will always have a cynical perspective on life, but you will learn to enjoy it. The problem is... to be able to feel good you have to say goodbye to porn and spend less time on the internet.

>> No.3442160

i havent watched porn in like 2 months and i dont spend that much time on the internet, only today because i got caught up discussing this

>> No.3442162

That's not the point. The point is that your preference for logic is just as illogical as a preference for the illogical. There's no logical reason to choose the one over the other. You think you are a hard headed though nihilist, but your beliefs are no more than that: Beliefs. Just like those of others. Your arrogance seems to stem from your incapability to comprehend this. If you truely embraced logic you would admit that your position is no better than any other position.

>> No.3442166


>> No.3442171

>Logical: true/valid
>Reflects reality
>People prefer the logical because it actually represents the world they live in
>People want the representation to be accurate because it allows them to interact with the world better
>People want to interact with the world because human nature largely dictates their behavior
>What we refer to as "human nature" is itself the result of neurons firing in our brains in similar patterns, provoking similar responses
>These neurons are composed of atoms over which individuals have no control
>Similarly, the interactions of these atoms (which provoke human thought) is beyond our control
>Interaction without intent is meaningless
>Therefore, your existence is meaningless

I dun good?
sage ohgodi'msoboredandthisthreadishorrle

>> No.3442175

holy jesus you really are delusional, that would be true if my position wasn't more logical than others which from our perspective, they are. Other beliefs could be true i will acknowledge that but there is no logical reason to believe in anything other than nihilism

>> No.3442189
File: 13 KB, 220x326, 220px-Kierkegaard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your assumption that it reflects reality is quite a leap already. You are now officially a person of faith.

>> No.3442196

jesus fucking christ, the amount of /soc/ and /fit/ pseudo-intellectuals ITT, conjuring every bit of their teenage angst

seriously, get the fuck out

thread reported

>> No.3442202

Everyone is a person of faith. All beliefs are faith because no belief can be objectively proven. I'm a potato and you're an aardvark. Welcome to the club.

>> No.3442207

>not being a /fit/lit/

>> No.3442209

Logic is more logical than things that aren't logical. Bravo. And sweet is more sweet than non-sweet things and truth is more true than falsehood. You're not really stating anything. A is the most A so therefore A is the best isn't a logically sound argument. These waters are clearly way too deep for you. I suggest you sit this one out.

>> No.3442213

Thank you. That's what I've been trying to explain to Mr. Nihilist.

>> No.3442218

yes but you were implying that logic isn't more logical

>> No.3442221

Miniver Cheevy, child of scorn,
Grew lean while he assailed the seasons;
He wept that he was ever born,
And he had reasons.

Miniver loved the days of old
When swords were bright and steeds were prancing;
The vision of a warrior bold
Would set him dancing.

Miniver sighed for what was not,
And dreamed, and rested from his labors;
He dreamed of Thebes and Camelot,
And Priam’s neighbors.

Miniver mourned the ripe renown
That made so many a name so fragrant;
He mourned Romance, now on the town,
And Art, a vagrant.

Miniver loved the Medici,
Albeit he had never seen one;
He would have sinned incessantly
Could he have been one.

Miniver cursed the commonplace
And eyed a khaki suit with loathing;
He missed the mediæval grace
Of iron clothing.

Miniver scorned the gold he sought,
But sore annoyed was he without it;
Miniver thought, and thought, and thought,
And thought about it.

Miniver Cheevy, born too late,
Scratched his head and kept on thinking;
Miniver coughed, and called it fate,
And kept on drinking.

lets /lit/ this fucker up!!!!

>> No.3442230

no you weren't, and that would be true except for the fact that from your perspective he isn't a potato and you aren't an aardvark, so it would be stupid to say so, that's what every religion is saying and all other beliefs are saying but the fact is from your perspective your a human, you could be an aardvark but you have no reason to believe that from what you see

>> No.3442235

Yep. Life's meaningless.


On My First Son
by Ben Jonson

Farewell, thou child of my right hand, and joy ;
My sin was too much hope of thee, lov'd boy.
Seven years thou wert lent to me, and I thee pay,
Exacted by thy fate, on the just day.
Oh, could I lose all father now ! For why
Will man lament the state he should envy?
To have so soon 'scaped world's and flesh's rage,
And if no other misery, yet age !
Rest in soft peace, and, asked, say, Here doth lie
Ben Jonson his best piece of poetry.
For whose sake henceforth all his vows be such
As what he loves may never like too much.

>> No.3442238

great, so just learn and get used to act nihilist instead of just thinking. The shock of discovering the truth can hurt you but what doesn´t kill you make you stronger, am i wrong? Maybe you start feeling like this as a kid, but once you will start feeling better life will be easier for you than for your flat mates, they probably have a lot of fun but you can be sure that sometimes they feel helpless and sense unknown forces affecting their life.
Life is a struggle for everyone, being smart can make it worse, but most people don´t have idea of what they are experiencing, if you want to get the best out of it you have to work on it, and suffering is a step of what you have to do, sure, but not the last one.

>> No.3442241

im not op

>> No.3442248

No, I was implying that the preference of logic over the lack of logic can't be logically justified.

Well, to be precise I was trying to tell Mr. Nihilist that he is a person of faith. Also, you don't know about my perspective. Don't be so quick to assume that I make the same assumptions about reality as you do.

>> No.3442251

I met Tu Fu on a mountaintop
in August when the sun was hot.

Under the shade of his big straw hat
his face was sad--

in the years since we last parted,
he'd grown wan, exhausted.

Poor old Tu Fu, I thought then,
he must be agonizing over poetry again.

>> No.3442253

Cheers to a life that's black and bleak
Without the meaning that others seek
We know the truth, which, as presently,
we argue among ourselves incessantly.

>> No.3442262

As bamboo chill drifts into the bedroom,
Moonlight fills every corner of our
Garden. Heavy dew beads and trickles.
Stars suddenly there, sparse, next aren't.

Fireflies in dark flight flash. Waking
Waterbirds begin calling, one to another.
All things caught between shield and sword,
All grief empty, the clear night passes

>> No.3442264

Oh yeah dickhole? Well I just burned 60 poems I wrote in my fireplace out of rage and depression. Don't be a fucking fool.

>> No.3442280


please god yes

>> No.3442284
File: 21 KB, 264x400, 1351683215736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is no god

>> No.3442299

Why would you write poems in your fireplace? See a doctor.

>> No.3442306

I knew some smartass would say that.

60 poems written over the course of two years thrown into a fireplace. Satisfied with the wording?

>> No.3442341

How did you throw two years into a fireplace? Is that a metaphor?

>> No.3442351
File: 429 KB, 1365x1200, sci.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/sci/ is literally 10x times worse than /lit/. time will come when half of those homosexuals realize how much empty their lives are; pursuing STEM-fields is a guaranteed plan for a life-long anti-intellectual obsession with scientific dogmatism. trying to have a coherent conversation with a typical /sci/ undergraduate is a fucking nightmare.

>> No.3442360

Now that's just bad reading comprehension so you can go fuck yourself

>> No.3442368

So can you post some of your poems?

>> No.3442372


>> No.3442388

Not OP. Just wondering if it's OK if I live at home, rent free, at the age of 23 with no plans of further education while working a minimum wage job to support my habits that have placated me thus far? I have no aspirations, except to continue reading, and I have little patience for ordinary ilk that have invested their short lives in other people's idealism. Is this OK since i'm, you know, happy?

>> No.3442392

I admit it made me laugh though

>> No.3442409


Fuck no it's not OK.
Who is going to take care of your parents in their dotage?
Who is going to support you they're gone?

>> No.3442426

He's right. Work all this stuff out and you'll be good to go, though.

>> No.3442433

More importantly, how will you support yourself in thirty years when your parents are dead and you have no significant work skill or experience? Mortgaging the house (if your parents leave you one) might carry for a little while, but at some point you're going to need to be able to support yourself on an income of more than $12/hour, and while you've been developing the taste, knowledge, and intelligence that will set you above the common ilk, your investment will eventually result in long years of chronic depression, loneliness, and your tragic (but not unexpected) suicide.

But everyone's gonna die sometime. And what better way than pathetic, forsaken, and alone?

>> No.3442439


The state will take care of them. I'm not sure, but can $9.50/hr full-time cover rent and utilities, and basic necessities? If so, i'm just gonna ride this train.

>> No.3442440

It all comes down to money. EVERYTHING comes down to money. If you can make enough money to support yourself, you are FINE.

>> No.3442447

If you guys are all ugly and socially inept... why don't you do what the rest of us do and study engineering or computer science or accouting? It's not even that hard. Just get a few textbooks and computer programs. You'll probably still be lonely , but at least you get a bit of fulfillment and $$$. Eventually you'll find a girl that will want your money too

>> No.3442448

What are you doing to save it eh dickhead?

>> No.3442445

So just need to get a $2.50 raise?

>> No.3442446

Reading posts like this just makes me sad inside. Our race is doomed.

>> No.3442451

He lurks /lit/.

>> No.3442456


>The state will take care of them

You are a gigantic piece of shit. I hope when you are old and alone they send you to a hospice.

>can $9.50/hr full-time cover rent and utilities, and basic necessities?

The only way you could be a bigger fuckup is by siring a poor bastard.

>> No.3442462

Ah, productive. How I about I stab you in the fucking throat you massive cuntbag.

>> No.3442464
File: 16 KB, 207x220, 1359502882734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll fucking shiv you you cunt, fuck off.

>> No.3442469

this is exactly why nobody likes you

>> No.3442470


>> No.3442473

Gab that to me mug m8 not online and see what comes about

Everyone likes ME you dipshit

>> No.3442475
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>> No.3442477
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>> No.3442480
File: 18 KB, 119x124, davediscussion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3442481

Is there a Dave photo with the Ron Paul style? "You could have prevented this", "Why didn't you stop it" etc. ?

>> No.3442482
File: 7 KB, 291x143, 1359590296838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3442485

Will you inherit the house after they die? Will you be able to maintain it of your income? If so, you're doing fine.

Also, a bit of frugalism goes a long way.

>> No.3442486

What's really pretty about her, /lit/, is that her smile is much more radiant when she doesn't try. When she tries to look good it fades but it's perpetually pretty when she lets her guard down.

>> No.3442487
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>> No.3442489
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>> No.3442491

>Be 32
>Still live at home
>wake up at 2pm
>take fifth slice of bread from loaf (not eating those nasty front ones)
>Eat and go back to bed
>masturbate, youtube, /lit/, masturbate, fart into cupped hand to smell it
>Mom home from work, feeds me
>Back to bed, masturbate, /lit/, read, more farting into cupped hand to smell it

>> No.3442497

I do this except I shove my finger up my butthole for casual pleasure and I'm 18, also I'm fat and my eating habits are worse than yours. I want to kill myself but my mother would hate it.

>> No.3442502
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>> No.3442509
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>> No.3442515
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>> No.3442519
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>> No.3442522
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>> No.3442523
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>> No.3442527

there is about to!

>> No.3442538
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>> No.3442539

> read Schopenhauer at age of 12
> lose interest in having interests
> can't will a boner
wat do

>> No.3442541

so are we /b/ now?

>> No.3442547

>destroying a shit thread
who the fuck cares

>> No.3442553


>> No.3442576
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>be 16
>at a friend's house
>go to his dad's library
>randomly grab a book

>> No.3442585


>> No.3442591

e-excuse me but I'm 16 and I understand the Stranger