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File: 205 KB, 466x625, gautam_buddha_in_meditation.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3437923 No.3437923 [Reply] [Original]

Why haven't you accepted Buddha as your lord and saviour? Why don't you visit church of meditation every day?

>> No.3437930

Because I know two white middle-class, non-drinking, vegetarian, long-haired 'Buddhists' already, and they are the most insufferable little cunts I have ever met. I aim to do everything in my power to distance myself from new-age western Buddhism.

>> No.3437937

i bet theyre a lot more happy than you are

>> No.3437946

If you know they're buddhists they're doing it wrong.

You won't notice good buddhists because they won't bring attention to it.

>> No.3437952

Couldn't handle the supernatural elements. And Buddhist reasoning without reincarnation boils down to antinatalism and forced euthanasia of all life. It would be either believing in magic or being a serial killer and both seem things I do not want.

>> No.3437958

So Gautama was a bad Buddhist? Lel.

>> No.3437961

I bet they don't care.

>> No.3437968

Dude I am a buddhist. I do, like, zen and chakra meditation stuff. I still smoke weed though, I'm not, like, a strict buddhist, but I do the paleo diet and yoga.

>> No.3437983


there is no church of meditation, it is something that you do yourself

buddha was only a simple human being who realized something special as a result of his time and effort spent thinking

thats it

>> No.3437993

Why haven't you accepted buttah as your lard and savour? Why don't you visit church of marination every day?

>> No.3437996

>boils down to antinatalism
how have you come to this kind of conclusion

the metaphysics are silly but even without them buddhism has had a pretty good and positive influence on all kinds of things even outside philosophy. it's probably the least negative major "religion".

>> No.3438014

Humans brag, man, it's in our nature. I feel like I should be the most humble person of all time, but I can't help bragging about everything I do all the time. Even if it's not even noteworthy, or really should just be left subtle, It'll sneak its way out of my mouth.

>> No.3438017

This. Scientific thought was not at all approachable back then. So all he knew/figured out, he dressed up in stories so the vast majority could comprehend and incorporate his teaching. Jesus hanged with Buddha, went back and did a similar thing.

>> No.3438067

They think life is suffering, and their ultimate goal is to reach nirvana, which is basically when your karma stops reincarnating you and you go join the hive mind, which seems to exist outside of our physical world. Basically your soul(which is really just an avatar of the greater universal soul) loses its individuality. Kinda like being assimilated by the Borg. Sure, your mind does in a sense persist, but it's all mixed up with this omniscient, timeless super-soul. It sounds a lot like soul-death. This is beside the point though, which is that they want to stop being reincarnated, which means they want life to stop being created(unless new avatars pop into existence to take the place of those that leave, I don't know).

>> No.3438110

"I will not go
Prefer a Feast of Friends
To the Giant Family"

>> No.3438123

how is any of this negative?

have you ever seen a bodhisattva advocate violence?

nirvana does not cease reincarnation.

to have a negative is to have a positive and vice versa.

why are you associating it with antinatalism? because both systems assign a sort of value? it's clumsy at best

>> No.3438165

Buddhism is the path to end suffering. Without rebirth and an immortal soul and all that, destroying yourself ends your conscience and non-existence is the surest way to not suffer, making suicide the most efficient and quick way to end suffering, and if you're a nice guy, killing as many people as you can before you do so.

>> No.3438185

buddhism isnt that hard to udnerstand its too bad so many people dont get it

not that i mean it should be spread just that it should be understood better

>> No.3438285

>nirvana does not cease reincarnation.
Yeah, no, it does. I didn't say it was negative; it's my favourite religion. I wasn't the one who first connected it to antinatalism, but I do think there are some clear similarities:
1. The belief that living equals suffering.
2. The belief that life is not worth living.
3. An unwillingness to be born.
This is pretty much the definition of antinatalism, and it all fits into Buddhism. The antinatalist philosophy is in other words contained within the Buddhist religion.

>> No.3438310

>belief that life is not worth living
>an unwillingness to be bored
where are you getting these ones?

>> No.3438322

They want to stop living in the physical world, and they don't want to be born. I said "BORN", who wants to be bored?

>> No.3438346
File: 495 KB, 200x184, 1355277070743.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

delicious slip of tongue

brb, founding religion based on the unwillingness to be bored

it's going to be a hit amongst middle-class plebs

>> No.3438390

are those not part of the metaphysics?

wasnt the claim that without the metaphysics it becomes antinatalism?

>> No.3438397

and in addition don't buddhists believe you have an existence after nirvana, which could be viewed as living, if we are now talking metaphysics

>> No.3438415 [DELETED] 


>Let me just read my half-baked modern reductive materialism into this ancient religion here... ah, there we go, now I can call myself a Buddhist.

>Buddha was just a guy who sat and thought a lot, guys. Probably about science.

>> No.3438443

No, your soul is really just an avatar of the greater, common soul, and it is upon reaching Nirvana that the avatar comes to understand the true nature of the common soul. Siddhartha was supposedly unwilling to answer questions regarding whether or not the avatar retains its individuality, but I see no reason it would. If it does, that would make post-Nirvana existence a lot like christian Heaven. If not, and I think this is the case, the avatar comes home to the greater soul and is at peace in its pseudo-existence. Like I said, it's a lot like Borg assimilation. I think the fact that millions of people actually desire this is a fascinating psychological phenomenon, showing just how strong the human desire for love, community and intimacy is: greater than the ego itself.

>> No.3438464

quit drinken so much jimbo

>> No.3438476

>showing just how strong the human desire for love, community and intimacy is: greater than the ego itself.
Also known as "fuck this shit I want back into the womb"

>> No.3438485

The goal of Buddhism is the cessation of suffering. Orthodox Buddhism (the stuff closest to what the Buddha thought) said you'd have to work very hard for a long time (more than one lifetime) to achieve this and to achieve this you will have to live a monastic life. This implies celibacy. If everyone were to fully pursue Buddhism, de facto antinatalism would be implied.

>> No.3438520 [DELETED] 


Ah, one of the more retarded nuggets of pseudowisdom provided to us by psychoanalytic thought.

>> No.3438529

my acid trip left me devastatingly confused in regards to the spirituality of the unknown

buddha can't be trusted

>> No.3438532

Wonder what zen meditation is like on acid...

>> No.3438537 [DELETED] 


Completely pointless?

>> No.3438543


you can literally become god for as long as you can will it

which causes all kinds of mayhem, especially for those around you who are sober

it's pretty ridiculous

>> No.3438552

Actually, I think he's right; it could be the manifestation of a desire for physical intimacy stemming from a perceived lack of such during early childhood. However, since this Freud's field after all, I feel I would be in remiss if I did not also assign it to the Oedipus complex. You want to bang and cuddle your mom, and that's why you're religious.

>> No.3438558 [DELETED] 

>Actually, I think he's right; it could be the manifestation of a desire for physical intimacy stemming from a perceived lack of such during early childhood. However, since this Freud's field after all, I feel I would be in remiss if I did not also assign it to the Oedipus complex. You want to bang and cuddle your mom, and that's why you're religious.

8/10 psychobabble, praise Le Science Spirit :--DDDDDDDDDD

>> No.3438584

>all people want to be like, one big loving heaving thing maaaaaaaan
>lel saying that people just want to be safe and warm with all their needs provided for is pseudoscientific bullshit

>> No.3438590

"Don't do drugs" - The Buddha

Seems like pretty good advice, doesn't it?

>> No.3438600

So everything you do is NOT solely because you want comfort and your needs fulfilled?

>> No.3438612

I did not say that.

>> No.3438622

because the Buddhist concept of impermanence tells me that any physical temple is incomparable in comparison to the one I call my soul

>> No.3438629

>doesn't know that anicca applies to everything
>doesn't know about anatta

>> No.3438654

I was completely sincere. It's real psychoanalysis based on the research of psychologists such as Freud. It's not complicated at all

>> No.3438716


>i bet theyre a lot more happy than you are

Not him, but I bet they're miserable

My mother has been a buddhist for 10+ years and I am reading buddhist texts (although I am not a buddhist). Thing is, whoever calls themselves "buddhist" are most likely long haired vegetarian faggots who do it for appearance. Just like that kid at my college who used to "meditate" right in the middle of our library, so everybody knows he is a "buddhist".

>> No.3438732
File: 59 KB, 612x528, le epic jim halpert face xd xd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

initially, i got into meditation to increase concentration, confidence, whatever. before i started meditating, i had long hair, no job, played guitar all day, etc. afterwards i realized that all i was really interested in was money + power and went into finance. haha

>> No.3438735

because it's not taoism.

>> No.3438741

>incomparable in comparison
I don't how does what is this is what

>> No.3438754

Yo guys, OP here

This thread is terrible

>> No.3438998

I hate people who, in front of others, do "religious acts", and or announce they are religious in some way, be it spoken or silent.
I do not care if you are religious or not, stop asking for attention.
It's the year 2013, not 1013.

>> No.3439002

Sounds like you practiced the Japanese kind.

>> No.3439004

Same goes for druggies.

>> No.3439008

That's very nice, but as a Christian I think it's...

>> No.3439010

And straightedgers.

>> No.3439036


>> No.3439074

Eh, I don't pretend to be deep into Buddhism.

I just enjoy the Alan Watts, Jedi, Little Book of Wisdom tier Buddhism.

>> No.3439080


>> No.3439101
File: 175 KB, 401x680, siddhartha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I need no teachers, I follow my own path

>> No.3439109 [DELETED] 



>> No.3439127

Personally the question I ask is "Which Buddha?" if they have no answer or look at me like I am crazy, then I know their lying,

>> No.3439206


>a book that completely misunderstands transcendental interdependence is your only go-to source on Buddhism


>> No.3439275

>deriving that from a single picture without knowing why he posted it
If you were Sherlock Holmes then Sherlock Holmes wouldn't be known for being a good detective but rather for being a person that comes to conclusion in an overly hasty and and downright sloppy manner.

>> No.3439393
File: 4 KB, 157x163, 1347048449911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did for awhile but I turned against it after reading Nietzsche and realizing the ascetic ideals are life dying and unhealthy.

Orthodox, traditional Buddhist philosophy is really pathetic when you think about it, I don't want to get hurt so I'm not going to care about anything and just renounce everything. How about you accept that life is difficult and that hardship is a normal part of life? The entire project of removing suffering seems to me to be a big mistake, it is part of who we are as human beings. A full human life without joy and pleasure, as well as pain and suffering is just not a full human life. There are extremes to be avoided of course, but renunciation and celibacy is also one of them.

That being said, I like the some of the zen dudes, especially the whole "Red thread" school of zen, apparently this Chinese master called Sung-Yuan basically said, fuck it pleasure is fine, enjoy life, fucking is ok. That's where Ikkyu picked up his ideas apparently. A taoism and epicureanism is fine too.

Also, I like meditation, Buddhists really mastered that very well and they have the most rational approach. So yeah, there is much to be learned from Buddhism, just stay away from that life denying shit.

>> No.3439436
File: 56 KB, 448x554, lord pan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But Pan is my lord and saviour.

>> No.3439514

because Buddha is not a god but a teacher, are you retarded or just trolling?

>> No.3439521

Buddhism is not a religion.

Buddha is not a god.

You don't know jackshit about Buddha or Buddhism.

>> No.3439552


>Buddhism is not a religion.

You're funny. You're funny because you're an idealist.

>> No.3439562

no it's funny because he's an idiot, anyone who thinks Buddhism is not a religion is an idiot

>> No.3439691

Friend, if you find suffering to be worthwhile, then it isnt truly suffering is it?

>> No.3439697

If it worked like that the person you're adressing has actually reached Nirvana.

>> No.3439716

What exactly makes it a religion?

>> No.3439717

He might as well have lol.

But there is a point to what both of the other anons are saying. If ceasing suffering appears as a least attractive thing than to accept suffering, then that's exactly what one should do. They are, in some strange way, the very same thing. If the choice of life comes from the heart, then there is no harm done. Or maybe there is harm, but it is a harm that is asked for, something we have to go through and thus being the right way. If one says "I'm sorry master, but this is really not my thing", then that person is in the right track, it won't be accepting "the thing" of others, of dogma, of tradition, of society. There are other things to be done, then one does those things. Suffer, ache, live, die and keep moving.

>> No.3439779

Enlightenment isn't the cessation of caring. Enlightenment is the cessation of struggling. Enlightenment is liberation not from joy, but from addiction to joy, and not from pain, but from the fear of pain.

It's when you're able to truly live in the moment you're in and no longer think "if only things were different." Fearlessly and openly diving headlong into the experience of raw reality.

>> No.3439781

it is suffering, it's just suffering I've chosen to undertake because I have other goals and projects other than "ending suffering"

>> No.3439813


this is really were the zen approach to enlightenment and the traditional approach to enlightenment tend to separate.

For example, there is a story in the pali canon where the buddha is cut in the leg and gets a majo bleeding gash, he does not flinch, apparently an arahant just does not react to pain in the same way as a normal human being. A monk who follows the Vinaya in the pali canon is supposed to give up all, they are not allowed to listen to music or dance, what kind of life denying shit is that?

Thankfully, zen is more tempered, probably because of Chinese sensibilities and taoism. They have a more naturalistic and non dual view of enlightenment and the zen poets and radicals like Ikkyu and Ryokan are almost like the Japanese version of the Romantics in a way. Which is why I tend to like it.

Make no mistakes about it though, the original Buddha taught a strict life denying asceticism in which the human will and passion for life is suffocated. Like one anon mentioned above, if everyone followed the teachings of the pali canon and wanted to become enlightened in this sense (reach arahantship), then the human race would come to an end within a generation.

>> No.3439840

The funny part is that the Indians didn't see it as asceticism because he wasn't sticking daggers in his dick and looking into the sun until he was blind and such.

>> No.3439841

buddha had no regrets about aging because he lived it up till 29, smoking the finest hindu kush and eating dat ass in his palace all day long.

if he was born into the lifestyle he chose to live after age 29 he'd take the opposite route and try to acquire the good things of life.
he was a pussy running away from responsibility, he enjoyed all the fruits of the ruling class but ducked out when he was getting old enough to actually do some ruling
let me fuck hot indian chicks for 30 years and i'll eliminate my consciousness with a shotgun to the face after i finish lel
jesus suffered and died for his beliefs, mohammed risked his life fighting for his beliefs...buddha sat around under some trees in a tropical paradise lecturing everyone to stop enjoying life. dude sounds like more of a nag than a spiritual leader if you ask me.
at least christianity has respect for the poor, meanwhile buddhism is just like "fuck they deserve to be poor they were probably bad in a past life or something, besides being poor isn't so bad as long as you stop wanting shit" lol sounds like some republican shit you'd hear at a tea party rally

tl;dr buddha was a rich cunt who got everything he wanted

>> No.3439859

>the original Buddha taught a strict life denying asceticism in which the human will and passion for life is suffocated.
Gautama Buddha did not teach that. He grew up living a hedonistic lifestyle and was unsatisfied. He became an ascetic and nearly starved, then started eating again. Eventually, living a moderate lifestyle, he became enlightened. After that, he taught a path between asceticism and hedonism.

>> No.3439867

Moderate according to batshit insane Indian standards, yes.

>we're not ascetics but you can't sleep in a bed and you can't make eye contact with people and you can beg for leftovers once a day and you can't even be near fun and music no smiles allowed

>> No.3439901

>>3439717 here

You're absolutely right.

I just think that though Buddha taught that life, he spoke from his own knowledge to the students that followed in his path. In the sense that there were these people asking "how do I get to enlightenment? What is the right way to live life and death and all of this?" and the response is, from how I interpret it, in the tone of "if you really want to know, the good man doesn't listen to music, doesn't work, he sits in contemplation, renounces wordly pleasures..." and so on.

There is a question on whether the goal is to seek one's enlightenment or that, for everything being one, the real monk should strive to make all else enlightened and that true nirvana is only reached when everyone and everything reached it. And of course, modern westernized buddhism seeks the version that seems most sensible to their ideology, the one that allows them their individualism. Much like confucionism merged with buddhism creating an interpretation that did not seek this pure asceticism, instead, something that could work within the daily life of an active society, the collective.

These are all interpretations. But I think that, ultimately, it's a very simple way of thinking: if he doesn't want to, he doesn't have to. Because if he doesn't want to and still feel some kind of obligation to be ascetic, then that's just more suffering, his discipline will be against him.


>> No.3439904

>>3439901 cont
Perhaps the very knowledge that "I prefer to suffer and be human than to be an enlightened ascetic with no life" is the greatest victory, because there is just much more awareness on what one was willing to do anyway. Orthodox buddhism might say he is just not ready to make the sacrifices necessary, that he is farther from enlightenment for his attitude and though that may sound condescending at first sight, it is, for me, that anon's strenght. He realizes he is not ready and so he will do that for which he is ready, what is real to him. That's how I believe that even by getting to know buddhism and rejecting it, one can be doing just the right thing to, eventually, live that ascetic life towards enlightenment (or not, but then again, this is in the future and is of no concern to him or to others).

>> No.3439905

so because he started eating after starving himself, it's moderate?

>> No.3439921

>>3439904 here

By the way, on this, I recommend you guys watch the movie Samsara. Not the one from last year that goes around the world. It's a fictional movie from 2001, about a monk who sits in meditation for 3 years, then he is rescued, lives in the temple for a while, but start to get some embarassing boners(seriously) and ache for human contact. He makes a case when he says Buddha didn't give up his life of pleasures to wander until he was 29 and has some conflicts with other monks. It's not great, but it's a good film.

>> No.3439934

>By the way, on this, I recommend you guys watch the movie Samsara. Not the one from last year that goes around the world

I have that one on blu ray and it's fucking awesome.

Fuck this guy, guys, watch the new one.

>> No.3439941

There's a Korean movie called Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter... and Spring

it has monk sex, watch it

>> No.3439953

Hey, I have the other one as well, I was not "dis-recommending" that! It's great!

>> No.3440561

>lord and savior
If you see Buddha as your lord and your savior, then you are fucked.

>> No.3440564


While we're on the topic of Buddhist films I'd strongly recommend 'Why Has Bodhi-Dharma Left for the East?'

>> No.3440653
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>I know people in the religion who I don't like
and they don't sound like real buddhists if they're insufferable cunts, I'm guessing they make themselves seem high and mighty?

>> No.3440864

>they don't sound like real buddhists if they're insufferable cunts
le scotchman truism.jpeg

Is the Dalai Lama a real buddhist? Because he seems like a cunt to me.

>> No.3441058

he's not a cunt. he's just so banal, everything I've seen just comes down to "we need more compassion in the world"

well shit, thanks man

>> No.3441060

He's also a decadent theocratic feudalist fuckhead who pimps out his culture to the west.

>> No.3441187

He's also heretical to the religion he heads up.

>> No.3441205
File: 6 KB, 223x251, 1352584206247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3441538

>Jesus hanged with Buddha, went back and did a similar thing.
man from earth?

>> No.3441539

>have you ever seen a bodhisattva advocate violence?
that monk who set himself on fire in the 70, another monk poured the gasoline on him, check the vid

>> No.3441567

Same thing was said in that movie, yes.
Really good movie considering only one room the whole time and near zero budget.

>> No.3441584

I don't think that qualifies as violence. Buddhists were warmongering faggots just like the rest of us though. This "Buddhism isn't a big bad religion like Christinanity it's just like peaceful perfection" thing has to stop.

>> No.3441606

yeah, Buddhists in japan fought each other all the time, look up the sohei, warrior monks and the book zen at war

Also Buddhists in Tibet were pretty much the heads of state of the nation and Tibet did fight wars under them

Shit look at the current ethnic violence in Burma atm, Buddhist monks are involved

>> No.3441653

Oh my god it's this guy again. I think he's the one posting all the Buddhist threads so he can keep posting this.

>> No.3441678

it's just copy pasta

>> No.3441697

>Why haven't you accepted Buddha as your lord and saviour

Because I am no longer 17 and wrestling with my anti-Western-civilization angst-fueled existential crisis.

>> No.3441848

Are you honestly saying that's the ONLY reason any westerner ever converts to Buddhism?

>> No.3442848

Thats what most people do these days though. Its true that there are genuine converts, but the numbers would be so low compared to the "lol buddhism cause im tripping balls and fuck christianity"

>> No.3445310
File: 57 KB, 640x480, Shaka-Virgo 62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry for my English. not native language.
when i became skeptical about religions i start to like buddhism. i knew the main buddhism ideas/philosophy.
I know that everyone needs a philosophy to live, and Buddhism had many of the things I claimed to Christianity.
I liked it so. not buddhist , but for few days i was thinking about practice his ideas and maybe, some time later, begin to be recognized as a Buddhist if it works
I saw Buddhism as a philosophy and not as a religion (I´m a skeptic realist, i knew buddhism's mysticism, but I chose to ignore it)

Now I admit that I was get carried away very easily by their "positive message"for life and happiness, I never thought critically about their ideas.

anyway. nowadays buddhism = new age crap / vegetarianism / hipsters / attention whores + people with airs of moral/spiritual/emotional superiority.

pic related: I still like Buddhism, a little, just for shaka. his fight with phoenix, mark my childhood

>> No.3445317
File: 41 KB, 232x232, get a load of this guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3445322

Yeah, I'll concede that. I'm just saying, it's not like early Christianity didn't have a lot more in common with Buddhism.

Hell, Eckhart was a Buddhist in all but creed.

>> No.3445325

>anyway. nowadays buddhism = new age crap / vegetarianism / hipsters / attention whores + people with airs of moral/spiritual/emotional superiority.

You don't ever get close to Buddism.

Stay stupid.

>> No.3445327

I'm glad I haven't met alot of these Buddhist attention whores you guys are talking about, so that I don't have a bad taste in my mouth about Buddhism.

Anyway if there was a path that I'd want to follow it would probably be Taoism. Buddhism has too much cultural shit attached to it that I don't identify with. Taoism seems a bit more adaptable and plain. Also these are fine too: >>3437993 >>3439436

>> No.3445329

Taoism has a lot of cultural stuff attached to it too. It's just that in the West, the Tao Te Ching was translated and became a big thing long before any of the (hundreds and hundreds) of other texts about alchemy, deities, etc., were translated, so you got a phenomenon called "philosophical Taoism" that took the wisdom of the Tao Te Ching and ignored the religion.

Personally, I think this is a mistake, not because I necessarily believe in the Taoist deities, but because I'm sure the other texts have wisdom of their own which highlights and extrapolates upon what's written in the Tao Te Ching.

>> No.3445398

Zen Buddhists constantly diss the methods of other Zen Buddhists.

>> No.3445559

>Buddhism has too much cultural shit attached to it that I don't identify with. Taoism seems a bit more adaptable and plain.
What. The. Fuck.

Man, you're insane. Go read a book, I guess.

>> No.3445570

Question for you Buddhites.

Impermanence is a a core concept, right?

Another is the non duality.

Isn't impermanence a duality of permanence?

Without either, what is anything?

If it is now, how can that be without never?

>> No.3445716

How can there be nothing without something?

>> No.3445723

countless moscles reddipen exlitenman

>> No.3445732

I think you are confusing theology with religion.

Theology is the sober study of belief.

Religion is whether the masses go to their place of worship on Friday, Saturday or Sunday

>> No.3445736

Emergent duality, yo.

>> No.3445750

Religion is wonderful as long as it's tempered with solid theology.

>> No.3445762

inb4 shitstorm

>> No.3446330


>> No.3446340


>> No.3446342

Why should I?

>> No.3446349

>Theology is the sober study of belief.

No that would be Religious Studies. Theology is the philosophical circlejerking and mind gymnastics that every religion engages in. Nothing sober about it.

>> No.3446711

Stopped reading there. That guy is a hack just like Ayn Rand.

>> No.3446759


>> No.3446796

How do you imagine to practice contemporary Taoism except for just kinda sorta trying to incorporate what Laozi and Zhuangzi said in their very much open for interpretation works?

>> No.3446805

off-topic but why are curry indians so ugly?

>> No.3446903

>comparing herr Ubermensch with that Russian hypocrite

jimmies rustled

>> No.3446935

Your culture has always viewed another race as ugly/inferior because of ignorance/arrogance. So for you, its natural to feel that way towards someone of another country. I want to say it stems from greek's racist ideals, but given that eurocentric revisionists have whitewashed Greeks into some god like race, I doubt saying ancient greeks were racist slave owners would make you look at them any differently.

TL;DR Ugliness of a general people is mostly a social construct

>> No.3446953
File: 332 KB, 1024x683, 1356646670442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fat pale white boy telling me I'm ugly

>> No.3447004

If it helps, the Buddha was a blue eyed white guy.

>> No.3447020

Oh, so that's why I relate so much to him...

>> No.3447076
File: 796 KB, 1432x2068, 1351184348009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I'm 18 and am currently wrestling with anti-Western-civilisation angst-fuelled existential crisis.

Aw am I a stereotype. I thought I was special.
But with what little knowledge I have of Buddism, it seems to be quiet morbid. I prefer Hinduism.

>> No.3447129

>implying "Hinduism" is a single particular thing
Do you mean making jewellery out of flowers or eating rotting corpses or chanting or cutting your dick off or something else perhaps?

>> No.3447177

Holy shit, do they really let retards on the internet?

>> No.3447188

>cutting your dick off
Isn't that what jews/christians/muslims/african slaves do?

>> No.3447229

Making flower garlands for diety worship is a Hindu religious activity. Eating rotting corpses is an Aghori ritual to overcome dualism. Chanting is a wide spread religious practice, and physical mutilation is widely practiced by Sadhu's. All legitimate examples of Hindu practices.

>> No.3447239




>> No.3447244


They are not brutal like the others, they just don't use them.

>> No.3447248

Are you implying that only white people have ever been racist?

>> No.3447250

buddhaism isnt a religion

>> No.3447296

Christianity isn't a religion either man

It's just loving jesus

>> No.3447306

>accepted the Buddha as your lord and saviour
>visiting a church makes you a buddhist
You already fucked up.
But I forgive you.

>> No.3447323

Buddhism isn't morbid. Some of the more popular concepts seem morbid at first glance, but they're not. The whole "All life is suffering" is just saying that because of the fleeting nature of happiness from consumption and success, but the eternal desire for consumption and success, we are always in suffering. It is when we give up our desires and become happy and content with whatever we have can we live truly happy lives.
Or at least that's my spin on it. I've sort of got my own spiritual thingy going on, but it lines up with new testament and buddhism quite nicely, at least from what I understand of them

>> No.3447352

uhhh he kind of meets budhha in the book and goes on his own path, but i'll bite, elaborate what you're getting at

>> No.3447358

not any of these guys but honestly if you can't realize that it is then there is no helping you, maybe not the new age bullshit Buddhism where people read herman hesse and smell incense, but the real thing it's basically just a schism from hinduism boss

>> No.3447374

Buddhism is an acceptable religion but I do not accept the premises nor the conclusion.

>> No.3447383

Oh my GOD shut the fuck up. You're confusing Buddhism with Hinduism. And lay off the Star Trek ffs.

>> No.3447439

I accept a lot of Buddhist premises (reincarnation, the idea that peace comes from embracing things the way they are rather than wishing they were different) but I don't meditate much or do any Buddhist practices. I also think Jesus was a pretty cool guy (especially when you look at him as a trickster figure, which, despite what modern Christianity seems to think, he clearly was).

I don't really have any specific religion, though. I just read theological writings and such from various religions and try to see the wisdom and insight stripped of the writer's dogma and creed.

>> No.3447545

So how does a Buddha enter the world to teach Buddhism when the whole point of attaining Buddhahood is that you've escaped the cycle of rebirth and suffering?

>> No.3447584

>Why don't you visit church of meditation every day?

I love this thread, my sides go for a pogo ride everytime I read this line while scrolling down the page.

>> No.3447629

I think calling Jesus a trickster figure may not be entirely accurate. But I see where you're coming from, he was certainly defiant and subversive in various creative and radical ways.

From my understanding of much of the comparative theology and religious history I've read, Jesus and his life story are essentially a blending of the Hebrew prophetic tradition and the Greek & Roman mystery religions. Many people have hypothesized he may have been influenced by Hindu or Buddhist thought, and while I certainly wouldn't rule that out, I think understanding his context as a Jew and as a citizen of the Greco-Roman world is far more important.

>> No.3448651

I'm just gonna bump this thread because it's the most interesting one on /lit/ right now.

>> No.3448736

as i understand it, there are some enlightened beings who vow to remain bound to samsara until all humans reach bodhi.

>> No.3448741

I dont see the implication. But yes, thats mostly true. Racism is a western culture import. You dont see racism in Asia in its history.

>> No.3448742

>anyway. nowadays buddhism = new age crap / vegetarianism / hipsters / attention whores + people with airs of moral/spiritual/emotional superiority.
Sure. But a lot of traditional eastern Buddhism is pretty...weird. As in the opposite of the sorta thing you'd think you'd come across in Buddhism.

>> No.3449168


itt: ppl skip out on half of the crazy stuff buddhists actually believe

Just be a christian atheist, it makes more sense anyway

>> No.3449176

>taking it literally
>thinking you subscribe to ideas like signing a contract with clauses

>> No.3449190

>dont believe in half of the catechism
>dont think jesus real
>deny trinity
>'follow some traditions'
>call yourself catholic

Nigga u aint catholic. You can say you are, but you aren't.

You can't say you're a Catholic and then pick and choose. Fall in line with god's will.

>> No.3449215

What are you talking about? Who here claims to be catholic without following all the traditions?

And most the people in this thread who say something positive about Buddhism don't actually claim to be Buddhist.

>> No.3449228

>buddhist thread on /lit/

>"reincarnation is crazy and superstitious. what is a metaphor?"
>"wow i hate those fake white guy buddhists"

>> No.3449258

But I believe in reincarnation and enlightenment, and I'm not a Buddhist.

>> No.3449274

>I believe in reincarnation

>> No.3449298

>white guy buddhists
Yes, feminist girls will now sleep with you.

>> No.3449342

I don't see how it belongs on /x/ any more than this entire thread does.