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3435670 No.3435670[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ think of The Road?

>> No.3435679

It was good and taught me the word catamite.

>> No.3435687


>tfw when you will never have a word better than salitter

>> No.3435701


>> No.3435702

I find the very last image of the book extremely haunting. It makes it worth a second read.

>> No.3435707

The only Cormac McCarthy novel I've ever enjoyed.

>> No.3435724

have you tried blood meridian?

>> No.3435728

1. Blood Meridian
2. Suttree
3. The Road
4. All The Pretty Horses
5. Outer Dark


9001. No Country For Old Men
9002. The Orchard Keeper
9003. Child of God
9004. Cities of the Plain
9005. The Crossing


9000001. The Stonemason
9000000000001. The Sunset Limited

>> No.3435729

I'm currently reading this for an independent novel study (Underage Gr. 12 faggot) and we have to choose two books that are similar...enough...
Basically we read 2 novels, compare them in an essay, ???, marks and the like.

I heard this book was pretty good, and I'm enjoying quite a bit.
But does anyone know of any other books that are sort of like The Road?
I know "Sort of" is a bad and vague term, but do what you can with it.

>> No.3435735

Yikes. The Crossing is way better than All The Pretty Horses. You can't read Spanish, can you?

>> No.3435737

Riddley Walker

>> No.3435744

I don't understand why you all are so compelled to "power rank" books rather than talk about them.

You seem to think assigning books rankings out of 10 or giving them places along the rungs of some ladder constitutes proper discussion of literature.

It's pathetic.

>> No.3435749

>power rankings
Please go back to /sp/. We discuss in a civilized manner here.

>> No.3435751

There's no point in discussing literature. We all interpret the texts differently and get different things out of them, some of which can't even be put into words. No use in discussing "themes" as if we're in grade school.

>> No.3435754


>> No.3435762

Alright, seems to be similar enough.

Can anyone else vouch or disagree with this anon?

>> No.3435774

>There's no point in discussing literature

Why the fuck are you here? Be gone.

>> No.3435795

You say that as if this is a place where literature is discussed with any depth. Read most of the threads about books and you'll see that the majority of the replies consist of flowery ways of saying the book is good or bad. Fluff surrounding a binary opinion. That or comparison of the book to other books, which is the mark of a critical amateur.

>> No.3436007


>> No.3436064

so much this

>> No.3436083

Kinda boring. Mr. McCarthy likes to do what a lot of pomo authors do which is have his characters think very seriously and "drop some wisdom" on the reader. not the virtuoso author I expected based on the praise

>> No.3436110

As far as The Road goes, I can't tell if McCarthy is a minimalist or doesn't know how to write.

>> No.3436108

Have you read McCarthy's other works?

"The Road" was my first brush with McCarthy and it was enough to turn me off (for a very long time) from the idea of even reading anything else by him.

At the strong urging of a friend, I read 'Blood Meridian', then 'Suttree' and 'Child of God'. The guy is definitely top-notch, although turds like 'The Road' show little evidence of it.